Tony Stark's Daughter [1]

By Stark_2023

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BOOK ONE OF THE TONY STARK'S DAUGHTER SERIES (OCxLoki) ~ "I can't remember who I am... who I was! Do you know... More

Chapter 2: Avengers Initiative
Chpater 3: HYDRA?
Chapter 4: Reindeer Games
Chapter 5: Chit Chat
Chapter 6: Lady Hope
Chapter 7: "I know a lie when I hear one."
Chapter 8: Coulson
Chapter 9: "I f*cking promise."
Chapter 10: The Battle
Chapter 11: The Battle part 2
Chapter 12: The Battle part 3
Chapter 13: Romeo
Chapter 14: Aunt Tessa
Chapter 15: Bad Nights
Chapter 16: FlashBacks
(Ironman 3)
Chapter 18: S.H.I.E.L.D
Chapter 19: Bucky Barnes
Chapter 20: Who's Maya?
Chapter 21: The Mandarin
Chapter 22: Monster
Chapter 23: Loki?!
Chapter 24: Chad Davis
Hope's File
Chapter 25: "War Machine rocks with an X, all caps."
Chapter 26: Gary Needs Ton- To Be Quiet About it
Chapter 27: What Should I do?
Chapter 28: The Alleyway
Chapter 29: The Alleyway part 2
Chapter 30: The Alleyway part 3
Chapter 31: Trevor?
Chapter 32: Extremis
Chapter 33: The Winter Soldier
Chapter 34: It's a Trap
Chapter 35: HYDRA Misses You
Chapter 36: I Will Never Join
Chapter 37: "Take 'em to Chruch."
Chapter 38: Home
Chapter 39: Christmas
Chapter 40: Birthday Wishes
Chapter 41: See you soon
Chapter 42: Asgard
Chapter 43: Infinity Stones
Chapter 44: ...What?
Chapter 45: Soulmates
Chapter 47: Gifts
Chapter 48: Long Time, No See
(Captain America: The Winter Soldier)
Chapter 50: Project Insight
Chapter 51: Sam Wilson
Chapter 52: Nick Fury
Chapter 53: He's My Mission
Chapter 54: Arnim Zola
Chapter 55: Highway Part 1
Chapter 56: Highway Part 2
Chapter 57: Best Friends
Chapter 58: Staying Hidden
Chapter 59: Helicarriers
Chapter 60: Aftermath
Hope's Updated File
Sequel is up!!!

Chapter 46: Back to Earth

7.7K 248 93
By Stark_2023

"That was an epic battle!" Volstagg exclaimed with a roar. Asgardians surrounded us as Volstagg finished the story of me and Thor's fight. I had a black eye from a punch I let slip through. I gave Thor a bloody nose and a busted lip... and a slight concussion. I threw some powerful magic at him. He got me with the lightning too. I'm thankful for Extremis, or Steve and Dad would freak.

"How does it feel to lose to a female midgardian Prince Thor?" Asked an Asgardian. Everyone laughed and smiled at the god. Thor scoffed. Lady Sif has praised me for the win.

"It was a tie! We are both powerful and gave it all we got." Thor spoke quickly. Thor's friends smirked at Thor. Thor glanced at them, then to me. He stared for a while. "You did well today Lady Hope... you showed your strength and power. It was quite remarkable."

"It was a quite fun Thor..." I smiled at my friend. He smirked.

"But I won't go so easy on you next time." Everyone laughed.

"Oh, and how could I forget. Happy Birthday to Lady Hope!" Thor cheered with a grin.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone cheered with grins, everyone threw their glasses down, except Thor. Lady Sif and The Warrior Three all wished me a happy birthday already. I looked over to Thor, he looked at the cup with a longing look. I furrowed my eyebrows curiously. The place became loud with chatter and laughter. I suddenly felt out of place... I decided to go for a walk. I don't know where, but I'm sure I can manage.

I walked away from the crowd. I heard footsteps behind me.

"Are you ready to go home Lady Hope?" Asked Thor as he caught up to me.

"Yea, I have a day before I start working with Steve and Natasha. Do you know what time it is right now on Earth?" I asked Thor. He looked down thoughtfully.

"I think in the very early morning, or late at night? Midgardian time is slower then here on Asgard." I nodded. So I might not get home when I wanted to, but it's okay.

"I didn't know Thursday was named after you? I remember reading it while I was searching up Lok- Norse Mythology." I looked up at him. He chuckled.

"Yes, I was honoured when I found out. Every week on Midgard, there is a day to celebrate me." Thor grinned as he praised himself. I laughed.

"Gosh you sound like Loki." Thor laughed at that. Thor and I walked in comfortable silence.

"Do you miss her?" I asked Thor. I stared straight ahead, but I could feel his eyes on me.

"Pardon?" Thor questioned, confused to who I meant.

