NOSEBLEED • rewrite


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REWRITE When the world goes to shit, its brings the most unexpected groups of people together What happens wh... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nine

44 3 1

Safe and sound

"You know, I always thought I'd be one of the first to die if something like this was to ever happen."

My head turns to the left to see Taehyung leaning against the wall beside me, who just so happens to be peeping through the gaps in the curtains like a paranoid mother hen as everyone else prepares to relax and get some rest of the night, I just can't seem to sit down and allow myself to feel safe

I can't sit and allow myself to think about the day, to think about my friends and what I saw

"Why'd you think that?" I almost mumble while looking back to the window, my eyes finding the same small group of 'zombies' passing by in the distance, Taehyung shuffles to take the place beside me, also staring directly out the window with an uncomfortable frown plastered across his paling face

"You saw what happened earlier, I couldn't even bring myself to kill one of them even when my life was being threatened," he sighs, I look over at the side of his face with a small frown "I mean, they looked to much like real humans. . . In that moment I thought they were real. . . Like they were still alive."

"Like they were still living people with families to go back to?" I ask lightly and he nods his head, looking down at me with slightly glossed over eyes

"Yeah, it just felt like it would be wrong to kill them so early on since there's still hope of a cure," he mumbles, crossing his arms over the black hoodie he found a while ago. My brows furrow a little at his words, I never thought of that being a possibility and I guess I have every reason not to

"A cure?" I ask, one brow raised at the male who manages to push a little, boxy smile onto his face

"Something that can reverse the effects of the infection, or something that will prevent it from happening to the people who aren't infected," he chimes loud enough to ensure the rest of the large, warm room to fall silent and listen to our whole conversation "I know its far fetched and all but uh I think it could happen. . . Eventually."

"I admire your optimism, I really do, but I'm not sure if it will happen," I sigh out, hating the fact that I may have to shoot down all of his hopes of having a relatively normal life after everything that has happened, especially since it's been showing on the news shows and social media that whatever this infection is has been spreading for months

"I mean the best thing we can hope for right now is the military base being secure and maybe even homely for the time being. . . When we make it there, I think we can start to hope for bigger things, like a cure. . . But for now, let's just concentrate on being safe." I finish with a nod but no one says anything in response, just a soft silence falls over the room as my words soak in

The first one to speak is Namjoon, breaking the silence with a nod "she's right, we can't get our hopes to high because it will only set us up for disappointment. . . But let's look on the bright side, if they don't find a cure, then people will begin to build communities and safe havens," he smiles a little, his dimples popping a little "it's not ideal, but I think eventually, we will be able to live relatively normal lives again."

"That's all nice and all,but I know for a fact there will be assholes and a fuck ton of bad people and I'm not sure if I would want to live with a bunch of happy family making people who kill the infected to survive. . . Thats surely going to fuck everyone up for a long time." Yoongi voices making me snort but nod in agreement, everyone else glares at him as if he's just burned down a hospital

"Well if that's the case then we can just build our own and never let anyone in. . . Like a fortress or something." Jungkook adds, a few laughs coming from the group as the mood is lifted with the sudden inspirational speeches

"And how do you suppose we do that?" I ask, moving from my perch at the window and placing myself on one of the overly comfy sofas between Jackson and Lisa, unexpectedly, Jackson wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me into his side. I feel myself begin to relax for what feels like the first time in years

"Well, we can hunt down a building that already has walls and a gate-"

"Oh all of those rich people houses have walls and stuff, but they are to keep thieves out, not zombies," Hoseok joins in on the conversation, a wide heart shaped and just as bright smile spreading across his lips as they suddenly start going into depth of how bad ass and cool they would make their 'fortress'. Listening to the group talk about something that would have been so stupid not even seven hours ago brings me a sense of comfort I never thought I could ever have

Despite all the heartbreak and migraine worthy thoughts threatening to send me into a break down any second, I still manage to find piece in. . . Strangers that have so suddenly had to become our friends. if someone told me I would be going into a life or death situation with the group of boys I tried to avoid this morning, I would have never turned up to that detention but that would have definitely been a mistake

They aren't anything like the rumours, especially not when they have smiles and are entertaining the thought of having our groups very own hideout

I just hope it can stay like this for a while before we are nosediving back into the chaos and misery laying just outside the four secure walls of the cabin

I can't help but smile as I look over at the sleeping group, despite all of them being cuddled into each other and looking very uncomfortable in their weird positions, they all seem to look somewhat peaceful in their slumber. Seokjin and Jackson are the only others who haven't fallen asleep yet, leaving us to sit in slightly awkward silence since we don't want to wake anyone up, not that any of them look like light sleepers

The world could be ending and they would probably sleep right through it, but come to think of it, is t that exactly what they are doing?

