The Blossoming Rose | Male Ru...

By Laughing_Skull

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This is a Male Ruby Rose Reader x RWBY Story. This is also my first time working on a story on any platform s... More

Bio: Y/N Rose
The Stars in the Dark
History of the SDC
Blake Interlude (VERY Short)
Spectrums Gift

The Beginning

12K 126 138
By Laughing_Skull

Talking: Hello!
Thoughts: Greetings.
Text/Message: [Hi!]
Whispering: Sup.

Third Person

This particular night was eerily silent, no wind, no birds, nothing it was as if the sound had been removed. But there was one distant sound that seemed to be getting closer as it got closer it became more recognizable, footsteps. As the source of the sound came around the corner it revealed the face of one of the most notorious criminals in Remnant, Romona Torchwick.

As Romona and her henchmen walked it became clear to those who were watching that Romona's next target was the local dust store named 'From Dust till Dawn' even if her motives were unclear. As she and her flunkies made their way towards the store the people quickly moved out of the way in fear and shock. When they got to the front of the store she strolled on in as if she owned the place then, her henchmen came in. She walked up to the counter saying to the old man behind it.

Romona: Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a dust shop open this late?

She sounded annoyed yet satisfied. The old man was slightly shocked but that quickly turned to fear when one of her henchmen pointed a gun at him. He was quick to say.

Old man: P-please! Just take my Lien and leave!

Your PoV
When I had seen that this dust store was still open I'm going, to be honest, I was surprised. You see at the moment I was at the back of this store called 'From Dust till Dawn' reading a magazine showing all the new weapon models and designs, I was nearly drooling over them, nearly. I was also listening to a new song I had just released under my singing Alias 'Crimson Gemstone' which I had called Primal.

After a while, I put down the weapon's magazine and grabbed a magazine about, Music Artist and Authors. When I opened it a small grin formed on my face because I was seeing that I am in the top ten in both the Music Artist section and the Authors section although only under my Aliases. I'm in fifth place for Music Artist as 'Crimson Gemstone', and in third place for Authors as 'Roseline Gem', and yes I know that's a feminine name but I chose it to hide the fact it's me who is the author of those books. 

Then, out of nowhere, I felt someone grab my shoulder. I turned around to see a man holding a sword. He motioned for me to take off my headphones so I paused my music then did so.

Y/N: Yes?

???: I said, "Put your hands in the air now!"

Y/N: So, you're robbing me?

Flunky: Yes!

Y/N: Ooooh!

The flunky was going to repeat himself but before he could I kicked him hard enough to send him flying to the front of the store. Before I could move another flunky come around the corner pointing his gun at me.

Flunky 2: Freeze!

Before he could react I charged at him and took him and me outside by smashing through the front window of the store. I stand up while shifting Crescent Rose from inactive mode into Scythe mode. Then all the flunkies charged at me they were rather easy to knock out. I just smacked them around a little and they were already knocked out although I had to dodge some shots. Then I see a lady standing near one of the unconscious flunkies and I recognise her as Romona Torchwick. Even if she is a criminal she is still rather a beautiful woman.

Romona: You were worth every cent, truly you were. 
She said to the knocked out henchmen in an annoyed voice. I have to admit her voice was very melodic. Then her gaze turned to me.
Romona: Hmm. This boy is rather cute.

Romona: Well, Red, I think we can all say it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I'd love to stick around...
She raises her cane and points it toward me which confused me for a moment until I saw a crosshair pop-out from the bottom of her cane.
Romona: I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

Then she fires, I quickly fire Crescent Rose using the recoil to blast myself into the air just outside of the blast she caused. When I land I see that Torchwick is gone I look around and spot her climbing a ladder of the side of a build. She was already halfway up.

Y/N: Damn, she's fast. 

I then look toward the old man.
Y/N: You okay if I go after her?

The old man gives a quick nod. So I quickly take off after her using the recoil of Crescent Rose to quickly get to the rooftop she was on. I land on the rooftop and yell at her.

Y/N: Hey!
She stops for a second at the edge of the rooftop and I hear her whisper to herself.
Romona: Persistent and Cute.
I blush a little bit but I quickly shake it off and refocus on her and get ready to fight. Then a Bullhead appears out of nowhere which shocked me, she climbs into the bullhead and turns around holding a red dust crystal. She threw the crystal in front of me which I found odd.

Romona: End of the line red!
She said while pointing her cane towards the Dust crystal which made me realise what she intended to do. When she fired her shot towards and I was quick to dash to the side with my semblance. I was out of the blast range but when I turn to see the damage I realised that the dash was not needed as the explosion was blocked by a blonde woman wearing a purple cape. 

The blonde woman then somehow summons up a bunch of dark storm clouds above the bullhead which hailed down sharp ice shards on the bullhead. I heard Torchwick yell something but I couldn't hear it clearly. Then a red-figure makes itself known and throws energy at the huntress who blocks it.

