Destiny of Love (Complete)

By rendezvouswithlove

132K 6K 355

Having experienced a painful loss of love, Type has lost his will to live. Will Tharn be able to help him ove... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten (18+)
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve 18+
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen 18+
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen (18+) The End

Chapter Two

8K 360 13
By rendezvouswithlove

"I am sorry P. I couldn't recall...and thank you for saving my life. If you hadn't come on time, I wouldn't have survived." Type said, politely folding his hands to thank Tharn.

"Yeah P. I remember you giving us a mouthful. Man, that was something. I never saw you being so angry." Kengkla added.

"And, I got a handful from Rune as well. If it wasn't for Type, I would have been a gonner." Techno pouted remembering the punch from Rune. It took a long time for Type to convince Rune that it was just a bad day. They were all playing a game.

Not realizing what he had muttered, Techno continued. "And here I thought, Type was bad...Man, Rune was worse. His punch put me to bed for two days."

Before he could continue, Kengkla held his boyfriend's hand, signaling him to stop as Type was getting uncomfortable. Techno looked at Kla first, getting the hint, he looked at Type. Type's brows were tensed and his eyeballs were in rapid movement. He was trying to hold himself strong.

To avoid the tension, Tharn spoke. "Well, thanks to you guys, at least I got the chance to spend some time with Type."

Techno getting excited with Tharn's utterance, "And P, you were literally holding his hand throughout the night."

Tharn smiled and answered, "It's because Type was shaking. I didn't have the heart to leave him alone."

Type was oblivious to what was being spoken at the time. He was again getting depressed, before the tear spilled over, he got up to head towards the restroom.

"Hey Type?" Techno called over him.

"I will go after him." Tharn went.

"Arggh, I really can't hold my thoughts, can I? Why did I have to bring up Rune, when I promised his dad that I won't ever talk about him?" Techno was scratching the back of his head, cursing himself. Kengkla smiled at this stupid innocent lover.

"It's ok na, P'No. You didn't do it purposefully. And, I am sure, PTharn will take very good care of him." Kla assured Techno while holding his hand.

Tharn could hear Type crying in the cubicle. Though the sounds were really low. He knew Type was very strong, that's why he could survive the loss. Had Tharn been in his place, he wouldn't know how he would have behaved. Tharn respected Type's privacy, therefore he let him be. He stood outside waiting patiently for Type to come out.

Type came out wiping his tears. His eyes were teary red and swollen. Tharn felt a heartache when he saw the sight.

"P?" Type was surprised to see Tharn there. He could see warmth and empathy in his eyes. The same warmth he felt when Tharn saved him, and when Tharn was looking at him while singing. Type was aware that Tharn liked him, but he averted such thoughts, as for him, Rune was everything. If it had been someone else, Type would have ignored that person. But Tharn was different. Tharn never made Type uneasy. He knew his place and respected Type's decisions. Therefore, he did not try to make a move on him. He could have attempted to take advantage of Type's condition that night, instead he just held his hand and helped him to ease himself. Type was aware he was holding Tharn's hand, but he was very tired to move away, rather move away from the warmth. Type never forgot Tharn from that incident, he just put that incident aside as his main focus was Rune.

Seeing Tharn's eyes, he felt that he had seen such warmth before, only he couldn't recall where. But now he knows, yet he is afraid of the changes Tharn is bringing in him. He does not want to cheat Rune, even if he is not there with him.

"I hope you are feeling better now!" Tharn looked at him with concern.

Type couldn't look into Tharn's eyes. They were affecting him. He simply nodded his head.

"Do you have any plans tonight?" Tharn asked.

"No P. I want to sleep. I am tired."

Tharn smiled and said, "I know. But, if it can help you, I would like to take you somewhere. A place that can help you connect with yourself. I will not disturb you if you don't want to. But, trust me, you will like it."

Type thought for a while. If he stays alone, he might cry to himself the whole night. And he had promised his dad that he will try to move ahead. He cannot let his past keep affecting him. Rune was his first love and will always be. But, he has his entire life ahead. He should make an effort to move on. He then agreed to Tharn's proposal, because he knew he will be safe.

He nodded, "I trust you, P."

Tharn was very happy, though he was not confident that Type would accept. Type's approval gave him hope. But, he needs to have patience with Type, take one step at a time. He held Type's hand and brought him to the table where they were sitting earlier.

Looking at Type's swollen eyes, Techno couldn't stop cursing himself.

"I am sorry, Type. I didn't mean to."

To which, Tharn answered, "It's ok Nong. Type is fine. I am taking Type to the hill point. Do you guys want to join?"

Kla answered first, "No P. You go ahead. P'No and I will head back home."

"Yeah P. Take care of him for me and bring him back home safe."

"I will!" Tharn took Type with him. He opened the passenger door for Type to enter.