"Jane... I heard about her. I think I meant her before at a convention with my dad, but I can't remember. Do you still talk to her?" I asked the god. Thor looked down sadly as he shook his head.

"I'm afraid not. Jane and I seemed to have grew apart. I haven't visited her in awhile. I do regret it. I just don't know what to do." Thor pouted softly. I pouted and almost awed. He's like a big cuddly teddy bear.... if big cuddly teddy bears were incredible violent.

"I'm sure she'll understand. You have been quite busy. I was surprised to see you at me party, which I'm glad you joined." I decided now isn't the time to talk about it. He deserves it. He smiled softly.

"It was a pleasure. I remember when I was similar to your age. I quite enjoyed my birthdays too." Thor looked straight ahead as we made our way down the hallway towards big doors.

"When is your birthday?" I asked him. I want to know for the future.

"On Midgard it is October 8th." Thor nodded. My eyes widened.

"We missed it! You should have told us! We coulda had a party for you too!" I swatted his arm. He smiled.

"I was busy with some stuff, and last time we talked, we weren't discussing birthdays." Thor smiled as he opened the big doors. We were now outside.


"It was a pleasure to have you here Lady Hope. I hoped to see you soon." Thor spoke as we stood alongside Heimdall.

"I had a good time here, and it's quite beautiful. But I miss home. I've got a lot to do when I get there. This was a nice break." I said. Thor nodded.

"Whenever you wished to visit, just call to Heimdall. Your welcome anytime." Thor mentioned you Heimdall.

"I will." I stood next to the portal. Heimdall readied his sword.

"Farewell Lady Hope." Heimdall nodded at me. I smiled and nodded.

"See ya later guys." I waved as Heimdall turned his sword and I walked in the portal.


I actually landed on my feet. I was so happy, but then I looked up. I was right in front of the White House. My eyes widened at the amount of tourist. They all stared and whispered.

"That's Hope Stark!" A woman exclaimed with a grin. Everyone rushed toward me. The crowded me with papers and cameras.

"Can I get an autograph!?"

"What was that light!?"

"Where's Mr. Stark!?"

"I love you!" I smiled at that one. I sighed as they started to push.

"Okay! Listen up!" I yelled loudly. They all quiet down. "There that's better. I will sign some things, but we have to this quickly. I have things to do. What's the time?"

"11:23 Miss. Stark." A man answered. I nodded at him with a smile.

"Thank you." A woman with a child walked up to me. She grinned as she handed me a notepad and pen. I smiled at her. I took the note pad and signed it, leaving a little positive message. She grinned as she read it. I kneeled down to the kid. "Hey Vanessa. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"H-how did you know my name?" She asked nervously. I waved my hand making blue mist appear. She gasped and so did other people around us. I made a beautiful white rose appear in my hand. I handed it to her. She took it. I made sure that the thorns didn't hurt her, but only her.

"If anyone else touches that rose, they will get pricked, but you won't. It's your Rose. Only you have the magic to hold it." I smiled at her. She grinned and showed her mom. More people gathered around.

"That's so cool!" A group of kids stared at the Rose. I signed more papers. I smirked as I made mist surround the kids. It danced around them. They all tried to catch it, but it was to fast for them. I realized I wouldn't have time to get everyone an autograph or take pictures with, so I made three other me's. Everyone was amazed. Roses, magic, autographs, and pictures were given. I chatted with some folks too. People asked about the Avengers and what the light thing I came out of was. I asked for the time again.

"11:58." A woman smiled at me.

"Oh, I better get going." People awed. I laughed. "I have an important meeting with Black Widow and Captain America." I smirked at them. People laughed and scoffed.

"Show off!" Yelled a man. Everyone laughed. I chuckled.

"It was a great meeting you guys!" I yelled to them. They cheered. "Hope you have a wonderful rest of you day!" I grinned and made a portal appear (like Thanos when he uses the space stone to teleport, but you can see the other side. That's how she teleports now). On the other side of the portal was Steve. He was in his suit and he was eating an apple. His eyes widened at us. People started taking pictures. Steve gave us a side wave, as he stood awkwardly and embarrassed. I smirked at him. He glared.

"Hey Steve! How are you?" I asked with a head tilt. I heard people giggling behind me as I smirked at Steve. Steve glared at me, but quickly smiled at the people.

"Hey everyone..." He smiled. I chuckled and walked through the portal.

"Bye Friends!" I waved at them.


"See ya!"

"Have a good day!"

"Bye Mr. America!"

The portal disappeared. I turned to Steve. I had his arms crossed as he gave me a look. I smiled innocently.

"Nice to see you too Steve. Asgard was amazing, that's for asking." I turned away and noticed we were in an apartment, most likely his. I heard him chuckle. I smirked as I walked away from him towards his kitchen.

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