Chapter 20-Through my enemies eyes

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(I don't know what my parents have seen when they were entering the room, but probably they would think that I've been possesed by a demon.)

What's up everybody and welcome to another adventure with the Mysticons. So, there was a problem again with the chapters, and I promise that I'm going to make a third book after I finish this one and we are close. So, let's go with it.

As I say, another new day, with another new evil plan, but that morning, the evil plan was something we couldn't expect it. Let's see it from our Mysticon side. The astromanchers  called us to come back to the academy. I wonder what they wanted us this time.

Nova: So, with the public opinon have been spoken, we decided to re-grow your status as outlaws, but that doesn't excuse your reckless and disobedient behavior.
Ark: With all the respect, what you call reckless and disobedient we call...
Piper: Nailing it.
Prox: *whispering* Reckless as always.
Gandobi: We also believe that public apology is ordinary.
Me: 'Wait, if they didn't call me to apologise to us, then what happened back then? Weird.'
Zar: Sorry for what? For saving the realm?
Piper: Like million times?
Jess: Chiiirp chirrp chiiirp.
Choko: Chhiiiirp chiiirp.
Ark: We are not apologising, if anyone owns an apology, is you guys.

(All the Vexicons: For entering in the middle when they were near to destroy the condex. And they're still waiting for it.
Me: *ironicly* What a choir. Can we continue?
Mallor: Of course, go on.)

Suddenly from behind, Malvaron appeared, but he wasn't looking like his usual self. Maybe something bad had happened before he come.

Nova: Malvaron, how nice of you to finally join us.
Ark: *seemingly talking to Malvaron, but it was for Nova* We were just leaving.
Mal: Go ahead, I'll catch up.

Me: 'So, if they didn't called me to apologise, they probably had called me because of Prox.'
Zar: You mess with the Dragon Mage, you get burned.
Piper: That's right, she's wild as a dragon, but kind as... as...
Me: Maybe as a hippogryph, if you show her respect .

Ark: *in an angry tone* We are constantly protecting the realm, like when we created our own Dragon disk or when we unified the condex for the Gygax shake, and they want an apology?
Em: Yeah, they grind my gear too, but maybe we should hear them out.
Me: Arkayna, maybe for once we should do a step back this time.

In the next few seconds, we heard something bettween groans of pain and screaming. What Malvaron had taken before he come?

Piper: Wow, Malvie is really giving it to them.
Mal: Sorry I'm late, I was playing the "Avatars of the Apocalypse" and I had to get to the next shave point.
Ark: But if you are here...
Zar: Then who is...?
Me: I may have a suggestion.

We all rushed back to see what was happening. Piper and I were the first ones to reach tgere first and found the fake Malvaron attacking the astromanchers with some dark magic tentacles.

Me: Striker, let's go check the astromanchers if they are okay.
Piper: I'm right behind you.

Nova: *to the fake Malvaron* What do you want?
Fake Mal: The prophecy, tell me where it is.
Nova: The prophecy is too dangerous, I can't. I won't.
Fake Mal: Very well. I'll take it from your mind.
Nova: No, no, no.

Piper: Are you fine guys?
Prox: Why... did you came... for us?
Me: Because of duty. And because we don't want to see you get hurt.
Prox: But why Malvaron is doing this?
Me: He is not Malvaron, he is an appropriator.

The others came later on. But it wasn't necessary to destroy the door.

Mal: *while looking the fake one* The dark magic is not very good for me.

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