Type had placed his head on the passenger car window, looking outside. Tharn kept glancing at him worried throughout the drive. For the first time, Type felt safe and comfortable. He didn't need to explain anything to Tharn. He could just be quiet and Tharn wouldn't question him. With Rune, it was different. Rune would keep giving those questionable glances until Type would give in. It was cute, sometimes it would annoy Type. He would therefore not let his inner thoughts reflect on his face so that it doesn't worry Rune. Though Rune was tough and bulky, he was very emotional and sensitive from inside. Type, on the other hand, was used to of taking care of Rune, so he would not let his problems take over their relationship. He would let Rune spoil him but maintaining the balance in their relationship would be Type's responsibility.

They reached the hill point. They sat on the view bench on the edge of the road watching the city brimming with life in the night. There were many other couples enjoying the scenery. That didn't bother Tharn much. He was more into watching Type's expressions. When he felt that Type was fine, he shifted to lay down on the bench. He placed his head just close to Type, looked at him with all his love. Type, on the other hand, was looking at the stars. It was indeed very beautiful and peaceful. He just wanted to sit there whole night. Tharn did not disturb him. He closed his eyes and let Type enjoy the peace.

Type felt cold as the night grew and chilly winds started blowing. He looked down at Tharn who was sleeping next to him. Type didn't have the heart to wake him up. Considering it was cold, he shifted a bit and placed his head on Tharn's tummy, getting lost in the rhythm of Tharn's breath. He too closed his eyes and fell asleep. All this while, without Rune, sleeping was always troublesome for Type. He would lay awake for long hours, sometimes cry, sometime stare the ceiling. Today, however, he fell asleep quickly.

Tharn woke up from the movements. He did not want Type to stop doing what he was doing, so he lay still. When he felt that Type had fallen into deep sleep, he made the efforts to shift their position and place Type's head on his shoulder. He lifted him back to his car and placed him on the passenger seat. Ensuring that Type was safe and sound, he went back to the driver seat and drove them back to Techno's house. He then carried Type to his room and lay him on his bed, covered him with sheets, caressed his forehead and wished him good night. Type slept deeply that night.

Techno asked Tharn to stay back as it was quite late in the night. Tharn slept on the couch in Type's room and left early in the morning.

Type woke up in the middle of the night to find himself well covered in blanket and back in his room. He thought Tharn must have brought him back. He looked around and found Tharn sleeping on the couch. His blanket covered half of him and the other half was lying on the floor. Type picked the blanket, placed it on Tharn and went back to sleep.

The next day, Type came to the kitchen where Techno was preparing the breakfast. Techno looked at him to ensure Type's mood after his blabbering last night. Type looked relaxed. Techno then went back to fixing breakfast for them.

Type kept looking around in search of someone.

"He left in the morning." Techno answered.

Type nodded and sat down to have the breakfast.

"Where's Kla?"

Techno was surprised. "He left for work."

"You guys stay together?"

Techno smiled. "Not yet. But at the end of this year may be." He paused. He always wanted to tell Type about this, but his condition made Techno not to. He somehow gathered courage to tell him.

"We are planning to tie the knot by end of this year. I wanted to tell you this earlier." He paused there. He didn't want to say further.

Type looked at his friend. He had changed so much. He knew Techno was worried about him, so he didn't reveal this to him.

Type smiled, "You think I am that weak that I won't be able to rejoice your wedding?"

Techno was caught off guard. "No Type. It's not about that. I am worried about you."

Type smirked.

"What?" Techno asked.

"You think I will let you go so easily. I am going to be your best man whether you like it or not. You better be prepared."

Techno laughed. "I would be the happiest person in that case."

Type ate his breakfast and it didn't seem like Techno was going to work. So he checked with him. Techno had taken the day off today as he did not want to leave Type alone.

The day went by. They played video games, went out to buy groceries. It was the same as they were in college. Techno took him to the soccer field, where they played for quite some time.

"Hey Type, why don't you look for a job here?"

Type thought about it for a while, "I have already wasted two years, No. I don't think I can find one that easily."

"Hey, you are good with your game Type, and you got good credentials too. I can put a word to Tharn and ask him to help you find the Coach job in his university. He is quite famous there. It will help you."

"Thanks, No. But I want to get the job on my own merit, not by using Tharn's influence."

Techno nodded and didn't talk about it further. Type had already thought about this when he agreed to come here. He had got all his certificates and required documents for the job. He had also searched for jobs and applied online. He was waiting for the interview call.

When they returned to the house, Kla was already there. They greeted each other casually. Type left to freshen up and let the couple have some lone time. While going back to his room, he overheard Kla telling Techno that Tharn would be stopping by for dinner. Without realizing, a tiny smile was plastered on Type's face.

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