Catching Your Love | KirBede

By Mashirayo

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"And now I'm standing here, pouring my heart out to you when I've never lost my cool before!" "You know, as s... More

Slumbering Weald
Opening Ceremony
To Turffield Wo Go
Turffield Stadium
Route 5 and Hulbury
Hulbury Stadium

First Pokémon

518 3 3
By Mashirayo

[The picture is of Kireina, feel free to draw her if you want, you don't need my permission! Just send it to my discord which is in my bio!]
[Also, this is important: I have aged Kireina, Bede, and Hop all up to 15, and Marnie up to 14, it's just easier for me to write people around that age. Another thing: I have made it to where there's different amounts of times between each gym, the longest being about a week, and the shortest being about 2 days. I made this change so that nobody could criticize me for rushing the relationship. That makes it just around 1 month for Kireina to complete the gym challenge. Add on the post game quest, which will take place about 6 months after the main quest. I'm sorry if that doesn't make much sense. Anyway, I'm done rambling, onto the story!]

"Kireina!" Hop practically kicked down the door. "Hop, if you keep doing that, the door's gonna break." She gently reminded him. "I can't help it, I'm excited! Were you watching Lee's exhibition match?" Kireina paused the video on her phone, nodding. "You can't cheer him on with your hands full! You know the only way to properly cheer Lee on would be with his famous Charizard pose!" He mimicked the pose, and Kireina giggled. "Anyway, today's the day! C'mon, I've got his match recording at home. Lee's gonna be here any minute, and he always brings presents when he visits, so don't forget your bag!" Hop turned around, going back outside. "I'll see you at mine in a few!" She stood up from the couch, and quickly walked to her bedroom, picking up her bag and hat. "I have got to get a better bag and some new clothes." She mumbled, tossing some money and her phone into her bag.

Kireina pushed the door open, and a small Budew ran up to her. "Hey Buddy." She smiled, patting the top of it. "Ha, have a look at you, Kireina! That old bag looks like it could make you fall! At least we know that it should hold anything Lee might bring, even if it's as big as a Snorlax!" Hop laughed. "Shush." A repeated thumping noise got their attention. They turned to see a Wooloo rolling into the fence to the forest. "A Wooloo... but what's it doing there?" It continued to throw itself at the gate. "I see what you're doing, don't go using tackle on the fence, everyone knows there are scary Pokemon living in the Slumbering Weald!" It stopped, continuing to stare at the fence. "Now that that's taken care of... How about it Kireina? Let's race! Bet I can make it to my house first, what with you lugging about that big old bag!" Before Kireina could comment, he took off towards his house.

"Took you long enough!" Hop laughed as Kireina pushed the door open. "It was 10 seconds, calm down." He turned to his mom in the kitchen. "Mum! Is he here?!" "You've brought along Kireina. Hello dear." "Yeah, yeah, but where's Lee? Have you got him crammed into a cupboard?" Hop asked, looking around frantically. "He's still not here yet! For the hundredth time... Honestly, Hop, you must learn some patience!" His mom sighed. "He's probably only just arrived at the station in Wedgehurst." "Then that's where I'm going! You know Lee is hopeless with directions. I'll make sure he doesn't get lost on the way!" "Oh, will you? Yes, that probably is for the best..." "You've got to come with, Kireina. You've still never met my big bro, right? You can't miss out on your chance to meet the undefeated Champion! I'll wait for you out on the route!" He ran out of the house, leaving no chance for Kireina to protest. She let out a sigh, running after him.

"Let's get a move on! Remember Kireina, will Pokemon could come out of nowhere if you walk through patches of tall grass. I've got my Wooloo with me, so I'm ready for battles against wild Pokemon. But not you Kireina! So we'll steer clear of the tall grass as we go." He took off, stopping in the middle of Route 1 to let her catch up. He trailed after her as they both walked to the station. "What do you think Lee's gonna bring us! I'm so excited!" Hop smiled, bouncing from one foot to another.

A small crowd had gathered at the station, all of them cheering for Leon. "Hello, hello Wedgehurst! Your Champion Leon is back!" Leon did his famous Charizard pose, making the cheers even louder. "I promise I'll keep doing my best to deliver the greatest battles for you all to watch!" "YOU'RE AMAZING LEON!" A man yelled. "Thank you! I hope you'll all carry on training up your Pokemon and never shy away from battle. Then you can come challenge me for the Champion title!" "We're on it! We've all been working on our battle skills just like you've taught us to, Lee!" "But that Charizard of yours is too strong for the likes of us to take on!" He nodded. "Too true that Charizard is blazing strong. But other Pokemon can be strong as well! That's why I want the strongest of challengers to complete the Gym Challenge and come battle me My wish is for Galar's Trainers to work together to become the strongest in the world!" Charizard growled in agreement.

Hop began to jump up and down. "Lee!" "Hop!" The crowd separated so he could walk towards his brother. "Look at you Hop! I reckon you've grown... exactly an inch and a quarter since the last time I saw you!" "Bingo! That's the sort of sharp eye that's kept you undefeated so long, eh Lee?" "And these bright eyes here... I've got it! You must be Kireina, am I right? I've heard loads about you from my little brother. I'm the Galar region's greatest-ever Pokemon Champion, and a massive Charizard fan too. People call me the unbeatable Leon!" Kireina nodded. "Hop never stops talking about you. I'm pretty sure I've heard the words 'Leon is amazing!' more times than I can count." She smiled. Hop turned to Leon. "Come on Lee! And you too Kireina! Bet I can beat both of you back home!" He took off, leaving Kireina and Leon behind. "That Hop... always wanting to be the best, isn't he? With a proper rival of his own, I bet he'd push himself  to become something truly special..." Leon turned back around to face the crowd. "Well everyone, I bid you farewell for today! But don't you fret... I'll always be around to make sure everyone in Galar can have a champion time!" He struck the pose again, eliciting cheers and shouts from the crowd. Leon turned around, running after Hop, laughing all the way.

"Come on Lee! You promised us a present, so out with it! You brought Kireina and me Pokemon. You did, didn't you? I know you must have!" Hop could barely stand still. "Right then! The greatest gift from the greatest Champion... It's showtime everyone!" He pulled out three Pokeballs, tossing them. "The grass type Grookey! The fire type Scorbunny! And the water type Sobble!" "You can go first, I've already got my Wooloo." Hop said. Kireina studied each one. "Sobble!" She knelt down, patting its head. "So it'll be Sobble for you? It is kinda cute! Then I'll go with... Scorbunny!" Hop smiled down at the small pokemon. "I'm aiming to be the next Champion, so be ready! You and I'll be doing some serious training!" Wooloo faced Scorbunny, and made a small noise of happiness. "I bet you will be Hop. That's why I brought along these Pokemon for you and Kireina. So the two of you can battle and train and grow stronger... to reach me!" Grookey looked around, slowly realizing that nobody was going to pick it. "You'll come with me!" Leon smiled. "Charizard will show you the ropes. He's strict, but real strong and real kind too!"

"All right, enough of this trainer nonsense for one night! Dinner's ready children. Bring along your Pokemon and let's eat!" Hop and Leon's mom called from the door. "We're coming, hold on!" 

Chapter One is done! Hop talks too much. I'll try and update as fast as I can, I love working on this! -G 💘

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