Naruto One Shots

By AshleyBlackmoore

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Collection of one shots based on Naruto. Filled with your favorites. Vote comment tell me what you think and... More

Naruto One Shot ~ Grudge and Love
Garra one shot ~ Yukis sacrifice
Sasuke One Shot ~ Her Eyes
Kiba One Shot ~ Dancing in the cold
Kakashi Hatake one shot ~ Promise
Rock Lee one shot ~ Immortal Lotus
Itachi one shot ~ Kitty
Garra One Shot ~ Two Heartbeats
Shikamaru One Shot ~ Death Portrayed
Garra-Cookies and two heartbeats
Your Ok~Kankuro :)
Rock Lee one shot ~ Don't Say that
Itachi and Kisames what? ~ Suigetsu One Shot
Feelings ~ Shikamaru Nara one shot
Sasuke One Shot ~ The other Uchiha
Kakashi Hatake one shot ~ Thank you...
Neji Hyuga One Shot ~ Stupid Kitten
Gai or Guy Sensei one shot ~ Like mother like daughter
Kiba one shot ~ My Snow
Kankuro one shot ~ Looking back
Itachi Uchiha one shot ~ Waterfall
Kakashi Hatake One shot ~ Forgotten memories and the new hokage
Shikamaru one shot ~ Kitty Kink
Kisame Hoshigaki One shot ~ Sharky's princess
Preference #2 Food Kiss Part 2

Kiba one shot ~ Werewolf

3.6K 85 13
By AshleyBlackmoore

Bodies rubbed up against me as I danced. Lights pulsed above our heads hands held high. My head was muddled from the alcohol I was consuming my movements clumsy but seductive. I laughed and cheered with my friends as a new song came on. I fixed my black leather miniskirt so it didn't reveal too much, I wasn't that drunk not to notice. Why was I wearing a leather miniskirt? And why was I out drunk partying? Well that is simple, it's halloween. I am a sexy devil. So naturally I have a blood red corset with black lace, the black miniskirt over top of fishnet stockings, high heeled black heels, a pair of red devil horns and a tail, oh not to mention my black collar for a necklace. My fingernails were blood red as were my lips. My ice blue eyes burned like fire behind my black mask which everyone was wearing and my black hair sewed it all together especially with the black whip coiled and held on a hook at my waist.

Now the next question wheres my boyfriend? I don't have one. Yep I'm completely single as of this Monday when my so called boyfriend decided to ditch me for his friends for the hundredth time and I got red up. I mean I know all guys need guy time but they should still spend actual time with their girlfriends other than just to dine and dash at their house! Oh especially when they're hanging around their ex girlfriends behind your back.

Yeah no I was done which is why my friends dragged me out to party get drunk and have fun for the first time in forever. To be honest it felt amazing!

Someone was grinding against me as I laughed and just enjoyed the attention before my friends dragged me off to the bar. Their faces slowly killed my buzz.

"What what is it?" I asked.

Ino looked apologetic. "I swear Melody we didn't know!"

"Know what?" My heart was sinking fast and that was before I followed their eyes to the door.

"We swear Mel we didn't know." Said Sakura I spun on the spot turning my back to the door as quickly as I could. My hands clenched on the edge of the bar I felt like I could be sick. All the color must have been drained from my face as the bar tender looked from me to the door before slipping me a drink in understanding. My head spun my fingers were white from gripping the bad so hard.

"We can leave Melody I'm so sorry." Apologized Tenten.

In the five seconds I had faced the door a group of boys had walked in all of them wearing the black masks required for a masked costume party but their features were unmistakable. And in those five seconds I had recognized the last person on earth I wanted to see right now.

"Come on let's go." Urged Sakura worriedly her hand landed comfortingly on my arm. That one touch snapped me from my paralyzation.

"No." I stated grimly "no it's ok."

Temari's expression was grim.

"Melody you don't have to-"

"It's fine. I came here to have fun." I said straightening and releasing my death grip on the bar as I picked up the drink the bartender had given me. "So," I stated turning towards my girlfriends and holding up my drink. "Let's have fun." And with that I downed the glass. It burned like fire going down but it returned the feeling to my body.

"Are you sure?" Asked Ino worriedly.

"Yep." I said firmly a smirk finding it's way into my lips. "I think it's time I had some fun besides he should get a good look at exactly what he's been missing out on."

The girls looked startled before grinning.

"That's right! Come on let's go!" Yelled Sakura.

