Chapter 9-The Astromancher Job

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(Sorry but that thing it's true, in my opinion.)

What's up guys and welcome back to another Mysticon adventure. Today is going to be intresting, maybe  because we're going to get on the astromanchers nerves and there is going to start the World War 3.

(Ark: What is this supposed to mean?
Prox: I think I get it.
Eartha: So, what does it mean?
Prox: You'll see soon.
Piper: I feel like I have lost something important.
Me: On the story now.)

Today the things were getting harder, not only because we had lost the dragon disk and the piece of the condex, but also we had to deal with the astromanchers too.

Nova: You call yourself Mysticons? Because of your incompetence, you let Dreadbane get the dragon disk, surely bringing about the start of the apocalypse.
Ark: We regret what happend and beg for forgiveness.
Gandobi: It's just a matter of time before it reveals the location the of the two last condex pieces, making him that much more powerful.
Quasarla: This is a disaster...
Nova: Of apocalyptic purposions.
Zar: *whispering* Obsess about the apocalyps much?
Mal: He's been through a few.
Me: If he had passed a zombie one, call me to learn the story.
Ark: I urge the high council not to lose faith in us. By the star of Gygax, we'll fix this. Nothing will stop us, not Dreadbane, Tazma, not even Necrafa herself if she was alive.
Quarsala: Speak not her name.
Gandobi: Oh seriously. You don't just speak out the name of an evil lich queen, who was destroyied a millennium ago.
Nova: Gandobi is right. And besides, from what I've seen, I hardly doubt that you can save this realm from...
Piper: Apocalyps?
Nova: I was going to say doom, but I like your version better.
Me: If you give us another chance, ple...
Nova: Silence Hunter. You may go.
Me: *whispering with anger* With no democracy in here, we have problems.

While we were leaving from there, a purple ball apearred and trapped Malvaron in it. Maybe they should remake their democratic system.

Em: Eh, what's going on?
Nova: You weren't the only ones who failed. Your solon failed as well.
Mal: Go girls, I'll be fine.
Ark: We'll fix this, I promise.

These are the Malkayna moments I adore the most. I'm near to cry. Anyway, with the astromanchers not trusting us and Dreadbane with a condex piece and the dragon disk in his hands and with a portal to another dimension, the things weren't what we could say good.

Zar: Don't let no one from those robe dudes get ya.
Ark: I'm not mad at them. I have put the realm in danger. I got Malvaron imprisoned. I tottaly messed up.
Em: Hey, we all did, but we'll get the dragon disk and the condex piece back.
Me: Besides, you must remember that hope dies last, but for the heroes, the hope never dies. It's an energy that just transferes.
Piper: But how? We don't even know were the lair of Dreadbane is.
Zar: And it's not like we can found another dragon disk. It's one of a kind artifact.

Mathis: One of a kind of designer things. Here is even a Hercules.
Ark: That's Airculey and do you have any Ghoulchi?
Me: Then you'll tell us you want Manti-V. Arkayna, we have a serious mission here, we don't have time for shopping.
Zar: Don't waste your golds, their copies.
Mathis: What? I want you to know these are...
Em: Hmm. Yep, they're fake.
Mathis: Fine, it's a fake. But it works like a real thing. They're from the same fabric material and this here is a dimesional pocket.
All: Whoa.
Choko: Chrip chip.
Ark: A fake. That's it. Thanks Mathis.
Piper: We'll take three.
Gaw: Actually, I'll take all of them. All for you Latensia.
Latensia: Let's go. I'm going to be late.
Em: That isn't going to end good.
Me: You're telling me.


In the hideout, Arkayna with the help of Piper and Emerald was trying to find something in the library, while Doug, Zarya and me were playing "Avatars of the apocalypse". A true Dragontuber gamer never rests from gaming.

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