Super Smash Bros Ultimate: Ba...

By SquishXWatt

12.2K 134 66

(Rewrite in progress...)This is the old version of the story. I will be working on a rewrite of this as well... More

Chapter 1: Battle Aboard
Chapter 2 Part 1:Recruitment
Chapter 2 Part 2: Allies
Update and a Thank You!
Chapter 3: Rise of the Clones
Chapter 4: Alpaca Falls
Hiatus Update
Chapter 5: Futility's End
New Cover!
Hiatus Update #2
Hiatus Update Numero 3
Chapter 6: Splintered Path
Fanart!(Ch.6 Spoiler)
New Official Twitter Page!
Update #4
Update: 5
Countdown to Chapter 7!!
Chapter 7: Samus's Last Stand
Chapter 8: Dead Soldier Walking
Chapter 10: The Acension Part 2

Chapter 9: The Ascension Part 1

326 4 2
By SquishXWatt

Cloud, Isabelle, Pac-Man, and Junior were all very exhausted. They were forced to walk, because Junior's clown car was towed, because he parked in a handicapped spot.
Junior and Isabelle felt it the worst. They hadn't slept since they met, so they were still very much awake. "Where are we even going?" Junior asked.
"I don't know. I was following you guys" Cloud responded.
Junior looked at a tree.
"Hey! I remember that tree. It's moss grew from what looks like an ear" Junior giggled. Yes it was true, the tree had a piece of its trunk look like an ear, which had moss in it.
"Wait...if you've seen that tree before." Cloud reasoned.
"Aww man! We've been going in circles!!" Isabelle realized.
The group groaned.
"Welp, we're dead. If anybody needs me I'm gonna sleep in that big grass." Junior pointed to the yellow grass. Junior walked into the grass.
He looked down, confused.
"Huh. Hey guys, the dirt here is so mushAHHHHHHHH" Junior disappeared from sight.
"Junior?" Isabelle asked. He was gone.
"Where the hell did the kid go?" Cloud asked.
"Junior!" Isabelle shouted. She ran into the grass.
"Isabelle wait!" Cloud shouted but it was too late.
Isabelle disappeared from view with a scream.
Cloud ran over before tripping on rock into the dirt.
"WOOOOOOOAAAAH!!!!!!" Cloud screamed.
Pac-Man was shocked, running over doing a cannonball into the grass.

The dirt was gone from underneath, as if a structure had been built under it. Junior, Isabelle, Cloud, and Pac-Man were going down, what seemed to be Steel slides.
"WOOOHOOO!!" Junior cheered
"WOAH THIS IS AWESOME" Isabelle shouted.
"OH MY GOOOOOO" Cloud screamed.
"WAKA WAKA WAKA" Pac-Man was rolling down the slide like a ball.
Cloud then exited out onto soft ground. Then, Junior and Isabelle came out, landing on Cloud. Then Pac-Man came out, falling on Cloud and then rolling off him.
"Fwoo, lets do that again!" Junior shouted in anticipation.
"No, no no no" Cloud responded, thinking he had internal bleeding.
"Woah guys, look at that!" Isabelle pointed. There was a large quartz building on top of a hill.
"Hey its the Resistance Base!" Junior shouted.
"How'd you know?" Isabelle asked.
"The sign" Junior replied, pointing to a sign that read
"RESISTANCE BASE: Keep out!" With a drawing of a Skeleton meant to be the Reaper with an x through it.

Samus felt like new, as she got up from the medical bed. She went to go check on the info bay. Megaman was there. Slick as new.
"Hi you must me Samus Aran! Pleasure to meet you!" Megaman stuck his hand out. Samus sighed, before grabbing it.
"A pleasure. You must be Megaman"
"I sure am" Megaman said cheeky.
"So what's the status here anyways?" Samus asked.
"Well after I was reprogrammed, we've discovered that this Reaper, has disappeared off the radar."
Samus looked at the screens.
"He can't just be gone"
Samus said.
"Its what it looks like"
"General? You might wanna come look at this"
A toad soldier said.
Samus and Megaman followed the toad to the screen. It was the Reaper's fleet. It was heading upwards towards space.
Samus looked at the screen further.
"The hell are you going?"

Ridley stared at the knight.
"Let's start off with a few easy questions yes?"
Meta Knight said.
"1. What in the world were you doing carrying 9 passengers and flying at 80 mi/hr?"
Ridley figured he might as well be honest.

"I see. So you were trying to escape a blue demon, that you were initially allied with, because you needed everyone alive for a reward."
"Yep" Ridley replied.
Meta Knight didn't buy the last part.
"Well. Thank you, I'll be back with you shortly, and try not to flap your wings, they've sustained terrible damage, and may take a while to recover".
Meta Knight then left the room.
"Wait! How long do I have to stay hand-cuff he's gone okay." Ridley said in a huff.