We all cheered drawing people's attention to us as we melded back onto the dance floor. I could feel his eyes on me and I glanced at him only to see him standing on the stairs body rigid hands clenched on the railing the guys were standing behind him. I couldn't see what his eyes looked like behind that mask in the shade on the stairs, but his jaw was clenched. I gave him a sweeping once over. He was wearing a vest with raggedy edges around the arms, it was unzipped in the front showing off his wonderful body, his ripped skinny jeans hung low on his hips showing off his toned v lines his belt was studded one I had picked out for him a long time ago. I had to smirk as I turned away following my friends into the crowd there was no way I was going to let him see me weak or upset by him not after breaking me down to almost a shell of a person a week ago.

The girls were all glaring at Hinata.

"What's wrong?" I asked finally catching up to them on the dance floor.

"I-I'm s-sorry." She stuttered she looked like she was going to burst into tears and cry.

"What were you thinking!" Snapped Temari she looked pissed. "Shikamaru nd i are dating and I didn't even make that mistake! Is your crush worth more than the emotions of your hurt best friend!"

Hinata actually did start to cry at that one.

Temari and Hinata never got along well, what with Hinata being a bit of a cry baby and nervous wreck and Temari being the sharp tongued fiery up front tough girl she was. In all honesty I think they tolerated each other because of me.

"What's wrong what happened?" I asked worried.

Sakura and Ino quickly filled me in. Apparently Hinata had cracked and ended up telling Naruto where we'd all be tonight after he hinted he might try to come if she told him.

"Dammit." Cursed Tenten. "I'll bet you anything the others out him up to it."

"I can promise you that." I sighed rubbing my temples "my cousins not all to bright when it comes to girls crushes he knows absolutely nothing about it while everybody else knows. They used him to get the information. Geez."

Hinata was in tears as she apologized. I gave her a tight smile, I couldn't deny she got on my nerves quite often when it comes to stuff like this but I was patient. "It's ok Hinata I understand."

Temari didn't look satisfied but I knew she'd lay off she didn't purposefully make people cry nor did she enjoy people crying around her.

"Let's just dance alright?" The others nodded and we slowly got into the beat. After a few minutes We had found a group of shinobi Tenten knew from old missions. They were cute maybe a year younger and a few maybe a year older but it was fun dancing with them and stuff. One of them especially was fun to dance with. He kept giving me drinks too, as time went on I was really beginning to feel the alcohol burning through me.

"You are absolutely beautiful seriously your stunning." He said as we danced.

"Thanks handsome." I laughed barely able to keep my balance as we grinded against one another.

"Thanks baby doll but I can't lie we all know your the main attraction in that sexy little outfit." For some reason his words caused me a sense of unease as did the feeling of his hands on my hips. It didn't change when I changed partners for a moment either dancing intimately with any guy made me feel scared and threatened and for some reason made me think of him.

"Here have another drink." I felt uneasy and tried to refuse but he insisted forcing it into my hands. The song picked up and he grinded against me as I finished off my drink. My stomach was tying itself into knots.

"Look I think I'm going to go find my friends."

"Relax babe come on!" Laughed the guy squeezing me to his chest. "Just relax and enjoy yourself it's halloween besides what's wrong with enjoying yourself?" But why did it feel so horribly wrong. I couldn't balance myself anymore I had to rely on him in any case just to remain upright my balance was shot. I didn't like this i was scared this was wrong this was so wrong! I was terrified and my friends were no where in sight. I didn't feel right I needed to leave I needed to get out i I couldn't move.

I found myself thinking Id even rather he found me than stay here right now. The guys hands trailed over my hips to my thighs I tried to push his hand away but he just chuckled and told me to relax again.

I could feel his breath on the back of my neck but with the alcohol pumping through my system I was too sluggish and disoriented to stop him. His lips touched my neck and it was like an actually physical pain panted through my chest. I had been stabbed, tears instantly welled in my eyes and the image of his face flashed before my eyes. However no sooner then they had touched my neck then I heard a wonderful sound.

"Back off." Within the span of three milliseconds I was grabbed, firmly but gently and separated from him. "She's mine."

The growl beneath my ear was all to familiar. However in my suddenly anxious and hysterical frightened state I didn't say anything. I felt as though I had been run through with a pole everytime I thought of his lips touching my neck. The world was a blur and before I knew it I was outside in the frigid night air. He didn't even say anything as he just towed me down the street. I stumbled almost falling and he quickly scooped me up in his arms. No words were shared as I just cried into his chest. Why did this feel so ok? Why wasn't I mad? Why had I been so scared? Why had it hurt? What what was going on what was happening to me?!?

He carried me back to a place I recognized very well.

"Come on." He sounded angry but his voice was in control. I wanted to cry as he strode inside and into the bedroom practically kicking the door open. I cringed expecting to be gruffly thrown on the bed but that didn't happen. Gently like a prince handles their princess he laid me down on my back. Then I was smothered in a great big embrace.

