Chapter 2-How to train a Mysticon

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Hey guys, whats up and welcome to another chapter. I hope you'll enjoy it and here is a drawing of my pet foz jessica. I get her at the 11th episode of the 1st season. Now on the story.

We were heading towards the anstromancers academy. It was finally the time to meet the anstomancers' council and our new solon. Before we left I went with Malvaron to call Arkayna but she suddenly shoot me. I can't blame her, because she saw a terrible nightmare.

Zarya: So, this astronauters are going to help us ?
Em: It's asromancers and they are the most importamt mages in the realm.
Zarya: We're going to meet some creepy old mages, cool.
Arkayna: Hey, they are also the ones who will free my parents and I need some support.
Malvaron: I need to agree with Zarya. Some of them are corrupted so you need to keep your names secret.
Piper: Seren, have you felt lately that your ears are a little more pointy than usual ?
Me: For the last time Piper I haven't felt something elf-ish on me.

I discover that the first Mysticon hunter, Elsa Griffinbane, fought beside Imani Firewing, the first dragon mage, in the last fight against Necrafa and she was an elf ! I was astonisted after I heard that because my hearing, smell and vision were normal and my ears aren't pointy. Anyway, let's continue.

Doug: So you wish to see the anstromancers ? *couching* Forgive me, something stuck in my throat.
Malvaron: Doug ? Doug Hadderstorm ?
Doug : Hey old buddy. I haven't see you since the sad Minotaur's concert.

They started singing and then Nova Teron, the star master, order them to stop. Still I can't believe that the minotaurs are real.

Malvaron: High council, we need your help.
Nova: So these are the new Mysticons ?
Piper: Hey, I like your robe is so spooky.
Me: Piper, quite now.
Arkayna: We are the new Mysticons, choosen by the dragon disk to defend the realm of Gemina.
Nova: What are your names ?
Zarya: Woa, we don't tell our names. You don't need to know them.

Nova was getting more angry.

Arkayna: We hope that with the dragon disk we'll free theking and queen from the Dreadbane's curse.
Nova: You aren't ready yet for so much power.
Me: Don't judge the book by its cover.
Malvaron: Oh come on big Nova. Give them a chance.
Tazma: It's Nova Terron and how dare you questioned his judgement ? Why did they let you into this order ?

(Zarya: Like you were better.
Me: I have to agree.
Zarya: Sorry. Continue. )

Malvaron: Because I have natural talent,something that you'll never find in the books.
Nova: Enough.
Arkayna: Your rival ?
Malvaron: Worst. My sister.
Me: This must be really hard.
Nova:Your training will start immediately and I have decided who will be your solon.
Me: Malvaron could be a great solon.
Piper: Yea, you are right.
Nova: Your solon will be Tazma.
Malvaron: Of course you will choose the queen of ice.

She then fired an ice beam spell at Malvaron.

Zarya: That ice beam burnt him down.
Em: I began to get used to your humour.
Tazma: Maybe my brother is talented but he doesn't appreciate the hard work. I have to say that your training will be hard and we'll start tomorrow at 5 in the morning.
Arkayna: Can't we start right now ?
Tazma: Tomorrow at 5.

We all went to our beds to rest but I stayed up to practise more my attack movements. The next morning we got up early for our "after breakfast" training.

Arkayna: Where is solon Tazma ?
Em: Just be a little patient. Do you want some hot chokolate ? Is family recipe.
Me: Em, it's not the right time.
Em: Oh my goblin, I'm so sorry.
Piper: There she comes.
Me: With the royal griffons, the descedants of the first griffons of the Mysticons. Why do you looking at me like that ? These last days I'm trying to improve my fighting skills and I'm trying to learn more about this realm.

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