Outlawed In-laws (A TNC Novel)

By KentroKreations

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When unfortunate events lead Kunto to discover the truth of her father's past, she must risk everything she b... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 6

141 4 0
By KentroKreations

What's dad hiding? It must be important. What am I saying? Of course it's important! He'll tell everyone else but us, his own children for stars sake! Honestly, is keeping a secret more important to dad than this family? Are we just not as important as I thought we were? I mean, he does love us, doesn't he? Clearly not enough to trust us with his secrets.

Kunto twisted and turned in her sleep, unable to get comfortable. Her thoughts about what happened earlier today were keeping her awake. She knew that Kiburi was hiding something, but she wasn't entirely sure what or why just yet.

"Kunto, stop squirming! Some of us are trying to sleep here!" Berko growled.

"Sorry!" Kunto hissed, even though she wasn't.

"Please, guys, I'm tired," Mosi mumbled. "Can you two wait till morning to fight?"

"Stop complaining, Mosi. It's Kunto's fault, anyway."

"Fine. I'll just sleep somewhere else, then."

After untangling herself from her brothers, Kunto walked away.

"The adults don't want us wandering off," Mosi warned.

"Don't worry, I'm not going far," Kunto reassured. "I just want a spot that isn't next to you know who."

"That'd be my luck, sis," Berko joked before nestling into Kunto's now empty spot.

Kunto snarled. She paid no more heed to her brothers as she settled down beside Zula. Suddenly, though, she stopped. An idea formed in her mind. She was well aware of the fact that it was definitely stupid and totally against the rules, but she so badly wanted answers to questions that she knows she can't ask.

Kunto let her gaze flick between each and every crocodile present. As far as she could tell, they were all sleeping. Whether they were deep in slumber or not, it didn't matter; their eyes were closed, and the only sounds that came out of them were peaceful snores.

Now's your chance, Kunto. This might be the only one you get.

Kunto was, admittedly, a little hesitant, but her curiosity and overall worry for her family fuels her decision to set out on her own.

If mom and dad find out about this, I am so dead. No matter. If I help get whatever is going on sorted out, then maybe they can forgive me or something like that. They can see that I can take care of myself and that I can handle whatever secrets they are hiding. No big deal, right?


After spending what felt like forever out on the open savanna, in plain view of nighttime predators, Kunto eventually reached the edges of a jungle. Despite her exhaustion, she gathered her breath and made a run for it, past the bushes and into the dark, overgrown forest.

Whoa! This is so cool! Creepy, but cool! It seems like the kind of place where there would be a million hiding spots, which is quite useful. I bet all this vegetation certainly helps with that. Speaking of which, I wonder what it looks like during the day? It must be so pretty! Oh well. That will have to wait till later. Right now, I'm on a tight schedule. Answers answers answers . . .

Kunto's thoughts swirled wildly around inside her mind as she made her way further into the jungle. And the further she went, the more in awe she was, and the more distracted she was, too. She had to keep her wits about her, before . . .

Suddenly, Kunto rammed head first into something solid. She grunted and backed away to see what she bumped into. At first, she thought it was a tree trunk, but upon closer inspection, . . .

Elephant dung! Please tell me this thing isn't an animal.

Much to Kunto's displeasure, it was an animal, and much to her surprise, the animal turned out to be a crocodile.

"I...I am so sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. I was just...you know...wandering around and not watching where I was going and stuff."

The stranger looked down at Kunto, who was extremely nervous.

Why did I think this was a good idea? What am I supposed to do? I mean, I'm just a little, harmless crocodile; surely he wouldn't think of doing something bad to me, right?

Suddenly, the stranger laughed, startling Kunto.

"It's alright, youngster, no need to fret. I won't harm you. However, what is a crocodile as small as you doing out here all by herself?"

"Oh...I...uh...can't really say," Kunto stammered. She wasn't sure of much, but she certainly didn't feel like confessing the truth to this crocodile.

"Ah! A secret, then? In that case, carry along, my dear."

The stranger turned around and walked away, in the direction that Kunto was heading. She was somewhat surprised, and a little skeptical by this turn of events, but she wasn't about to let her skepticism stop her now.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Kunto called out, rushing over to the stranger, who stopped and waited for her to catch up to him.

