Infatuated (Unedited)

By EdenFortae

3M 81.7K 5.9K

In the few short years that she has been an exotic dancer, Rayne Hanson has grown bored with her job. Every n... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 8

102K 2.2K 102
By EdenFortae

My first instincts were to turn and walk away. Where I'd go, I don't know considering the only living relative I know of is in no position to house me. So I stood there with my arms folded challenging Roland with my eyes alone. Just like Nicolas he appeared unfazed, mimicked my stance and said nothing. I'd like to tell him off. I really would but when I think about it, this isn't his fault. These are Nicolas' orders. My real issue is with him therefore my anger needs to be directed at the person that created it. Since he's not here though, there is only one thing I can do.

Without words I walked around him and his trunk ignoring the brisk wind hitting my face like a thousand sharp knives. The nosey neighbors I've become accustom to have been standing around watching us and as I hurried off down the street they seemed even more attentive. There were all kinds of comments and even laughter but it was soon forgotten when the sound of an engine started and that infamous black truck pulled up beside me.

"Get in the truck Rayne." His irritation was obvious but I could careless. I'm the one that should be irritated after he brought me all this way just to show me that I no longer have anywhere to live. "Nicolas is already unhappy that you left. If I go back without you he'll come looking for you and kill anyone standing in his way."

I scoffed rolling my eyes. "Why should I care how he feels? He obviously didn't think about my feelings when he lied to my landlady and moved my shit out!"

He sighed loudly, I'm sure it was out of frustration but that could be added to the list of shit I don't care about. "He moved you, a stripper living in a rathole in a very shady neighborhood to a mansion where you have your own everything and you're complaining? Nicolas could have and probably should have left your ungrateful ass there but he didn't so get over it and get in the damn truck!"

I stopped and faced him with my eyes narrowed shooting invisible daggers his way. If he thinks for one second talking to me like that is going to get him his desired outcome he has another thing coming! "I didn't ask Nicolas to save me! That's what you're failing to realize! I didn't ask him to take me out of that 'rathole' as you call it so I'm not going to just sit back and let some man I don't know alter my life and damn sure don't appreciate you telling me what the fuck I should be grateful for! So you know what, fuck you and fuck what he feels!" I stormed off toward the sparse field the little kids used to play baseball during the warm months knowing his truck couldn't make it down there. On any other day I wouldn't dare walk these streets alone at night. It's filled with all kinds of predators that look for lone women like me to do God knows what but my focus for the moment is to get away from everything Nicolas related. Along the way I heard what sounded like a car door slam. A strong gust of wind rushed past me and next thing I know I could feel a presence behind me.

"Rayne," His voice was loud and clear like he was right behind me but I refused to look back. "Stop this shit just come back to the house! Where else will you go if not there?"

"I've slept on benches before." I mumbled foolishly not remembering until it was already said that him being supernatural meant super hearing.

A tight grip on my elbow led to me being swung around until I was face to face with the angry blonde. Eyes that were once a pretty green were now peering back at me with swirls of red and orange replacing the previous beauty. His mouth was turned downward in a distinctive frown.

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Nothing." I yanked out of his grip harshly. "Don't worry about where I'll go. Just be glad that I'm no longer your problem. I know Armand will be." Turning on my heels I began walking again only to be stopped a few steps away.

"A problem? Nicolas has been abandoning his priorities to be near you. He killed a man that probably would have done the same to you and overpaid your landlord just to get you out of that shitty ass apartment in exchange for a room that has everything you'll ever need. He clearly doesn't consider you a problem and his opinion in this matter is all that should matter."

"Yeah because he thinks I'm Simone! I'm not fooled by any of this bullshit because I see it for exactly what it is! Nicolas didn't see me and fall instantly in love. Hell if he feels anything at all it's not for me but for my soul! If you think for one second I am going to smile and soak up the glory of this man 'going out of his way' to do shit for me you seriously got me fucked up!"

"Like I told you before, Nicolas is attached to you for some other reason. Each and every time you open your mouth I see less and less of Simone and being that she was the love of his life I'm sure he knows that there are clear cut differences between the two of you! For one, she would be appreciative of what he's doing despite not liking it. Nicolas has an attachment to you Rayne and until it is known why or what it is you'll have to deal with him."

