Rogue Revolution

By Stella_Gordon

175K 6.3K 698

Tessa Quinn had everything figured out, and as the daughter of Alphas Fletcher and Ryder Quinn she's always g... More

Rogue Revolution
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Rogue Queen

Chapter 4

5.8K 186 16
By Stella_Gordon

The past week has been better for me. A day after I attacked Carl during training I went to apologize to him. Thankfully he was okay, and had no major injuries just a few cuts and bruises. He told me it was no big deal, and that he heard what everyone else was saying and said if our roles were reversed he probably would have done the same thing.

Every day after that we hung out. It's nice to have a friend that didn't know me during what Carl likes to call "the princess days". We run together before it's time to train, and he's been helping me catch up with all the time I missed. He's become my new best friend since every "friend" I had before refuses to even look me in the eye. I have a feeling it has to do with my blow up on the field. On the bright side no one has said any snide comments while I'm standing right by them, but that doesn't mean they don't do it when I'm not around.

For the past two days I haven't seen Carl as much because Victoria came over to spend some time with me before we all head up to the council meeting tonight.

It has been fun having my cousin keeping me company. She bring out a happy carefree presence in the house. Although it's hard to remember she's only thirteen sometimes because of her intelligence, there are times when her age becomes blantly obvious. Especially when the topic is shifted to boys or mates. I've been trying to avoid the topic all together, but she's pretty keen on talking about it non stop. I don't blame her, she doesn't have a sister to rant to, and I doubt Troy wants to sit around painting each other fingernails while talking about the latest boy who breathed near her.

"You should be happy. I wish I could go." Victoria sighs sitting down on my bed next to my suitcase. She's helping me pack for the meeting, but has spent most of the time complaining about how she isn't allowed to go with us. I understand her frustration because she's been asking to go for three years now and Aidan always says no. I think Della is secretly happy Aidan puts his foot down so she doesn't have to be the bad guy. Victoria is so adamant about learning how to take care and run a pack, but they just want her to be a kid. 

"That's because you're a nerd." I poke fun at her love for anything diplomatic. I swear her first word was a full sentence. I have no doubt that she could outsmart any Alpha or Luna at this meeting, which is just another reason to not let her come with. Some of the older Alphas wouldn't take to kindly to her telling them they are wrong and schooling them with facts.

She glares throwing a pillow at my head, but I duck out of the way before it reaches me. "Last time I checked you were the same way not that long ago." She stops herself suddenly looking guilty. I hate how my family tip toes around the subject, but I know why they do it. Ever since the training incident with Carl they have completely avoided any conversation about Asher or times before my birthday. I feel bad but I don't know how to explain to them how much it hurts to even think about him.

Speaking of Asher, I've only seen him in passing a couple times. Carl's really good at making sure I don't see him long enough to get upset. Although one time he wasn't quick enough. We had just finished a long run and wanted to grab water from the pack house since it was closer than my house. Unfortunately a whole bunch of people were hanging out in the living room including Asher and his mate. I froze when I saw her sitting on his lap the same way we used to while watching a movie with everyone. It brought up good memories that suddenly felt ruined due to this new dark and sicker sequel existing. Carl continued to walk into the kitchen not noticing I was glued in place.

The worst part was when Asher looked up while laughing at something someone had said. His ocean eyes gleaming with so much happiness connected with my dull storm cloud blue eyes that were full of sadnesses. I saw an emotion flicker through his eyes that I could best describe as pity, and that certainly didn't help with the hole in my heart that felt it had been singed around the edges. Carl manages to get me out of there before I embarrassed myself any further. The rest of that day it felt like a storm cloud was above my head, and my head only. Carl was helpful though making sure I wasn't alone to wallow in my depressing thoughts of what it would be like if I had found my mate instead of Asher.

Victoria clears her throat pulling me out of my thoughts. "My dad told Troy he could go to the council meeting if he wanted, but you know what he said? No! When I ask if I can go in his place he tells me I'm "too young". I mean come on I'm only a year younger than Troy anyway." She starts ranting about Aidan and how he's too overprotective for like the hundredth time since she got here. To be fair Aidan can be a bit stubborn when it comes to certain things he allows Troy to do and not Victoria, but I also know Della keeps the balance between them all.

"If it makes you feel any better he was the same way with me when I was little." I try and reassure her it has nothing to do with her. She ignores my reassurance by rolling her eyes and handing me my folded up shirts we picked out earlier. I push down on my clothes trying to compress and make them all fit into the suitcase. The meetings will last a few days so I have to pack quite a few outfits, which show by how hard I'm struggling to zip my suitcase. It can't help that I overpack for every trip we go on.

"Anyway how's Carl doing?" Victoria wiggles her eyebrow at me. Here we go again. I'm pretty sure Victoria has a small crush on Carl despite here obsession with us becoming a couple, which isn't going to happen. The first day Victoria was here Carl came over to hang out not knowing she was here. I explained to Carl that I wouldn't be able to hang out because I'd be spending all my time with Victoria while she was here. He understood completely and told me to not get into too much trouble without him. When he left waving as he walked out the back door I thought for sure I was going to have to pinch Victoria to make her snap out of it.

