Oleh lukeknightingale

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A boy died and transfer to another world. Good news it wasn't truck-san fault. Bad news it was the god. *I do... Lebih Banyak



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Oleh lukeknightingale

Luke's POV

With Mariel leading where we most likely can a dragon, we dash to the outside of the city.

"where do you get this information?" (Luke)

"from the church, it is a secret information where the high status people in the city and the guild masters only know. We obtain this after the king ordered scouting mission to the Assassin's guild" (Mariel)

Mariel look at me seriously while we sprinting.

"they found out that there is a dragon that recently moved on there 40 kilometers from the city. It is not just dragon. It was an [ETERNAL BLACK DRAGON]." (Mariel)

"is it strong?" (Luke)

"yes it is, dragon race are second powerful to the demon king or even greater. That is why, even they are monsters, they can live for eternity. Those dragons who live 1000 years, they holding the name [ETERNAL]." (Mariel)

" I remember that you have [Dragon Slayer] title, can you kill this [Eternal BLACK DRAGON]?" (Luke)

"master I received that when I killed 4 wyverns which classified as a dragon. They came from the same race. You can not let you guard down. It gives me hard time to kill them even it just a low class." (Mariel)

As we pass through out several monsters, we ignored them and I continue our conversation.

"does that mean a wyvern can become stronger?" (Luke)

"yes, by evolving. For example a wyvern and a behemoth. The wyvern evolve into more powerful type of dragon. It can defeat the behemoth which considered as B rank. Because of their immortality some dragon evolve then evolve to become more powerful than the others. The longer they live, the stronger they get" (Mariel)

"and those who live more than a century gain the name [ETERNAL] how do they evolve? By eating?" (Luke)

"by defeating monsters, they accumulate experience points. The reason why they are only few is that their mortality rate is so high when they still in the egg. Only few of the hundred eggs of a dragon are born and develop alive. The other who weak to survive are going to die and their experience points will be absorb by the other baby dragon" (Mariel)

"'survival of the fittest' only strong can survive huh, the world they live in since they born is a harsh one" (Luke)

"they slaughter everyone even their own kind to stand above the others, they are the true monsters" (Mariel)

I did not take opinion of what she said, part of me is agreeing with her and the rest is sympathy.

Their surroundings decide which will die and which will live. It didn't gave them chances to live.

Even the reality works that way.

The words of my grandfather resounded into my head.

"Equality doesn't exist. When people realized it, they try to stand above and ignoring whose lower, because they thought they are better than them, but the truth is they are more miserable.

They label the others who lower than them to hide that fault.

Even they have everything that others do not have. They felt something missing inside.

They know that they can not achieve what they want until they accept it that fact.

So if you ever met someone like that, do not hate them instead help them find what they want"

It's not their fault to be born like that , what I can't stomach is that they looking down on others.

Sometimes I pity them.

A remembered memories of my former life, about my friend Teppei.


Kuro's POV

*beep* *beep* *beep*

My alarm clock wakes me up as I trying to reach to stop it with my hand.

"mmmmmm~ good morning to me." (Kuro)

The first person who wakes up early is me.

I prepare our breakfast and wake them up.

But this day is different, because it is my first day in my high school. I need to go to school to find my classroom and check my schedule.

After I eat my breakfast I quickly walk to the door.

"good luck" (shirogane yuri)

"thanks mom" (Kuro)

"if someone bullied you in your first day just tell me" (second daughter shirogane Akari)

"yeah got it" (Kuro)

"and if some girl talk to you ignored them and if they try hit on you tell us" (eldest daughter shirogane ichika)

"I think that's impossible, ok bye" (Kuro)

I exit my house and jog to the nearest station.

The school is slightly far way from my house. I take train to go to the school and because it's the start of school year I expected that many students will there already.

"hmm? Did I go too early?" (Kuro)

I wondering as I board. There are few students and working adults.

After 30 minutes the train stop at the third station. From there I walk another 30 minutes to get to the school.

Now then where is it...........ah I found it.

I also found my friend, Teppei Yamamoto, classroom.

Looks like we're not classmates this time.

When i walked to the hallway that lead to my classroom, some students are having conversations with their friends, mostly females.

Some are laughing and the rest are crying, maybe because the school put them into different class.

Like the three female group I just passed. Two of them trying to cheer up their one friend probably the only one who got separated from them.

'hang in there' as I cheer her up in my mind.

I enter and sat to the nearest chair beside the window.

20 minutes before the class started, our classroom are getting noisy since my classmates are gradually arriving.

When I check my bag to get something, i noticed the surroundings became rowdy, especially outside and some of my soon-to-be classmates move to the windows.

Looks like he finally show up.

I didn't need look to the window to know what is happening.

I'm pretty sure that is Teppei.

I put back my bag when I get my earphone and put it into my ears.

Then I close my eyes so i can distract myself.

2 weeks later

"so? What do you want" (Kuro)

I said while having my lunch behind my classroom literally, since it is in the first floor.

"please I don't have anyone to ask" (Teppei)

Teppei prostrate beside me asking for my help.

