The adventures of Hunter

By mysticonhunder

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These are the adventures of Seren Silverbranch in Gemina with the well known Mysticons. (I don't own the seri... More

Chapter 1-Sisters in arms
Chapter 2-How to train a Mysticon
Chapter 3-The Coronation
Chapter 4-The Mysticon kid
Chapter 5-An eye for an eye
Chapter 6-Heart of Gold
Chapter 8-Lost and found
Chapter 9-The Astromancher Job
chapter 10-Danger in the Skies
Chapter 11-a Walk in the Park
Chapter 12-a Girl and her Gumplump
Chapter 13-Skies of Fire
Chapter 14-All hail Necrafa
Chapter 15-The Dome
Chapter 16-Clash of Tridents
Chapter 17-Gems of the Past
Chapter 18-Quest of the Vexed
Chapter 19-Mutinity most Fowl
Chapter 20-Through my enemies eyes
Chapter 21-The prophecy Unleashed
Epilogue (maybe)

Chapter 7-Scourge of the seven Skies

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By mysticonhunder

(The guards wouldn't stand a chance, right?)

What's up everybody and welcome back to another Mysticon adventure. Now this and the next chapter, I think they will be my saddest chapters, because of what happened. Anyway, let's go now. It's magic...

(Ark: Hey, don't steal my catchphrase.
Me: Okay, okay, calm down Arkayna, jeez. But what else I can say ?
Ark: I believe you can find something better.
Me: If you say so.)

And now beware, because we're ready to sail into the adventure.

What else I can say, another morning, another problem, another adventure. We wanted to wake up Zarya with some music, but she doesn't get of that. So she left the palace, but where she would have gone? To the Undercity maybe?

When the noon had come and we were coming back from our Mysticon patrol to the Magi Mall, finally.

Em: Keep your eyes open for sky pitates. There have been three raids that happend this week already.
Ark: Worry they gonna steal your twenty pairs of wolfsocks ?
Em: They were on sale.
Piper: Woah girls, check this out.
Ark: A pirate raid? On my balcony?
Me: ' Arkayna, Arkayna, this isn't the pirate raid. But it doesn't mean it won't come.'

(Kitty: Wait a second. You already knew all that. Then why you didn't told them?
Me: First, do you think Zarya would believe that?
Zar: True.
Me: Second, I wanted the plot to stay the same.
Piper: I agree, you can't really know what will happen if you change the plot.
Ark: You can't know? You can't know? Do you know how many problems we could have solve if we had changed the plot? *sigh* I think I'm going to move to the moon.)

Have you ever done a party at one of your friends houses, without him knowing it? It was the same thing, but I didn't wanted the party to stop.

Ark: Excuse me, this is royal propetry.
Mal: Woo-hoo.
Me: Hey, what are you doing here?
Mal: Who me? I got a glyph, there was a mega party on your balcony.
Ark: A glyph. From who?
A crew member: Heads up you scurvy foz.
Me: I've got it. Gotcha.
Piper: Choko. Who threw this party buddy?
Choko: Chriip.

And of course it was Zarya who did all this, with her old best friend, Kitty.

Ark: Zarya?
Em: Isn't that hurting her neck? Or head? Or everything?
Me: Maybe, but when you start doing it, you can't stop it.
Ark: Seren, stop dancing. We have an emerge situation.
Me: Fine.
Zar: Princess, gang, meet Kitty Boon, captain of the pink skulls. We were sky pirates, back in the good old "bad" days.
Kitty: When Z-star said her pal was a princess, I thought she meant you were stuck up, not a real princess.
Zar: Eh, kinda both.
Ark: Charmed.
Kitty: Likewise.
Ark: Aouch.
Zar: And Piper, meet my original partner in crime. We've been best friends for like...
Zar and Kitty: Forever.
Piper: Nice to finally meet ya.
Kitty: And here comes my little bro, Kasey.
Kasey: Hello ladies, how is it going? The name is Kasey Boon.
Em: Oh my goblin.

Me: *whispering* I can't believe it. Does Emerald Goldenbraid fall for a cool pirate guy?
Em: *whispering* No, how do you know I'm falling for him? How do I know you aren't falling for him? But if you're falling for him too, stay away from him. Find your own cool pirate guy.
Me: Alright, it's all yours.

Zar: Woah, Kasey. You have grew up more from the last time we met.
Em: She better back down because he is mine.
Mal: Hey, flyboy, you missed a button.
Kasey: Oh, thank you for reminding me that.

Em: *whispering* Now I'm dying from his handsomeness. What I'm going to do?
Me: *whispering* You just need to relax and do the classic method.
Em: To kick him?
Me: No, the classic method for talking to crushes, just be yourself. Now go and get him tiger.