"He's doing fine. Now stop wiggling your eyebrows. You know a relationship with anyone is the last thing I want nor need at the moment." I roll my eyes at her innocent pouting face. It may work for Aidan, Emeric, and my dads but it isn't going to trick me. It's moments like this that remind me Victoria is still just a child. Her intelligence makes me forget she's only thirteen.

"Girls breakfast is ready!" Ryder's voice travels up the stairs. I finish shoving the last few items into my suitcase zipping it up with much resistance. Victoria and I make our way down the stairs and into the kitchen only to see all the food packed up in containers. I turn to dad with furrowed eyebrows as he rushes around the room making sure he has everything cleaned up. "I'm sorry, but we're a bit behind schedule this morning, so we are going to eat breakfast in the car on the way to Della's." I sigh knowing I have to go all the way back upstairs to grab my bag. Turning around to begin my trek to retrieve my heavy ass suitcase a knock at our front door distracts me. Victoria whips her head in my direction smirking at me.

"I'll get your bag while you go talk to lover boy." She giggles skipping out of the room while Ryder's looks at me with raised eyebrows. As much as I hate to admit it I know they think the same thing as Victoria does. Every night at dinner they always ask a how my days was with Carl, or what we did even though I remind them each time Carl and I's relationship is purely plectonic and that's all it will ever be.

"He's not my lover boy!" I huff out stomping my way to the front door. Ryder raises his hands in a surrender motion even though his expression contrasts his innocence.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Ryder yells back, and I can hear Victoria's faint laughter coming from upstairs. Ignoring their remarks I unlock and swing the door open revealing a smiling Carl. He's dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt so I know he's not on his way to training. I'm trying to remember if I told him about the meeting.

"Hey I just thought I would come say bye before you leave." He blushes slightly stuffing his hands in his pockets. I guess I did tell him about the meeting. I step outside shutting the door behind me so we don't have to worry about Victoria evesdropping in on our conversation.

"I'm only going to be gone for a few days." I remind him. It's not like I'm never coming back and this will be the last time we ever see each other.

"Yeah, but you're my friend and I'm going to miss you." I smile up at him. Carl is nice, but I was telling Victoria the truth, I don't want a relationship with anybody. I just hope he doesn't start to develop any feeling other than friendliness for me.

"I'm sure I'll survive." I roll my eyes. Thankfully Fletcher saves me from any more awkwardness because he pulls up in a van that will be able to fit all of us. Most Alphas and Lunas travel to the meeting by car if they live far away because the whole bringing a suitcase in wolf form can get tricky.

"Hey guys. Are you ready?" Fletcher hops out with a bit of excitement. I know he's excited to bring me along this year. For some reason I have had an uneasy feeling since this morning so I'm not the most enthused about going, but I'm sure I'll be fine once we get there.

"Yeah, Victoria and dad are inside." He nods walking past us into the house. I turn back to Carl pulling him into a quick hug. He stumbles shocked for a second before wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "I'll miss you too. Now don't get into to much trouble without me." He chuckles pulling away. He turns to leave but I stop him. "Thanks again Carl." He tilts his head confused. "For being my friend and all." He shakes his head brushing his hair out of his face.

"You are a smart girl Tessa, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Now go show all those Alphas and Lunas who's in charge." He winks walking away. Just as he's out of sight the door opens behind me.

"Let's go." Victoria grabs my hand pulling me towards the van. I stumble down the stairs almost falling on my face in the process but manage to catch myself. Fletcher and Ryder must be right behind us because I can hear their snickers.

"Brandon!" I hear Fletcher welcome his Beta. I freeze mid step because where Asher's dad goes Asher goes. Victoria gets jerked back from me stopping so suddenly. She turns around confused, her eyes widening when she sees what's unfolding behind me.

"I thought we would come say bye before you head off this morning." Brandon is always so cheery and energized in the morning. The complete opposite of his son. Victoria tried to catch my eye but I just stare straight ahead figuring out my next move.

"Please don't turn around." Victoria begs me looking nervous. Her tone worries me so I completely ignore her request whipping around only to regret it. Standing only a few feet away is Brandon, Asher, and Ashers mate. I suck in a sharp breathe as pain travels throughout my body.

No one would tell me her name at first worring it would make it worse, but a few days ago I convinced Carl that knowing her name would help me move on. It didn't. Stephanie clutches onto Ashers arm as if she can't walk on her own. He tells her something that makes her giggle. They are completely absorbed into their own world following Brandon around in a trance. I take a deep breath trying to calm my pounding heart.

"You came just in time we were just about to head out." Fletcher and Ryder meet them halfway while Victoria and I stay rooted to our spot. I see Ryder's eye glaze over so quickly that I almost don't catch it. If my brain wasn't so muddled with jealous, sad, and angry thoughts I would probably be curious of who he was talking to.

Victoria walks past me heading straight towards them. She holds her hand out infront of her trying to gain Stephanie's attention. I hold my breath waiting to see what she has up her sleeve.

"I don't believe we've met." Victoria smiles kindly looking Stephanie over. Stephanie immediately beam with delight taking Victoria's hand.

