Arranged | P.JM FF

Od KookieMonsterForTae

481K 17.3K 4.3K

"Look, you have to marry me. It won't be that bad. You're someone I used to know and you're honestly not that... Viac

- Final - 41


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Od KookieMonsterForTae

-Part 2-

  The haze that was blasting music, the aroma of food and Liz' story all came back to reality when you felt a playful nudge on your shoulder. "Hey, hey, remember the time when you were dressed up as cinderella; walking around the house in Mum's oversized heels, treading on your long dress, acting as if the living room was a ballroom. Oh my god, you were so into it!"
"Awhh" Mia chuckled.
"Well, yeah..when anyone is that age they have an imagination and usually like to play dress up. You know, at least I didn't play the evil step sister for two seconds, only to manipulate the other person" you emphasised throughout the sentence in flashback aggravation to your younger days.
"Oh yeahh." She reminisced joyfully, making you roll your eyes at the wrongly achieved reaction, "I can't believe you actually fell for that!"
"What? What did she fall for?" A girl, Anne asked. You used to go to high school with her and are still in fairly close contact with her - hence why she was here.
"I told her that until she did all my chores for a week, she couldn't go to the ball and find her prince to be. And she actually did all my chores, for a WHOLE WEEK." Your sister raved. I mean, with the way she was telling this story you would've thought she got Leonardo Di Caprios number or something.
"You told me that's how the story actually went!" You exasperated, defending yourself to not make little Y/n look like a fool.  
"You've seen the movie before, why did you believe me?" She laughed. 
"Why did you believe me" You mumbled in annoyance under your breath, rolling your eyes as she laughed once more, "I think it's worthy to mention that I was six at the time, so I would've believed just about anything. And if you were wondering, because I did all those chores for a week," you side eyed your sister, "I was able to go to the ball"
Everyone shared a humoured chuckle.

  "Oh, but there was still one problem." Liz pointed out, a sinful grin on her face. "When you cried again-"
"What? What did she cry about now?" Mia interrupted unnecessarily, a ludic smile playing on her lips.
"Now?" you repeated, eyes widening at her as she left your threatening gaze sheepishly.

  "Remember when you, Jimin, JiHyun and Mark were playing dress up outside," god I know where this stupid story is going already, "and you were Cinderella and they were your knights or something, and then you came running inside the house to me, bawling your eyes out because neither JiHyun nor Jimin wanted to be your prince, and you whined because you said you would never get to be a princess?" She said between her constant chuckles.
"I didn't cry," you corrected, folding your arms tight, "it was one tear." You snapped as if that made the fact that you were crying any less true.
"Oh, was it? Cause the way I remember it is very contradicting" she proceeded to imitate the way you cried that day, wiping her eyes constantly, hiccuping short breaths, sniffling her nose, and you had to be honest - though you didn't want to - it was very believable.
Everyone laughed, tears almost spilling out their eyes.
"Alright, alright" you gently nudged her, annoyed, but still humoured. 


  Neither Jimin not NiHyun wanted to be your prince; Jimin didn't want to be your prince.

  You thought about that sentence quite religiously after you had heard it; recollecting the old days, when you were all children. Back when every moment with little Jimin was living hell because he was plain rude and didn't know any better than to name call and push you away. 

  But as you two grew older, though some attitude still lingered in him, he quickly became a gentleman, never calling you names, and rarely pushing you away - rarely because he was closer with your brother than he was with you.
You didn't notice it back then, but he was warming up to you. However, you didn't have much care for it, because as teenagers stereotypically do, you stayed in your room, not taking any interest or liking to him but instead focusing on that popular boy band you forgot the name of now.

  You didn't think he cared about you, considering how much of a little bitch he was, and he never seemed to want to talk to you. And so you had no blatant care for him back - but that didn't mean you didn't miss him when he left.
Realistically, you didn't miss him that much - it was actually only a tad bit - but you still regretted not spending a little more time with him, or even acknowledging him when he was there. 

  "I'm going to this new school in Busan."

"Oh, really?" You lifted your head slowly from your phone to Jimin for the first time ever. 
"Yeah. My dad wants us to go to a private school now. Its gonna be way stricter , but it is pretty cool. They have a swimming pool and a huge soccer field."
"That sounds cool."
"Hm. So, that means we probably won't see each other anymore"  he said, pursing his beautifully plump lips for only a 15 year old. 
The corner of your lip quirked, almost mimicking him as you struggled to think of what to say, "I guess so" you shrugged. 
He paused, clearly struggling to keep this boring and awkward conversation going, "well, it was fun while it lasted"
You hummed in response.

