The adventures of Hunter

By mysticonhunder

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These are the adventures of Seren Silverbranch in Gemina with the well known Mysticons. (I don't own the seri... More

Chapter 1-Sisters in arms
Chapter 2-How to train a Mysticon
Chapter 3-The Coronation
Chapter 4-The Mysticon kid
Chapter 5-An eye for an eye
Chapter 6-Heart of Gold
Chapter 7-Scourge of the seven Skies
Chapter 8-Lost and found
chapter 10-Danger in the Skies
Chapter 11-a Walk in the Park
Chapter 12-a Girl and her Gumplump
Chapter 13-Skies of Fire
Chapter 14-All hail Necrafa
Chapter 15-The Dome
Chapter 16-Clash of Tridents
Chapter 17-Gems of the Past
Chapter 18-Quest of the Vexed
Chapter 19-Mutinity most Fowl
Chapter 20-Through my enemies eyes
Chapter 21-The prophecy Unleashed
Epilogue (maybe)

Chapter 9-The Astromancher Job

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By mysticonhunder

(Sorry but that thing it's true, in my opinion.)

What's up guys and welcome back to another Mysticon adventure. Today is going to be intresting, maybe  because we're going to get on the astromanchers nerves and there is going to start the World War 3.

(Ark: What is this supposed to mean?
Prox: I think I get it.
Eartha: So, what does it mean?
Prox: You'll see soon.
Piper: I feel like I have lost something important.
Me: On the story now.)

Today the things were getting harder, not only because we had lost the dragon disk and the piece of the condex, but also we had to deal with the astromanchers too.

Nova: You call yourself Mysticons? Because of your incompetence, you let Dreadbane get the dragon disk, surely bringing about the start of the apocalypse.
Ark: We regret what happend and beg for forgiveness.
Gandobi: It's just a matter of time before it reveals the location the of the two last condex pieces, making him that much more powerful.
Quasarla: This is a disaster...
Nova: Of apocalyptic purposions.
Zar: *whispering* Obsess about the apocalyps much?
Mal: He's been through a few.
Me: If he had passed a zombie one, call me to learn the story.
Ark: I urge the high council not to lose faith in us. By the star of Gygax, we'll fix this. Nothing will stop us, not Dreadbane, Tazma, not even Necrafa herself if she was alive.
Quarsala: Speak not her name.
Gandobi: Oh seriously. You don't just speak out the name of an evil lich queen, who was destroyied a millennium ago.
Nova: Gandobi is right. And besides, from what I've seen, I hardly doubt that you can save this realm from...
Piper: Apocalyps?
Nova: I was going to say doom, but I like your version better.
Me: If you give us another chance, ple...
Nova: Silence Hunter. You may go.
Me: *whispering with anger* With no democracy in here, we have problems.

While we were leaving from there, a purple ball apearred and trapped Malvaron in it. Maybe they should remake their democratic system.

Em: Eh, what's going on?
Nova: You weren't the only ones who failed. Your solon failed as well.
Mal: Go girls, I'll be fine.
Ark: We'll fix this, I promise.

These are the Malkayna moments I adore the most. I'm near to cry. Anyway, with the astromanchers not trusting us and Dreadbane with a condex piece and the dragon disk in his hands and with a portal to another dimension, the things weren't what we could say good.

Zar: Don't let no one from those robe dudes get ya.
Ark: I'm not mad at them. I have put the realm in danger. I got Malvaron imprisoned. I tottaly messed up.
Em: Hey, we all did, but we'll get the dragon disk and the condex piece back.
Me: Besides, you must remember that hope dies last, but for the heroes, the hope never dies. It's an energy that just transferes.
Piper: But how? We don't even know were the lair of Dreadbane is.
Zar: And it's not like we can found another dragon disk. It's one of a kind artifact.

Mathis: One of a kind of designer things. Here is even a Hercules.
Ark: That's Airculey and do you have any Ghoulchi?
Me: Then you'll tell us you want Manti-V. Arkayna, we have a serious mission here, we don't have time for shopping.
Zar: Don't waste your golds, their copies.
Mathis: What? I want you to know these are...
Em: Hmm. Yep, they're fake.
Mathis: Fine, it's a fake. But it works like a real thing. They're from the same fabric material and this here is a dimesional pocket.
All: Whoa.
Choko: Chrip chip.
Ark: A fake. That's it. Thanks Mathis.
Piper: We'll take three.
Gaw: Actually, I'll take all of them. All for you Latensia.
Latensia: Let's go. I'm going to be late.
Em: That isn't going to end good.
Me: You're telling me.


In the hideout, Arkayna with the help of Piper and Emerald was trying to find something in the library, while Doug, Zarya and me were playing "Avatars of the apocalypse". A true Dragontuber gamer never rests from gaming.

