Truly-Madly-Deeply Assistant

By ZaraPenn

71.5K 2.1K 1.3K

Avery had big dreams but Jared, who can't seem to function without her, doesn't feel like letting her go. Is... More

Part One - First
All I need
She is gone
Breakfast at Jared's
Games by the pool
Ups and the downs
Chances pt. 1
Chances pt. 2
Chances pt. 3 - Leaving
Summer special - The show
Summer Special - The after-party
Bitter welcomes
Her favorite song
My way or the high way
One day
'A man on fire'
'A violent desire'
'Do you wanna cross the line?'
Morning Coffee
One in a million
This is us
Morning fluff
Flashback - Lily
Protective or selfish
Here goes nothing
Commit to the bit
Above the clouds
Flashback - You'll never know
Little truths
LA!Buzz - The gossip
The one with all the feelings
Out and About
Family issues
A year wiser
Flashback - All I have
The gift
Shadows of the past
A night apart
Take the car
Another day another girl
New Year's Eve - Morning
New Year
It's over
Flashback - The Oscars moment
Apart - phone calls
Apart - the bully
Apart - breaking point
Surprising Mr. Leto
Highs, lows and higher
His past
I don't
The Event pt. 1
The Event pt. 2
Morning news
Flashback - Backlash
LA!Buzz - The real deal
City of Exes
Flashback - Forever mine
Capricorn and the pushover
Hot and steamy
The test of feelings
Leaving night
Friend or foe
Tips and tricks
Flashback - Scattered memories
Comfort pt. 1
Comfort pt. 2
Long distance
Moving on
Choosing dreams
Back to us
Brother's leftover
Just saying...
Mother in town
Taking control
The new home
Stubborn mind, aching heart
Behind closed doors
Baby talk pt. 1
Baby talk pt. 2
A day in the life
LA!Buzz - Drama alert
Small town girl
Birthday surprise pt. 1
Birthday surprise pt. 2
Her past
Home big Home
Change is coming
Our life, our rules pt. 1
Our life, our rules pt. 2 - Ending


600 22 13
By ZaraPenn

Hey there ^^

Sorry for a late update, I've been feeling under the weather the last few days and putting this chapter together was not easy. I wrote it bit by bit and so not much is happening in it. 😬 Next we probably gonna jump in time and move forward from here, so stay tuned ❤️

💞Thank you for the support and welcome all the new readers! It feels really good to see new people find and like the story. 💞

"Aaaav," through the closed door I heard Jared shout from the living room of his suite and I couldn't help but smile.

It was the next morning around ten.

Last evening we were finally being left alone and I got everything I wanted from my beautiful man, so i woke up satisfied and happy by his side.

As Jared finished filming for now, he had three more days until his plane left for Budapest, Hungary, and that will be the day I have a flight back to Los Angeles as well so we decided to get the best out of these last days even though he had some online meetings scheduled and I also had work matters to work on.

After getting me some coffee in bed he disappeared around twenty minutes ago with the excuse of planning our day ahead.

I got out of bed, grabbed my robe and pulled it on as I made my way into the living room.

"Yes?" I smiled sipping the leftover of my burned instant coffee.

"I... ah, I wanted it to be a surprise, but I can't remember the name of the restaurant you used to order from when we are here," he sighed as he was sitting in front of his laptop by the dining table, with nothing but his open robe on.

"Which one?" I asked as I stepped behind him, placing my mug onto the table then started to gently massage his shoulders.

"The one where we always got the zucchini rolls from," he answered leaning back into my touch.

"Oh... let me see... can I?" I asked walking next to him and opening a new tab I searched for google drive and opened my account.

Leaning forward he gently pulled me into his lap watching as I opened a file called, "food".

It had city names typed in with names and addresses of the restaurants Jared used to eat in or order from.

"Whoa... I never realized how freakishly organized you were," he stated amazed as I opened the "London" file which had restaurant names with Jared's favorite dishes from the menu.

"I couldn't risk wasting time on trying to remember which city had which restaurant," I smiled.

"You know..." he snorted, "I'm happy you became my assistant and not my stalker. You would be pretty good at it," he laughed for what I just rolled my eyes.

"There, Xavier. There's the address," I smiled pointing to the screen. "Want me to call them?

