AwaKENing || Dancers

By StarAce11

2.3K 88 33

"A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born." ā€• Antoi... More

Characters: Six
Kenneth: Showcase
Kenneth: First Day
Kenneth: One or the other
Kenneth: Texting
Kenneth: Dance
Bailey: New Classes, Same School
Bailey: Inspiration
Bailey: Nervous
Bailey: Lunch
Bailey: Smile
Josh: Late
Josh: Skip
Josh: Teasing
Josh: Finally
Josh: Dance 2
Kaycee: New Kid
Kaycee: Youth
Kaycee: Asking
Kaycee: Duos
Kaycee: Just Do It
Kaycee: Words
Kaycee: Competition
Kaycee: Dance 3

Kenneth: Friday Night Jam

73 2 2
By StarAce11


By Sean's Locker

"So, you finally decided on what you're going to do?" Sean asked Kenneth as they were waiting on the others

"Dude" Kenneth said

"What? I'm not trying to be the guy to tell you to do one thing or the other I'm just curious today is the day" Sean said as he knows he's been a little antagonistic to Kenneth at times

"No, I haven't," Kenneth said answering the original question "Josh already wrote me some lyrics for a song to sing but Charlize showed me a song the other day that I would like to dance to"

"Not making your choice any easier is it?" Sean said

"Not at all," Kenneth said, "Has no one else never been conflicted with two choices like I am now?"

"Yeah..." Sean said

"Who?" Kenneth asked

"Sean Lew" Josh said joining the two "Morning fellas"

"Sean?!" Kenneth said

"Sean here is a really good singer, he didn't have the idea to be dancing singer or a singing dancer like you but he did try to get more singing classes in his schedule," Josh said "They rejected the idea so he's been all in for dance ever since"

"So, you wanted to sing?" Kenneth asked focusing back on Sean

"It interested me and since not every single class here is a dancing class for dancers, I thought I could have a singing class in the other non-dance periods," Sean said

"Then why were you so against me in the beginning?" Kenneth asked

"Because unlike you I know I want to be a dancer fully, singing would just be a hobby or side skill or something," Sean said "You're still undecided"

"What do you want to do? You've been here long enough to experience both your singing and dancing classes to make your decision with more knowledge" Josh said


Walking in the hallways

"Are you that upset over that girl from hair and makeup?" Charlize said

"No, well not fully," Bailey said "I'm not concerned about Jadyn"

"Then what is it? Kenny clearly likes you, and there's no need to get worried about other girls" Charlize said as she started to think "Is this about Josh?"


"Bailey you broke up last year why are you still thinking about that besides you two are friends," Charlize said

"I don't know before I met Kenny, I guess I was still torn between getting back with Josh or not," Bailey said "But Josh has no feelings for me whatsoever"

"So, then what's stopping you for just going for Kenny?" Charlize said

"Kenny doesn't know I dated Josh and I'm afraid if I tell him or he finds out he won't be interested," Bailey said

"That's silly," Charlize said as Bailey looked offended "Sorry but it is"

Back with the boys

"Anyway, when are you going to ask out Bailey?" Sean said

"What?! I have no idea what you're talking about..." Kenneth badly lied as Josh and Sean just stared at him "Is it that obvious?"

"Clear as day," Josh said "Why not ask her out man? You even have the excuse of the dance next week"

"There's a dance next week?" Kenneth said

"You need to pay more attention to the flyers around school," Sean said while pointing to one across from themselves "It's just like any other schools dance it's frankly the most normal thing about this school"

"So, prom?" Kenneth said

"Not the traditional senior prom but yeah," Josh said "More like a homecoming"

"So, do you two have dates already then?" Kenneth asked

"I'll probably just ask Char," Sean said as Josh laughed "What?"

"Nothing," Josh said calming down "Why don't you ask out someone you like bro?"

"No one has caught my eye," Sean said honestly "What about you? You ask someone yet?"