"He's awake" Meta Knight said to the Group waiting outside. Meta Knight then flew to the control room, reviewing the instruments. Suddenly, he noticed something, his computer was informing him of 12 passengers on the ship. "Impossible" Meta Knight muttered. He was went through the computer, checking for confirmation of a stowaway traveller. Then, he saw something in the reflection of his computer screen, he turned around and slammed his fist on the alarm button, before being knocked out.

Samus and Megaman were looking over some maps. They concluded that the Reaper may actually be trying to conquer other planets. They weren't sure, but they couldn't risk it either. So here was their plan. They will send a space fleet to ambush the fleeing clone ship, and once and for all, defeat the Reaper. They had already began construction on ships to take them to space. They had only a few days, before they'd lose The Reaper's ship. Orange watched over as Samus went over the plan.
"We've calculated that he will be here in the solar system when we launch the space fleet. We'll keep an eye on his ships, but we won't get to close. Once he reaches Saturn, we'll ambush them there from the moons of Saturn itself.
Then, me and Megaman's ships will come in for support. Best likely scenario, we kill that sunovabitch. Even At worst, we'll be forced to retreat back to Earth, where we'll be ready for him once he returns."
The soldiers watched intensively, their battle trainee eyes focusing on the little figures representing themselves.
"We took him down on Earth, we can take him down in Space."
The soldiers all nodded in understanding.


Everyone looked over at the door. Someone was knocking at the front door. Everybody readied their weapons. Samus and Megaman ran over to the camera screens to see who it was.

"Hi, is this the resistance base?"
"We need to get in, we know stuff!"

He tried to stand up, to look out the window. They were miles above the ground. The door then opened again, and Ridley looked behind him and sat back down. It was Bayonetta.
"Morning Love" Ridley said in a snicker.
Bayonetta raised a gun at Ridley's face, instantly getting him to shut up.
"Keep your fucking mouth shut. You're gonna tell me right now, what that was"
Ridley slowly moved the pistol barrel away from pointing at him.
"Look. I'll be out of your probably too much gelled hair soon enough. I needed you alive so I can look good. I get my reward, I leave, simple as that."
"What reward?" Bayonetta asked.
"The reward the little kid promised me"
Ridley replied.
Pit and Link entered the room.
"What's your plan Dragon?" Pit asked with a bit of a snarl.
"If you really wanted us just for a reward, why'd you sent that, blue, thing after us?"
Dark Pit came into the room as well.
"If you were really using as for a reward, why didn't you captured us back there?" He asked.
Ridley froze.
"We were vulnerable. You and that thing could've knocked us out, and stolen us. Why didn't you?" Ridley looked at them.

Why didn't he?


The alarm began screeching. The group looked at each and fled out of the room, leaving Ridley.
"HEY!! YOU FORGOT SOMETHING!!!" Ridley screamed.
Ridley then tried getting off the bed before getting restricted by the bed board.

The group ran into the control room. Meta Knight was standing there, facing away from them.
"Meta Knight what's going on!?" Pit asked in panic.
Meta Knight turned around to reveal his eyes were glowing blue, he levitated in the air, before his body dropped to the floor, leaving only Dark Samus, who was holding Ness hostage.
"NO!" The group shouted, but it was too late.
Dark Samus fired from its fingers little bulbs that flew into the group. Thousands of Painful bolts of electricity flowed through their bodies, getting them on their knees, before knocking them all out of consciousness. Ness, seeing this, struggled some more before being shocked by Dark Samus itself, preventing him from moving.

Ridley, in the panic, shook the pillows and mattress of the bed board and tried opening the door, but was unable to get through the door opening. He looked in the distance. Bayo, Link, the Pits, Dedede, Kirby, Olimar, Meta Knight, they were on the ground.
"Guys what's going on?" Ridley asked in a panic.
Suddenly, Blue dead eyes.

Dark Samus appeared in front of him, sending Ridley backwards.
"Ssssssssssssssssssssss!!(You failed Ridley. You betrayed me, for these carbon based creatures, but no worries. I will eradicate them all, starting with this ONE!!)" Dark Samus shouted showing Ness captive on its hand. Ridley's eyes widened in horror, as DS disappeared out the door, like a fleeing ghost.
"NO! PLEASE DARK SAMUS DONT DO THIS!!!" Ridley has no more time left. He tried running towards the door, but the cuffs wouldn't budge. He rammed through the opening again. And again. And again.


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