"Yes?" The stranger said.

"I...I was wondering if maybe you could show me around a bit? I mean, I was already going this way, and it seems like you know your way around and all..."

"Hold up, kid."


"Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?"

"Sort of, but nowadays, their credibility is kinda not what I thought it was."

"This wouldn't have anything to do with that secret now would it?"

"That's none of your business."

"Oh, touchy. Well, if you insist, I might as well. Besides, we can't have a little one like you getting lost now can we?"

"Definitely not."

Going against better judgment, Kunto followed the stranger even further into the jungle. The stranger constantly had to stop to make sure that she was keeping pace with him. Both crocodiles continued on this way and that until they reached a small clearing, surrounded on all sides by trees, except for a thin lining of them off to Kunto's right. That side was lacking in trees, but not in undergrowth, which, as far as Kunto could tell, led to nothing but air.

"There is a drop past those bushes," the stranger said. Kunto looked up at him and he shrugged his shoulders. "Just in case you were wondering."

"Oh," Kunto responded. "Thanks."

The two crocodiles stood in awkward silence.

"Well, why don't you just wait here for a minute?" the stranger spoke, interrupting the silence. "I just have to check something quickly, then I'll be back to take you home."

"Aww," Kunto whined, then immediately fixed her attitude. "I mean, what do you have to check?"

"That isn't any of your business."

"...Thanks for getting back at me," Kunto replied snarkily, to which the stranger laughed. Kunto was all alone, again, once he left.

Well, I guess this isn't too bad. I'm not getting any answers just yet, but I'm sure I will soon.


Oh no.

It was Kiburi, and he looked nothing but furious as he surged out of the undergrowth and into Kunto's sightline.


Kiburi landed a tail length away from his daughter, his chest heaving from his frantic search, and from the fury that undoubtedly boiled beneath his scales.

"D...dad!" Kunto exclaimed. "I...uh..."

"Kunto . . . what the hell were you thinking?!" Kiburi yelled. "What are you doing all the way out here?! I told you to stay in the Hollow! Why did you disobey my orders?"

"Why did I . . . I'm not one of your followers, dad! You can't control me!"

"I'm your father, Kunto, and I'm trying to do what's best for you!"

"By what? Lying to me? Refusing to let me do what I want to do?"

"Kunto, listen to me, now is not the time to be arguing. We need to get back home. Who knows what dangers await in this place."

"What do you mean by that? I thought you knew all about the Pridelands?"

Kiburi fell silent. He still looked furious, but Kunto noticed a glint in her father's eyes that unsettled her.

"Kunto...this jungle is not a part of the Pridelands," Kiburi stated.

"Wh...what do you mean? Of course it is! Isn't it?" Kunto asked.

Kiburi sighed and moved closer to his daughter. Kunto was scared, but overall, she wanted answers, and right now, it looked like she was about to get some.

"Kunto, remember when Makuu and I told you about the lands outside of the Pridelands?" Kiburi started.

"Yeah, I know, we've been to them before," Kunto answered.

"Not the places you're thinking of. I'm talking about the borderlands: the Outlands, the Backlands, and the Elephant Graveyard."

"So this jungle is a part of one of those three lands. What's the problem?"

"No, Kunto, it isn't. This jungle doesn't belong to any of those territories. This place is completely separated from the others surrounding the Pridelands, which means..."

"That no one from the Pridelands has any authority in these parts, regardless of their status."

The voice startled both crocodiles. It was the stranger, back from wherever he went. Kunto was surprised to see him again, but what surprised her even more was the fear scent that radiated from Kiburi's scales.

"Well, Kiburi, what a pleasant surprise," the stranger greeted, and in a way that creeped Kunto out.

"Kellan," Kiburi growled.

"Wait, you two know each other?" Kunto asked.

"We do, my dear," Kellan immediately responded.

"'My dear'?" Kiburi repeated, not believing his ears. "Kunto, please don't tell me you were with him all night."

"I wasn't!" Kunto exclaimed, then reverted to the truth. "Well, not the whole night."

"You were with this monster?! Kunto, seriously, what the hell were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry, dad! I guess I wasn't! I just wanted the truth, okay?"

Kiburi was about to go another round with Kunto, but didn't get the chance to.

"'Dad', huh?" Kellan mused.

