AlphaTale:A New Puppet


128K 1.1K 369

A New threat has been Reborn and threatens the very balance of the Multiverse and Error is right in the middl... More

A New Target
A New Puppet...Seraphim Addition
Hard pickings
Bad Apple
Big plans and little moments
little Plans and Big Moments
I can't wait to be King
Student vs Master

Just A Thought

11.5K 115 30

404 and Error soon arrived in the thought au around the exact moment where Seraphim was about to make the decision to decide the fate of his world. Seraphim looked back at the two skeletons curious on what was going on.

"Who are you two?" said Seraphim with caution

404 stared at Seraphim sensing his immense power and overwhelming strength

"Boss you sure about this? no body ever messes with this guy, he's a god, untouchable!" Error whispered to him only for 404 to smirk and walk forward

"I'm here to give you a choice my friend" 404 said 

"Well i have enough choices already now begone, your ruining my focus" Seraphim replied as he turned around again much to 404's disliking

"Told you this was gonna be a waste of time" Error said crossing his arms in annoyance

"Quiet boy, Now my friend, i'm sure there's a way i can help you. Perhaps i could give you and this world a happy ending?" 404 said shocking not only Seraphim, but Error as well.

"WHAT!?" Error and Seraphim shouted in unison

Error then used his strings and pulled 404 to the side

"That wasn't part of the deal, i said i'd help you fix your Au end of story! I'm not a charity guy ok?! Do i look like that damn squid to you hu!?" Error silently shouted at him 

" LISTEN HERE BOY! I spared you're life and brought you here with me so we could work together, NOT so i could get a front row seat to you and your damn medaling and constant bitching. Now if you wanna keep being a child then i suggest leaving this place so the adults can talk." 404 said to Error getting in his face and then walking to Seraphim.

Error looked down at the ground, his fist balled up. He still lacked any knowledge of how things like this worked. All he did know was that he was definitely not helping help any Aus that could cause him trouble along his goal to be come the top destroyer. Error watched as 404 and Seraphim conversed for a bit before he tuned himself out and looked the other way, he never had been a lackey for anyone so he found standing around to be a tedious task, but one that was not unwelcome.

"Don't trust these guys Sans, they could be dangerous, remember last time with Wing dings?" Said Chara inside of Seraphim's head. Seraphim looked down at 404 in caution as he didn't know to trust the individual or to shut him away "Now that they know where are they'll never let us go!, Enough of this i'm taking over" said Chara as Seraphim's eyes turned a hot red as he stared down at 404 and Error.

"I have a better idea for you two trashbags" Seraphim said as suddenly his tail came from behind him and wrapped around Error slamming him to the ground before throwing him to the far expansions of the void they were in, 404 looked over and the back to Seraphim only to get kicked away by the large beast sending him flying backwards.

"You're a lot stronger then i gave you credit for, alright then how about we do this then" 404 said as he stood up and looked to Seraphim who drew their large knife like blade and and began to swing at 404 who dodged all of their attacks swiftly and with a sense of grace. Seraphim then got his tale and began to use that alongside his original knife attacks he was going for.

404 then stopped running as he then caught Seraphim's blade in two of fingers when he swung at him, Seraphim looked in complete shock as he then was lifted up by 404 and tossed to the side "Not all that impressed sorry" 404 said as he looked to Seraphim who was still getting up, Seraphim looked at him completely dumbfounded.

"H-How in the hell did you??" Seraphim stuttered as 404 then used blue mastery lifting him up and throwing him down to the ground with a large boom

"Gonna have to try harder if you want a chance against me" 404 said as he then flew into the air dodging shots from Seraphim's yellow pistol. In the distance Error would get up shaking off any dizziness as he then saw 404 and Seraphim going at it, it was impressive to watch and even more impressive to be there in person to see it, the old man was fighting against this god like being like it just another enemy.

"Just what the hell are you" Error said to himself as he got on his blaster and began to fly back over towards the battle.

404 continued to dodge every attack from Seraphim until a random tail attack from the big guy came into view cutting 404's arm clean off, Seraphim smiled as he finally got a hit in and Error's face twisted with shock and unsure happiness at the sight.

"Shit i was carless" 404 said to himself as he landed a few feet away, he looked at his wound unsure how he was going to proceed with his plans with just one arm until suddenly his arm just respawned itself back onto his body like nothing had happened, Everyone looked in complete shock at the sight as they never would have guessed it was possible. 404 then looked down a message on his interface saying "Back to full HP" and then disappearing.

"Could this be the mainframe's doing? Well whatever it was its given me a second chance and i can't waste it!" 404 said as he stood in front of Seraphim and then with a burst of magic powered up for only a couple of minutes before stopping completely.

"This fight is over" 404 said 

Seraphim looked on in complete shock and surprise as he was unsure of what he could possibly do to fend off this god like being, Seraphim for all of his time in his Au was told to have the powers of a god and be unstoppable, but he was sure now and certain that was standing before him now was a true god.

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