Game: You beat apocalypse.
Doug: Argh. That controler is cursed.
Zar: Better luck next time Dougie.
Me: Let's hope it's not cursed with the curse of vanishing.

Zar: How is it going princess? So, you can really make a nock of the dragon disk?
Me: I believe we can do it in the right way.
Em: Make an artifact like that is pretty imposible.

(Me and Piper: *singing* You say it's imposible, to make another dragon disk, but my dear, it's possible, it's possible, it's possible.
Zar: Other greek songs for now?
Me: We'll see later.)

Ark: Yes, but according to this ancient tomes, we might be able to make it up. But we're gonna need a few things.
Zar: A dragon lotus from the forest of doom?
Piper: Lava from the volcano of doom?
Em: And lighting in a bottle?
Me: From the sky of doom?
Ark: I know, but if we're going to save the realm... and my parents.
Zar: Hey, we've got your back princess.
Piper: Yeah, let's do this.
Me: This is going to be the most interesting shopping trip I ever had.
Zar: Maybe it will be the doomest shopping trip you ever had.

We transformed into our Mysticon form and run on our griffons to get these ingedients. This thing wasn't so bad, we only had to fight some enemies we had faced before, but it was also exhausted.


Ark: Way to go girls. We've got everything.
Everyone: *in tired tone* Yeah.
Doug: Hey, I had all those stuff in my closet already. Why you didn't ask?
Me: 'Please Arkayna do the look, because I don't have the courage to chase him'.

(Me: I know it sounds bad, but you saw what we passed.)

Ark: Okay, the moment of true.

Arkayna put all the ingedients together and the machine was creating this perfect copy of the dragon disk. We're so close.

Piper: Careful. Careful. Careful. Sorry.
Ark: Guys, we did it. Now we just have to sneek into the astromanchers academy, free Malvaron and boost it with power.
Em: Woa, woa. Sneek in?
Ark: Yeah, they would never let us use the Celestial forge.
Em: *worried* The Celestial forge? Are you out of your mind?
Piper: What is that Celestial forge?
Me: An anormous magic furnace that the ancients used to create artifacts like the dragon disk.
Em: *worried again* And if we make one mistake...
Ark: we could open a rift in the cosmoverse, I know. But if we don't do this, Dreadbane is going to get the last two last pieces of the condex.

(Prox: Hmm, interenting. I wonder what else we're going to hear in there.
Kash: Still I can't belive that you lost the dragon disk.
Ark: Hey, nobody is perfect.
Kash: You mean purrrfect.
Mallor: Stop it Kash.
Me: Can we continue? Here is the big part.
Willa: Let's go then.)

Zar: The princess has a point. We can't risk that.
Em: Fine, I guess you're right.
Ark: Okay. Everyone in the plan.
Piper: A heist? I love the heists. It's time to give lessons.
Ark: Here is our plan we made.

In the background our plan was playing while we were saying step to step. Nothing was going to be wrong. Ark: First, we need to get passed the guards outside.
Me: They change shifts every four hours.
Ark: Em, you'll be up next. Once we're in, we head at the star chamber. I'll activate the lock.
Me: Piper, you nock out the guard, we free Malvaron, so he can get us into the Celestial forge...
Ark: We fire it up and another dragon disk in our hands. What do you think?
Zar: You knock it out with the gladiator part princess.
Me: Usually I don't do these things, but we want another dragon disk and it will be fun, so let's do it.
Em: I just want to say, for the record, I warned you not to do it.
Ark: It's going to be fine. I'll catch up with you in a bet.

But a very unpleasant surpise found me and Arkayna in the way. Nova had come to our hideout, to become our new solon. Also, a very good question. How the hex everyone finds our hideout? Anyway, I hoped Arkayna could find an excuse to get away and soon.

Nova: I can't believe Malvaron allowed you to live in such a clatter.
Ark: *worried* It's so nice to drop in star-master. Haha.
Me: Yeah, we're always glad to have you here.
Nova: This is more than a drop in. You all need a proper training and I will be your new solon.
Ark: Oh my goblin.
Me:  What we could do without your guidances star-master? Now I'm sure we're going to be trained well. 'This is the last time I'm leaving last.'
Nova: I admire your fire Dragon mage, your passion, you remind me myself when I was a young spell slinger. And you Hunter, always serious, without messing around, ready for a good fight. You're exactly like the previous Hunter. But I hope even better.
Ark: We're very flattered by your words.
Me: And we look forward to train with you but...
Nova: But before I can guide you, we must build a foundantion of trust. Gather the others, while I de-clatter.
Ark: *whispering* Not good, not good, not good.
Me: *whispering* Hey, we're going to find an excuse quick. Tell the others that we're coming with a delay.

On the others side, they were heading to the academy, ready to do our plan, even without us. The plan went well I could say, with some little things that were off, but it went great. Back to our POV.

