Supernatural Series Rewrite...

By queenofdeansbooty

111K 3.3K 707

Y/N, Sam, and Dean have to face a new threat: Lucifer. Putting him back in his cage is the top priority, but... More

Sympathy for the Devil: Part One
Sympathy for the Devil: Part Two
Good God, Y'All: Part One
Good God, Y'All: Part Two
Good God, Y'All: Final Part
Free to Be You and Me: Part One
Free to Be You and Me: Final Part
The End: Part One
The End: Part Two
The End: Part Three
The End: Final Part
Fallen Idols: Part One
Fallen Idols: Part Two
Fallen Idols: Part Three
Fallen Idols: Final Part
I Believe the Children Are Our Future: Part One
I Believe the Children Are Our Future: Part Two
I Believe the Children Are Our Future: Final Part
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester: Part One
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester: Part Two
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester: Part Three
The Curious Case of Dean Winchester: Final Part
Changing Channels: Part One
Changing Channels: Part Two
Changing Channels: Part Three
Changing Channels: Final Part
The Real Ghostbusters: Part One
The Real Ghostbusters: Part Two
The Real Ghostbusters: Part Three
The Real Ghostbusters: Final Part
Abandon All Hope: Part One
Abandon All Hope: Part Two
Abandon All Hope: Final Part
Sam, Interrupted: Part One
Sam, Interrupted: Part Two
Sam, Interrupted: Final Part
Swap Meat: Part One
Swap Meet: Final Part
The Song Remains The Same: Part One
The Song Remains The Same: Part Two
The Song Remains The Same: Part Three
The Song Remains The Same: Final Part
Author's Note
My Bloody Valentine: Part One
My Bloody Valentine: Part Two
My Bloody Valentine: Final Part
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid: Part One
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid: Part Two
Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid: Final Part
Dark Side of the Moon: Part One
Dark Side of the Moon: Part Two
Dark Side of the Moon: Part Three
Dark Side of the Moon: Final Part
99 Problems: Part One
99 Problems: Part Two
99 Problems: Part Three
99 Problems: Final Part
Point of No Return: Part One
Point of No Return: Part Two
Point of No Return: Part Three
Point of No Return: Final Part
Hammer of the Gods: Part One
Hammer of the Gods: Part Two
Hammer of the Gods: Part Three
Hammer of the Gods: Final Part
The Devil You Know: Part One
The Devil You Know: Part Two
The Devil You Know: Part Three
The Devil You Know: Final Part
Two Minutes to Midnight: Part One
Two Minutes to Midnight: Part Two
Two Minutes to Midnight: Part Three
Two Minutes to Midnight: Final Part
Swan Song: Part One
Swan Song: Part Two
Swan Song: Part Three
Swan Song: Final Part
Author's Note
Author's Note
author's note

Sympathy for the Devil: Final Part

1.9K 60 9
By queenofdeansbooty

"We need a doctor!" you yelled as you entered the nearest hospital. Sam and Dean carried your dad inside as your heart pounded in anticipation. The nurse who heard came rushing over to help to see what the problem was.

"What happened?"

"He was stabbed!"

"Can we get a gurney?" she yelled for one as two male nurses brought one.

"Daddy, you're going to be okay," you let the tears fall as he was placed gently on the gurney. He looked at you as they wheeled him away, and you went to follow him but the female nurse stopped you.

"Just wait here."

"We can't just leave him! He's my dad!" you yelled at her.

"Just don't move. I've got questions," she said once she left.

"Y/N, we got to go," Dean urged.

"No! No! I can't leave him!" your tears rolled down your cheeks.

"The demons heard where the sword is. We got to get to it before they do, if we're not too late already. He's in good hands now. We'll be back in no time," he said as he grabbed your hand. He forced you out of the hospital and into the car so that they can rush to New York to one of John's lockup storages.


As soon as Dean arrived at the lockup, you only grabbed your gun from the trunk since you won't be needing anything else. Sam and Dean grabbed their shotguns with rock salt since that is the only thing to actually hurt a demon.

Entering the lockup, the first thing you saw was bodies on the floor. Demons if you were going to guess. There were about 4 demons dead on the ground. No other person in sight to tell you who had done it. Entering the lockup, you looked around to try and figure out if the culprit was still inside.

"I see you told the demons where the sword is," Zachariah said from behind you with two angel escorts.

"Oh, thank god. The angels are here," Dean said sarcastically.

"And to think... they could have grabbed it any time they wanted," he said as he used his angelic powers to close the storage door. "It was right in front of them."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked.