My frustration level has jumped unbelievably high but at the same time something inside of me is agreeing with him. I will never be able to get back to my life before all of this if I don't get to the bottom of things. "So what do you suggest I do? Just accept him controlling my life? Roll over and take everything he's handing me?"

The obvious annoyance on Roland's face faded. Deep down I know he understands where I'm coming from but his loyalty and possibly knowing more than I do about Nicolas makes him hold his ground. "Wait it out. Go along with what he wants and wait it out. The third time we went through this, her name was Gina. She was the daughter of a preacher and despite what she was raised to believe she loved Nicolas just as Simone had. After years of being with him she decided she didn't want to become what we are. Nicolas was heartbroken but he let her go off to marry another man and bare his children. He never bothered her again. The same could happen for you. If you don't return his feelings he may let you go and never bother you again."

"But," I paused thinking back to that exact moment that he told me about Simone. His tone when he expressed concern over this being the end of her life cycle was strained and contained a lot of desperation. "he said he believes this is the end. He thinks that when I died Simone is gone forever. What good will come out of waiting things out?"

Roland motioned for the truck, "It'll give me some time to figure out how to help you." While my brows fused with confusion I didn't allow that emotion to show in any of my other features. From that alone he must have picked up on it because he gave me a faint smile. "I do think you should give him a chance but I understand what you're feeling. Now come before he comes looking for us."

He started walking ahead of me at a steady pace taking in the abandoned buildings and garbage lined streets. I hesitated before following behind him not sure if I should believe a word he just said and was unable to pinpoint a good reason why he'd want to help me all of a sudden. Was it my quick slip of the tongue about my past or did he genuinely want to help? Before I could think of possible reasons my lips began moving on their own. "Why do you want to help me now?" He glanced over his shoulder at me as if he were getting irritated all over again. "I mean, you seem so loyal to Nicolas--"

"That's because I am." He interject strongly and with force that said he meant those words wholeheartedly.


"Because," Roland tapped on the small device in his hand unlocking the door as we approached it. Like before he walked around to the passenger side and opened the door for me, "he saved my life. Maybe someday I'll tell you my story after you tell me about sleeping on benches."

To that I just nodded and climbed into the truck. I waited for him to close the door behind me before I turned my gaze to the window. The whole ride I remained that way, thankful that Roland didn't say a word to me, allowing me the silence I needed to collect my thoughts about what he might have meant and if I really believe that Nicolas will let me walk away from this if I don't return the feelings. I'm not going to admit this to Roland but he's right. No matter where I go, if I actually had somewhere to go, I think Nicolas will find me. I would be best to figure out exactly what's going on and why this is happening. The idea that I am the object of someone's affection because of my soul; supposedly a long lost love's soul is absolutely ridiculous. If he has been doing this for centuries, shouldn't he know well enough by now that not every person is the same? If there is a such thing as a soul recycling, that doesn't ensure that person will have the exact same personality as before. There has to be another reason for this. There has to be.

After a very long and silent ride we made it back to the house that seemed to sit submerged in the middle of darkness. Aside from the few lights that made it through the windows and those that lined the walkway, you couldn't see a thing. For that reason I allowed Roland to get out first then followed close behind him suddenly feeling uneasy about the darkness that surrounds us. In a normal setting there would be some kind of sound but at this point there is none. No crickets and no other signs of nocturnal life. It's like the point where you know something is about to happen because everything becomes eerily silent and completely still. It feels like there are eyes on me. Watching me from somewhere in the darkness waiting for the right moment to spring forward and attack. Creepy as hell! Picking up my pace a little I slowed when I was a few short steps behind Roland, not in a hurry to face Nicolas but anxious to get out of the darkness.

He pushed open the front door motioning for me to go inside as if he were saying, 'Ladies first'. The look he gave me on my way in was sort of scolding; reminiscent of a parent telling their child to be on their best behavior. For that I rolled my eyes but took the lead. Claudia was standing there in the living room with Armand's arms wrapped tightly around her while Armand held the very same look of disdain on his face that he had before I left. Seeing me, Claudia looked worried; nervous almost. I glanced back at Roland wondering now if it was foolish on my part to believe that he'd help me out of this. When Nicolas walked in through a door I hadn't noticed my first time here, the look on everyone's faces seemed to take on that same look. Were they all worried? Should I be?

