How It All Started

By foreverandalways_3

262K 6.9K 342

Alex has found the perfect job for going through university, being a Nanny for a wealthy family who really en... More

Chapter 1- The Meeting
Chapter 2- The First Day
Chapter 3- The Fireworks
Chapter 4- The Explanation
Chapter 5- The Drive
Chapter 6- The Scare
Chapter 7- The Good Luck Charm
Chapter 8- The Surprise
Chapter 9- The Walk
Chapter 10- The Hospital
Chapter 11- The Cabin
Chapter 12- The First Date
Chapter 13- The New Unfound News
Chapter 14- The Dream
Chapter 15- The Fair
Chapter 16- The Dinner
Chapter 17- The Dress
Chapter 18- The Wedding (Part 1)
Chapter 19- The Wedding (Part 2)
Chapter 20- The Goodbye's
Chapter 21- The Unexpected Arrival
Chapter 22- The Visitors
Chapter 23- The Mall
Chapter 24- The Family Reunion
Chapter 25- The Difficult Goodbye
Chapter 26- The Late Night Conversation
Chapter 27- The Hot Air of Arizona
Chapter 28- The Games
Chapter 29- The Sports Interview
Chapter 30- The Fight
Chapter 31- The Failure
Chapter 32- The Next Touch Down In Italy
Chapter 33- The Unexpected Deep Talk
Chapter 34- The Final Goodbye
Chapter 35- The Not So Out Of The Ordinary Things
Chapter 37- The Presents
Chapter 38- The New Year's Eve Party
Chapter 39- The Big Surpirse
Thank You All!!
My Newest Story

Chapter 36- The Christmas Spirit

5.7K 133 14
By foreverandalways_3

Chapter 36

Stirring the tortellini once more before placing the lid on the pot of boiling water again. I lean against the counter as I see my small kitten Liam round the corner.

Bending down to swipe him into my arm, he quickly cuddles into my shouldered purring loudly. "I'll get you so food while we're eating, how does that sound?"

"Alex, you really need to stop talking to the cat, he probably thinks your crazy," Shane explains while standing in the doorway of the kitchen shaking his head.

"He loves me," I set my tiny cat down, turning to pour the boiling water over the tortellini into the strainer.

"I love you," his words are whispered close to my ear, his hot breath fanning my skin from my neck to my shoulder. "And be careful Sweet Cheeks, that is super hot," he kisses below my ear before getting out bowls.

"I love you too," I turn to look at him, he's standing mere inches away from me holding out bowls waiting for his noodles to be placed for him. "So needy," I giggle, giving him the pasta.

After distributing the pasta we go to the couch and sit the usual way. My back leaning against the arm of the couch and my legs draped over Shane's lap, while he sits normally. His bowl resting on my lower thighs as he eats, I change the channel multiple times before deciding that nothing interesting was on so I give the remote to him.

"Do you just want to find a movie on Netflix?" He asked me, nodding as I take a noodle in my mouth. Over the past month things have been great. Tomorrow Jared is coming back to Toronto for the first time in a while. I was surprised when Shane asked me if I wanted to go over to his parent's house for a bit for dinner and to hang out. Apparently, him and his father have been talking more.

"Let's watch this," Shane shakes me from my thoughts as my eyes move from my bowl to the television screen. On the screen, I see that one of my favorite movies about to play. The Heat.

"Yes! I'm excited now," I giggle as I finish my pasta and place the dish on the coffee table. As the movie commences I can barely pay attention to it. I am finally finished my second last semester of university.

Another thing to be excited about is that Christmas is less than twelve days away. Looking over at Shane, his eyes trained on what is happening in the movie. "When are we going to put up a Christmas tree?" I asked resting my head on his shoulder.

"Tomorrow?" Shane suggests putting his bowl on top of mine, he places his arm around my shoulders resuming the same position.

"I work until seven,"

"Oh right, that stupid job I told you not to get," he chuckles, I got the job at Joey's and I have to say being a waitress is stressful, though I've made some awesome friends.

"Shut up," I giggle lightly hitting his chest, once my hand retracts from his chest his finger entwine with my own. "I think Chelsea and Marcus should come over and help too,"

"Really?" His over-exaggerated sigh makes me roll my eyes.