"No! I will handle it. I'll reserve a table for the evening," he smiled throwing his arms around my waist.

"We gonna go out?" I asked excited.

"Okay, what the hell, I'll just tell the agenda for today," he grinned swinging his legs from left to right with me on top as I hugged his neck around. "Evening in the restaurant. Before that we are going ice skating," he grinned waiting for my reaction.

"Oh my God, yes!" I grinned happily, clapping my hands together.

He knew I loved ice skating, even though we have never been together, I told him about how I practiced it professionally for years back home.

"Yeah, I wanna see if you are really as good as you say you are," he stated raising an eyebrow.

I was about to speak up to tell my history of skating again but he held his hand up.

"But! Before I risk a broken ankle, you will come climbing with me," he smiled wide, with sparks in his eyes as mines grew wide.

"No! No, Jared no way!"

The last thing I wanted to do in my entire life is to climb anywhere higher than a chair which only happens if someone puts my favorite snack onto the top shelf.

"Yes way! I wanna climb with you! Don't worry it is just an indoor site. I will be right there, but I really really want you to at least try it," he asked. "Please; I am ready to break my ankle for you!" he stated pouting.

"Well breaking an ankle is nothing like breaking a spine! And anyway I never asked you to ice skate with me."

"But now we are a couple and as your boyfriend I am interested to try your hobby and I would be very happy if you would try mine," he whined making his lips tremble as he twirled his finger around my hair.

I looked at him with a sigh.

"You have so many hobbies, can I just try one which is on the ground? Or... or in the bed?" I asked with a naughty smile, tracing my palm down his abs, until his lower belly.

I saw him disconnecting for a second, and hope shone in my eyes as I licked my lips; my distraction plan seems to work.

"Av, no, hey," he blinked, grabbing my arm to pull it away from his groin. "I see you there; second time trying to distract me with sex!" he narrowed his eyes and I smiled innocently.

"Does it work?" I asked kissing his broad shoulder.

I looked back at him just to see him watch my body under the opened robe lost in thoughts.

"No," he breathed. "I'll just fuck you and then take you climbing," he grinned up to me sweetly.

"Yhes..." I moaned as I moved my leg to straddle him, kissing him deep.

"You know..." he mumbled to my lips as he pulled away, "I start to feel like you are secretly more into sex than I am," he chuckled.

This sentence made me pull away, looking at him with a frown, then just stood up, tied my robe and walked away.

"Hey!" he whined.

"I'm sorry; I don't... know what's with me I'm not like this usually..." I muttered embarrassed, hugging myself.

"Baby, hey it's okay, I was just joking," he started gently. "I don't fucking mind it at all," he smiled standing up.

Then I realized, ever since I am here I am the one starting it. I crave for him, I can't control myself. This is not lady like at all. What if he will get bored with my easy self.

"Nah I... just..." I looked up to him blushed, biting my lip.

"It's alright, girl; come let's continue! Try to distract me," he grinned stepping in front of me but I just shook my head as I turned away.

"I'll go have a shower... It's okay, let's just get ready," I stated then hurried to the bathroom.

I couldn't believe myself.

When Jared himself says I am more into sex than he is that is not normal. I was never into sex anyway. I should seriously grab a hold on myself, because this is embarrassing.

Walking out of the shower with a towel around my body, I expected Jared to continue soothing me. He walked up to me and kissed my forehead tenderly as he caressed my waist.

"I really, really, really, REALLY love your sexual side and I very much enjoy when you initiate sex. You might not have been like this before and it might be strange for you; confusing your own self but it makes me very happy to see you feeling more comfortable with me and finally trying your wings in this relationship. I have to tell, first I was holding back and I might have been thinking, oh man, she so shy, so quiet so innocent, she won't be able to handle me, but... day by day you get more brave and more vocal and I love it. Please don't hold it back. You are stunning and your confidence should level up to that without you feeling embarrassed about it."

I lowered my eyes, then looked back up to him caressing his arms.

"It's because of you. First I was terrified that you gonna find me boring in bed, judge me or just get bored after some time, but... you seem to enjoy our... time together and you are so patient and loving... I never knew how much love sex can hold inside with... with the right person...with you it always feels so perfect," I muttered looking down. "You're like a fucking drug," I chuckled shaking my head.

