Alpha Klayton | ✔️

By sunxmoon__

3.2M 109K 18.4K

"You were made for me. And I, for you." His breath is right beside my ear and I tightly shut my eyes closed... More

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116K 3.9K 1.9K
By sunxmoon__


I grimace at the reflection back at me in the mirror. Big yikes, I think to myself wryly. I gaze up and down at myself, looking at the black pencil skirt I borrowed from Lenna. It paired admittedly well with a cute silver tank top that glittered in the right lighting.

Once Lenna had dragged me into her apartment, which was pretty much identical to mine, we started getting ready for the party. Lenna exclaimed how good this outfit would look on me, flowing well with my blonde hair and hazel eyes. Still standing in front of the mirror, I turn around and examine the rest of me.

"Are you sure I look okay?" I timidly ask Lenna, who is behind me applying her mascara. Glancing at her through the mirror, I have to admit, she truly is gorgeous. Even as she sits behind me doing her makeup, I can't help but admire her beauty. She has long sleeked back brown hair, brown eyes and a dazzlingly smile. Pairing that with a body to die for, it's no wonder she's so confident.

"Girl, yes. I mean, if I was a lesbian..." she replies and winks with a low whistle, which makes me laugh out loud.

I can tell we're going to be good friends.

With the duration of getting ready for the party, Lenna and I get to know a bit more about each other. She tells me all about her life and family, and about how she grew up in Myersdale and couldn't see anywhere else as a home. I equally share about my life, and instantly Lenna and I become closer. As we inevitably finished getting ready, I turn to face her once were completely satisfied with our appearances.

"Did you already order an Uber or should I?" I say while applying the last layer or lip gloss on my face.

Lenna casts a sideways glance at me. "Are you serious?" She says with a deadpan look.

"Um, what?"

"We're in Myersdale. Like, first of all, we don't get 'Uber' out here. And secondly, we're in Myersdale," she repeats with emphasis, "Literally everything is in walking distance," she says with a small laugh.

"I'm supposed to walk in these boots?"

"It's not that far," she waves off dismissively while smiling and shaking her head at me. We exit her apartment and begin to walk to the party, and leaving our apartment building.

"So," I begin, "whose house are we even going to?"

Lenna looks at me and smiles. As she was about to open her mouth and reply, someone to our left suddenly shouts at us.

"Addy, baby, we gotta stop meeting like this. Is this fate?"



We all walk inside the house together, or in better terms, the mansion. Seriously, this place was huge. Music was blasting all around us, and there were so many people it was almost hard to move around. Isaac lazily has his arm slung across my shoulder as if we've known each other for years, whilst chatting away with Lenna, who he actually has known for years. Turns out, pretty much everyone knew everyone in this town— except me.

I glance around the enormous place we entered and admire the marvelousness of it all. This place looked expensive, and as I skim my eyes across the walls I see numerous photographs of wolves. What the hell?

My thoughts are instantly cut off as someone suddenly shoves a red solo cup into my hand, filled to the brim with god knows what. I glance at the stranger standing before me, and I know immediately I'm not familiar with this person at all. I stare at the man and begin to slyly check him out. He has a short buzz cut and brown hair, paired with a body that any girl would be happy to wake up next to. Before he notices me checking him out, I extend my hand out to him.

"Addy," I tell the stranger with a small smile.

"Holden," he says while shaking my hand. "Is Addy short for something? I've never heard of it before. It's beautiful," he continues while bringing his lips to my hand. I push down the urge to giggle.

"It's Adira. Seems too formal to me," I reply with a shrug while bringing my hand back down to my side.
Isaac quickly intercepts our conversation, and jokingly tells Holden to stop flirting with me because he had dibs. I laugh and tell them I'm going to get a new drink, as I had already finished the first beer I was given. Once I return, I turn to talk to Holden as I notice Lenna and Isaac were in a separate conversation and laughing.

"So, Holden, do you live here? Or do you know who does? This place is pretty amazing," I say while peering my eyes around the place again. Holden looks at me and smiles.

"Actually, I do. Well, me and a bunch of people. This is our packhouse."

"Like a frat house? That's cool. I was thinking about joining a sorority too," I say. "How is the Greek life on campus?"

Holden suddenly looks uncomfortable, like he regrets what he said. Looking around uneasily, Holden almost seems to squirm on the spot.

"Um..." he starts.

"Hey, guys! What are you doing?" Isaac suddenly says between the two of us. It was like he knew exactly when to come. Huh.

"Nothing! Let's play beer pong?" Holden says while looking at me hopefully. I turn to him smiling, and while shaking my head I let him know how horrible a beer pong player I really am.

He waves me off and says, "I'm sure you're not that bad."

"I really am!"

"Let's find out!"


After a few rounds of beer pong, I'm pretty drunk.

No... I'm literally wasted.

Lenna and I have already taken 50 different selfies, 7 shots and I had a few beers earlier too. Amidst my drunken fog, I turn to Lenna who is drunk texting one of her exes.

"I need some fresh air," I say while slowly examining the front and back of my hand. Why are hands attached to our bodies? I swear I'm tripping out right now.

