The boy who was given up

By Wasabi0_0Slytherin

599K 18.5K 5.3K

Harry Potter, a young wizard thrust into a world of death, evil and lies. In order to navigate through the fo... More

Chapter One: The Night Of Terror
Chapter two: The incident
Chapter three: Diagon Alley
Chapter four: Welcome to the gang
Chapter five: Sorting
Chapter six: Class and confrontations
Chapter seven: The boggart and flying
Chapter eight: Weekends, God fathers and the strange man...
Chapter nine: New information, who is this dude?
Chapter ten: A disastrous end to year one...
Chapter eleven: Coming home and starting again
Chapter twelve: God fathers
Chapter thirteen: Parties and sleep overs
Chapter fourteen: The zoo
Chapter fifteen: Back to school
Chapter sixteen: First day detentions!?
Chapter seventeen: The voice
Chapter eighteen: McGonagall and Dueling classes.
Chapter nineteen: The diary...
Chapter twenty: Answers and secrets
Chapter Twenty-one: Stopping the basilisk and rage...
Chapter twenty- two: Inheritance...
Chapter twenty-three: Gringotts...
Chapter Twenty-Four: Training
Chapter twenty-five: Mastering and the holidays
Chapter twenty-six: Year three and secondary responses
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The inheritance...
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The scolding and the "incident"
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Memories
Chapter Thirty: Questions and TEA...
Chapter Thirty-One: The first date
Chapter Thirty-Two: Hostage
Chapter Thirty-Three: The new era
Chapter Thirty-Four: Christmas Special
Chapter Thirty Six: The Triwizard tournament announcement
Chapter Thirty Seven: The silent war
Chapter Thirty-Eight: DADA? I think not
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Sleep Over Part One
Chapter Forty: The Sleepover Part Two
Chapter Forty-One: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part One
Chapter Forty-Two: The Tri-Wizard Tournament Troops Part Two
Chapter Forty-Three: Feeling light-headed?
Chapter Forty-Four: The Shadowland
Chapter Forty-Five: And the Champion is...
Chapter Forty-Six: Too Much
Chapter Forty-Seven: Getting out of it?
Chapter Forty-Eight: Helping Harry
Chapter Forty-Nine: The First Task
Chapter Fifty: The Clue
Chapter Fifty-One: The Garden
Chapter Fifty-Two: The Second Task
Chapter Fifty-Three: The Annoying Beetle
Chapter Fifty-Four: Ballroom dancing
Chapter Fifty-Five: Is that a promise?
Chapter Fifty-Six: The Final Task Part One
Chapter Fifty-Seven: The Final Task Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Final Task Part Three
Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Infirmary
Chapter Sixty: The Beginning Of Forever
Chapter Sixty-One: Here is to Forever
Chapter Sixty-Two: Not Even Death Could Part Us, My Love.

Chapter Thirty Five: The Quidditch World Cup

5.2K 161 16
By Wasabi0_0Slytherin

The end of the holidays was nearing faster than anyone would normally want, but however, this year was different. This year every child, teenager and adult was rearing for the end of the holidays.

The reason: The Quidditch World Cup.

It was tomorrow night and two in particular boys just couldn't sleep, they were too excited! 

"You awake?" Draco whispered into Harry's neck.

"Yeah." Harry replied in a tired whisper.

"Can't sleep either?" Draco asked looking up into Harry's eyes.

"Nah." Harry replied looking down lovingly at his boyfriend.

Harry loved the way that sounded, his boyfriend.

"I can't wait for the game!" Draco whispered excitedly.

"Same, who are you going for?" Harry asked smiling.

"Bulgaria obviously, they have Krum and he's like the best seeker ever." Draco said as a matter of factly.

"Nah, the seeker is just one person, I reckon the Irish is going to win, they have a better...Well literally every player except for the seeker." Harry said.

"We'll see," Draco commented smirking.

"Oh you're on." Harry said with the same smirk.

"Let's make a deal, if the Irish win, I win a kiss." Harry stated.

"And if Bulgaria's team win?" Draco countered.

"Then you win a kiss." Harry stated.

"I can live with that." Draco smiled.

The two relaxed into each other, counting sheep until they eventually fell asleep.


They were all seated in the ministers box watching as the game unfolded.

So far Ireland was kicking Bulgaria's butt. The odds weren't in their favor.

Harry looked at Draco and smirked at him, to which he simply rolled his eyes and kept watching.

Once the game was over, Draco turned to Harry in defeat.

Harry simply laughed at his antics and whispered in his ear, "I'll be collecting later."

Draco shivered and smiled at Harry.

"Boys, I am so glad you could join me up here." The Minister for Magic said as he noticed the two young boys.

"It's good to be up here, thank you for inviting us." Harry commented nicely.

To this the Minister nodded, "Now Harry there actually was something I wanted to talk to you about." 

Harry looked confused before asking, "What about Sir?" 

"Well about Albus Dumbledore and um well what happened to him." The Minister said.