Nicolas himself showed no emotion like most of the time. His eyes met with mine as he took slow intimidating steps toward me. I was angry. All over again my initial anger from going to the apartment that I danced naked to obtain only to find that it no longer contained my things, no longer belonged to me, came rushing back in full force. The sound of his heavy boots against the marble floor added the element of fear that was sitting just below my anger but he won't see that. Only when we're toe to toe does he stop and look down at me with his brows fused together hanging over his eyes darkly.

"Leave us." The bass in his voice was so powerful that it vibrated the floor beneath my feet. I shivered involuntarily but didn't move my eyes away from his. Even as the people around us left I refused to look away. I have to hold my ground. Hands made their way to my cheeks and despite the obvious anger I saw, his touch was nothing but gentle. Suddenly his lips came down on mine forcing me into a kiss that I was in no way ready for. Gasping from shock allowed him to slip his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss as I fought against him. His tongue moved across mine slow and sensually; a huge difference from the tightness of his hold on me. My mind was telling me to keep trying to pull away from him but my heart was beating wildly against my ribs out of excitement. I'm attracted to Nicolas no doubt. Physically and sexually attracted to him but that doesn't excuse him for uprooting me the way he did and planting me where he wants me.

Relaxing against him I switched tactics, moving my lips along with his. I was quickly thrust into a whirlpool of emotions that intensified the longer we stayed connected. The part of me that wanted this was as contented a cat that caught a mouse while another part of me screamed for me to get a grip. The man caressing my lips and tongue with his ever so sweetly is the same man that took a life ruthlessly right before my eyes. I know nothing of him and by engaging in this with him, I'm saying that none of that matters. Without further hesitation I grabbed hold of his lower lip and bit down so hard that his natural reaction was to break the kiss. The look of shock on his face was priceless and to that I gave back a satisfied smirk.

"I was going to slap you but considering you had your lips on me, that bite seemed more fitting."

Of all expressions, I wasn't expecting him to smile. Pulling his bottom lip in I guess to see if I broke the skin, he approached me just as he had before with his eyes fixed on mine until his mouth was near my ear, "Well now that I know you like biting I will be sure to return the favor." A shiver run down my spine as he trailed his lips across my jaw. My stomach did a flip and I wanted nothing more than to have him act on his playful threat. I can't lie and can't deny that. Forcing myself to pull it together I shoved him as hard as I could creating some much needed distance between us but of course by him being so much bigger than me, that gesture resulted in nothing. "I had dinner arrangements for us. Imagine my surprise when I found that you were no longer here." He whispered seductively against my cheek.

Heat travels from that very point down to my center sparking a small fire that immediately caused conflict between my body and my brain. Not wanting to forget why I came back to this house I drew on the anger that I felt and initially took out on Roland using it to keep my head clear of the feeling he was creating by being near me.

"It couldn't have been anything like mine when I was told that my 'boyfriend' broke my lease and moved all of my things out without my say so." I smiled bitterly and pulled away instantly smothering that annoying flame. I wasn't expecting him to smile but he did. A very cute boyish grin that I had to turn away from in order to hold my position.

"What's wrong with that?" His voice grew louder telling me that he'd once again closed the gap between us which was confirmed by the sudden feeling of warmth radiating through my back. "I've seen rodents live in better conditions. Was I wrong to move you out of such a place? For bringing you here where you could be protected?"

"Just like I told Roland, the decision was not yours to make! Whether it was four seconds from falling beneath my feet or a roach motel, it was my place and yes you were wrong to do that! Protect from what?! I lived there for years and was doing just fine before you came along!" Pushing each word through clenched teeth it was taking everything in me not to whip around and yell those very words at him because I know if I actually did that I'd end up in a war between my brain and body again.

"Just as you were fine the night one of the club's customers followed you home? Had it not been for me he would have done more than watch you from the shadows, mi amor! That is what I'm protecting you from; predators that have endured your teasing and want the real thing."

