Bad guy ใ€Š Jooheon ร— Changkyun...

De curiexxxx

27.6K 1.3K 388

Jooheon a fuckboy and Changkyun the new rebellious kid at school. What if they met? Do you think all Hell wou... Mais

The past
Turn me on
Sly man
The party
Roof job
Oh no.
Breaking Point
Getting Comfortable
Back together
They know
I love you
The end.


2.7K 78 73
De curiexxxx

changkyuns pov

Day —  Monday

I awoke from the sunlight beating at my eyes, half blinding me if I didn't turn away. A groan escaped my mouth, I had to go to school today which was already worse but being new. Well I was in deep shit. Why did I have to move schools? I was fine at my old school, even though I found my way into fights and rebelled at the teachers from time to time but I was still a good student with good grades. It's not like I hated school it's just that I hated the way it was being taught. I wish though that it was student based to where we could feel free and not pressured by the tests, homework, assignments everything! I know that my wish will never come true. That's why I rebel.

"Kyun get dressed! You have school today!" My mother yelled from downstairs.

No matter how much I didn't want to go I had to. It was the law.
I pulled the covers off my head, the warmth I loved escaped my body leaving me cold and shivering. I slowly rose up from my bed stretching my body out while walking to my closet. What was I going to wear? It's not like I wanted to impress anyone but I didn't want to think this early. I hated that. I quickly grabbed a random shirt and pants I had only glanced at and put them on. And picked out a jacket and some shoes.

I looked at myself in my mirror. I had never thought I was that handsome. Like at all. I had never heard it from anyone other than my parents..and her. I really didn't care anyways that's the least of my worries. I took one final look and grabbed my phone from my counter. The time is 8:45. Shit. Will I even make it on time? I walked towards my door and picked up my backpack on the way out, it's heaviness weighed me down.

"Look who's up." My mom smiled as she put down my plate of food onto the table.
I sat down in front of it, the aroma whiffed into my face. The food smelled delicious. I quickly digged in remembering the time.

"Slow down Kyun, you'll choke." My mother warned me, I slowed my pace. Imagine me dying on my first of school? That would be funny. But I wouldn't mind it, because I was already waiting for it anyways. That was a joke, but it's somewhat true.

"Are you almost finished? School starts at 9:20."

"Yes. I just finished right now." I quickly handed her my plate, which had no traces of food on it whatsoever. She put it in the sink and grabbed me my keys. I put my backpack on, and headed out the front door. The air outside was starting to get cold, figures it's already December. The sky was a dark gray, it's clouds slowly drifted. I jumped into my car, and put the keys into the ignition and began to drive off. I waved to my mom as I was leaving. She had a worried smile plastered onto her face.

School seemed to be my enemy that I could never get passed, but In senior year I'll be free. Hopefully. Sometimes just sometimes though it seemed fun, like I was enjoying it..but it was because of my best friend. Wonho. Now that I had moved I wasn't with him anymore, I left him. I know that he'll miss me, but he's a social butterfly he has many friends, including his girlfriend . I was surprised to see him stay by my side all that time. I wish he had come with me here, life though doesn't work like that.

I soon arrived suddenly, I guess I was to lost in my thoughts. Parking the car and stepping out of it I had noticed people were looking at me. Why? They pointed at what looked like my car, was it that cool? I mean I guess it was but you don't have to make a big deal out of it, and make an overly shocked face to the point where you covered your mouth in awe. I looked away at the array of people staring and walked to the front entrance.
Opening the door I was hit with cold air, It was quite nice since it was humid outside. High schoolers buzzed the hallways getting to class, talking to friends while walking. Some not even caring that they were going to be late. I didn't know where to go, I was lost. My parents unfortunately didn't give me my schedule so I was on my own. The only place that could help me was the front office. I walked on over there, it was to the side of the main entrance. I pushed open the door to it, a lady looked up at me and grinned.

"Hello.What can I do for you?" She asked still grinning, it was kind of starting to creep me out.

"I transferred here from another school."

