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By Xx_Th3a_143_xX

396 24 39

{Slow Updates} How far would you go to change your destiny? Knowing that fate is inevitable would you still t... More

Chapter One: Library
Chapter Two: Lemon Boy
Meeting the Characters
Chapter Three: One Hell of a Morning
Chapter Four: Making Plans
Chapter Five: The Party
Chapter Six: Uncertainty
Chapter Seven: Picture Perfect
Chapter Eight: Saturday
Chapter Nine: Answers
Chapter Ten: Plans
Chapter Eleven: On The Road
Chapter Twelve: Hiking
Chapter Thirteen: Days Gone By
Chapter Fourteen: Bullets & Blood
Chapter Fifteen: Quinea Pig
Chapter Sixteen: Forgotten Promise
Chapter Seventeen: Unexpected Escape
Chapter Eighteen: The Road Home
Chapter Ninteen: "Therapy"
Chapter Twenty: Obedient Servant
Chapter Twenty One: His Brother
Chapter Twenty Three: Out of place
Chapter Twenty Four: Helpless
Chapter Twenty Five: In The Beast's Den

Chapter Twenty Two: The Devils Schedule

15 1 1
By Xx_Th3a_143_xX

I yawn as I enter the house parlor's office, there I find the head housekeeper. She looks irritated no doubt thanks to me and my night terrors. She looks up at me looking upset with me. "I hope you're rested up. You have a long day ahead of you."


"My name is Mary Margeret."

".....Miss Margeret, I'm sorry if I woke you or anybody else up. I swear I'm not doing it on purpose nor' do I remember what happened." I say as I bow my head. "My apologies if I've upset you or anyone else it wasn't my intention. I'll do everything I can to contain it." Miss Margaret's expression softens and she lets out a sigh. "That's alright child. I must say you did give me quite a fright hearing such screams while I was asleep. Do you know why or how these... episodes started?" I look down and shake my head.

"Well then let's get started, shall we? You have lots to learn. I hope you're a quick learner because you'll be learning as you go." She says changing the subject.

It's the first day working as Prince Kalona's maid. Surprisingly it seems I haven't been fired. Thank god I need this but honestly, it feels like a blessing and a curse. Miss Margaret seems like a sweet old lady but she's also strict. She reminds me of my Nana. I guess I can understand why she's like the mother here. She looks after all of the other maids, she makes sure that they have everything they need and makes sure they're doing their jobs.

"Since the Young Master has ordered for the other maids to be dismissed and personally asked for you, you'll be the only by his side. Be it dressing him, secretarial services, traveling, or anything he demands. You must always be at his reach. Understand?"

"Yes," I replied nodding my head.

"The other maids with attending to everything else. If you have any questions or you are at loss you can ask the others or talk to the head housemaid. She will be reporting directly to me." I nod once again listening to Miss Margaret. She looks through her desk and pulls out some papers and hands them to me.


"This is the Young Master's schedule. Memorize it as it's your schedule as well. If you don't have any questions for me to to to get a move on." I nod once more and leave the room closing the door behind me. I walk down the corridors as I look through the papers given to me. Hmmm.... the Prince is very busy, not a lot of breaks. He doesn't even have time to relax while he dines. Must come with the territory. I should probably make him some snacks to eat while he works. Maybe even pack some for him when he leaves the kingdom on business, I think to myself while I look through the papers. Oh! There's an upcoming ball, things are probably gonna get busy around here.

✄- - - - - - - - - - - - Time skip - - - - - - - - -✄

I'm waiting for the Prince to come down to join everyone for this evening's ball, but instead, I'm called up to his room by some frantic maids. They look like they might've angered him a bit from the looks on their faces. I sighed and waved them off giving them the best reassuring smile I can muster. However, if I'm being honest I'm a bit frightened myself. If situations were different maybe I would've, could've said no. Unfortunately for me, that's not the case. So I swallow hard as I begin going up the stairs. Once I get to his door I put the best front I can before entering. There I see the Prince peering out the window. He looks... lonely and sad. For a moment a part of me wanted to comfort him somehow, but that part of me is quickly quieted down once he feels my presence. Prince Kalona turns around with a smirk on his lips.

"What a lovely surprise to see you here." I tried to look disinterested and I look away from him before staring him in the eyes. "What do you want?"
The reaction I got from him was the opposite of the response I gave him. He looked quite amused. He tells me he wanted my help dressing up, as he holds up a black button-up shirt. I let out a sigh before walking up yo him and taking the shirt from him. 
"Turn around..... Please." 

"Anything for you," he replies gliding his finger across my lips. I can feel my heart beating faster. I avert my eyes away from him as he turns around for me. Gosh, what is wrong with this pervert? Once his back is facing me I can see two huge scars on his back, alongside his shoulder blades. Thoughts run through my head as I look at his back. I wonder what happened? Who did this to him? It must've hurt horribly. Does it still hurt you? I lifted my fingers to touch him but just as my fingertip grazed him, like a wounded beast in pain he turns around and pushes me up against a wall. He's so furious with me his words come out as a growl. His nails dig into my neck as he wraps his hand around it. Instinctually my hands grab his wrist trying to loosen his grip but he doesn't budge, he's a lot stronger than I am. 


I look up at him to try to plead with him. Nothing but whimpers come tumbling out of my mouth. My head begins to hurt and the room around me begins to distort. I'm no longer in the Prince's room instead I'm in someplace dark. The only thing illuminating this cold place is a single flickering light. Prince Kalona is also no longer in front of me either instead, I'm met with a dark shadow figure. It becomes harder to breathe. My hands make their way to my neck only to feel a rope tied around it. I tried to put my fingers underneath the rope to make it a bit easier to breathe but it just gets tighter and tighter the more I tried. The shadow figure inches closer to me licking its lips with a sinister smirk playing on it.  

The shadow brings its claw up my thigh earning a shaky gasp as it gives my butt a painful squeeze. I tremble and squirm under its touch trying to get away from it. It brings its face towards me and asks in a deep distorted voice, " Do you know how much I want to fuck you and destroy the little innocence on you?" It licks the side of my face causing me to whimper in fear. Pleading thoughts run through my mind wanting it to stop. It lets me go and lets out maniacal laughter. Finally being able to breathe a breath of fresh air. Tears just streamed down my face and I am paralyzed in fear to run and escape from it. All I can do is tremble in fear and try to catch my breath. 

Suddenly, I feel a hard shove and I'm back in the Prince's room. Standing before a very angry Prince, he shouts at me to get out of his room. I can feel his rage bubbling over. Not wanting him to repeat himself, I finally get a burst of adrenaline rushing over me as I trip over myself trying to escape his wrath. Making it out the door I collapse onto the floor taking in what happened. I rub my neck to soothe the pain I'm experiencing only to find that I'm bleeding. What just happened?

 I take a few deep breaths trying to calm myself as best as I can before deciding on going back to the ball. I'm still feeling the after-effects of earlier. My memories feel all jumbled up. It feels like I had one of my night terrors while I was awake. And just like my night terrors, I can't seem to remember what exactly happened. It's as if my mind is erasing or suppressing my memories. I just can't for the life of me remember what happened to me. 

A/N: Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know to be sure to check out the book "Through The Eyes Of A Dark Pince" written by ug0tn0jams. See Kalona's point of view on their complicated relationship so far. I'll try to post soon, no promises though.

Love ya! ✌😁✌

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