Feel My Soul Avenger

By RondaFlower

157K 4.3K 662

Fact: Everyone has a soulmate. Fact: Superheroes exist as do villains, and I'm not talking your average; "let... More

Media and Pictures
Chapter 1: Prologue
Eloise or Stella?
The Big Apple
Muffins for Pepper
Tony Stark Bringer of Fireworks
Batman is that you?!
Eye of Hawk
Mr. Blue Eyes
Son of a Biscuit
So Hard to Say Goodnight
Past to Present
Pancakes or Waffles?
You're MY Baby Girl Sweetheart
Kissing Galore
Tony Time
New Reality and New Friends
My Angel
Coffee and Apple Muffins
Honey Honey
Close Calls
Hail Hydra
Don't Call Me That
So . . . What's Hydra?
Nightmares vs. Reality
Being Loved
Moving Forward and a New Friend
You're Hot and Like Sad Books
You Know What's on my Mind?
Taking a Stand
Guy Talk
I Have Asthma, and I Can't Breathe
A New Home

The Golden Rose

4.9K 158 32
By RondaFlower

This chapter touches at intolerance towards anything that doesn't fit a COEXIST policy, the mindset of a man from the 1940's, and swearing.

Steve Rogers P.O.V.

     "Alright J.A.R.V.I.S. take me down." I said as I walked out of the room where I had left Stella and our warm embrace. "Quickly before I change my mind and can't bring myself to leave her alone." I thought as the elevator doors closed behind me and then the light to go down a few floors lit up.

     "Right away Captain. I've alerted Mister Stark that you are on your way."

     "Thank you." I responded to the computer. There was no way I was going to get used to having a computer talking to me anytime soon, or controlling the building I lived in.

     The world had changed so much since the 30's and 40's. In some ways for the better and in some, not so much. Everything food wise wasn't boiled anymore so that's a plus, oh and the internet was amazing. I have been using that a lot to catch up on what I've missed. There were a lot of other things too, like the quality of movies had improved (though I was still a fan of the movies from my time), music and how many different kinds there were now was confusing to me at times, and then there were the other things.

     Advancements in war and technology had progressed quickly with the help of Howard and Tony. I could see how with the changing times things like that were needed, but the black market on guns and the demand on them, made me realize that though the world had seemingly gotten bigger in my absence, people hadn't changed at all. They still fought and killed because of something as stupid and insignificant as skin color. Wars were started based on religion, when religion preaches peace. I may be an "old" man according to Nat, but even I know killing someone because of who they love, no matter if they are a man or woman, was wrong and a senseless loss of life.

     Other things that had changed radically were relationships. Back in the day Buck used to get all the dames, but he treated 'em right. None of this backwards is the correct way way. Don't get me wrong I love a strong woman, and one who could fend for herself was even better, it was one of the reasons I was attracted to Peggy, but now-a-days men weren't men. Not like the men I knew, not like the man I am. It's simple. You take your gal on a date; you treat her right. Open every door for her, place your hand on the small of her back to gently guide her and remind her that you're there, and pay for the bill or bills. If you got lucky, maybe at the end of the night she would give you a kiss. Now everywhere I look, the women are paying for everything instead of splitting up the bills, and following their guy around like they are lucky to even be in his presence, when really it's the other way around.

     A dame doesn't have to go with us places if she doesn't want to, and if she wants to pay sometimes then let her, but don't let her pay all the time. It seemed everywhere I looked I was seeing one of these "new" relationships and it just made me depressed. My guy or gal, my golden rose, was probably dead so I would never get to experience any kind of relationship with them. Which is why I was so relieved when I found Stella today. She was an angel, or at least that's what I thought when she stepped out from behind Clint earlier and looked at me.

     Her brown eyes looked at me with wide eyed wonder and an innocence that was hidden behind a wall of insecurities and fear. The pang of pain in my chest I felt when I saw that made me want to take her into my arms and never let her go, and I'm not a possessive person by nature. Maybe I will be with her and I'll have to get used to it?

     She was short. Well everyone is short compared to me now, but she looked about as tall as I was before Dr. Erskine injected me with the super soldier serum, only she was healthy. Her face glowed with health and her smile momentarily struck me speechless as my eyes quickly perused her body. She was curvy. I almost groaned out loud.

     Now don't misunderstand me here, all woman are beautiful. Nat has this oozy sex appeal thing going on that makes everyone look when she enters a room, men and women alike. Maria Hill, though stern, had a fierce sort of beauty around her, but you had to be tough and truly want her to appreciate it fully. My gal. My Stella, she was a gentle beauty that comes from the inside and slowly takes you over until all you can think about is her. She had a beautiful hourglass form under her form fitting clothes and I could practically hear Bucky in my head telling me to "make a move stupid or I'm going to." But she beat me to it of course. I've always said I was waiting for the right dance partner, and I had just found her.

     My inner monologue came to a screeching halt as the elevator stopped moving and before the doors even opened I could hear Tony and Clint loudly talking to each other. With a sigh, I pinched the bridge of my nose and walked into the room, and of course my teammates stopped talking at that very moment.