"Hey uh, I'm going to check out the rooms upstairs," Jackson whispers, getting to his feet and stretching. Just as I'm about to bid him goodnight, he turns to me with a slight frown "could you. . . You know,"

"Come with you?" I ask bluntly, completely unaware of a staring Seokjin just opposite us. Jackson nods his head, rubbing his eyes as he does so making him look like a small child

I slowly get to my feet, also stretching out my sore joints. Running has never been my strong suit and adding swinging around weapons like a mad woman is not a good, judging by the way my joints are screaming at me to go and lay down, I will one hundred percent being wanting to dig my own grave by tomorrow morning

"Goodnight Seokjin," I whisper to the male, giving a quick half wave which he returns with a tiny smile but doesn't say anything as he watches us descend up the large flight of stairs. I hesitate on carrying on going up the stairs when a sudden uneasiness settles in my stomach

Seokjin didn't look good, he was paling a little and had dark circles. I don't know how I didn't notice before, maybe it was the dim lighting. . . Or the fact I couldn't pay close enough attention to everyone when the conversation moved from building our own fortress to wether mint chocolate chip ice cream is good or not, and if people who like it should have rights

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I call out softly to Jackson making him hum quietly

"Go and lay down, I'm just gunna go get some water," I mumble, not waiting for a response before skipping quietly back down the stairs. I walk back into the living space to see Seokjin had disappeared, leaving his jacket laying over the back of the couch

He wouldn't just leave, even if he has been bitten, that doesn't seem like a very him thing to do and I've only know him for a matter of hours

"Seokjin?" I call softly while my legs move on their own accord towards the large kitchen, seeing the light on allows a little of the uneasiness settle but I'm still on guard, just in case

"Yeah?" He calls back, confirming that he's in the kitchen. I trail in slowly, leaning against the door frame to see him stood at the breakfast bar with his hands on his hips and eyes staring directly down at the counter. My eyes slowly rake up his arms in search for any kind of blood staining his white shirt but there doesn't seem to be any human blood or rips and tears in the fabric

That's a good sign, for now at least

"I think you may have figured out that I'm not much of sugar coater, so I'll ask you flat out," I almost mumble, stepping into the kitchen until I'm stood directly opposite him, the breakfast bar being the o my thing separating us

"Okay then. . ." He trails off, narrowing his eyes at me just like mine are at him

"Have you been bitten?" I ask out loud and confidently, he doesn't bother to mask his confusion and slight shock, maybe even a little bit of hurt hiding behind his narrowed eyes but I don't feel bad. I had to ask for the groups safety, and somewhat his

"You really think I would hide something that big away from everyone? Put everyone at risk like that?" He asks, still staying soft and quiet showing he isn't exactly angry despite his choice of wording. I sigh, a small sliver of guilt taking residence in my chest at the offended expression slowly making its way onto his face

"I don't think you would be doing it to be selfish," I reply quietly, mirroring his defensive stance of hands on the hips "maybe you would have thought you would be protecting people because from what I've seen. . . That seems like a pretty Seokjin move, but then again I don't know you at all so I could be wrong." I shrug before moving around the breakfast bar and over to the fridge just in case anyone left any good midnight snacks around

"Your right I guess, but still, you can't just go around assuming someone's bitten just because they're stressed," he grumbles with a pout and dropping his hands from his hips and to his side harshly, causing a slapping sound to echo through the cabin

I chuckle at his pout before sticking my head back into the fridge in fear of what his reaction will be when I give him my response "I can when they are twinning with the infected,"

"Hey! You take that back you twerp!" He whisper shouts, his hands instantly finding their way back to his hips. I can't help but laugh at his angry pout

"Never." I chuckle and grab the shiniest, unused frying pan I can find hanging on those hook things everyone seems to have in their kitchens. I turn it around and hold it up to his face, he leans forwards and takes a good look at his reflection "I'm not lying, am I?"

"Yes you are, I look as handsome as always," he says deadly serious, moving the pan away from his face and raising his brows at me. I make a face that screams 'ew' making him laugh out of shock "I think you should apologise! Or I'm telling. . . I'm telling your Sister when we get to the military base,"

"Oh please, my sister will tell you the exact same thing," I laugh with a shrug, moving back over to the fridge to grab the grapes that look like golden coins to me right now "grape?" I ask, motioning for him to take one from the package but he just rolls his eyes

"I don't take food from mean girls,"

"I'm not a mean girl, I'm a truth teller, even when the truth hurts." I respond, shoving a grape into my mouth and savouring the little taste since it might be a while until we will be able to eat fresh food

"Whatever woman."

"But seriously, are you okay? You look like literal death warmed up," I pull myself onto the counter quietly, sitting directly opposite Seokjin who has settled on leaning against the counter, the small smile falls from his face as he sighs deeply

"I just. . ." He stops for a second, glancing at me through his lashes. I can't tell he wants to say something but is holding back, for whatever reason "I think I'm just coming down with something, I'll take some medicine and I'll be good as gold in the morning," he says, trying to flash a smile but I see straight through it. I decide not to push, feeling like I don't know him enough to dive deep into his interesting mind

"Check that cupboard," I chime, pointing to the one just above his head. He spins around, looking glad that I seemed to have brought his story, or even happy that I didn't try and question him. He digs around for a few seconds before pulling out a bottle of cold medicine and some kind of aspirin

"Try not to overdose, you never need as much medicine as you think you do," I chuckle, sliding off the counter and making my way back over to the door, "Night Seokjin,"

"Goodnight Hana."

I didn't edit this as I am sick so I'm sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes :)

Thank you for reading!

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