Nova: Where are the others? I hate being kept waiting.
Ark: They went out for supplies.
Me: And some orcs attacked them, so this is why they haven't come yet.
Doug: Hey, any work on the he... hi Nova Terron.
Ark: He's going to be our new solon.
Me: Isn't that great?
Doug: Awesome?
Me and Doug: Whoa, why do you want throw away our video games?
Nova: You must declatter your enviroment in order to unclatter your mind.
Me: I'm sorry Nova, but I can't just throw them away. I worked hard to get them from part-time jobs and I don't want to lose them.
Nova: Hmm, avatar of the apocalyps?
Doug: Yeah, you battle online opponets in an apocalyptic Drake city. Me: It's so cool.
Nova: The apocalyps you say?
Ark: Yeah, excelent training for surviving the real thing.
Me: From where do you think I learnt to fight that good?

(Prox: From the video games, the movies, the series, the animal movements, almost all the martial arts and the rythms of the songs. That's all, I think.
Me: Hey, the last part was secret.
Prox: We're just telling them. Go on.)

Ark: Hey Doug, why you don't show him how to play?
Doug: Why are you talking like that?
Me: Ha, your so funny. This thing you do is super heist-erical.
Doug: Oh, now I get it.
Ark: *angry* Just teach him how to play, okay?
Doug: Yeah, they just acting weird. Okay, now let's make for you an account. You'll need a profile pick, say cheese.
Nova: Cheese? I despise *flash* cheese.

Luckily we got away from there and we hoped the others had made it so far without us. I think they might are at the part where they cross the bridge and attack the guard to save Malvaron. I also hope Doug keep Nova  busy for a long time.

~Timeskip to the academy~

We had entered at the academy, nock out some guards stealthy and get two astromanchers robes. If the plan was right, the girls would have already entered in the Celestial forge, so we make way to go there.

Ark: *whispering* Finally, we're going to make the new dragon disk without any distractions.
Me: *whispering* Don't be so sure about that. We haven't reached the forge yet. But I'm a bit sad that we lost all the action.
Ark: *whisperinh* And what the guards were?
Me: *whispering* I ment the heist plan action.

Suddenly, three figures appeared and tackled us on the floor. The girls thougt that we were top-level astromanchers. I thought of keeping the outfit actually, but that's another story.

Ark: Hey, hey, it's us. Isn't that the action you wanted?
Me: You know what I ment.
Piper: Yeah, you made it.
Em: How did you get pass Nova Teron?
Ark: We distracted him.
Me: You can say a thank you to the avatar of the apocalyps.
Zar: Wait, that's it.
Mal: It's not the time to check you score.
Zar: I'm not. Aha, got it. NovaTeron7096. Everybody needs a profile pick.
Me: That was a genious move.
Ark: Wow, the Celestial forge.
Mal: Okay, put the dragon disk in the forge and let's fire it up.

It was the time to get to work and create this dragon disk. Arkayna and Malvaron were making it while we were blowing the fire. But suddenly, a boom was heard from the door and the process went wrong. Oh my goblin.

Gandobi: You fools. You've doomed us child, you've doomed us all.

In the middle of the nightsky, a black hole had opened and from it some dreadful looking creatures came out. They were like gargoyles but with flesh.

Em: By the hammer of Harmon.
Ark: Any idea how we seal  this rift?
Quasarla: We will seal the rift. You have done enough.
Gandobi: Astromanchers, target to the rift. That includes you, Malvaron.

The astromanchers were blasting the rift with all their magic while these creatures were leaving away. We had to do something and fast.

Ark: Ranger, Knight and Hunter, You're going to protect the city. We'll protect the astromanchers.

The orders have been taken and we had already left with our griffons. This wasn't exactly the action I wanted, but what else I can do.


I went right away to the palace, to see if everything was alright, but there were some gargoyles who wanted to attack Gawein and Latensia.

Gaw: *without noticing the fight* Happy one week anniversary Boo. Aouch.
Me: I tottaly doesn't ship this. No, nope-ity nope. You Fenision?
Fenis: Skrawk skrwk.
Me: You really are my griffon. Alright, let's get to work.

After the palace, I went to the streets of Drake city. These gargoyl targets were something more intresting than the orcs. But while I was fighting...

Me: Hmm, I wonder who is calling. Hey, Arkayna, so how is it going? Are you close to seal the rift?
Ark: *from the phone* No. Not even a little. And we can't find Nova. How is it going from your side?
Me: Oh fine. Just some of this things on the streets. Hey you, come back here, don't even think of escaping. Is there anything else you want?
Ark: *in the phone* Can you call the others?
Me: Yes of course. I'll call when I have news from them, okay?
Ark: Okay, bye.