     "Well look who finally decided to show up." Tony said sarcastically as he poured himself two fingers of scotch and sat down in an arm chair while swirling his drink around the cup.

     "Tony." Clint said sharply, and I could see him looking at Tony with a hard stare. Great this couldn't just be a casual talk amongst friends then, I was going to have to pull out the team leader card as well.

     "What did I miss?" Casually I walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle and took a sip out of it as I waited for someone to speak. As I predicted Tony had to speak up.

     "Oh nothing just discussing life changing events while you sit on your ass."

     "Language." I said without thinking about it.

     "Really you want to criticize me on my language right now?" Tony said incredulously as he stood up and pointed a finger at his Arc Reactor.

     "Guys." Clint said.

     "What's that supposed to mean?"

     "What do you think it means Cap? You're worried about "language" when we have other things that need to be discussed here."

     "Guys." Clint said again as he looked up at the ceiling in exasperation.

     "You think I don't know that Stark?" I said as I got closer to Tony until we were almost chest to chest and glaring at each other. "We have a lot of things that need to be worked out, and we don't have room for your ego in this conversation."

     "My ego?!?! I'm sorry did you just say my ego?!?!"


     "You know I did Stark, you're more worried about how you are going to fit into this equation then the angel upstairs."

     "You don't call her that!" Tony spit through his teeth. "You call her doll. Or dame, or whatever the hell you want. But she is my angel, and I met her first."


     "Seriously are we in kindergarten? Is this like finders keepers?"


     "Oh you know what old timer. . ."

     "GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Clints voice boomed throughout the room, and I honestly didn't know he could be that loud.

     "Would you both just shut the hell up already! It's like I'm at a playground! Steve you're an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Captain Freaking America for Christs sake, and Tony you're a  self-made hero and Iron Man. We are the damn Avengers. So either pull yourselves together, or leave so that your arguing doesn't upset Stella. Because I swear to the Bow and Arrow Gods that I will put an arrow in each of your eye sockets if she comes down here because she felt how you two were feeling towards each other in her mark." Well shit. Tony and I looked at each other.

     "Yeah, bet you guys forgot about that fact while you were bickering like two old ladies huh." Clint said as he sat on a bar stool after grabbing himself a bottle of water. "It's not just about us anymore. We can squabble, we can fight, but we have to remember that she can feel everything that we are feeling in her soulmark, just like we can feel her feelings in our mark."

     "When did you get so damn wise?" Tony asked him as he downed his scotch and poured himself another one.

     "Well we have to be. We found her, and I'm not going to loose her."

     "Does something make you think we will?" I asked him about ready to go full out "Save the world" mode.

     "No one besides our team, Pepper, and Happy even know she exists at this point. She's perfectly safe." Tony was still nursing his scotch as he said this while looking down into his cup.

     "They don't know now, but they will eventually. I mean come on man! Tony you're a billionaire and there is always someone taking a picture of you and whoever you're with. Are you telling me that you can completely keep her out of the tabloids and any gossip that might come from her being seen with you?" Clint bemoaned before turning to me. "And dude, we work for the government. We have enemies. Hell we have enemies of enemies. When, and I mean when not if, they find out about her, we are going to have to put some safety protocols in place. That's not even touching the fact that all three of us are Avengers and that alone brings a different set of enemies." Clint raked a hand through his hair, put his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. "I just want her safe man."

     "And she will be." Tony said once again.

     "Tony . . . " I began but he cut me off.

     "No just hear me out. Everything bird brain said was true, and yes we have enemies, and yes they might want to get her, but have you forgotten who I am. I can create something to help keep her safe, just give me a little time." Both Clint and I nodded our heads at him and there was silence for a good couple of minutes before I broke it.

     "I just want to get to know her right now. I've dreamed of what my soul mate might be like, but I never imagined. . ."

     "Her?" Clint whispered.

     "No. How could anyone imagine her?" I smiled.

     Silence reigned once again as we all nursed whatever drinks we were drinking. The feel coming from my mark was so calming, so relaxed, that I started to fall asleep against the wall that I was leaning against.

     "She's asleep." Tony murmured as he put his alcohol down, leaned back in his arm chair, and closed his eyes.

     "What do we do now?" Clint asked while rubbing his eyes like he was tired as well.

     "For starters, we can get some sleep and in the morning we will decide how to proceed then." I said. It made the most sense to me, but it looked like Tony did not agree with my plan. Before he could get a chance to argue with me Clint gave him a glare, and he sunk back into his seat like a petulant child who hadn't gotten his way. "From there we don't make any decisions without Stella. There are three of us and one of her so shes bound to feel outnumbered. We can talk things through a bit more in the morning, but until then, let's get some rest." With that I walked out of the common room with a yawn and into the elevator.

     "J.A.R.V.I.S. to my room please."

     "Right away sir." And with that I was on my way upstairs to my room. As the elevator climbed, I just looked down at my left forearm to see my golden rose, the mark that symbolized my soul mate sleeping a few floors away. It was still a shock to me, but I could get used to this.  Sure having to be around Tony all the time would take some getting used to, but Clint wasn't all that bad. Either way she was worth it. I didn't know her yet, but she was worth it. She was worth everything. My beautiful golden rose.

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