"Like you?" Finally I faced him. "How did you know where I lived to return my bag that night? You followed me home did you not? Why did you kiss me minutes ago? Because you think I belong to you and you want the real thing as well. I watched you carefully those nights that I danced in front of you and you know what? It was on purpose! I purposely danced to lure you in like I did those others and you took just like they did! You're no different from the 'predators' that you're talking about and if you really want to protect me then you can let me go and leave me alone!"

Thick dark brows hung lowly over Nicolas' eyes the same way they did before this conversation took place. I pissed him off. Clearly I stuck a nerve with one of the truths I don't regret letting him have. The left corner of his lips twitched before a dark smile greeted me. "No Querida, I am different from them." He took a step closer to me and followed with another as he continued speaking, "I've tasted your lips, had the pleasure of feeling your body against mine, and unlike those men I've turned the tables on you." For each step taken toward me I took one back until I was pressed against the railing of the stairs. Even with his body completely molded to mine Nicolas didn't stop there. Using his height and that dark expression his face still contained, he brought his lips down until they were just a hair's breadth away from mine. "You attract them with your beauty and seduce them with the way you move but me being this close to you has the same effect. You go home and think nothing of those men but I've been on you mind since we first met, no? I could have you Rayne. I will have you. That is the difference."

Breathing in the intoxicating scent of his cologne I absently played back the words he'd just spoken and latched on to his last words, "You're right Nicolas. You may have me but you're not getting Simone."

Nicolas pulled back abruptly, his face taking on an expression I could not read. His eyes looked just as dark and dangerous as before but I have this feeling that what I just said cut him a little deep. Dragging his hand over his mouth he looked away from me briefly as if he were trying to regain his composure. When he turned his gaze back to mine he dropped his hand to his side and shoved it into his pocket.

"Dinner will be in an hour." Quickly he backpedaled a few steps then turned down the corridor that Claudia and Armand had used in their earlier retreat. Not even a full minute later she came rushing out with her hands locked together in front of her and a somber look contorting her features. Even with that she still gives off this warm presences that managed to comfort me as she places a gentle hand on my arm.

"Come. I'll show you to your room." Following her lead I took in the different paintings on the walls and tried to familiarize myself with the place. I don't plan to be here long but it would help to know where I'm going for the time being. We passed several rooms to which Claudia said nothing about as we walked toward the end of the very long hallway. This walk felt like my last, like I was a prisoner walking to my death. Coming to a stop in front of a door that had gold carvings in it I noticed another directly across from it and didn't even have to ask the question to have my assumption confirmed.

"That's Nicolas' room." She tipped her head at the door behind us. Of course it's his bedroom. He'd have it no other way would he? Place me in the room across from his so he can ensure the invisible shackles around my wrist and ankles stay in place. I'm surprised he didn't try to force me into his bed. "And this is your suite."

Pushing through the door ahead of us she moved to the side giving me a good view of the massive bedroom decorated in white and purple offset by the dark oak furniture. This one room was the size of my entire apartment with an open bathroom attached to it that also seemed to be large enough to suit an entire family of six. Moving around the room I took in the items that I used to make my former home seem more cozy and lived in, aligned with more expensive things that I've never seen before. Bottles of perfume covered in diamonds, a mirror outlined in gold, and in the far corner of the room right beside the bathroom appeared to be a walk-in closet that was filled covered from wall to wall.

Looking back at the door where Claudia stood silently I noticed a large bouquet of red roses sitting in the window sill. I heard Roland in my head telling me that if I don't return the feelings I might have a chance to walk away from this mess and at the same time I hear him saying that Nicolas has gone out of his way for 'me'. I can see that clearly. This room is proof that he has gone through great lengths to impress 'me' and I'm ashamed to admit that it's working. Deep down I feel like the 'me' he was referring to is not actually me. These things were meant for Simone; meant to make her happy and at home. Realizing that I go back to my previous thought shutting down the excitement I felt building up inside of me.

Listening to Roland I walked into a trap; committed myself prison. Nicolas' beautifully decorated expensive prison. 

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