Giving Them The World ✔

By RA2995

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Alisha is a 25-year-old woman who has twin daughters who are 4 years old. Alisha and her daughters are stuck... More



15.2K 378 29
By RA2995

Soft voices are what I woke up to. I heard the girls talking while walking into the living room.

"Awe look at momma and Emilio" Katalina gushes.

"They are soo cute, '' Emory adds giggling. I open my eyes seeing them standing right in front of the couch. Emilio's back faced them as he held me against him. Emilio stirred in his sleep before his eyes opened. He looked over my face, a smile making its way onto his face.


"Morning" I give him a smile. Emilio turned over to face the girls pulling me in front of him so I was facing them.

"I'm hungry mommy" Kat whined. Emilio sat up immediately. He picked up both girls and carried them to the kitchen. I follow behind them smiling.

He treats them like they are his own kids. It puts a smile on my face every time I see them interact. Kat has warmed up to him. She wasn't really that kind to him the first few days we were here.

Emilio is a big guy and I think she was worried he would be like Wilson. Wilson wasn't a big guy but he could be scary when he was angry.

Emilio sat the girls in their correct spot. He went to the fridge and took out the eggs then got the bacon out. I got two coloring books out and a box of crayons. So the girls were busy and not constantly asking when the food would be done.

Emilio put the bacon in the pan causing the kitchen to fill up with sizzling noises. I run upstairs and take a quick shower. I quickly dry off and throw on a t-shirt and tight-fitting sweatpants. I rush back downstairs. Emilio just started making the scrambled eggs.

Emilio looks up as I walk into the room. I walk over to the plate of bacon. I pull myself onto the counter next to it. I take a piece of bacon biting a chunk off while looking at Emilio who was already watching me. A small smile on his face. I hold out the bacon offering him a bite.

Instead of taking a bite of the bacon like I thought he would he grabbed my chin softly and placed his lips on mine. My eyes widened as he pulled away. He gives me a smirk before chuckling and going back to the eggs. I stayed frozen in my spot with the bacon still being held out.

Emilio looks back over at me after turning the stove off. "Are you good?" amusement dancing through his eyes. As I gaze into his eyes I can see silver specks in his brown eyes. It was unusual and unique looking.

After I recovered from shock I continued to eat the bacon in my hand. Emilio made everyone a plate and put them down at the table. Emilio looks over at me. "You gonna come over here and eat?"

Nodding my head I hop off the counter. Once I reach my spot at the table I sit down. I watch the girls start to eat before I do. They tend to want things if they don't eat before I do.

After breakfast, I help Emilio take care of the dishes. The girls were still at the table coloring. The one thing that really keeps them busy. They can color for hours. It's surprising how they can just sit there and do that. I usually get bored after the first minute.

"We're gonna go play dolls mommy," Emory says getting down from the chair. Kat follows her sister and they run off to the living room. I dry my hands on a hand towel before handing it to Emilio. He takes it, giving me a thankful smile.

Giving Emilio a smile back before I walk into the living room. I lay down on the couch yawning. I am tired. Instead of going to sleep, I watch my daughters play dolls. A blanket was placed over me causing me to look up and see Emilio.

"I'm going to fall asleep with this on me," I say, yawning.

"Then fall asleep you barely slept last night and the girls woke us up at 6," Emilio says sitting down at the end of my feet. I shake my head no. I wasn't going to leave him to watch my kids. He has already done so much for us.

"No you already do enough for us and I'm not going to have you watch my kids while I sleep"

"Come on please" Emilio gave me puppy dog eyes. He even went as far as to stick his bottom lip out. How can I say no when he looks so adorable right now.

"Ok fine only because you look cute" I smile crawling over to him. I sit on his lap while resting my head on his shoulder. My arms wrap around him after I cover us up. Emilio wrapped his arms around my waist. My eyes start to close and I'm fast asleep.

When I wake up next I'm no longer on the couch but on a bed. The bed wasn't the one in my room. My heartbeat increases but slows when I see the girls and Emilio sleeping in front of me.

The girls were snuggled up in each other's arms while Emilio had his arm around all of us. A small smile formed on my face. I close my eyes deciding to go back to sleep. Just as I was about to fall asleep the door opened.

"Aww, see Grant I told you they were probably sleeping come look at them" I hear Nora say. I hear Grant walk into the room muttering "would you look at that you were right like always dear"

"Shh don't wake them before I get a picture" Nora whispered before the snap of a picture being taken was heard.

"You woke me up when you walked in mom," Emilio says. I open my eyes seeing Emilio already looking at me. He gave me a smile and a wink. My heart fluttered. I give him a smile back.

"We came to get the girls to go on our little shopping trip we promised them," Nora said excitedly. I forgot they were taking them out today. Emory and Kat were already waking up from people talking around them. They have always been light sleepers.

Emory sat up rubbing her eyes while Kat just groaned and rolled over. Emory started shaking her sister saying "It's shopping day" once she saw Nora and Grant.

"We'll take them and you two can go back to sleep," Nora says, grabbing the girls. Grant takes Emory from his wife before walking out and shutting the door behind him.

Emilio turns to me smiling. Why does he smile at me so much? My cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling so much. I'm not used to smiling this much. I give Emilio a small smile before closing my eyes. I can't look at him the same after he kissed me.

He is making me feel things I haven't felt in a long time. I never realized I missed feeling like I was wanted by someone else until now. Wilson never made me feel this type of way even when we first started dating.

Why I stayed with him when I knew he wasn't the best person to keep around I have no idea. Emilio wrapped his arms around me pulling me into his chest.

"Lewis will be over in a few minutes to grab a few files from me" right after Emilio said that there was a knock on the door. "Or he is already here," Emilio says sitting up. Emilio stood up stretching. His muscles shift and his shirt rides up showing off even more muscles.

"Carry me" I hold out my arms to him. Emilio grabbed me causing me to wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I bury my face in his neck secretly inhaling his scent. Emilio walks down the stairs and pulls open the door.

The wind was blowing into the house once Emilio opened the door. Goosebumps spread out on my arms.

"Since when did you get a baby Emilio?" Lewis asked. I could already picture him smirking. I moved my head and glared at Lewis. He gave me a mischievous smile.

"The files are in my office in the usual spot," Emilio says walking into the living room. He sits on the couch with me still clinging to him. I sit up so I'm facing Emilio.

"When will your parents be bringing my daughters back" Emilio gave me an amused look.

"They've only been gone for ten minutes Alisha," He says. It's weird hearing him say my name. I don't think we have ever had to say each other's names very often. We would just look at each other and start talking. We didn't have to say the other's name to gain their attention.

"It doesn't matter how long they've been gone this is their first time going away without me with them and I don't think I can handle it" I pout ever since I gave birth to the twins we've always been together. There was never a moment that we were not together. I didn't have anyone to help me.

Hell, my brother and sisters do not even know about them. I didn't have access to a phone to tell them and if I did call on the house phone at Wilson's house then he would know. 4 years since I last talked to my family. How did I go 4 years getting beat and didn't do anything about it?

"Can I use your phone?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's in my room on the stand" Emilio lets me go and I run up the stairs. I see his phone and grab it. I go back downstairs while punching in his password. I've seen him do plenty of times. I dial one of my older sister's number and wait for someone to answer. Lewis and Emilio were talking when I sat down on the other end of the couch. I gave them distance to talk while I talked to my sister.

"Um, hello?" Freya answered. My heart was beating so fast. What do I say it's been years since we last spoke.

"Hello?" she said again.

"Freya it's me, Alisha"

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