Lenna basically completely ignores me, and she's suddenly venting on her phone to one of the poor gentlemen she had been texting. I quickly stand and begin swaying as I walk toward the front door of the mansion we are currently in. I notice a lot of people have dispersed, although there are still quite a few couples grinding to the music. I crinkle my nose in disgust.

"Get a room!" I hazily shout towards one of the couples, whilst giggling and exiting the house. I stumble down the driveway and start walking down the dimly lit road. I can barely keep my eyes open before I literally smack right into someone. Or a few someones. The person in front of me suddenly grows 3 more heads and I have to blink to adjust. Okay. There is only one head now.

"Sorry about that," I say with a small frown, "I'm pretty fucked up right now."

"Don't fucking touch me, human." The person in front of me venomously snaps. I try to make out the rest of their face but it's too dark and I'm too drunk. Human? What the fuck?

"Yeah, you heard me! Now back away before I make you!" They shout at me. My jaw drops as I realize I had said my thoughts aloud, and without a second thought, I turned around and walked away.

That was so weird.

Right before I enter the house again, I turn to look down the street where the stranger had just been. I squint my eyes as I can see the figure walk even further down, although it looks more like a giant dog now. I shrug it off and blame it all on the copious amounts of alcohol I've consumed.

Walking into the house, I quickly find my new friends and see that Lenna has fallen asleep on one of the couches. Isaac picks her up gently and turns to me, telling me he is going to take her back to her apartment and that I should come too. Glancing at the clock, I see that it's getting late and ultimately decide to join him. On the short walk back to our apartments, I choose to not tell Isaac about the stranger I had encountered down the street.


Bidding Isaac and Lenna a goodnight, I enter my apartment and they both go into hers. I thought nothing of it, as I knew they were good friends and decided to drink some water before getting ready to go to sleep. Once I was settled into my bed, wearing just a large t-shirt and panties, I didn't realize how thin the walls between all of us are.

And how good of friends they were.

Currently, I could now clearly hear Lenna moaning through the walls and a small pounding against her wall. Although there was a hallway between us, it was pretty evident what was happening inside of her apartment. I grab two pillows on my bed and shove them against my face and ears, aiming to drown out the pounding that was happening inside her bedroom and now inside my head. It didn't do much to muffle the sounds of Lenna's consistent small screams through the walls.

After another couple few minutes to by, I decide to go outside to settle my raging headache. Everything is heightened when I drink, and now that I was starting to come down, even every small sound was not helping my hangover. I lazily climb out of bed and leave my apartment in the same attire I was going to fall asleep in.

I didn't want to interrupt whatever was going on inside between Lenna and Isaac, and I could tell from the way Isaac is built that he has a lot of stamina. Locking my apartment, I started softly padding down the hallways of our apartment building. As I drift farther down, it becomes a lot harder to hear Isaac's soft grunting.

I instantly relax once I step outside into the fresh air. This is much better. It was quiet, and all I could hear were soft cricket noises. I close my eyes and inhale. This was a lot different than the hardcore porno I was unintentionally listening too, which admittedly left me quite flustered.

All too sudden, I'm still slightly swaying. When my eyes close, I feel like I'm on a rocking boat. Yup... I'm still hammered. I quickly open my eyes and adjust to the lights around me.

I need to walk, so I can sober up.

I walk along a small path that I only just noticed now, located not too far from my apartment building. As I'm slowly walking and trying to steady myself, I instantly know there is someone near me. My heart begins racing in my chest, as I felt safe enough to walk along this path moments ago while my inhibitions had lowered. I lower myself down to pick up a stick, clutching it to my chest and peering around the forestry I was in.

This is what I will protect myself with. I confidently stand, clear my throat, and begin to announce my presence.

"I know you're here. I have a weapon on me, and I suggest you leave me alone!" I say with a slightly shaky voice. Almost instantaneously, someone clears their throat behind me.

I jump slightly and turn around. The man grabs my stick once I turn around, and snap it in two pieces. I'm too stunned to muster a sentence, and the stranger in front of my cocks a slight eyebrow.

"And how is a stick going to protect you?" The man says with a small chuckle at the end. We hadn't made any skin contact, but the way he was looking at me certainly made it feel like we did. Before I could reply, I'm starstruck on whoever is in front of me.

Out of every single person I have encountered in Myersdale, this is by far the most attractive man I have ever seen. In fact, this man is the most attractive person I have ever met in my entire life.

My eyes skim over his entire face. Starting from his
jet black hair, to sparkling brown eyes, then his perfect nose and lips that look just so kissable. At this point it's obvious I'm checking him out, but I'm so distracted I could hardly care. I continue on gazing from his face and I'm pretty sure my jaw actually dropped once I saw his body that must have been sculpted from God himself. He was the most muscular man I have ever seen, alongside tall legs that stretched farther than mine ever could. I meekly gaze back up from him and notice his expression is almost as awestruck and mirrored as mine.

Without warning or hesitation, the man in front of me mutters something along the lines of "Mate", but I wasn't quite sure as suddenly I was doubled over and vomiting all over his shoes.

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