"Yes! Oh! And we have to go out and get a tree and decorations, because the things I used to use were Shanelle's," I explain. He just nods along and begins to laugh along with the movie. Melissa McCarthy is pouring nuts on this old man in a bar while telling him over and over that he is 'covered in nuts' and that he is ''having a bad dream.' That is probably one of my favorite parts of the movie.

"Okay," he looks over at me, eyes still sparkling from the laughing fit he just finished. "What time do you start work tomorrow then?"

"I start at eleven," I smile as Liam jumps up cuddles into my lap as Shane pets him.

"Okay, it's only seven now, do you want to go out and get a tree and decorations?"

"Sure, just let me go get some different clothes on," I quickly try and get up before getting pulled down again.

"I love you, Alexandra," Shane mumbles against my lips before he kisses me.

"You aren't allowed to called me that," I scold him before grabbing the bowls and heading into the kitchen. After putting the bowls in the dishwasher, literally my life saver, I turn to run upstairs, though I get stopped by Shane again.

"I can call you what I want Sweet Cheeks," he laughs at my expression as he fills up a cup of water before drinking it while I turn to continue going up the stairs he gives my bum a little slap. This is something that is becoming much more common. Rolling my eyes I run up the stairs and put on leggings and my U of T sweater on. Not exactly my most presentable thing to wear, though I couldn't care less, it's better than the sweatpants I was wearing all day.

Coming down the stairs, Shane is at the bottom leaning against the railing looking at his phone. Once I get close enough he looks up and smiles. "Are you going to grab a jacket? It is very bitter out there," he warns me as he wraps his scarf around his neck and puts his nice coat on.

"No we won't be outside for very long," I shrug pulling on my ugg boots. 

"Alright, I warned you, if you freeze you can't blame me," he laughs as he guides me out the door before locking it. We make our way to the elevator. "You want a real tree right?" Nodding he explains that we should take his truck so mine doesn't get all dirty. Agreeing we go out into the bitter cold weather. Once Shane unlocks the doors I'm in and ready to turn the heat on.

"Do you want your seat warmer on?" I ask him as he pulls out of his parking spot, he quietly nods. His hand lands on my thigh as we drive to the nearby Walmart. My eyes widen as I see how many cars are parked in the parking lot. It looks as if it is nearly full, though the way people are moving about throughout explains that there are always people coming and going. Once we find a spot, which ends up being closer to the back, I brace myself for the walk into the building. Exiting along with Shane his arm automatically wraps around my body pulling me to his side, as his hand moves up and down my outside are trying to keep me warm.

Once we get inside Shane's small giggle his heard when my sigh of relief comes as we enter the building. Insisting that we get a cart I begin to push it as he leads me to the Christmas stuff.

"What color lights should we get? Colourful? White? Blue?" I ask as we approach the many different types and colors of lights.

"Honestly I kind of want white because I don't think you can ever get sick of looking at them," agreeing we put the plain white lights in the cart, before proceeding to the decorations for the tree, The different designs on the Christmas balls are very intriguing and I had a hard time focusing letting Shane show me his favourites before deciding to just get them. As we walk down the different isles Shane decides to throw a couple of different decorations for around the house which include a house where you push a button and it begins to play I Wish You a Merry Christmas while the lights on the house make different patterns to go along with the song playing. Also, some mistletoe, once he saw it I'm pretty sure there was no way of getting him to put it back. Luckily we didn't forget to find a nice stand for the tree.

"Now should we put a star or an angel?" Shane asks stopping in front of their displays of the different options they had. "Look at that star! You must plug it into the lights on the tree and it lights up and makes it more sparkly!" His enthusiasm makes me chuckle to myself, as he picks up the star. "We're getting this one," I laugh pushing the cart towards the checkout. Of course, once it was time to pay Shane wouldn't let me give a penny.

Getting closer to the door I dig in Shane's pockets for the keys once I find them, I quickly make my way across the parking lot and open the truck while starting it. Turning the heat and seat warms back on. Shane puts all our bags in the back before he hops in the driver's seat and begins to go to find a place to get a tree.

"Mom always made Dad get a real tree," Shane laughs to himself, "I feel like you're going to be like that," his hand as always is present on my thigh. The way he talks, he says that he wants us to be together for a long time and it makes me feel so reassured that he loves me, just as much as I love him. I really hope he does, because I'm dug deep into this relationship.