"K-Kiba!" I gasped in shock.

"Why-why-why did you-why would you-" a frustrated growl left his lips and he hurried his masked face in my shoulder. "You left-you left."

I laid there struck dumb as Kibas large hands ran over my body as he laid on top of me. He was whimpering, Kiba was upset.

"B-because y-you-" my mind was foggy with alcohol and confusion. Kiba propped himself up on his hands staring down at me from behind that mask.

"I?" He prompted in a whimper. Suddenly my courage and anger came flooding back.

"You! You were the one who ignored me! You were the one who was sneaking around talking to your ex! You were the one that only have me the time of day if it meant you could get a free meal sex and then run!" I snapped pummeling his chest with my hands. "You were the one who did that Kiba not me! Why would I stay with that! Why should I have! I'm not a toy I'm a person! I wasn't even your girlfriend anymore what reason did I have to stay! You big jerk! You idiot!"

I continued to pummel his chest yelling at him but Kiba didn't react didn't say anything his mouth was set in a line which trembled as though he wanted to frown or cry. However it wasn't until Kiba peeled off my mask with one hand and wiped under my eye that I realized it had been me who was crying. I stopped hitting him so that I could cover my face with my hands. Why why was I crying now! Why was I the one who felt bad? Why was it my chest that hurt when other guys touched me? Why was it-

Something smooth and soft managed to find the one part of my face not covered by my fingers. Kibas lips were pressed to my forehead his one hand gently stroking my hair.

"What what are you-"

"I'm doing what I should have done as your mate."

"Mate?" I questioned Kiba pulled away from spreading kisses on my skin and looked down at me through that mask again. If only I could see his eyes I could see what he was thinking. As though reading my thoughts he sighed and pulled off the mask. Kiba's eyes were blood shot and there were deep dark bags beneath his eyes. In all honesty it surprised me.

"Yeah mate. I was stupid not to realize it before, why I was so crazy about you why I loved you so much-"

"Yeah right-"

"I did." He grabbed my wrists and pinned them so I couldn't hit him anymore, before he looked angry at my doubt but he kept his temper in check. "I still do." His expression became troubled and sorrowful as he used one hand to pin my hands above my head. His fingers brushed my cheek hesitatingly as though he was scared I pull away or snap at him. In truth though his touch sent shivers down my spine and set my heart pounding.

"I love you so much I I-I can't believe what a idiot I was." This for some reason sent a pain through my chest the same way other men's touches did, too see him this broken hurt even though I knew he deserved it. "Melody I I need to tell you a lot. There are things that you have wrong-however your anger for them is still valid as I didn't explain them. Well and I was ditching you for the guys which is in excusable even if I do need guy time I shouldn't leave you alone the way I did and that is completely my fault. The reason I was talking to my ex again-just hear me out!" At his plee I shut my mouth though I wasn't happy about it. "I was assigned a mission with her a few weeks back and I didn't tell you because I knew how much you hated her plus I didn't want you to think I was cheating or anything. But while we were on mission she said things and-"

"Shut up I don't wanna hear anymore!" I snapped there was no way I was going to lay here and hear about how he cheated on me! I thrashed against his hold until he managed to pin me again.

"SHUT UP MET ME GO!" I yelled over what he was saying.

"DAMMIT SHE THREATENED TO HURT YOU!" I froze the cogs in my head stopped. "She said that if I didn't do as she said she'd come after you!"

There was no hint of a lie in Kiba's eyes though he did look angry as well as hurt. "I couldn't just let that happen there was no way but I couldn't do anything! If I had attacked her she said her friend would tell the hokage I had done it to shut her up about me cheating on you! Until I found out who her friend was and what their plan was I had to listen to what she said! Don't you get it I I only wanted to protect you. If you don't believe me I have proof evidence of this the guys have been helping me the past few weeks and we finally got enough evidence of her threats and the like to have her arrested for good!"

Kiba stared down at me once more. "You your my everything and while I shouldn't have done what I did I still love you! Dammit I need you!" Kibas grip became almost painful for a moment before he relaxed his hands around my wrists. His head dropped his hair falling into his eyes. "I'm a sad excuse for a mate I know..."

"Kiba you still haven't told me what do you mean by mate?" Dang it once again I had last my anger and determination. At the word Kiba got a funny gleam in his eyes and he bent down with a almost happy growl as he nuzzled his head into my neck.

"K-Kiba!" I sputtered trying to scold him but it came out more a a gasp, his nose was skimming down my neck sending tingles coursing through my system.