"If it comes down to it, I'll just beat Kenny here and ask out Bailey," Josh said

"Wouldn't that be awkward?" Sean said

"Why would that be awkward? And not you asking out Char?" Kenneth asked

"...Oh, wow we haven't told you" Sean said as he had to think about it but Kenneth would be the only that wouldn't know about them previously "Josh used to date Bailey freshman year"

"What?!" Kenneth said

"Dude it wasn't a big deal, we were friends and it was just a why not try it kind of vibe," Josh said

"You were after her for months," Sean said

"...Besides she dumped me so you have nothing to worry about" Josh said not arguing Sean's point

"So, you saying you'll ask her to the dance is-"

"Purely out of friendship, besides I have my eye on another girl anyway," Josh said

"Who?" Sean asked, "Is it Tahani again?"

"Secret" Josh said as the bell ringed "Guess I'll catch Bailey and Charlize later see ya, Kenny"

Class: Theater

"Hey missed you this morning," Kenneth said taking his seat

"Oh, sorry I was just talking with Char," Bailey said

"It's no big deal, I had some good guy talk with the boys," Kenneth said

"Guy talk? Really?" Bailey said amused "Whatcha talk about!?"

"Um... The Friday Night Jam" Kenneth said

"You pick yet?"

"No," Kenneth said

"Then you didn't talk about it long so what else did the boys talk about?" Bailey said

"... Girls" Kenneth said

"Yeah..." Bailey said

"Kind of," Kenneth said

"Kind of?" Bailey said

"Well Sean brought up the dance next week and ended up talking about who each of us will ask out," Kenneth said

"So... Who's asking who?" Bailey said nervously about the possibility Kenneth is interested in someone else

"Well Sean said he'll ask Char," Kenneth said as Bailey laughed similarly to Josh earlier

"Something funny Ms. Sok?" the teacher said

"No sir" Bailey said calming down

"Does Sean seriously not know Charlize has a crush on him?" Kenneth said, "He can't be that oblivious?"

"Well this is now year two of Sean not noticing so you take a guess," Bailey said

"Poor Char she likes a loser," Kenneth said "Lew ser!"

"Oh, that's his new nickname for me," Bailey said with a giggle "Alright that's one what about the other two"

"Well... Josh said if someone doesn't act fast, he would ask you out" Kenneth said as Bailey's heart started racing

"Me?!" Bailey said "But... Um..."

"That's a weird reaction to finding out your ex will ask you to the dance?" Kenneth said "Or maybe it's an appropriate reaction I don't know what happened between you two"

"You know?!" Bailey said

"Sean told me"

"Lewser" she muttered

"And looking back it makes sense, you two were close since the first day we met and at first I just assumed you were best friends as there were times where you seem to really care about what Josh thought but you two dating makes connecting the dots easier," Kenneth said

"Yeah it was just for a semester," Bailey said

"... Do you still like him?" Kenneth asked as Bailey's reaction didn't sound like she was over Josh to him

"No..." Bailey said "I mean it's not like we had a nasty break up that I would want nothing to do with him but I won't lie for a while I was open to getting back together but now... no"

"Okay good," Kenneth said


"Yeah because that someone who needs to ask you before Josh... is me," Kenneth said


"Bailey, will you go out with me?"

"Are you asking me to date you or to go to the dance as your date?" Bailey said

"Yes," Kenneth said with a smile as Bailey rolled her eyes

"You're lucky you're cute," Bailey said as she nodded her head "I accept"

"Being my girlfriend or my being date to the dance?"



Sean and Josh were talking as they got to lunch first again

Charlize made her way over and sat next to Sean bouncing on her seat

"Why are you so jumpy Char?" Josh asked

Charlize just pointed to Kenneth and Bailey walking over to the table hand in hand

"About time," Sean said

"That really did take too long," Josh said "Congrats"

"Thanks, guys," Kenneth said

"You can't use me as your back up now Josh!" Bailey said

"That's perfectly fine with me," Josh said

"Didn't the girl you wanted to ask reject you?" Sean said "Rena?"