"I like real trees, it makes it feel more like Christmas, you know?" I giggle to myself as he rolls his eyes.

"I guess, but they make such a big mess," he makes a good point though he wouldn't be the one cleaning it anyway. Before I know it we are parked in front of a green wired fence that has a sign saying that there are Christmas trees available. Going through the opening of the gate an old man stumbles from the trailer provided to keep him warm while waiting for customers. As he approaches us, Shane's arm is already around my waist attempting to keep me warm.

"Hey there young lovers looking for a tree?" He smiles widely as he stops in front of us.

"Yeah, just a small one though," I explain while trying not to shiver.

"I see, well have a look around if you see one you want just come find me, or take it out of the stand and come find me, either works," smiling he leaves us standing there in the cold weather as he enters back into his trailer.

"Look at that one I think it's perfect!" Shane points out probably one of the biggest trees in the lot.

Looking up at him I give him a crazy look, "it's too big," I complain.

"I know baby, but I can't do anything about that, you're just really small," my eyes widen at the fact that he just made a complete dirty joke in public where anyone could hear.

"That is not what I meant," my face must have turned even redder because he chuckles and kisses my forehead. "Hurry up and pick one, I want to get home,"

"Pretty eager are we?" My jaw drops in shock. What has gotten into him! He never says these kinds of things. "I'm joking Sweet Cheeks," he laughs as he pulls me along. I observe the evergreen trees. Some tall, some short, some really round, some uneven on the sides, but when I find this tree at almost the very back of the lot I point at it quickly.

"I like that one," I look up into my boyfriend's eyes as he scans the tree. I think it's perfect. It's just about as tall as Shane, wide but not too wide, it'll fit through the doorway.

"I like this one too," he smiles down at me. "You know I wasn't even looking at any of the trees?" My eyes scrunched in confusion.

"What were you looking at then?"

"Just this girl," my eyes once again widen in complete shock at his words, looking up at him he rolls his eyes.

"Well, it better have been me," I stand on my toe and kiss just under his jawline as he looks at the tree. His smile is prominent.

"Let's get this one and get home," he picks the tree up and I lead him out.

"Is it heavy?" I ask looking behind me to see Shane carrying an evergreen tree as if it was nothing.

"No," he says nonchalantly. The old man comes out of his trailer smiling.

"You found one!" He looks at the tag on the tree, "That will be thirty dollars,"

"Okay, Alex can you get my wallet out of back pocket?" He asks still holding the tree with both arms.

"I got this one Honey," Shane's eyes are the ones that widen this time as I reach into my own pocket in my sweater to grab my wallet. Handing the man exactly thirty dollars he smiles.

"Thank you, sweetheart, Merry Christmas to the both of you, and happy new year!" With that, he walks back to his small trailer. As the door slams, Shane turns to me.

"I can't believe you just did that! I wanted to do this for us," he whines as I open the tailgate to his truck. He shoves the tree in leaving a trail of needles along the way.

"I wanted to help, you buy everything," I stare up at him, his blue eye captivating my own. I try to ignore the cold air the is surrounding my body.

"I just want to make you happy," His voice leaves him sounds almost insecure about what just happened.

"You do! You always make me happy Shane, you don't have to worry about that. You don't have to buy me everything in the world, I just want to be with you," he quietly embraces me into a tight hug before letting me go and muttering something along the lines of 'you're freezing let's get out of here.'

Once we get home we figure out that we should have left the tree in the truck until we had the stand set up for it. Considering now Shane is now standing in the living room, holding the tree and I try and get the Christmas tree stand out this cardboard box that is very duck taped together. Running with the box into the kitchen to grab a knife to open it. I stay in the kitchen and open it without being scolded by Shane for holding a knife so dangerously. Coming back into the living room with the stand and no cardboard box along with it. He smiles as I set it down in front of the balcony doors. I don't go out there in the winter anyway.