"Ahh let's see.." She went down to her computer.

"Im Changkyun right?" She Looked up at me.
I nodded.

"Ok then, let's give you your schedule." The printer to her right began to turn on and printed something. She grabbed it from the printer and handed it to me.

"That's your schedule. Let me just right you a note for class."
She picked out a pink pastel paper and began writing away.

"Don't worry your teacher knows why your late, this happens all the time to transfers." She smiled and gave me the pastel pink paper.

"Have a wonderful first day."
I put on my fake smile for her, and exited to go to class. I couldn't help but tell the teacher in my mind that I really for sure don't think I would. Which was the truth. I studied the schedule, my first class was History, in room A124. I liked history, but I doubt I would enjoy it again. My teacher in my old school was the most creative person I met, she understood my opinions about school and agreed with them. She would make class fun and exiting. I genuinely wanted to learn. The teacher this time though, we will have to see about that.
I soon arrived at my class, I noticed that I was the only person roaming the halls. They were lifeless. It was more calming, than the stampede of people at passing period. I braced myself for those looks and stares I would get as I entered while in the middle of class. I slowly turned the handle of the door, and stepped in.
The teacher was inches away from me, so I gave him my note quickly. He paused whatever he was teaching and read it. A smile crept onto his face, without a warning started to introduce me.

"Everyone we have a transfer student in our class today!" He said happily. Just hurry up and get it over with.

"Hello, my name is Changkyun." I bowed slightly. I heard whispers around the room, and giggling too. I hated when people did that.

"Changkyun go sit over next to Lee Jooheon." He pointed at the Boy who had dark black  hair. I did what I was told and sat down at the seat next to him. Thank god, I was at the very back next to a wall. Still I had stares and glances, they made me feel uncomfortable to an extent. If they had something to say they should just say it. I was starting to get ticked off. The teacher began to teach, what I had already learned at my old school. Pulling out my notebook from my backpack the guy next to me shot me a glare. What was his problem? Ignoring him I began taking notes like everyone else, it bore me to learn something I already new.

"Changkyun tell us since your so preoccupied in your thoughts. What happend in September of 1945?"
I hated when teachers did this, expecting for the student to fail the question which would publicly embarrass them in front of everyone.

"Korea divided into North and South." I shot back at him. Whispers dashed across the room, was this sort of thing not normal? Did people most of the time not answer a question right?

"Very good. How about June 24 1950." He smirked, they hadn't gone over this yet in class so he probably expected me to get the answer wrong, but he really thought so little of me. I had already learned it.

"North Korea invades South Korea." I snapped back.

"Wow I'm impressed, class if you have any questions go to our newest student he seems to know a lot." The teacher said sharply, I couldn't tell if he was hurt that I got those answers right and it damaged his pride or wanted me to suffer because of it. Either way he was on my new list of teacher to rebel from.

A soft alarm rang throughout the school. It was time for next period. Before I could even stand up to go the guy who gave me that glare pushed me back down so he could leave first. I really didn't want to start a fight on the first day so I let it slide.