  Your parents hadn't split ways, but the children did; your sister was going to university, Jimin changing school, and you two stayed separated in university, and so it was reasonable he and your underlying guilt had completely slipped your mind.
But now it's the complete antithesis; if someone had told you you were going to be this close with Jimin, you wouldn't laughed till your stomach hurt. It's amazing really, how you two are together again.
It's like your relationship was a roundabout (or a traffic circle in the US I think); you started off seeing each other almost everyday after school and during school as mere child enemies, then your cars stopped riding alongside one another as you parted ways to get on with your own life, and finishing the end of the circle, you two ended up together again. But this time, in utter and pure love.

  You wondered what would've happened to you if the circle..never finished. Or, if within that roundabout your and Jimins cars crashed, unable to figure out how to fix the predicament and continue on with this never ending circle of what was supposed to be love; not anger, frustration and regret.

  "Hey, you okay?" 

  You shook your head, surprised out of your daze there to feel a hand on your shoulder, "Yeah fine, why?"
"You looked upset." Your sister scrunched her eyebrows at you and you chuckled nonchalantly to play it off, "I did?"
"Yeah. Look, you're not mad I told them you cried when you were small" she asked, more humour laced in her voice than sympathy.
"No, no! Actually a little. But I don't really care." You shrugged.
"So then, what's up?"
"It's nothing..really"
"Cmon, you can tell me"
"No it's noth-"
"Oh, wait" she interrupted you, for some reason giddy now "can I guess cause it's not like you're gonna tell me anytime soon anyway"
You rolled your eyes, sighing at her as she jumped up and down in her chair, "go ahead"

  "Ok," She cleared her throat, as self-aggrandising as one can possibly do, resting her elbow on the table and her head in her palm, staring up at you innocently, "it's your wedding dress?"
"" You backed away a little, freaked out by her focused gaze.
"It's mum and dad" 
"No. But if it was I'd wipe that smirk off your face. You know I'm a tattletale" you gestured at her and she ignored your comment, continuing to dish out her conspiracies.
"It's the honeymoon?"
"So then.." She paused for a moment and tutted eyebrows raising "It's your fear of planes!"
"I don't have a fear of planes?" You questioned.
"You could, you never know" she muttered, shrugging as she pulled herself back up in her chair.
"Liz I think I know what I'm afraid of"
"Okayy," she pouted as if she thought that really was the answer, "maybe its your wedding vows?" She asked this time with a tinge of growing impatience and want to give up till, "Wait...maybe it's...maybe it's Jimin"
Looking you straight in the eyes like an under experienced psychologist, you couldn't help but feel intimidated by her stare, letting your guard down as your face fell with sorrow. Quickly to cover it up, you gave her a surpassed, nervous laugh, and she was able to detect your thoughts exactly.

  Her lips turned down slowly, making you panic even more, "Are you..h-having second thoughts about marrying Jimin?..." the look on her face read pure disappointment and disbelief.
You couldn't believe this was ever a sight you would see on your sister, especially if it was about your love life; I mean, you know she loves you and all, but since you haven't had common experiences with boyfriends in the past, you've never once seen this sympathetic, caring side of hers.

  "N-no!" you responded rather unnaturally, swaying your hands in denial, face scrunched you in humoured confusion so that you chuckled again, "Why-why would you even think that?"
"I saw your face Y/n" her voice was low and her expression didn't change one bit.
Knowing your sisters stubbornness and pantomath-like behaviour, you had to come up with a believable lie; you and Jimin didn't make it this far keeping your fights a secret for nothing. it time to finally tell someone? N-no. Don' least not yet.

  "Not to Jimin."
"What do you mean?"
"I had that delayed reaction to the wedding vows" You referred back to her previous theory, making it more believable.
"It's your wedding vows?"
You hummed in response as you prayed to god in your head that she really would buy it, despite the doubt she's probably hiding underneath; you could tell by the way she continued staring at you, as if figuring you out.
But she finally spoke up. 

  "Why would you be worried about that?" Thank god, "I thought the speech at the rehearsal dinner was especially moving"
To keep yourself from smiling externally and have Liz bombard you with questions because of that, you covered your mouth with your hand, pretending to scratch there. "N-No, not Jimins wedding vows. Mine."