Kiburi froze, but he didn't stay that way for long.

"Stay away from my daughter, Kellan, or else," Kiburi threatened, stepping protectively over Kunto. Kellan, however, was undeterred.

"Don't worry, Kiburi, I would never think of hurting a child," Kellan reassured.

Kunto noticed that her father was about to say something, but he clamped his jaws shut instead.

"What's the matter, Kiburi? Don't have a rebuke for me?" Kellan taunted. After a minute, Kellan's eyes lit up with intrigue. "Ah! I see! You haven't told them yet, have you?"

"I..." Kiburi began, then paused.

"What?" Kunto asked, looking up at her father.

"Hold on a sec, Kunto. What do you mean by 'them'?"

"Oh, I think you know," Kellan responded slyly. "I mean, I understand why you told Zula, -- who is a beautiful young female, by the way, my compliments -- but why didn't you tell your two sons or only daughter? I would think Berko, Mosi, and curious Kunto here would love to know."

This time, both father and daughter froze.

"You...you knew about my family...all along?" Kiburi stammered.

Kunto couldn't believe how scared her father was. She's never seen him this way before.

This must be what dad was talking about. Maybe I should have listened.

"That shouldn't be at all surprising," Kellan replied nonchalantly. "But enough of that. I have a schedule to stick to, and yes, you would be a part of that schedule."

"I'm not at all surprised," Kiburi rasped. "You've wanted me gone from day one."

"And now I have you. Granted, with an unexpected addition, but I don't mind. I'm sure I can make this work regardless."

What is he talking about? What is going on?

"Daddy..." Kunto whimpered.

"It's alright, Kunto. It'll be fine, but you have to..."

Kiburi didn't get to finish before he was rushed by something, which forced him away from Kunto, who resorted to her "Fight or Flight" instinct and ran in any direction that was free. She couldn't tell what was happening, and she didn't want to, either. Suddenly, something brushed against Kunto's side and sent her rolling through the earth. When she recovered from the hit and opened her eyes, Kunto noticed two large, dark forms standing over her.

"Kunto!" Kiburi yelled from nearby. Kunto, however, couldn't move.

Why did I ever think that this was a good idea? I am so stupid! This isn't what I wanted! I didn't want any of this to happen! It shouldn't have happened! If I just listened to dad, . . .


The small crocodile snapped back to the reality of the situation. She saw that Kellan and the other two creatures, which she now recognized as crocodiles, were down for the count, while Kiburi stood beside her, bleeding and breathing heavily.

"Dad..." Kunto choked out, but she was silenced.

"Listen, Kunto, you have to get out of here, as far away as you can," Kiburi rushed.


"Just this once, please listen to me! I can take care of myself; I just need you to be safe. Please, Kunto, I can't lose you or anyone else."

"Dad, I..."

"Get them!" Kellan yelled, him and his associates struggling to get back on their feet.

"Time's up," Kiburi said, reaching forward to grab Kunto in his jaws. "Kunto..."

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, daddy! Please don't leave me!" Kunto cried.

"I know, Kunto, but this is your only chance. I'm so sorry, baby girl. I love you."

"Dad? Dad, please! I love you, daddy! Please don't do this!"

Kunto wasn't sure, but she could have sworn she heard her father say "I'm sorry" one last time before he threw her over the edge and into the dip.

What the . . . is dad trying to save me or kill me?

Seconds later, Kunto landed, but in water, and not on earth, like she was expecting.

Water? Really? Wait, did dad know that there was water here? How did he know that? Well, whatever. I can ponder over everything I thought I knew later. Right now, I have to get as far away from here as possible.

In her current state, and with little options left, Kunto instinctively followed the course of the flowing water to wherever it may lead her, all the while shedding tears of fear and sadness. She only hoped that she could make things right, to fix what she believed she caused.


Clever, Kiburi. Well played, my friend.

Kellan, along with his associates, panted from their struggle and looked over the edge at the fresh flowing river below.

It's almost as if he knew it was there. He must have planned on using it for something, but not for what happened.

"Should we go after her, sir?" One of the other crocodiles asked.

"Unnecessary," Kellan replied, smirking. He turned around and approached a completely unconscious Kiburi. "Besides, I've gotten just what I need."

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