"Hello. I'm Ashers mate, Stephanie." She still keeps her other arm wrapped around Asher's as she shakes Victoria's hand. "You are?" I don't know if she meant for it to sound condescending but that's how my wolf took it. She had the audacity to question and Alpha daughters position.

"I'm their favorite niece." She nods back to where Fletcher and Ryder are standing behind her.

"Our only niece." Fletcher pokes fun while Victoria rolls her eyes. Brandon turns seeing me standing next to the van.

"Tessa it's been a while. How have you been?" I know he means no harm by the question, but I still flinch thinking back to how the past few weeks have been for me. Asher seems to snap out of his love sick spell. He eyes me warily like I'm going to murder them all for no reason. I'll show him. I walk over standing next to my dads and Victoria with my head held high.

"I'm doing great Brandon thanks for asking. I've just been so busy catching up on training and learning the pack leading ropes." I even manage to force a smile on my face. Brandon looks genuinely happy about it. Asher on the other hand is frowning at something over my shoulder.

"You weren't going to leave without saying goodbye I hope." I turn around with furrowed eyebrow as Carl's voice travels across the yard. He's smiling with open arms headed right for me. Ryder nudges me with his elbow motioning towards Carl. I tilt my head still extremely confused on what is going on. Despite being totally lost I hug Carl because I'm assuming that's what he wants based on his extended arms.  I'm almost certain I'm losing it when I feel Carl kiss the top of my head as he pulls back. "Oh I'm sorry I just had to see Tess one last time before she leaves me for the next few days." Carl wraps an arm around my waist.

Never has Carl ever called me Tess, nor has he kissed me in any way shape or form. I try to not show how weirded out I am in front of everyone. I turn to my dads to see how they feel about all this. It suddenly clicks once I make eye contact with Ryder. He must of mind linked Carl. I'm not sure why, but I'll play along.

"I don't believe we've met I'm Brandon, and you are?" Brandon holds his hand out and Carl shakes his hand.

"I'm Carl. It's nice to meet you Beta Brandon." I quickly glance at Asher to see a frown take over his face. Noticing his eyes trained on Carl's hand on my waist I step back grabbing my bag from Fletcher's hand.

"If you'll excuse me." I start heading to the car. I don't like the feeling I got when I saw Asher watching us. No matter how much it hurts to think about what we could have had I still have a mate out there and Asher isn't him. The thought of trying to get Asher to come back to me makes me physically ill. Mates are chosen by fate and you both are supposed to complement each other in the best ways possible. I'd much rather wait for him than throw myself into relationship after relationship that will just continue to end in heartache. Carl included. I know by now that Ryder asked Carl to come back and put on that performance. Although I don't know his reasoning, I have a few ideas.

I load my suitcase into the trunk before hopping in the way back to wait for the rest of them to say goodbye. Victoria doesn't take long immediately following behind me climbing in next to me.

"Are you okay?" She looks concerned. I nod my head letting her know I'm not going to burst into hysterics. At this point I just want to get on the road so I can have a few days drama free. Fletcher and Ryder hop in the driver and passenger seats. Fletcher starts the car pulling out of the driveway while Ryder reaches back handing us two containers with our breakfast. Ryder must see my frustration because he turns around in his seat so he facing me.

"I'm sorry. I can tell you didn't approve of me asking Carl to make Asher get a taste of his own medicine. I just thought it might help you if he knew how much better you are doing." I bite into my blueberry pancakes thinking over his words. I still don't approve of what he did nor how he did it, but I understand what he was trying to do. He only wanted to help, and that's more than others can say at the moment.

"It's fine. I just hated the feeling I got when I saw Asher watching us. I don't know why and it's hard to describe, but I just don't want to play into it. I've had enough drama over the past few weeks to last me a lifetime." I sigh out feeling drained from thinking back to all that's happened in such a short amount of time.

"I promise not to pull a stunt like that again, and as for drama you don't have to worry about that for the next few days. Try and relax this weekend maybe even make some new friends. Trust me when I say the most drama at a council meeting is them running out of coffee." Ryder rolls his eyes clearly remembering a previous meeting. Fletcher smacks his arm shooting him a quick glare.

"Don't start up now you'll jinx it. Tessa don't worry it will all work itself out." Fletcher smiles at me through the review mirror so he can switch back to watching the road.

I hope he's right. This whole situation has been a mess, and at this point I just want us all to move on. I doubt the pain will ever go away when I think about Asher, but I'm sick and tired of how it's effecting our life. I just want everything to get back to being as normal as it can be. Hopefully this weekend will help getting us all back on track, and a fresh start on the future.

I rest my head against the window watching the trees fly by us. My wolf is still on edge, but I have a good feeling. Despite being told numerous time by Della to trust my gut I push the nerves down and let sleep take over.

Song: Graveyard - Acoustic by Halsey

Hey everybody, sorry for not updating sooner. I be been super busy and don't have any chapters pre written yet. I'm really excited for the next few chapters so I'm hopping to have those up at the normal pace I update or sooner. Don't worry you'll find out who Tessa's mate is soon! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to vote and comment! Until next time.

~Stella Gordon.

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