"We may have planted that particular piece of prophecy inside Chuck's skull, but it happened to be true. We did lose the Michael sword. We truly couldn't find it. Until now. You've just hand-delivered it to us."

"Get to the damn point, Zachariah. I am in no mood to be fucked with right now," you growled.

"It's you, Dean. You're the Michael sword. What, you thought you could actually kill Lucifer? You simpering wad of insecurity and self-loathing? No. You're just a human, Dean. And not much of one."

"Yeah, but I'm not," you said as you stepped in front of Dean. "I'm a vessel, do you remember? Do you remember who for?"

"Amara does not exist. She is not real; therefore, you can't be her vessel. Whatever lies you are being told, that's just it. They are lies. Dean on the other hand, he's Michael's weapon. Or rather his receptacle."

"I'm a vessel?"

"You're the vessel. Michael's vessel."

"How? Why—why me?"

"Because you're chosen! It's a great honor, Dean."

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, life as an angel condom. That's real fun. I think I'll pass, thanks."

"Joking. Always joking. Well... no more jokes," he grinned before holding up his hands in the shape of a finger guns. He pointed one at Sam and the other at you. "Bang."

A loud crunch could be heard as Sam fell to the ground with broken legs. Your spine broke and you fell to the ground once you were paralyzed. Dean looked at the two of you as you cried out in pain. Not even your magic could heal you of this.

"You son of a bitch!" Dean yelled at Zachariah.

"Keep mouthing off, I'll break more than his legs and her spine. I am completely and utterly through screwing around. The war has begun. We don't have our general. That's bad. Now, Michael is going to take his vessel and lead the final charge against the adversary. You understand me?"

"How many humans die in the crossfire, huh? A million? Five, ten?"

"Probably more. If Lucifer goes unchecked, you know how many die? All of them. He'll roast the planet alive."

"There's a reason you're telling me this instead of just nabbing me. You need my consent. Michael needs my say-so to ride around in my skin," Dean said. Looking at Sam, you two made eye contact to the best of your ability without having the option to move your lower body. Using your arms instead, you raised yourself to your elbows to look at Dean.

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Well, there's got to be another way."

"There is no other way. There must be a battle. Michael must defeat the serpent. It is written."

"Yeah, maybe. But, on the other hand... Eat me. The answer's no."

"Okay. How about this? Your friend Bobby, Y/N's father—we know he's gravely injured. Say yes, and we'll heal him. Say no, he'll never walk again."

"Dean don't do it," you sighed shakily.


"Then how about we heal you from... stage-four stomach cancer?" he asked just as Dean doubled over in pain. He started coughing and spit blood into the palm of his hand.

"Dean!" you gasped, hating the fact that you had no chance to stop this.

"No," Dean gasped.

"Then let's get really creative. Uh, let's see how... Sam does without his lungs. Maybe Y/N's brain pops and explodes."

Sam immediately started gasping for breath since he didn't have any lungs anymore. Your brain started popping which was extremely painful. It was like one big migraine that no medicine could heal.

"Dean," you yelled as blood started pouring from your eyes. The whites started to turn red, and you doubled over and coughed up blood. "Don't do it."

"Are we having fun yet? You're going to say yes, Dean," Zachariah smiled.

"Just kill us."

"Kill you? Oh, no. I'm just getting started," he grinned. A bright white light shone from the other end of the room as one of the angels died. The body fell to the floor to reveal Castiel, but you were in so much pain to even appreciate the angel. The other angel that Zachariah came with started to fight Castiel, but you couldn't focus on them.

The only thing on your mind was Dean and your dad who was all alone at the hospital. However, he did it, the angel died and now it was only Castiel and Zachariah to face off.

"How are you—"

"Alive?" he interrupted. "That's a good question. How did these two end up on that airplane? Another good question. 'Cause the angels didn't do it. I think we both know the answer, don't we?"

"No. That's not possible."

"It scares you. Well, it should. Now, put these boys and Y/N back together and go. I won't ask twice," he threatened. As soon as Zachariah vanished in a flutter of wings, all your pain went away. Your brain didn't hurt and your spine was fixed. Quickly standing up, you rushed to Dean to check on him and once he nodded signaling he was alright, you rushed to Castiel and gave him a hug. He didn't hug back but stood there awkwardly, waiting for you to finish.

"I thought you died," you whispered.

"I did."

"I'm glad you're back," you nodded with a smile, going back over to the brothers.

"You three need to be more careful."

"Yeah, I'm starting to get that. Your frat brothers are bigger dicks than I thought."