  Though the upcoming of this was a lie to get you out of a sticky situation, there was still some truth; You had been stressing about your wedding vows the day you started writing them, and though you had thankfully finished - thankfully being a term used loosely - you were still uncertain about using them on your special day, even if you are still upset with Jimin, because you feel they don't truly show how much you love him. It's also good to mention that your panic had elevated when you heard how heartwarming Jimins speech was, especially considering that it was spontaneous, and true from his heart.

  "Oh. Do you need any help?"
"More than anything" You indirectly begged. 
"Well, what specifically do you need help with?"
"I don't know..I guess, I want to show my appreciation and love for Jimin in words..I just don't know how. It's so hard" You whined, throwing yourself back in your chair, crossing your arms like a five year old. 

  "Well, did you include an anecdote?" your sister looked at you with a 'duh' expression on her face.  
"Of course I did! I even explained how it made me realise the amazing man he is now. I just need help on.." You sat forward now, coming to a great epiphany on what exactly you need to add " sentence. That one sentence you add to the end." You held up one finger, gesturing with your hands now for emphasis - a common habit of yours. "The few words that'll make everyone cry in the audience, and will be able to express clearly what I feel for Jimin without question."
She smiled softly at you, "That's so sweet."
Letting out a sigh you returned back to your slump, "It's not sweet if I can't think of anything to say"
"Hey, no need to beat yourself up over this. Everybody needs help, and wedding vows aren't supposed to be that simple anyway." The corner of your lips turned up, comforted. "Maybe I'll spark something inside you. And you can alter the sentence to your own desire, hm?"
"Yeah, you're right"

  "So, what should I say?"
"Ok," She placed her finger on her chin, looking up at the ceiling as if ideas grew there. You waited patiently for an answer. "what about- mh no, too cliche. this is hard" She almost questioned you and you suited your eyes at her. 
"Cmon you took English as a major"
Her face fell with calm admonishment, "so what, I'm supposed to just dish out wedding vows?- Oh!" The light in your eyes suddenly brightened as you jittered forward to hear what she's come up with, "How about; I know what love is now, and it's because of you" She gleamed, hereditary dimples popping out. 

"MeH?!" She repeated in a gasp.
"I've already added something like that in there. I want something about fighting
"Fighting? hm...okay." There was another minutes silence where you tried to think of something to say - and was also grateful she hadn't asked why you chose that theme. "How about..ooh this is a good one, you're gonna love this, you really should use-"
"Liz, you're killing me"
She surpassed her ramble, and held up her hands for dramatic effect, "relationships are hard. They include jealousy, tears, yelling, disagreements. But a real relationship fights through that with love, which is why I know I'll be with you forever, Jimin.'"


  "Yeah?" Her ego-filled smile grew on her face, and she hit excitedly away at your knee, "Quick write it down!"
She snatched your phone, going into your notes to write down the beautiful short sentence she just recited as your eyes travelled down to the table, your mind processing your thoughts. 

  "I need to apologise..." you muttered under your breath unintentionally, too lost in this heightening moment that has finally changed your mindset. 

  "I need to apologise to Jimin" you said a little louder, looking at your concerned sister now. 
"What do you mean apologise? What happened?" 
Biting your lip, you sighed, "I, nor Jimin had told anyone about this, but we had a huge fight. Or, actually, fights."
"Really? What about?" She leaned closer to you, switching off your phone subconsciously. 
"The first one was stupid, honestly. After an incident at the workplace - which actually was my fault, though I didn't want to admit it - we ended just insulting each other. Then, only 2 days ago did Jimin get drunk and pretend to apologise to me, then say he was only kidding; that it was all a joke and I should be the one apologising."
"What? How cruel" she scrunched her face in distaste. 
"No, you don't get it. He said sorry to me the next day at the rehearsal dinner as many times as he could till I snapped at him. I wanted to forgive him that day, but I felt like I couldn't. But now I realise just how stupid this all is. Our wedding day is the day after tomorrow. We should be together, smiling and laughing" You recalled all the heartfelt and fun times you've had together in that moment, "not distant and angry at one another.."
"Well, what the heck are you waiting for? Go, woman!"

  You chuckled taking your phone which Liz was already holding out for you and headed out of the bar to where you needed to be most right now. 


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