"I've missed your scent so much." He mumbled.

"Can't have missed it that bad seeing as you've been following me everywhere I go since we broke up." Immediately I bit my tongue why had I just admitted that!

"So you did know!"

"You may be stealthy but bringing my knucklehead cousin with you kinda blew your cover with his whining."

"Naruto." Grumbled Kiba.

"Well it's your fault for-dammit! Kiba what the hell is a mate!" I was frustrated how we kept getting distracted.

Kiba smiled goofily half guilty half laughing.

"Well you see it's actually really rare. Mom didn't even tell me about it because she never thought it would happen." I scowled what the hell was he bloody talking about! "Well you see a mate it's kinda like wolves except we stay with that mate until we die. It's like love at first sight and all that stuff but stronger it's someone who was made specifically for us. We we usually never find that person because of well you know there's a million people in the world and what with being a ninja or even a civilian they can die before we'd meet them which is why mom never bothered to tell us aell me about them. It wasn't until after you left me-" Kiba swallowed and I could see a flash of something dangerous and tumultuous clash in his eyes. "I went crazy literally I almost destroyed our home and I actually hurt mom and big sis-" he looked so hurt so ashamed that instinctively I tried to touch him forgetting he was holding down my hands. He looked at me challengingly before he continued to speak. "It wasn't until Akamaru told them what happened after mom tranquilized me." He scowled at the memory. "That mom realized she explained everything-"

"Then care to explain to me exactly without the broad terms!" I interjected. He quickly abliged explaining how a mate is a soul mate and what that meant emotionally and physically for both sides, which explained the pain and panic at another males touch I had experienced. "Then they helped me learn to control myself so that when I saw you I wouldn't end up going crazy and hurting you. I'm still in training because I I dont want to hurt you physically or emotionally ever again! But I couldn't stand staying away from you anymore I was going crazy I need you I need you!" He growled the last two words and his eyes were like a smoldering fire his grip tightened but then he took a deep breath and calmed himself down. "I know I've messed up but-"

"Dammit Kiba let me go!" He looked angry then sighed and let go moving to roll off of me but instead I seized him by the hair and slammed my lips onto his in a frenzied kiss. Kiba almost lost it I could tell by the painful way he grabbed at me and kissed back before calming down and just enjoying the rough emotional kiss. His hands ran over my sexy devil costume before he pulled off the tail muttering something about it and the horns being ridiculous on someone so angelic. I think it was to keep him in check but he quickly wrapped his arms around my waist and rolled onto his back before viciously attacking my lips as his fingers dug into my skin in painful bliss.

Well I guess this was the end to my sexy single halloween.

"I swear you wore my favorite colors on purpose." I blushed and laughed at him as he crushed me in his grip as I laid between his legs.

"Actually I didn't it's just those are the colors of the mmmph-" I quickly pulled away smacking him playfully on the chest. "You can't say something like that then shut me up when I respond!"

"I'm not sorry." He said with a wolfish grin.

"I didn't expect you to be." I said rolling my eyes however his hand grabbing my hair and pulling me down interrupted that.


"So I'll take it by the fact you suddenly have a growth attached to your stomach you are back together." Guessed Tenten. I laughed as Kibas nose skimmed my neck as he breathed in my scent.

"Yeah and this time it's for good." I said placing my hands over Kibas on my stomach.

"Why your not pregnant are you?" Demanded Ino.


"NOT YET!" I stopped freaking out and looked at Kiba.

"Yet?" He have me his sexy wolf grin and pulled me against his chest. "Well I'm gonna want pups eventually gotta continue the line after all."

"KIBA!" I smacked him embarrassed her say that to our friends but he just kissed my temple happily his grin still in place. Then again so was mine. Mate or no mate anger or no anger life wasn't the same without Kiba by my side. I needed my sexy werewolf boy around.

"By the way Kiba I loved the fact you went as a almost naked werewolf for Halloween." Said Sakura "you looked great."

I couldn't help but scowl but Kiba just smiled pleased.

"Well I had to do something to get this little devils attention." He said giving me a nuggie of which I did not appreciate.

"I thought you said I was your angel? That someone like me couldn't be a devil?" He turned red and let go.

"What! Whered you hear that!" I didn't respond giggling before taking off in a sprint.

"It's the truth I heard you!"

"Sh-shut up! It's so not true!" He raced after me anyway though. This was it this was us and this time it was Kiba who was doing all the work and by chice and you know what it was nice. This time I knew, mate or no mate, we were going to be together for the rest of our lives and the ring on my finger merely proved that.

This is a extremely late halloween one shot hehe please vote or comment what you think 😅

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