The Elemental: My Burning Leg...

By Musics4lifes

500 130 41

Lilith Moonlight, seventeen year old human girl blinded by her true self not knowing what she really is. Disc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 27

10 3 0
By Musics4lifes

After getting the last bit of decorations placed outside in the backyard of my house, I looked at the scenery and realized we were finished. I hooked up the music to Quin speakers that he let me borrow.

"Talk about a rollercoaster," Stefan said as he walked up to me.

"How do you mean?" I asked him.

"Everything that has happened. With your parents, us, the SIA, everything," he answered.

"Don't forget almost dying," I joked.

"Yeah, that part wasn't as fun," Stefan chuckled.

"Well the guests are here," I looked over to see Lord Thornes and Ravakin. I walked over to them so that I can greet them.

"Glad you guys made it," I sincerely said to Lord Thornes and Ravakin.

"Ah Lilith, a pleasure to see you again," Ravakin said.

"Thanks for the invite," Lord Thornes said. "I got word from Lord Angus and it does seem that everything is under control."

"Good, because I am too tired to go through another battle," I joked.

"Yes, well thank you again for all that you have done," Lord Thornes nodded. "Ah, I see my son," Lord Thornes and Ravakin both walked over to Drake.

As I turned around, I saw Thea and Kyle's parents walking in. Thea went directly to Lord Thornes. Kyle's parents saw me and walked over with a smile.

"Oh Lilith, I heard what happened on your guy's mission and I am so happy that you are okay," Laurie McKennel said.

"Our son filled us in on what happened and I must say, you are such a remarkable young girl," Steven McKennel said.

"Your mother and father would be so proud of how you turned out," Laurie smiled.

"Thank you," I told both of them. I really did hope that my parents would be proud of the woman I am becoming. Looking back, it felt so long ago that my life was turned upside down.

Kyle and Drake came up to us and by looking at Kyle's face, I could tell he was nervous. Kyle looked at me and I gave him a small nod in confidence.

"Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you," Kyle started out. "I am dating someone," he said.

"Oh how wonderful!" Laurie clapped her hands together. "Where is she?" Laurie looked around hoping she would spot her.

"And who is this lucky girl?" Steven asked his son. "Is she here?"

"That's what I wanted to tell you about," Kyle said softly.

"Is everything alright?" Laurie asked her son.

"It's not a she," Kyle said quietly.

Laurie and Steven both looked puzzled and instantly looked at Drake. They both had a confused look but didn't look neither happy or upset.

"This is Drake, he is the son of Lord Thornes and also my boyfriend," Kyle spoke a bit louder. Kyle put his arm around Drake while Drake leaned his head onto Kyle.

"Oh sweetie," Laurie said.

"Mom, please don't be upset with me," Kyle frowned.

"Oh honey, I'm not upset. Sure, it is a bit of a shock as back in high school with the girls you have dated, but as long as you are happy, that's all that matters," she set her hand on Kyle's shoulder. "I love you no matter who you want to date."

Kyle's face showed relief because of what his mother told him. He looked at his father who's been quiet. "I understand, dad," Kyle said with a hint of sadness.

"I only have one thing to say," Steven said with no hint of emotion. He watched his son look down with a disappointed look at himself. "He better treat you right."

Kyle looked up at his father with a quick shock look but rapidly replaced his shockness for happiness. I felt so happy for him because I knew it was a struggle that he was worried about. He thought they wouldn't have accepted him for some crazy reason but he thought wrong.

"So, you guys accept me?" Kyle questioned his parents regardless of knowing the answer.

"Of course, what kind of parent's wouldn't accept their child or children sexuality. A good parent wouldn't care who they date as long as they're happy," Steven said to his son. "All I ask though is that we have a family dinner soon so that we can get to know Drake more," he directed that to Drake.

"You got it sir and I promise you I will always make sure I make him happy," Drake smiled at Kyle.

"None of that 'sir' crap, makes me sound older than I really am," Steven smirked, using that old dad joke.

"Well I'm going to get another drink," I excused myself from the group.

I picked up another beer and cracked it open. Drinking my cold beer, I happened to remember something. Everything happens for a reason. Goddess Danu must of known that Stefan was still alive and was trying to hint at it.

"You are correct my child," Goddess Danu said.

I looked around and it was nothing but pitch black in our surroundings.

"Goddess Danu, is everything alright?" I asked her with a worried tone.

"For now, everything is how it should be, my dear," Goddess Danu responded with a pleasant soothing voice.

"So you knew Stefan survived getting his neck cracked, but had me assume he was dead? Why?" I asked her.

