This Life (ON HOLD)

By desert_rainn44

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Scarlet Vinci has been in the town of Seaside Heights for her whole life, as the most popular girl in school... More

This Life
The Sleepover
School Day/ The A Plan
The Day My World Stood Still
The Lunch Date
Zach's POV- Please, please, please be my girlfriend!
The Nurses office
My FairyTale
The Party
A Romantic Night- Just the Beginning
Perfect Monday
Draft-will be longer
Please Read!


22 2 0
By desert_rainn44

I looked down at the caller ID: LEANNE ADDLES

Why on earth would Spencer's mom be calling me? Major confusion!!

"Uh, hello?" I answered.

"Heyyy babe." So it was Spencer....

"What do you w-"

"Are you free tonight? I am. I'll pick you up at 8:00? Okay baby see you tonight." He interrupted me.

"What? NO!! I have a boyfriend you jerk!" I yelled into the phone, but it was too late, he'd hung up.

Seriously? What kind of mommy's boy would use his moms phone to call a girl? That's about the worst thing ever. And he's coming to my house!! Where'd he get my number? He knows where I live?! I decided to tell Zach asap.

Me: Hey, where r u?

Zach <3: outside w/ Brandon... Sup?

Me: meet me in the library ASAP

Zach <3: what's going on? B there in 5

Me: addles.

I closed my phone and sighed. Stupid nerd, jerkface Spencer Addles is NOT going to ruin my dream relationship! We would get through this.

____________________________in the library_______________

I sat down patiently and waited for Zach to arrive. He was so not going to be happy...

The library doors swung open and Zach ran in, he immediately spotted me and walked briskly over to my table.

"Hey Scar, what's going on? Why are you upset?" he asked in a worried tone.

"Addles. He called me on his moms phone."

Zach laughed.

"SHHHHHHH!" the librarian shushed him.

"His moms phone? That's hilarious!" he whispered.

"I know, I know... We can laugh about it later though," I told him," It's about what he said."

"Ugh, lay it on me." Zach sighed.

"Well, he asked if I was free, then said he was and he'd pick me up at 8:00, then he called me baby!! I was in the middle of chewing him out because I have a boyfriend, but he hung up!" I whispered, taking a big breath.

"That little....." Zach was mad...

"Sorry I have to go..." he said, " I have a visit with a certain nerd."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Have fun!"


Zach's P.O.V

I was steaming mad at Addles. Why the hell would he call my girlfriend? He had nerve to say that he was coming to her house... I picked up my phone and called Brandon and Kyle.


"Hey, dude it's me. Meet me in nerd city, we've got a meeting with Addles for calling my girlfriend!" I explained.

"Be right there man, he's gonna get it." he replied.

"Thanks, see ya."

I hung up and headed over to nerd city, aka the science lab/ chess club. Walking through the halls I got the usual drooling, jealous stares from all of the cheerleaders and wannabe nerd-girls. I didn't need it though, I have Scarlet.

As I reached the science lab, I saw Brandon walking up the opposite hallway and Kyle jogged up behind me.

"Let's kick some serious ass!" He smiled.

I nodded.

Brandon swung open the door and all heads turned to face us.

"Okay, which one of you is Spencer Addles?" he boomed.

Brandon can be very intimidating since he's over six feet tall...

"S-s-Spencer isn't h-here...!" someone squeaked.

"Where is he?" I piped in.

"At home sick... Why?" Anthony Bidke , Spencer's best friend blurted out.

"He messed with my girlfriend." I stated and slammed the door.

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