"I feel the same, Avery," he smiled, holding my head up by the chin. "I never knew I can find this much joy in simple love making, but fuck, I can't get enough of it, so I know how you feel," his eyes looked into mine then placed a kiss on my lips gently.

I smiled, kissing him back, trying to ignore the warmness filling my insides once again, but I couldn't hold back a moan as he pulled me close, driving his hand up my thigh.

"All this talk... now we have to do it," he mumbled to my lips and I smiled while with an easy move of my hands, I swept the robe off of his body.

"Holy Guacamole, lady," moaned Jared out of breath as he threw himself onto his back next to me, sweeping his hair out of his flushed face.

"Well... I feel like anything but a lady, right now," I panted with a blush.

Peering at him I watched as he turned towards me resting his head in his hand gazing at my belly where he left the traces of his pleasure.

"You're my favorite canvas," he grinned naughty.

"Jareeed," I squeaked slapping his arm.

"What now?" he laughed wiggling his eyebrows then just nuzzled his nose into my neck, kissing my shoulder and I smiled shaking my head, leaning more back onto the pillow. "You wanted to join my hobby in bed."

"Today we have to remember to by condoms, babe," he spoke up on a serious tone. "As much as I love you all naked; we can't keep on risking; you are definitely in the prime time of the month real soon if not already," he stated cupping my face with one hand, caressing my lips with his thumb. "You horny lady," smiled pecking my nose.

By the time we realized the box was empty there was no turning back.

Turning towards him, I caressed his arm amazed.

"Yes, you're right," I nodded. "You know I love how you are not avoiding to talk about these things," I admitted with a smile. "It's so much more calming and leaves no place for stress. My last boyfriend barely had any idea about how long a woman is on her period," I rolled my eyes.

"Communication is the most important thing in life. Especially in a relationship. And hell if a man starts to drive without having a driver's licence. You know, you gotta know the system so you can avoid accidents," he smiled knowingly and I pulled an eyebrow.

"Interesting simile."

He just smirked then pecked my lips as he sat up.

"Now we really have to leave."

"But... we gotta shower still," I stated as I sat up, hoping we won't have time to go to climbing.

"No worries; let's go, we have five minutes to rinse," he grinned pulling me up by my hand and I whined, letting myself to be dragged.

"Good, now see the green one? Grab that with your right hand and then you can pull yourself up to the red for your right foot," Jared gave instructions as he was standing somewhere under me.

I had no idea which rope is which, although I have been introduced to them by the instructor plus Jared's side comments.

At this point even my two braids on the side of my head felt like ropes I would grab into in any moment.

"Easy to say, but it hurts so bad," I muffled. "I'm coming back down! Aren't you suppose to climb with me?" I whined looking up and feeling dizzy by the huge straight colorful wall what is still ahead of me.

"I know but the view is too good from down here," I heard his naughty voice and I rolled my eyes as I slowly reversed my moves to go down, but once I lost a step and the rope stiffened as I slipped a few inch.

"Jared I can't get back down, I wanna go down," I started to freak out as I lost track and my body was in such a cramped up position. "I feel muscles I have never felt before and would like to not feel them ever again," I moaned.

"It's okay, Avery, you are doing great, just watch your steps."

"I don't wanna look down, I can't; please, please help me," I whined as I felt my palms sweat even though I got the powder on to keep me away from slipping. "Jared!"

I felt so weak and my whole body was on fire. It felt like I was up on that wall for an eternity, although it only had been couple of minutes and a few steps.

"Hey, hey it's alright, Av, don't look down, just look at your right then," Jared offered calm and I did as said just to see him smiling up to me, his eye level literally in line with my waist.

"Why didn't you tell me I'm down already!" I whined as I breathed deep and jumped down from the wall.

"Well... you never really were UP to begin with," he giggled.

"I was! It was hard, okay? It's one thing that I am scared of heights but I also don't have arm strength at all," I muttered, swiping my hands into my pants.

"You did great as a start. You grabbed a hold of it. I just wanted to see how you do," he explained as he put the gear onto himself. "Now I go up with you," he smiled sweetly.

"I don't know Jared, my arms hurt," I sighed, rubbing my upper arms.