"I don't mean the angels. Lucifer is circling his vessel. And once he takes it, those hex bags won't be enough to protect you," he said just as he placed both his hands on the brother's chest. They winced in pain before Castiel did the same thing to you. A burning sensation came from your ribs, and you pulled back in pain.

"What the hell was that?" you asked.

"An Enochian sigil. It'll hide you from every angel in creation, including Lucifer."

"What, did you just brand us with it?"

"No. I carved it into your ribs."

"Castiel, who brought you back to life?" you asked with a whisper. If you had to guess, it would be God, but you needed to be sure. However, the angel didn't answer and vanished before your eyes.

"Dad," you gasped, rushing out the door to hurry back to your father.


Time seemed to slow down as you rushed into the hospital. The brothers tried to keep up with you, but you needed to see your dad.

"Where is my dad? Bobby Singer!" you asked the receptionist. Before she had a chance to answer, a nurse was calling your name from behind.

"Y/N Singer? Your father is this way," he seemed relieved in a way, but you didn't care. Leaving the brother's behind, you went with the nurse to a private room. As soon as you approached the door, you could hear his voice yelling at whoever was inside.

"Unlikely to walk again?! Why, you snot-nosed son of a bitch! Wait till I get out of this bed!" he yelled. The doctor fled the room just as the nurse accompanied him. Rushing into the room, you looked at him with tears in your eyes.

"I'll use my game leg and kick your fucking ass! Yeah, you better run!" your dad yelled after the doctor. "You believe that yahoo?"

"Are you okay? I should have done something sooner," you walked to him to try and comfort him.

"I'm fine, Y/N. Really, I am," he sighed and placed his hand on yours in comfort.

"So, let me ask the million-dollar question. What do we do now?" Sam asked.

"Well... We save as many as we can for as long as we can, I guess. It's bad. Whoever wins, heaven or hell, we're boned."

"What if we win?" Dean asked, a bit too confident. Everyone stared at him in concern. "I'm serious. I mean, screw the angels and the demons and their crap apocalypse. Hell, they want to fight a war, they can find their own planet. This one's ours, and I say they get the hell off it. We take 'em all on. We kill the devil. Hell, we even kill Michael if we have to. But we do it our own damn selves."

"And how are we supposed to do all this, genius?" your dad asked.

"I got no idea. But what I do have is a GED and a give-'em-hell attitude, and I'll figure it out."

"You are nine kinds of crazy, boy."

"Listen, you stay on the mend. We'll see you in a bit," Dean patted his shoulder before leaving the room.

"Sam?" he asked. Sam stopped walking but didn't say anything. "I was awake. I know what I said back there. I just want you to know that... that was the demon talking. I ain't cutting you out, boy. Not ever."

"Thanks Bobby," Sam whispered.

"You're welcome. I deserve a damn medal for this, but... you're welcome." Sam left the room and you looked at your father.

"I tried to help. That demon was too strong. I tried to fight his powers," you stuttered.

"Hey, look at me," he interrupted you. "This is not your fault and you need to believe it. I will be fine. I'm alive thanks to you and the boys. I'll be okay."

"I love you," you said as you hugged him.

"I love you too. Now get out of here and save the damn world."

"Okay," you nodded with a smile before reluctantly leaving. The brothers were waiting for you outside.

"You know, I was thinking, Dean—maybe we could go after the Colt," Sam said just as you joined them.

"Why? What difference would that make?"

"Well, we could use it on Lucifer. I mean, you just said back there—"

"I just said a bunch of crap for Bobby's benefit," he interrupted his brother.

"Dean," you sighed.

"It's true. I mean, I'll fight. I'll fight till the last man, but let's at least be honest. I mean, we don't stand a snowball's chance, and you know that. I mean, hell, you of all people know that," he directed that to his brother.

"Is there something you want to say to me?"

"I tried, Sammy. I mean, I really tried. But I just can't keep pretending that everything's all right. Because it's not. And it's never going to be. You chose a demon over your own brother and look what happened."

"I would give anything—anything—to take it all back," he sighed.

"I know you would. And I know how sorry you are. I do. But, man... you were the one that I depended on the most. And you let me down in ways that I can't even... I'm just—I'm having a hard time forgiving and forgetting here. You know?"

"What can I do?" Sam asked.

"Honestly? Nothing."

"Dean, we have to try," you tried.

"No, I already tried. I just don't... I don't think that we can ever be what we were. You know? I just don't think I can trust you."

Sam looked up at his brother in shock. He was expecting everything else but not this. Deans shook his head and walked away, back to the car.

"It's okay Sam," you said as you patted his shoulder in comfort. "You still have me."

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