This turned Harry's blood to ice.

"What do you mean minister?" Harry asked with a fake smile.

"Well he seemed quite traumatized really and after inspecting his memories-" The Minister started but Harry cut him off.

"Then if you have inspected his memories then you know that what I did was legal and justified," Harry stated coldly.

"I-I know," The Minister stuttered which gained the attention of Lucius. "I was just hoping you wold consider a job in the field of the Ministry."

"Trying to recruit him already, Minister?" Lucius asked as he strolled over.

"N-No it's just that someone with his...Specialties hasn't been seen in a long time and would benefit well in the Ministry." The Minister tried to reason.

"You mean where yo could control me, well hard luck because I already know what I would like to do with my life and it is not being controlled by the Ministry, good day." Harry replied before walking away.

"Good try, but when his mind is made up, well there is no changing it." Lucius told a gaping Minister before leaving him to go find his wife.


Once they all had port keyed back to the manor Lucius had a burning question he just had to ask.

"Harry I just have to ask, why was the Minister trying to recruit you so young, what could he possibly know?" Lucius asked.

"Well apparently he inspected Dumbledore's memory so he knows what happened at the end of last year." Harry answered.

"So he knows what you are?" Petunia asked him.

"Well yes, they know the rougher side than what i showed you, but he doesn't know the full extent I protected that memory, it would be dangerous to anyone who doesn't know me well enough." Harry replied casually.

"What do you mean the full extent? Do we know?" Dudley asked him.

"Ummm well not exactly, you see the Goblin that trained me told me not to tell anyone unless I trusted them with my life and don't get me wrong I trust all of you with my life it's just that I don't want to scare yo, my true form kind of gets that reaction." Harry said nervously.

"Well we know you, we won't be scared right?" Draco asked.

"Well not quite, yes you all know me and therefore hopefully could still see me the same afterwards but trust me my true form is not something to be shown lightly." Harry replied, "Actually I have a way to show you without you guys seeing me in a different way."

Harry then ran away and left everyone staring in the direction that he left in. A few moments later he re emerged with a huge book that he was flipping through.

He made a small "Aha" noise once he found what he was looking for then turned the book cautiously to everyone.

There were a few gasps all around the room.

"That's your true form!" Dudley exclaimed.

"Uhh yeah, the Goblins gave me this book when they taught me how to control my powers." Harry responded.

Draco peered closer to the image of a snarling beast, one with huge fangs and razor sharp wings.

That was his mates true form.

"Hey Harry, how come your wings are never that sharp, I don't think I have ever seen you with sharp wings let alone these knife like ones?" Draco asked.

"Well you probably won't, unless someone threatens yo-" Harry trailed off and seemed to be having a conversation in his head.

"Okay so Bris thinks he can explain better so i'll let him take over and explain." Harry said happily before the eyes rolled into the back of his head and his once green eyes turned black.

"Hello everyone, it's good to see you all in better circumstances." Bris said cheerily.

"It's good to see you again." Snape said pleasantly.

"Yes, now as Harry was saying," Bris turned to Draco, "Unless someone threatens you harm then you won't see his sharp wings, you are his mate and therefore can never hurt you. His wings will always be soft to you but if anyone else tries to touch them without both of your permission which is rare to receive, then they will cut them instantly, as for the picture yes that is Harry's true form but don't be afraid he will never turn into that or more have that form subjected to you unless yo do anything to harm his mate or his family but seeing as you are all family to him you should all be fine."

"But this isn't the real reason for my visit tonight." Bis ended.

"Well what is?" Draco asked, being braver than the others knowing that Bris would never hurt him.

"Well, I will be leaving Harry soon, he has proved to have mastered his abilities and there is no more knowledge that I can depart onto him, however I will stay until the start of the year just to make sure no idiots follow in Dumbledore's path." Bris stated smiling.

 "Oh really?" Draco asked.

"Yes, but don't worry I will always be looking out for Harry, I just won't be communicating with him on a personal level unless he needs me." Bris smiled, "But I must leave now Harry is becoming impatient and wanting to come back, it was good to see you all again." 

Before anyone could say anything Harry came back out and they were all greeted with the same green eyes they all knew and loved.

"Right I think that is enough excitement for one night off to bed you three."  Petunia said to the boys demise.

Once in bed Harry turned to face Draco and said, "You know babe, you haven't paid up." 

Draco chuckled and leaned into his boyfriend, lingering slightly before his lips before closing the gap and kissing him. 

Harry smiled into the kiss and once they let go he pulled Draco closer and they both cuddled contently before slowly drifting off to sleep with a smile on their faces.

A/N : Hey dudes sorry I am the BIGGEST procrastinator ever!

Any way quick side note I met a girl from America the other day and she didn't understand some kiwi slang people were saying do you guys?

Haha anyways I thought I would see so Chur guy!

Also I found out before that I have been spelling Quidditch wrong this whole time! Whoops anyway there is the actual spelling haha byyyyyeeeeeeeeeee!

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