Getting the tree into the stand was the tricky part considering Shane was holding the top and I was beneath it trying to guide it into the place where it sits. He said it wasn't heavy though when I try and move it into the hole I can barely hold it. "Just hold it up," I tell him he lifts it slightly allowing me to move it where it needs to be. "Okay put it down," he slowly lowers it into the stand I tighten the screws so it doesn't move. "We'll have to adjust it,"

"Yeah you tell me when it's straight," he helps me off the floor just for him to get under the tree. I back up from the tree standing a distance away.

"Okay more to the left," I stand on the first step of the stairs looking at the perfect tree that is now placed in my living room. Watching as Shane somehow slowly shifts the tree to the left. "Okay that's good, now I think it's leaning too much towards the window, could you move it forward so it's standing up straighter?"

"Yeah," he agrees, doing the same thing as before the tree slowly shifts just a tad. "Is that good?"

"Perfect! Come look at it!" I clap so excited that we have our Christmas tree up and ready to decorate. Shane slowly gets up and comes to stand beside me, though he doesn't come on the stair that I'm standing he just stays on the hardwood floor. Looking at him as he inspects it, his eyes are glowing with delight and happiness.

"I love it already!" He turns to stand right in front of me. His arms coming around slowly to wrap around my body hugging me close. My arms quickly wrapping around his neck his warm body feels great against mine. "You know this is everything I ever dreamed of right?"

"Really?" I ask as my face cuddles into his neck.

"Yeah, you're everything and more that I could have ever wanted. I didn't think something like this would ever happen, at least not for a while," he kisses the side of my head before continuing. "Then all of a sudden you walked through my door and everything changed so quickly," his arms become tighter and tighter with every word he spoke. "You changed me, Alex," he says so near to my ear, goosebumps appear.

"I love you with all my heart," I lean back to look it's his big blue eyes. It looks like he's trying to hide his smile, though once mine becomes so wide his breaks through making his eyes crinkle at the sides and his white teeth so perfect.

"I love you so much Sweet Cheeks," he pecks my lips quickly.

"Did you call your mom to ask for Chelsea and Marcus to come over yet?"

"No, not yet, can you do it? All she does is ask me if I've gotten your Christmas presents yet and it's driving me crazy," he laughs, I nod. Oh my gosh, I still have to get everyone presents.

"Yeah I'll call her now," I let my arms fall from his neck, and he lets me go as he walks over to the couch to unlock his phone. Going over to the house phone, I enter Shane's mother's house number. As I listen to it ring I look over at Shane. He seems fairly concentrated at what he's doing on his phone.

"Hello, darling!" Belle's happy voice comes through the phone.

"Hi Belle, how are you?"

"I'm doing pretty good, how are you?" It sounds like she just shut the door to somewhere.

"I'm alright," I add a little chuckle to make sure she believes me. The last time I talked to her she gave me a speech on how life is too short to be sad about something you cannot change. Which is true, she wants me to be happy with her son and I really am. This family brings so much happiness to my life.

"Well, that's good darling,"

"Yeah, Shane and I were wondering if the kids were busy tomorrow night?"

"No, no, they are never too busy for you two! What are you guys doing?" Good thing tomorrow night is a Friday they can stay over.

"We just got a Christmas tree tonight, could they come over and decorate it with us?"

"They would love to!" I smile sitting on the couch next Shane. "Marcus, do you want to go over to Alex and Shane's to decorate for Christmas?" She asks the young boy. His words come through the phone loud and clear with a yes. Giggling to myself, I look over at Shane and he is laughing to himself obviously hearing the loud answer from Marcus.

"Okay, well I work until seven, so I think Shane said that he was going to pick me up and then we'll head over to pick up the two of them," I explain the plan and she quickly compiles and says that they are very excited.

"Are they staying over then? I can pick them up?"

"I was thinking for them to just stay over? We can drop them off the next day, or you can pick them up, whatever is easier for you," Shane wraps his arm around my shoulder as I continue to talk to his mother about tomorrow.

"So what are you two doing for Christmas?" Belle asks.

"I don't really know," I laugh. Christmas is laterally under two weeks away and I have no idea what is going on.

"We'll Christmas eve it's just going to us here, we'll be going to church and that's about it. But Christmas day some family is coming over and we'll have a big dinner then," she fills me in on the plans for those two important days.

"Yeah, we'll for sure figure something out then!" I involuntarily yawn. Looking at the clock to see it is only eight o'clock.