The battle that's going on in front of my eyes is shocking honestly. It was going back and forth until the red-figure destroys the debris the blonde woman was using to attack the bullhead. I snapped out of it and shifted Crescent Rose from Scythe mode to Rifle mode and started firing at her but she blocks all my shots with ease which shocked me. I see that they are going to get away so I shift Crescent Rose back to inactive mode place it back on my lower back. 

I quickly get in front of the huntress and excitedly ask.
Y/N: Can I have your autograph?

Now that I get a good look at her I recognise the blonde Huntress as Glynda Goodwitch a Huntress that many boys and girls admire for different reasons. The girls admire her for her strong image and beauty, the boys only admire her because they think she's hot, damn pigs. I will admit that she is beautiful that is a fact I can't hide. I also avoided looking at her body and kept eye contact out of respect and because I don't want to seem perverted and I don't want a woman I respect to see me as one of those pigs.

Anyways at the moment, she is scolding me, for what I did.

Glynda: I hope that you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly, young man. You put yourself and others in great danger.
She spoke in a manner of Authority.

If this was me a year ago I would have responded with something like 'But they started it!' but that isn't the case now. I responded in a calm voice.
Y/N: I know some of my actions may have put me in danger along with that old man, but most of my actions were in self-defence. After that when I was on the roof it was more to do with the fact that I didn't want anyone else to be in danger if she ran into anyone so I choose to pursue her.

She seemed stunned by my response and took a few seconds to recompose herself but even so, I saw that the expression on her face had softened.  

Glynda: Even so you have to understand you put yourself in danger and you or that man could have been injured. 
She spoke in a more calm and understanding tone. 

Y/N: I understand that and I appreciate the fact that you're worried about my well-being but I know the consequences of my actions. I also know myself well enough to know that I probably would do it all again without thinking about it to make sure others were not in danger.
I said still staying calm about all of this I smile because it's heartwarming to know she was worried. She just stood there staring at me for a few seconds before a small smile appeared on her face. She then turned around staring at the wall for a moment. 

What I didn't know was that a small blush had appeared on her face before she recomposed herself.

Glynda: He really is one of a kind. If it were any other boy he would be staring at my breast but he has kept eye contact with me this entire time. He also shows an enormous amount of compassion. I will admit he is cute but I have to keep this professional, for now. 

As Glynda recomposed herself she turned back around to face me.

Glynda: Even so there is someone here who would like to meet you. 
She said while moving to the side to reveal a woman wearing green clothes with silver hair standing in the doorway holding a plate of cookies and a cup of coffee. I recognise her instantly as Professor Ozina the current Headmistress of Beacon Academy. 

She walks into the room leans in bringing her face close to mine. I blush a little but keep eye contact with her.

Ozina: Hmm, Y/N Rose, you have silver eyes.
She said not to anyone, in particular, she said as if it was an afterthought.

Y/N: Yes and your eyes are a rather lovely shade of brown.
I said I saw a small blush appear on her cheeks with a soft smile, she gave a soft giggle.

Ozina: Hehehe, why thank you. Anyways moving along, so Mr Rose where did you learn to do this?
She said motioning with her head towards the tablet Glynda was holding. Showing you fighting off all those flunkies with Crescent Rose in Scythe mode.

Y/N: First, please call me Y/N, Mr Rose makes me feel as if I'm in trouble. Second, Signal Academy.
I said to which she raised an eyebrow which I found cute.

Ozina: Signal taught you how to use one of the most dangerous weapons ever designed?
When she said that she tilted her head a small bit and I also found cute.

Y/N: Cute, anyway no it was one teacher in particular who taught me how to wield a Scythe.
I think she heard me because I swear her cheeks became redder for a moment. I think Glynda is getting a little jealous too because I can see her eye twitching. 

Ozina then put the plate cookies down in front of me. I tentatively pick one up, I then eat it in a single bite, and then, not seeing any rebuttal, shovel the rest into my mouth. What can I say I love cookies.

Ozina: Adorable. It's just that I've only seen one other scythe-wielder of that skill before. A dusty, old crow.
She said with a small smile. I blush a bit due to me not being used to compliments. I finish eating the cookies and smile shyly.

Y/N: Yeah. Hehehe. That's my Aunt Quill. She's a teacher at Signal. I bearly knew how to use a Scythe before she took me under her wing, although I was decent with a blade at that point.
I say quietly. Ozina sits down opposite to me and leans in. 

Ozina: So why is a handsome young man like you in a school designed to train warriors?
She asks with interest. I feel the blush form on my face as I look at her.

Y/N: W-well, I want to become a huntsman, I have ever since I was younger. Mainly because I want to protect those who can't protect themselves and maybe find my mum who dad said went Missing in Action.
I say with a sad look as I miss her and the sadness just gets worse every day. Some tears start to fall from my eyes I try to keep myself from breaking down but it's getting harder and harder with every passing moment. 