Ark: Is she drooling for that guy?
Me: Maybe.
Ark: Anyway, Zarya, we have an emerge situation here, so they have to leave the palace and break the party. Now.
Zar: Arkayna.
Kitty: It's okay Z-star. I have to admit that the party have gotten a little out of hand. Pink skulls, I think it's time to go. It was nice to meet ya all. Kasey, are you coming?
Kasey: Yes, of course. Bye Emerald, I hope our roads will meet again soon.
Em: And he's gone. I wish I had more time with him.


Zar: *annoyed* Way to give my friends the royal treatment, princess.
Ark: *also annoyed* Way to throw a party on my balcony without telling me.
Zar: If my friends were a bunch of tiara wearing, fake-o celebrities, you wouldn't have kicked'em out.
Em: To be fair, there is a big difference between a celebrity and a pirate.
Piper: Yeah, pirates steal stuff.
Me: Girls, we're not sure if Kitty had stolen anything.
Zar: Seriously? You're gonna hate my old friends too? I can't believe this from you Pipes and H-arrett.
Em: Wait, what is H-arrett?
Zar: My nickname for Seren, anyway I can't still believe you.
Mal: Look. We don't want to tell you who you can or can't hang out with...
Zar: Good, because it's nobody's business! Ugh, I can't be around you guys right now.
Me: Please give me one minute Arkayna, maybe I can manage to make her mind.
Ark: One minute.

Me: Wait Z-star.
Zar: What do you want Seren? You already have made your opinion about Kitty and the pink skulls.
Me: Look, I only said we aren't sure if they have done something bad. Maybe they have done nothing. Girl, I'm trying my best to believe you about the sky pirates, the others are trying too but with not a big sucess and I promise you I'm still going to try harder for that.
Zar: Thanks Seren, some support needs sometimes.
Me: You're welcome.'If Zarya had watched this episode, she would have the same reaction as me. I liked Kitty when I first saw her, both in series and now, I couldn't imagine this whole thing would happen, but it's going to happen again.'
Mal: Hey, girls, we've got a problem.
Zar: What's the problem?
Mal: Trouble at the dock district. Sky pirates.
Ark: Well, I think the party moves on. C'mon! It's magic hour.
Zar: Ugh, when she'll admit one time she's wrong?
Me: Let me think about it... never.
Zar: I feared you would tell that.

(Me: Eh, why are you looking at me like that?
Ark: Did you really liked Kitty, no offense, even when you heard about the sky pirates attacks, till they showed their real intentions?
Me: Yes. My answer is yes and I'm telling it out loud.
Kitty: Eh, thanks, I think.
Me: Back to the story now.)


Ark: Okay girls. We're close to the dock. Be ready to tell surprise to Kitty and the pink skulls.
Zar: Are you still going to accuse my old friends for the attacks?
Me: How many times we'll tell this? We can't be sure yet if they're behind the attacks.
Ark and Zar: So you're going with her?
Me: I'm not going with nobody, instead of the facts.
Em: Eh, girls. I think Zarya and Seren are right.
Piper: And what tells you that?
Em: Because there are orcs down on the dock.
Zar: Ha, told ya.
Ark: We don't have time for this. Is magic hour.

Another battle with this orcs, another easy game. Maybe Dreadbane must start using hiself as a punching sack instead of his allies. In the middle of the battle Kymraw grabbed Arkayna from her hair and then she threw from the dock. Or at least this was what we saw. Some seconds later the ship of the pink skulls came up from the spot and Kasey had caught Arkayna, something that Emerald didn't liked much, you know why. They helped us win this fight with that orcs and out of generosity they threw a party on their ship. Zarya was of course was with Kitty, Emerald with Kasey and me, Arkayna and Piper stand in the corner.

Ark: I can't believe I was wrong about Kitty. And usually I'm not wrong.

(Ark: Why everyone started laughing?
Me: Sorry, it was that line. You can continue. Go on.)

Piper: I still feel there's something off about Kitty and the pink skulls.
Me: But they aren't related with this attack.
Piper: But if they are with the other ones?
Ark: Hmm. Maybe Striker is right. If we had access to their journal.
Piper: I have an idea, but I'm not alright about it. We must copy their journal to see it in the hideout.
Ark: Then go.
Piper: I don't know, it doesn't feel right. Maybe it's our best option. Are you coming Hunter?
Me: What? You want me to do such an immoral thing?
Ark: Hey, you are the one who want's the facts and now is our rare opportunity. I don't agree either, but we must do it. Are you going or not?
Me: Fine, but first I must see what's happening with our lovebird.