"Reina, and she was already asked so I wouldn't say rejected..." Josh said

"Denied?" Kenneth said as Bailey laughed

"... I will be perfectly good by next week" Josh said

"You have a backup for your back up?" Sean said

"Well plan C was Charlize," Josh said

"Gross" Charlize said

"If it comes down to it, I'll just go by myself it's no big deal it's just a school dance," Josh said

"So, what about you Sean any girls?" Charlize said

"Want to just go with me?" Sean said

"Hmm... Sure!" Charlize said fake thinking it over

"Cool we all have dates besides Josh!" Sean said as everyone grinned at Josh

"One day you're not going to have a date and I will and you will be super jealous," Josh said

"Doubt it," Sean said

Class: Dance

Today's choreographer was Matt Steffanina teaching a hip-hop choreography

"I'm so happy it's Matt today!" Bailey said as she sips her water

"You are having more fun than usual," Kenneth said noticing her more upbeat attention in class

"Matt treats Bailey like his little sister like if everyone has a favorite teacher Matt would be Bailey's," Sean said

"Not true he treats us all equally," Bailey said

"Wow you need to chill on the lying" Charlize said

"Yeah I can guarantee you when solos are called Bailey will be called," Josh said

"Bet," Kenneth said as he and Josh shook on it

"Alright to switch things up I want a duo, let's have Bailey," Matt said as he looked around "And... Kenneth, I haven't seen you before"

"I guess I lose this one," Josh said as Bailey and Kenneth get up and head to the center constantly smiling at each other

"Have fun!" Charlize said as Sean gave a thumbs up

"Okay, duo!" Charlize said as they came back to their spot

"Ha-ha thanks," Bailey said

"Yeah you two dance well together" Josh adds

"Chemistry," Sean said

"Yeah he rarely does guy and girl duos so he must have seen something from you two," Charlize said

"Or he saw that his favorite Bailey seemed to get along with another guy that wasn't me or Sean," Josh said

"I'm not his favorite!" Bailey said as Sean rolled his eyes "I'm not!"

"Yeah okay," Charlize said "Anyways you nervous Kenny? Only one more class until the Friday Night Jam"

"A little" Kenneth said "Partly because this seems much different than the showcase"

"Oh, trust me it is," Josh said as Sean punches his arm "Ow!"

"Not helping," Sean said "It's a different... ambiance but at the end of the day you're just doing what you've always done"

"That's the thing I've only done this successful one time, what if the first time was a fluke?!" Kenneth said as the bell rings

"We'll see you tonight," Charlize said

Friday Night Jam

"This should be fun," Sean said as a dancing act just left the stage leaving the three entertained

"Yeah it was so bad it was good!" Charlize said with a light laugh

"Maybe she was acting?" Josh said

"Nah," Sean said, "Where Bailey go?"

"Going to give her man a quick pep talk before he goes on," Charlize said


Kenneth gets nervous and before he goes

Bailey sings to give him confidence

"I don't think I can do it"

"Kenny you can do it you've done it before," Bailey said

"But my nerves are all over the place, my leg keeps shaking, I feel my palms keep getting sweaty" Kenneth said


"How can I relax?!" Kenneth said

"Close your eyes let me do something my mom did for me a few times before," Bailey said as Kenneth closed his eyes as told


"That bad?"

"You said you couldn't sing!" Kenneth said, "That was a big lie!"

"Ha-ha not really I took a few vocal lessons growing up when I was still exploring my interests so I found my range where I don't sound horrible"

"You were incredible Bailey," Kenneth said as the host announced Kenneth up next "Maybe you should go up and sing?"

"Nice try," Bailey said kissing him "Break a leg!"

Kenneth stunned he got a kiss so soon was glossy eyes walked on the stage

And before he knew it, it was time

Cheering erupted and Kenneth could hear Sean, Charlize, and Josh cheers and Bailey from the side even his brother got a group of seniors to give a bunch woos!

"MR. SAN JOSE!!!!" The principal yelled out


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