"Okay, fine," he sighed, "if you hate it that much, you don't have to. I just hoped you start liking it so you could join my climbs outdoors. It's beautiful," he shrugged as he turned to the wall.

"I don't hate it, it is my first time and I'm tired," I stated hurt.

"You gave up real fast," he stated as he started to climb and I looked after him with narrowed eyes, and I decided to give it another go for Jared's sake.

"Okay, this is not like biking..." Jared mumbled as he stepped onto the ice and first thing was to fall onto his rear and I chuckled turning back. "What if I just watch from the side? he offered as he grabbed the cordon of the outdoor ice rink, looking around the crowd with lowered head as he pulled himself up.

"You gave up real fast," I raised an eyebrow as I spun around and skated to the cordon.

"To your information, I just don't want people to see me and start taking pictures," he muttered.

"No one is looking here. Come on, I'll help you," I smiled reaching for his hand.

"I don't need help, I just have to get used to it," he argued.

"But... I'd like to hold your hand," I smiled sweetly.

"Fine," he sighed taking my hand.

As we started to skate he was more like clenching my hand so hard I thought it is going to break, but after some minutes he really got into the motion of things and immediately let my hand go.

Okay, who was I kidding; he wont hold my hand and skate into the night with me, but I tried.

"So... um... wanna talk about those two assistant options of yours?" I asked halfheartedly as we were getting ready for dinner in the hotel.

"Sure. One's name is Dakota, from Hollywood, just out of college, studied Public Relations and marketing so that would be a great choice because she could also help with PR until I find someone. Then there is Helga; she is a thirty-something from Russia; just moved here, probably assistant job would be a great start for her and I love the thought of having someone from another culture. I like a challenge," he smiled, as he walked behind me in the bathroom, adjusting the collar of his black shirt.

I was applying my mascara lost in thoughts; do I want him to spend his days with a twenty something Californian college girl or thirty something, most probably Goddess Russian.

"But then again, Dan just messaged me few days ago that her daughter, Sky, would be much interested too," he continued as he started to comb his hair back.

"Really?" I asked surprised, already liking the idea.

Dan was Jared and Shannon's childhood friend who also moved to LA bit before the brothers, got a girlfriend, got married and had a child, Sky, right away. She is now twenty-two years old, well-behaved woman. And most importantly, she looked at Jared like her second father.

"Yeah, I was surprised but then again it would be very easy, you know. She knows me already, I know her, she is cool and it wouldn't be too professional relationship, which is what I look for with a personal assistant."

"Well, Jared, I would definitely give her a chance," I nodded turning to him, leaning back to the sink as I watched him carefully style his messy hair. "After all, she really only will be your right hand in everyday life, I think the marketing PR girl might get over-bored with doing your shopping."

"You could be right..." he sighed. "It just will be weird to give tasks like do my laundry or pick up some condoms with the groceries to the daughter of my friend," he frowned and I chuckled, leaning up to kiss his face.

"I can pick up the condoms," I whispered with a giggle.

"Oh... yeah that's true!" he laughed but then pressed his lips. "But what about if I need condoms when you are not there...?" Looking at me troubled.

Crossing my arms on my chest I raised an eyebrow.

"It's not funny."

"I know! I will then have to go pick it up by myself!"

"Jareeed," I whined, not liking this joke, just thinking about him being with another woman made my heart squeeze.

"You know I'm joking!" he smiled leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"That's why I said it's not funny," I muttered.

"Alright, I'm sorry," he stated as he finished up his hair and smiled at me, pulling me close. "Please don't have doubts. You know well, I have never cheated and never will; I'm a decent man like that. And I couldn't even, because I only want you," he mumbled kissing my forehead a few more times.

Smiling up to him, I caressed his face, then just hugged him, burying myself into his arms as he hugged me back.

"I'll choose Sky," he whispered and I smiled.

Deep down I knew I wanted to work with him but I didn't want to say anything until I came up with a plan.

I loved my job but I loved Jared more and I knew our relationship is going to be very bumpy if we spend so little time together.

It's not like I didn't trust him. I understand he won't cheat. But there is still a chance that the more time we spend apart the less the fire will be alive and then he will break up with me just to go back to his old habits.

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