"Okay we'll talk more tomorrow, I love you guys, see you tomorrow," I can almost feel her smiling through the phone.

"We love you too, goodnight Belle," I smile as I hang up the phone.

"I forgot that we actually had to be with people on Christmas," Shane chuckles as he begins the movie we didn't finish before.

"Where else are we going to go other than your parent's house?" I question laughing at the small statement I made about how we practically have a small limited about of friends. "Christmas is a time to be with family anyway,"

"I know baby," he adjusts himself so his legs are over my lap, much like how we were before we left to go get Christmas stuff. "Do you just want to go there then? They always go to church,"

"I know your mom told me, we'll just come back here that night and then go back over to your parents," I suggest. He nods slowly.

"I don't want to stay there all night for Christmas Eve, so don't let her try and change your mind into convincing me to stay there because we both know she'll try," I giggle at him and how well we both know his mother.

"Okay, okay I won't," I shrug his legs off me just so I can lay down next to him. "Then Christmas morning we can go over early to your moms so I can help her,"

"Are you one of those people who want to get up super early to open presents?"

"Well yeah," I give him a funny look which makes him just laugh plainly at me. "Or maybe we could put all the presents under your parent's tree on Christmas eve so then we can go there extra early to open presents with all of them,"

"Whatever you want Sweet Cheeks," he kisses my cheek.


Walking out of the restaurant that I now work at I search for either one of our cars. When is see his big truck parked just a couple cars down from the door I make my way over to the passenger's seat. I get in the truck and look over at him. His hands are still taped probably from practice.

"Hey, baby,"

"Hey," I sigh locking my seat belt and setting my purse in the back seat. "How was practice?"

"Difficult," he mumbles before backing out. No kiss? What's wrong? Whenever he picks me up from work he always kisses me.

"What's wrong?" I ask quietly looking down at my nails as I pick them, could for sure use a manicure.

"Nothing? Why do you ask?" His voice is quiet and almost seems annoyed.

"Because, you're never like this," I tell him, this time looking right at him. "You never have tape on your hands when you come pick me up, what happened?" I ask again this time we're stopped at a light.

"Nothing okay? Would you stop prying at it!" His voice is annoyed for sure this time.

"Okay, never mind I guess it doesn't matter," I come back my voice just as annoyed. Our eye contact never leaves.

"Don't look at me like that," he breaks away first, looking down at his lap shaking his head.

"Like what?" My voice still clipped.

"With your big god damn green eyes, just stop," when his head looks up his eyes are still closed. "I'm just really tired, I'm sorry," he looks over at me once again before noticing that the light turns green. I decide not to comment on anything he just said. Sure he's tired, still not a reason to flip out on me. "They just keep pushing things too hard, they comment on you all the time and it makes me mad because they have no reason to,"

"Why do they do that?" I ask as we pull on to the freeway.

"Because they think it'll make me work harder when in reality it just makes me what to punch them in the face," his hand that is now rested on the armrest beside me, I take in my own.

"Don't get aggravated by them," I squeeze my hands in reassurance, watching him carefully as he watches the road with such precision. With the new snowfall that just happened the other night, the roads can be very icy in spots.

"It's the things they say, it's not okay," the way his voice strains I know he's really stressed about this.

"It'll be okay,"

"But it's not,"

"But it will be, so it will be okay soon enough," I reply quickly. He nods.

Before I know it, we're parked in front of his childhood house.

Leaning over he kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry for getting angry at you over that you don't deserve that,"

"It's alright," I smile quickly kissing his lips, before undoing my seat belt and jumping out of the large truck. He quickly meets me at the beginning of the sidewalk up to the front door. He just freely opens the door.

"Alex!" The two children yell as I enter the house.

"I see who's the favorite," Shane mutters from behind me, I let out a small giggle before taking them both into hugs.

"How are you two?" I ask still partially giving them a hug.

"I'm good, I missed you!" Marcus says smiling at me with his big blue eyes. Chelsea nodding along agreeing. "I missed you too Shane," Marcus looks up at Shane as he walks past. Shane stops in his tracks and turns around.

"I missed you too buddy," Marcus gets up from my hug and goes over to Shane. As Shane bends he picks him up and holds him giving him a big hug.

"Are you excited for Christmas?" I ask getting up from the floor.