Then I find myself being pulled into a warm embrace, I look up to see Glynda's green eyes staring my own silver ones. She runs her hand through my hair as she speaks.

Glynda: So soft. It's okay let it all out, I'm here for you.
She says in a soothing voice. As she said that I break down holding onto her as if my life depends on it. 

Y/N:*Sob* I m-miss her s-s-so much.*Sob*
I said that while crying into her shoulder. I feel another pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I don't need to look to know who it is. 

Small Timeskip/Third Person
After 15 minutes of Y/N crying in the embrace of Ozina and Glynda, he calms down.

Glynda/Ozina: Poor boy. I wish Summer were here for you.
The thought this in unison even if they didn't that.

Ozina: Y/N do you know who I am?
She asks Y/N in a soothing tone while his head buried in the notch of her neck with her chin resting on his head.

Y/N: Y-your Professor O-ozina the current Headmistress of Beacon Academy.
Y/N responded in a soft voice that made him sound vulnerable.

Ozina: Yes and I'd like to ask you would like to come to my School?
Her voice still soothing while running her hand through Y/Ns hair.

Y/N: More than Anything.
He responded with a voice of certainty. He saw Glynda and Ozina exchange looks for a few seconds before they both nodded.

Ozina: Well, Okay Cutey.
She said with an excited voice. Then she did something shocked Y/N she gave him a kiss on the forehead. He quickly buried his back into the notch of her neck, he was certain his face looked like a fresh tomato. Then realised what she said pulled away from her slowly with a look of confusion on his face.

Y/N: What did you say?
He said with a voice of uncertainty.

Ozina: I said "Well, Okay Cutey"
She said with the same excited voice.

Y/N: Are y-you saying you're allowing me to come to B-beacon two whole years early?
He asks in a wavering voice. He partially believed he was dreaming.

Ozina: He's cute when he's confused. Yes Y/N, I'm saying you can attend Beacon this year.
She says with a smile on her face and a soothing voice.

She watches as a huge smile appears on his face and before he can do anything crazy he calms himself down and stands up and turns towards her and Glynda. 
Y/N: May I leave I believe my family would like to hear the news.
He says with a happy and excited tone. Glynda and Ozina smile before saying in unison.
Ozina/Glynda: You may.
They say that in a calm manner gesturing towards the door for him to leave. 

He starts making his way out but before he leaves he turns around and makes his way towards Ozina and Glynda. When he reaches them he gives them both a kiss on the cheek, Glynda her right and Ozina her left.
Y/N: Thank you.
He whispered before running out. He may have whispered that but they hear him loud and clear. He also left so quickly he didn't see their reaction to his kiss. They were both blushing and they were blushing hard, they both held the cheek he kissed in their respective hand. 

Ozina: This year is going to be an interesting one with him, don't you think Glynda?
Her question may have been directed at Glynda but her gaze along with Glyndas have yet to leave the doorway in which you have left.
 Glynda: Yeah, I truly will.
She said while holding her right cheek.

Timeskip/Your PoV
I had already given Yang and Dad the news and they were both surprised and proud of the fact I was attending Beacon early. Currently, I'm in my room lying on my bed thinking of mum. So I decided to write a song I had already made everything I just needed the vocals.

I got up, put on my headphones, set up the mic and press record.

Song Begins

We tried to walk together
But the night was growing dark
Thought you were beside me
But I reached and you were gone
Sometimes I hear you calling
From some lost and distant shore
I hear you crying softly for the way it was before

Where are you now?
Are you lost?
Will I find you again?
Are you alone?
Are you afraid?
Are you searching for me?
Why did you go? I had to stay
Now I'm reaching for you
Will you wait? Will you wait?
Will I see you again?

You took it with you when you left
These scars are just a trace
Now it wanders lost and wounded
This heart that I misplaced

Where are you now?
Are you lost?
Will I find you again?
Are you alone?
Are you afraid?
Are you searching for me?
Why did you go? I had to stay
Now I'm reaching for you
Will you wait? Will you wait?
Will I see you again?

Song End
I then press stop recording. He had shed a few unshed tears throughout that song.

What he didn't know was that Yang was sitting outside his room listening in tears as she too missed your mother, Summer Rose who went Missing in Action a five years ago(Not Cannon). She quickly her way to her room and cried herself to sleep.

As he put his setup away he saved the new song under Private Playlist and named it Hymn For The Missing

After he was done he got into bed a just stared at the ceiling. His eyes drooping and he felt himself getting tired and falling to sleep. Before he embraced the darkness of sleep he said something.

Y/N: I miss you, mum and I hope to see you again.

He then shut his eyes and embraced the comfort of sleep.

A/N: Please note that this is my first time writing fanfiction so please help me when you see possible mistakes. Also, I'm not that good when it comes to Action/Fighting Scenes so please be patient as I learn to write them.

(Word Count: 3105) 
Not including Authors Notes.

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