Me: Hey Em, how it goes from your side?
Em: *from the phone* Everything is under control. One of those things thought that the dragon train had scratching towers on it and now I'm holding the train so it won't fell.
Me: Oh come on. I put these things yesterday. If I find that thing... wait, isn't this thing which is falling towards me?
Em: I think yes.
Me: Listen here mister. Nobody is messing with my job. Now take that. I'll call you later when we finish and when I'll have everything to replace it, okay Em?
Em: Okay. Bye for now.

Me: Alright, I hope Zarya can answer. Hey you. Get off of my griffon.
Fenis: skrawkk.
Me: Nice shot. A treat for the good job. But there are more of them in the way. Hey Zarya, how is it going? Did you catch any of this things off guard?
Zar: *from the phone* Everything perfect, the kids of the Undercity are safe. Woa, what? Eh, Seren, I think we broke the magic generator.

(Mallor: Zarya, what have you done? You let the whole Drake city without Scry-fi?
Zar: Mallory, chill, it was just an accident.
Eartha: Oh-oh, you shouldn't had said that.
Mallor: Just an accident? Zarya Moonwolf Goodfey, you have started now a war. And we're going to finish it tomorrow in the morning.
Willa: Why tommorow?
Me: Because there is another one going on.)

Me: What? I fixed it yesterday. Ugh, why everything is messing with my work today? You too, you stupid thing. Sorry, I have to close so I can get my tools. Bye Zarya.
Zar: Bye.
Me: Alright, you heard it, back into the palace. Luckily it's close to reach. Oh, before I forget it, let's take Arkayna or Piper.

Me: Hey, Piper, how is it going?
Piper: *from the phone* Everything is fabtacular, almost. Oh-oh, you are cashing now.
Me: Wow, great shot Pipes.
Piper: Thanks. How is it going.
Me: Em, Zarya and me have everything under control, but will be late.
Ark: *from the phone* Hey, do you have any ideas about how we can get more power to close the rift?
Me: Eh, why you don't just use the power of the dragon and the phoenix?
Mal: Maybe this should work.
Gandobi: But you can also wide the rift and make it worst.
Nova: It's too dangerous. Did you caused it?
Ark: Not inteltionaly.
Me: Because I have some friends to help and to restore the magic so we can play again, can I close? And don't forget to try the idea. Bye.


Me: Did you miss me Em?
Em: Maybe a little, can you fix this thing?
Me: Of course. Till then let's talk a little.
Em: You can fight those things and fix the train in the same time?
Me: And you're holding the train and fight at the same time.
Em: I guess you're right. How is it going?
Me: Arkayna and Piper might use the power of the dragon and the phoenix and Zarya is going to help us fix the magic generator.
Em: Woa-woa. They're going to use they're power attacks to seal the rift? Who had this crazy idea?
Me: The one that is trying to fix the train. And maybe it will work, but we don't know yet.
Em: Wait, these things are gone?
Me: Yes, told ya. And I'm also done. Now let's go to the generator with Zarya and fix it.

(Prox: So let's see. Exept from tresspassing in the academy, using the Celestial forge, opening a rift with dangerous creatures and cutting the magic through Drake city you also distracted Nova Terron and let a thief get away.
Ark: Hey, this is part of the work. Even mistakes can be made.
Prox: But mistakes like that are made only once. Maybe this is why Seren took the...
Kasha: Please don't spoil it yet. Let it for the end.
Me: And stop making cliffhangers. Let's continue.)

Finally, after we finished with the generator, we returned back to the academy, so Nova can accuse as for what we have done.

Quarsala: Do you have any idea in how much danger you put the realm?
Nova: You broke into the academy, you freed Malvaron and you deceived and defied me.
Ark: *whispering* Please, forgive us Star-master.
Gandobi: And all, because you thought you could create a dragon disk.
Me: *whispering* We didn't had another choice.
Nova: Enough of you Hunter.
Gandobi: I mean, look at this thing. Is that the other choice you had?
Everyone: *gasp*
Quasarla: That's... impossible.
Em: That's what we do best.
Me: *singing* You said it was impossible, to create another dragon disk, but for us is possible, possible, possible. 'Ha, take that. For the first time I'm happy with a choice.'

We had created another dragon disk, we did the impossible, possible, like Pantelidis said. We were almost near to cry from happiness.

Zar: Sweet, another riddle.
Em: Leading us to the two last pieces of the condex.
Piper: Fabtacular.
Me: Time to stop the apocalyps.
Ark: If you don't mind, we've got work to do.
Nova: So you do, Dragon Mage. So you do.

I didn't knew exactly what our next adventure was going to bring us, but whatever it would be, we would face it. That's all fellas and see ya in the next chapter. At least the war bettween Arkayna and Proxima stoped immidiatly.

The end of chapter nine

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