Chelsea nods furiously. "I can't wait!"

"Well guess what?" I smile down at her, she responds with a what? "You're going to have to wait!" I giggle at her expression.

"I thought you were going to tell me that I could open them," she laughs along with me. As we pass the living I see a large Christmas tree decorated with many gifts under it already.

"Hello!!" I'm greeted by two different voices followed by a tight hug.

"Hello, hello!" I smile wide as Belle pulls away from the hug. "I didn't know you were going to be back already! Nice to see you," I walk over and give Shane's father a quick hug before pulling away.

"Me neither!" Belle's voice giggles from across the room. "He knocked at the front door,"

"Daddy surprised us!" Chelsea rounds the island in the middle of the kitchen and hugs her father.

"That's great," I smile, looking over at Shane as he looks at the embrace Chelsea and his father are in. The way he seems to be looking off into space makes me wonder if he ever wanted a relationship like that when he was small like his siblings are now.

"So are you guys going to decorate tonight?" Belle asks as she stands near the fridge next to Marcus.

"Yeah that's the plan, right?" I look up at Shane to see him nodding.

"I think we better get going then," everyone files into the area of the door.

Bending out and pulling on my heals that make me gladly another three inches taller. Though working all day in them makes things a little bit more uncomfortable.

"Oh yeah! I put Marcus' booster seat for the car on the stairs right there," Belle points to behind me, but before I could grab it Shane's hand has already wrapped it around one of the armrests picking it up.

"I've got it," he smiles down at me making me grin,

"Okay well we'll see you all tomorrow," Jared waves as I shut the door behind me, Belle is smiling right in front of him as his arms wrap around her she waves before I turn around walking beside Chelsea.

"I'm excited to see your tree," Chelsea tells me as we walk towards Shane's large truck.

"I picked it out,"

"Oh well it'll be good then, I was scared Shane did," she giggles as I open the door. Looking at the other side of the seat Shane is picking up Marcus and attempting to buckle him in. My feet are pretty cold considering the amount of snow that is around.

"Why wouldn't be good if Shane picked it," I laugh with her.

"Because he likes to choose weird things, except you, he made a good decision about you," make smile becomes wider with her words.

"Alex? I can figure this out," I giggle as Shane is standing there with his arms crossed looking at me. Though I can barely see him from looking over Chelsea and the fact that this truck is way to high.

Shutting Chelsea's door after making sure she was in safely I walk around on to the road where Shane is standing with the back door open. Stepping up on the step that is on the side of the truck, "can you please make sure I don't fall this thing is slippery." Shane's hand immediately set on my waist with a firm but soft grip.

After putting the straps in the right place, I buckle the seat belt in, "all done." Shane suddenly lifts me off the step of the truck to lightly set me down, luckily where there was no snow. The door closes and Shane's lips meet mine in a hurry.

"I love you,"

"I love you too," I smile before a shiver takes over my body. "Can I get in the truck now? Or are you going to kiss me again and make me freeze," he laughs loudly before opening his door. Shane starts the engine right as I'm passing the front of the truck. As I get in and shut the door of the truck, laughter erupts from everyone except me. "What's so funny?"

"You looked so scared," Chelsea is the first one to stop from laughing telling me the problem before she starts to laugh again.

"Oh, you're all mean," I giggle to myself as Shane begins to drive away from his parent's house still laughing.

"Do you want to order the pizza now so we don't have to wait too long when we get home?" Shane asks me as we pull onto the freeway, placing his hand on my thigh.

"Yeah, I'll do it now,"

Once I find the right pizza place number and call them we are nearly home. Also after some questioning from Marcus on what the tree might look like he seemed content with our choices of decorations. Getting to the right floor and exiting the elevator we make our way through the hallway towards the end I begin to realize that we dropped quite a few of pine needles from our choice of a real Christmas.

Opening the door and letting the kids put their stuff in Shanelle's old room we all meet in the living room. "We start with the lights first right?" Shane questions. Looking down at his two siblings their eyes look up at him with weird looks.

"Shane, you're old and you just asked us that?" Chelsea laughs at him and his eyes widen with disbelief at her sass.