Me: Hey, Knight, how is it going? I see he gave you his first gift.
Em: Yes, he is so sweet. Do you think you're going to find someone as good as him, if there is going to be?
Me: I wasn't very good with addmiting my feelings to boys in the past, but you don't know what the future holds.

Then I went with Piper into the captain's cabin and started searching their journal. We managed to get unseen by Kasey and return back to Arkayna, but before she could say a word to Kitty, Piper tackled her. After the party ended, we sat on the couch and start searching their journal.

Ark: According to this, their latest stops are exactly the same spots where the sky pirate attacked.
Me: This can't be a coincedence. I still can't believe this.
Piper: I knew it. This wouldn't hide for too long.
Me: Am I watching a bit of jealousy from you, Piper, or is this my idea?
Piper: I'm not jealous.
Me: If you say so.
Em: Hey girls, what are you... wait. Is that the journal of the pink skulls? Are you out of your mind? If Zarya see this...
Zar: If I see what, Emerald? Wait, is that... is that?
Em: It's not what you think. But if it is what you think, they did this.
Me: Telltale.
Zar: Now I really can't believe you girls, you still think my friends did all this, even you.
Me: I'm sorry Zarya. I tried, I really did, but the facts here are stronger.
Ark: Zarya, don't... break it.
Zar: You know what? I'm leaving, I'm quiting the team so I can be with my real friends. Bye.
Piper: Wait Zarya, please don't go.
Mal: Maybe it's a very bad time for that, but the dragon disk has the new riddle.
Me: *in ironic tone* Thank you for the perfect timing dragon disk. Just, thank you.
Ark: First for the piece and then for Zarya. Let's go girls, it's magic hour.

The riddle this time sent us at the valley of the lost ships. Now is time for everything to turn upside down.

Ark: The piece of the condex must be near.
Piper: And how you know it? There is so much sand to see clear.
Em: There is also so much sand on us and our griffons.
Me: 'I'm surprised why Dreadbane doesn't tries to recreate sandman with all that sand.' At least we don't bath in it, because only the chickens bath in the sand.
Piper: Girls, is that the ship of the pink skull with Kitty and... Zarya on it?
Em: What are they doing here?
Me: I think we should fall down. Now.

Then they fired at us with their canons but we dodge the hits and land on their ship for a fight.

Piper: Zarya? What are you doing? With them?
Ark: Isn't it obvious? Once a sky pirate, always a sky pirate.
Zar: I didn't mean to...
Ark: But how did they tracked us down?
Zar: With the bracelet, which Kasey gave to Em.
Em: What? Is that true Kasey?
Kasey: Yes. I'm so sorry Knight.
Me: Now focus. We may lose something.

The battle continued on, till Kitty threw off Zarya from the ship and Arkayna had to jump to save her, leaving the dragon disk behind. Also me, Em and Piper left, leaving the only hope of Gemina behind.

Mal: What happened girls with the condex.
Ark: *in sarcastic tone* It went great, now Kitty has the dragon disk and we can't now find the piece.
Zar: We can take it back in time. If we just...
Ark: No. We can't do anything and it's your fault.
Zar: I...
Ark: It's yours and Kitty's fault. You're a disgrace to the Mysticons.

She felt that, I felt that, the whole realm of Gemina felt that and your mum felt that.

(Me: Why you haven't talk for so long? We shouldn't be sad for all this things that happend, we should be proud you passed them and learnt from them.
Willa: Is she always so optimistic?
Me: Get used to it. We all had our bad days.
Ark: Maybe Seren is right, this time.
Me: What do you mean by that?
Ark: Nothing. Back to the story.)

The girls tried to leave as Zarya was devastated and started crying behind. I couldn't stand all this so I didn't stayed speechless.

Me: Girls, don't be so cruel. She just made a mistake.
Piper: *sobbing* A mistake that cost us a friendship.
Em: A mistake that broke my heart. You don't know how it is.

(Me: And if you knew how it was, then why you agreed with it to happen again to someone else?
Em: Whatever you say, you're abdolutely right about it, but we didn't had a choice.
Me: We'll talk about all this later again. On the story now.)

Ark: Did you remember when we talked about picking a side?
Me: There wasn't really a side.
Ark: The thing is, you're with her or with us?
Me: ...I'll stay here so I can take her back home.
Ark: You know, this is also disgraceful.
Me: *whispering to myself in tears* I know.

These were the sad moments of the team. But these things happen. When these things happen, here is when nobody should lose their hope. That's all for today and see ya in the next chapter.

The end of chapter 7

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