I grabbed my backpack and left to the my next class. From what I had read on my schedule it was math, I hated it even though I was surprisingly good at it.

~~~Magical Time Skip~~~

Class by class went by. My first day so far was enough for me to almost throw a desk at a student. Math was full of dumb kids who didn't care for learning, science was alright but I think I definitely put a dent into the teachers pride because I knew so much from my dad. I'm truly sorry, the teacher seemed really nice and I think that she was now my favorite teacher here on. My other classes were fine but my biggest worry had come. Lunch.

On my way to the loud noses coming echoing from the lunch room. I felt a tap on my shoulder.
Turning around I met eyes with a pink haired boy.

He wore an all black attire, which really didn't fit his appearance at all.

"Hello" He bowed.

"Ahh Hello?" Why was he talking to me?

"Your new here, so I think we should be friends." This guy was very forward and blunt, I really didn't know how I would respond but I was desperate for a friends. Since I only had one.

"Sure" I smiled, I really didn't know why such a handsome person wanted to be friends with me. But then again Wonho was something else.

"I knows it's sudden but, everyone here just wants me for clout. I need a true friend" he confessed.

"I was observing you, and I believe you seem like one!" He patted my back.

"Stalker much?"

"Ah..I didn't mean it like that, I swear!" He stammered trying to fix his mistake.

"It's fine" I laughed, this guy was kinda funny.

"My name is Kihyun" He smiled.


We both stood in a line crowded by students, awaiting our food. Which I found to be disgusting but I really didn't want to walk out to my car to go and eat out.

"Let me tell you about this school" He whispered.

"Well there these groups. First is the nerds for starters, then the weird ones. And the people who think they are cool" He pointed out at groups of people who looked like what he had described. I really didn't know something like this existed. I had only seen this in movies. Like mean girls, the thought made me shudder.

"Last the main 2.. The fuckboys aka Jocks, and sluts aka Cheerleaders. The jocks are fucking ruthless, they dump girls after having their way with them. The worst is that guy Jooheon. He's the devil, like literally. His group consists of Hyungwon the pretty boy, Minhyuk the loud mouth, Shownu the hot body, and Jooheon"

"Wow, there's actually something like this.." I was shocked, my last school did not have this stuff, and was fairly a good school except for bullies of all sorts.

"The sluts are even worse, they practically give their body out. They wear clothing that reveals everything. They are super mean though. I really don't know much about them I stay away, I feel like they would swallow me up in one bite" Kihyun shivered.

"What about the ones not in groups? What are they?"

"Stragglers, the groups try to catch them and put them into theirs. But don't worry there are some stragglers who don't belong in groups. Though they are somewhat are looked down upon. Meaning they don't fit in."
So I was a straggler, great.

"That's straight up weird.."

"Yeah, but the school acts like it's normal. When something happens which is all the time, they don't care. A girl was hit in the face with a chair by a cheerleader. They handled it like it was not a big deal and put the cheerleader in detention. The girl who was hit is still in the hospital recovering."

"Shit, that's tough" This school already made my blood boil.
We arrived at the front, and picked our food out. It looked fucking disgusting, like someone had regurgitated it out after they chewed it. I gagged a little.
We found 2 empty seats at a nearby table and sat down. Kihyun had already dug into his food.

"How can you eat that?" I asked, the food did not look that edible.

"You get used to it, the food here is another problem. Other schools the food is great I know but here it's a different story. I complained to the principal about it but I stopped since my actions were useless"

"The food at my old school was way better than this" I pointed at my tray. I guess though that you can't judge a book by its cover. I started with the jello, it was alright not the best thing I've eaten. I had no choice it was either starve or eat.

"So why did you transfer?"
I hesitated, should I really tell him the truth. But he's my friend now, I'll have to be honest.

"I got into a serious fight, gave a kid a black eye and broke his nose.."

"wHaT!? You did?" He looked at me dumbfounded by my words.

"At my school, they were bullies. The kid I fought was one and he hurt a student badly. So I gave him a lesson"

"Why did you go so hard on him anyways?"

"The student was a girl.."

"Really!? Wow I'm not surprised it happens from time to time here.." I hated when he said that, how could someone hit another when they know they are weak or don't know defense. It's on the list of reasons why I rebel badly.

"Hey, you should be careful though. Don't stir up fights, the teachers don't care but the students do. Especially the Jocks.."

"I probably will not going to lie, just saying the truth" I giggled.

"You're Weird you know that.." He then went back to eating his food.

I couldn't help but feel hatred towards the school. I knew it was way worse than my old one and it would push me to my extremes. I was worried, not for myself but for my parents who loved me. Whatever was coming from now on was going to be something else I just new it. Maybe it was bad maybe good?
I'll just have to find out.

I don't know if this is good or not! Is it? It's my first book I'm writing and I'm nervous,but I hoped that what you read was up to your expectations😊Tell me though if I need to fix anything:)also please vote💕💕💕

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