"why don't ask from your female classmates I'm sure they will help you" (kuro)

"I already did but nothing happened" (Teppei)

"why you asking me anyway? I don't know who this girl is" (Kuro)

"eh? But Takahashi-san knows you. She's your childhood friend" (Teppei)

"childhood friend? You mean sakura?" (Kuro)

"yes! Takahashi sakura. Don't tell you didn't know her last name" (Teppei)

"Fumu, so that's her last name. Sounds familiar. I'm pretty sure I heard it from my mom before" (Teppei)

"what kind of friend are you" (Teppei)

"hey, in my defense she only told me her first name when we met and besides, we were elementary back then"(Kuro)

How do we met actually? Cause I'm sure we are not classmates.

"nevermind, what do you want me to do?" (Kuro)

"introduce me to her" (Teppei)

"I don't know, it's been so long since we met. You know me I'm not good at talking with people especially if it is a girl. Hey, is she cute?" (Kuro)

"dude, she is popular now. She caught every attention when we start our schools year. 2 days after that, she already confessed by six guys. She's the most beautiful I ever seen" (Teppei)

I whistle from what I heard, probably that is not normal.

"but you have your own charm, use it. I heard an upper class girl confess to you. If you talked to her everyday, the distance between might become closer. She is in your class right?. It just make easier for you to approach her" (Kuro)

Teippe sure is popular when I met him in middle school.

He is handsome and very active in class. Athletic and kind to anyone, not just to girls but also to boys, whose looking up to him.

I don't know if he is very good actor or just dense, but the gazes he received from girls are really interesting.

You don't need to ask a psychologist if a person is inloved with you, I can already guess from their eyes.

He is just smiling at them.

"please~ " (Teppei)

For the guy who has everything couldn't make the girl he likes look at him.

"fine after school I will go to your class room so wait me outside" (Kuro)

And instead of waiting me, i'm the one who wait him because of the girls that talking to him.

Fortunately, no one paid attention to me. It's like i have ability to erase my presence. Or they just thought that my existence is not something they should care about. If this is a house I already got inside and take everything while the family doing their own business.

But I like it.

Being the background guy.

"hey kuro, sorry for the wait" (Teppei)

"no it's fine, who is Takahashi-san again?" (Kuro)

I scan the classroom while leaning on the window and engaging conversation with Teppei.

"dude seriously? You don't remember her? do you even remember the faces of your classmate" (Teppei)

"shut it four eye. Wait why do you even wear glasses. Are your trying to lessen your popularity? Well sorry that plan back fired you" (Kuro)

"of course not, I just thought Takahashi-san like intellectual guy" (Teppei)

"you don't need that you're already smart. That aside where is she?" (Kuro)

" in the front of second raw" (Teppei)

Teppei did not point it with his finger and just told me.

"where? All I can see is browned long haired girl putting back her notes" (Kuro)

"thats her!" (Teppei)

"oh" (Kuro)

She is beautiful.

My sisters are also beautiful but in mature way and my mother is in another level, higher than them.


"....she looks normal to me" (Kuro)

Teppei just look at me disbelief and touch my right shoulder with his hand and said-

"dude do you need my glasses? I think you need it better than me" (Teppei)

"dude do want me poke that non prescription glasses with your eyes on it, they said it's hurt" (Kuro)

"I'm just kidding! geez no need use violence but seriously she's not your type? How greedy can you be?" (Teppei)

"no I mean, yeah she is really beautiful. She has those foreign beauty but not that alluring to me. When we were kids maybe she's been so cute? But I don't have a type" (Kuro)

No actually I don't know what's my type.

"just call her and say It's shirogane kuro that called her" (Kuro)

"Ok!..........Takahashi-san! Someone asking you! It's kuro" (Teppei)

"eh?! Ku-chan?where. Wait a minute" (Sakura)

Teppei called her.Her movement become so fast while glancing at outside of the classroom.

When she's done she straighten her hair and breathing in and out like she is nervous but excited.

"*ehem* sorry for the wait. Where is Shirogane-kun?" (Sakura)

She change her how she named me. Are we that close?

Some of my memory when I was a kid has lost because of the trauma of losing my grandfather and my father but there are some left.

"he's here-" (Teppei)

Teppei notice me hiding on the stairs leading to second floor, 10 meter away from them. I signal him to go on talk to her.

"-but apparently he forgot something so he run to get it back" (Teppei)

"I see, well he is sometimes clumsy?
When we were kids, we went to this park but-" (Sakura)

Takahashi Sakura is very talkative but this is good. Now they look like having conversation, the content is all about me though. Well who cares, I'll just leave them.

While walking away some students whispering about me.

"hey who's that. He's close to Yamamoto-kun. Are they friends?"

"did he call Takahashi-san but that's impossible"

"yeah someone like him doesn't deserve her. Look at him he's not handsome"

"Yamamoto-kun is hundred times better than him"

I don't care about how they see me at least I help Teppei.

But judging others is not really you should show to others.


Luke POV

"master I saw a movement from that direction. It's not monster but a woman should we help her?"(Mariel)

A human? Wait that's?!-

"LILITH!!!" (Luke)

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