"Because child, there are things that we can not tell you. Though, she tried to hint at it, a mysterious entity showed up.

"Ah, Fate. How wonderful of you to show up," Goddess Danu smiled.

"Hold up, Fate? Fate is actually real?" I couldn't hide my embarrassment from my outspoken comment.

"Of course, Lilith. I have also watched you very closely throughout your journey. You have much to learn in order to win the war. Big things are about to happen," Fate warned.

"Exactly what do you mean by 'big things?'" I started to feel worried.

"Just the end of the human race and possibly the supernaturals as well," Fate shrugged.

My mouth dropped and I could feel my eyes bulged out. I know there was a war coming with the prophecy and all, but I didn't expect it to be that big.

"Is this the part where you add, 'no pressure though?'" I told Fate.

"Of course not. It's a lot of pressure that you have to fulfill in order to not let that happen," Fate stated.

Jeez thanks. At least she's being real...I suppose. "How do you expect me to win a war when not too long ago my whole life changed?"

"You will not be alone," Goddess Danu said.

"The Goddess speaks the truth, you will much more allies throughout your journey, as long as you make the right choices" Fate said with certainty.

"But how will I even know what is the right path? What if I happen to go on the wrong path?" I could feel the pressure that was adding on.

"Do not give up on yourself my child," Goddess Danu smiled. "You have come very far within a small duration of time. You will grow during your journey and you will make difficult decisions. Follow the light and never lose sight."

"Could you guys at least tell me what will be the right choice?" I said hopefully.

"I can not tell you what to do or what you should do. Even we have our limits and must abide," Fate said.

"This honestly sucks," I told them both. "But I do understand that you both can't tell me," I shrugged. "What happens next? When does the next big bad guy rise?"

"That we can not answer you, Ms. Moonlight," Goddess Danu answered. "What I will say is that you should go and enjoy yourself at the party. Do not stress on what is not happening."

I nodded, "Thank you Goddess Danu. You as well Fate."

"We are both rooting for you child," Fate smiled. "You are destined for great things. Follow the right path and always listen to your instincts."

"Now go enjoy your party dear, your friends are waiting," Goddess Danu smiled. "Blessed be and may we meet again."

Before I could say anything, I saw my surroundings had chance and that I was back at the party. I looked around for Stefan and within a few seconds, we locked eyes, finding each other. He was talking to Kyle's parents but as soon as he saw me, he excused himself and walked right on over to me.

"There you are Lilith," Stefan smiled. "Where have you been?"

"It's more like who I was with," I joked. "No idea where but I was having a talk with our Goddess Danu and someone new."

"Someone new? Must be important if it was with the goddess," Stefan said.

"She is, it was Fate," I answered.

"Fate? I have heard about her. An entity, must of been one hell of a meeting," he said.

"More of encouragement. You see, before when I thought you were dead, I was talking with Goddess Danu and she kept saying how it is meant to be, everything happens for a reason and all that. She knew you were alive and I guess she was trying to hint at it. Would of been nice if she were to tell me that to begin with but apparently even they have 'rules.'"

"What else did they have to say?" Stefan wondered.

"For now, relax. Don't worry about what is going to happen next and stick to the present," I told Stefan.

"And that is exactly what I am going to do," I smiled at Stefan.

Stefan and I walked back to where Kyle and Drake were which was by their parents side. Music was blasting, lights were bright, everyone was dancing or making conversations with others. Suddenly the lights started to flicker and then exploded. It was than a lot more darker.

"Don't worry guys, I got this," I announced to everyone with a smirk.

I looked at all of the lamps on the tables and concentrated hard on lightening them with fire. Within a few moments there was light once more. People cheered and excitement roared as people watched me light those lamps.

"I guess everything worked out just perfect," Kyle said.

"I guess it did," I smiled at Kyle. His words made me think back at what Goddess Danu said and I realized she was right.

"Of course I was right, my child," Goddess Danu said inside my head. "You must always believe in yourself."

Suddenly slow romantic music started to play and Stefan went up to me with his hand out, "Would you like a dance milady?" Stefan asked smiling beautifully at me.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," I smiled and took his hand.

As he led me out to the dance floor, swaying back and forth, I thought about everything that has happened. How my life turned upside down. I thought it was when the fire happened when actually, it was when I first met Stefan at my old job. Crazy how something so small such as meeting someone can turn out much bigger than that. Finding out who and what I really am, the battles I have faced and ones I almost lost. I may be just a prophecy but I am much more than that. I am Lilith Moonlight, an Elemental, and this is my Burning Legacy.

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