"Okay I get it the lights go on first," he laughs walking over to the home phone that is now ringing. "Yeah that's the number," he says into the phone. I walk over to the bags where we left all the decorations. Setting all the decorations out on the couch, I hear Shane open the door and get the pizza. "Sweet Cheeks come eat," rolling my eyes as I approach him.

"After we eat does everyone want to change into pj's?" I suggest as we all sit at the table. Shane and I with pizza and the two kids with some chocolate milk.

"Yes please," Marcus says as he takes a drink of out the large mug. His hands are so small along with his whole body that the glass looks like it's about to take over his whole body.

"Well how about while we eat you two take turns to go get comfy clothes on?" Shane suggests as he takes another bite of pizza, halfway done his second slice.

"I'll go first," Chelsea jumps off her chair and runs up the stairs as fast as she can disappearing into the room.


Finally finished putting on the Christmas lights which was quite the task when two children what to do the same job. Though now that, that is done we can finally start putting on the ornaments.

"Can I put one up high?" Marcus asks me, nodding I pick him letting him place a gold round ball on the Christmas tree.

"There you go," I set him back down on the floor letting out a large breath. He was definitely getting bigger. Rounding the tree again I grab another weirdly shaped decoration that I place on the Christmas tree.

"Alex all of the decorations are gone!" Chelsea tells me as she sits on the couch. "And personally I think the tree looks great," nodding as I look at the tree from the distance as the lights light up all around it, it really does look great.

"Wait we have to put the star on!" Marcus says holding up the special star that Shane 'specially' picked out for us. "Who's going to put it on?"

"I think Alex should put it on," Shane suggests from the far end of the couch.

"No I can't reach it, let Chelsea or Marcus do it,"

"He can lift you like you lifted me," Marcus suggests as he jumps on to the couch smiling. Why would he say that? Goodness, here we go. 

"Good idea Marcus," Shane quickly stands up and wastes no time in demonstrating how easy it is to pick me up.

"Wait then! Let me grab the star," I giggle as he puts me down, Marcus passes me the star with a widening smile.

"Ready Sweet Cheeks?" I turn so my back is facing him, his strong arm wrapped tightly around my low waist, wasting no time to lift me in the air forcing me to be as tall as the tree. Grabbing the plug and plugging in the necessary needs the star lights up with white lights and as I put it on the very top stem Shane slowly lowers me. As soon as my feet touch the ground Shane swiftly twists me around and kisses me softly.

"Gross! Stop it!" Chelsea yells from not too far away. Letting go I look at the clock and see that it is nearly midnight and I can see in Marcus' eyes that he is very exhausted.

"Okay doesn't everyone think that it is time for bed?" I turn my back to Shane again just so I can lean on him. My legs are very tired and prefer not to stand right now.

"I'm tired, except I love this song," Chelsea says from the couch. As I tune into the music that is playing in the background I recognize the song as 'Santa Clause Is Coming To Town.'

"Okay after this song," I give in smiling. As we dance around the living room for another five minutes I realize the way things worked out is really not always a bad thing. I've gotten many good things out of my life, and I have to say the way it has been working out has been great. I love all the people around me, and even though my mother has been gone for over six weeks now, I realize that not all good things stay and that is the way you always have to cherish in the moment.

Once we all get settled in bed Shane does he usual and jumps over me before landing right beside me just for us both to snuggle really slow.

"I love you, Alex,"

"I love you more," he laughs at that and lifts himself on to one elbow.

"No you don't Sweet Cheeks." He laughs kissing the corner of my mouth.



Hello everyone!!! I've missed you and to see all the support I've gotten lately is so amazing. I love you all. I literally looked at my profile and it said that How It All Started got to #217 on teen fiction. And I know you're probably like well that's not very good, but honestly to me, that's incredible because I remember having 3 reads and I was like OMG SOMEONE IS READING IT. hahaha.

Anyway! Thank you all for who vote and leave comments, honestly, I love it. It makes me so happy to see people enjoying this. And I know its been f o r e v e r since I updated but you have to understand that I have a life outside of this and school is honestly more important than updating this. Although this seems a lot better than some shitty homework. Aha

Once again thanks for voting! Please continue! Leave comments on what you think!

Comment how you found my book? Why not I want to see how people actually find this thing.


Oh and by the way... Sorry, this is about Christmas ahahahahahhahahahaha sorry not sorry.

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