Mending Broken Ties - [Leon K...

By Yuuki241

33.4K 791 191

(Continuation Of 'Memories Of A Dead City') [Book 5] Four years after the incident with the government you've... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 5

3.6K 95 43
By Yuuki241

||A/N: Okay so the votes on who Reader goes with in the first half won, but I changed it up a bit and added in the conversation long waited between the Reader and Leon as well so enjoy!! Chapter 6 won't be written/posted until after Christmas so until then...Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have an amazing holiday!||

Questions on who was going with who, Kuga ended up in the back of the jeep with Chris while you reluctantly got on the bike with Leon. Wrapping your arms around his waist as he drove off. Just the mere feeling of having your arms wrapped around Leon again after so long being years apart.

'Keep it cool...your on a mission to keep the city safe and save Rebbeca.' You thought.

Meanwhile, Leon tensed up a bit with the feeling of your arms around him, his heart wanted that much more but his mind told him now wasn't the time to be thinking or even feeling such things that there was an objective to do and get done first.

'We can talk later...hopefully when we have time we can clear everything up...' Leon thought.

When word of the objective once more surfaced through the coms it allowed both you and Leon to focus on the matters at hand, gently shoving aside the personal feelings you two had at the moment.

As this was happening people of New York were pretty much going by their day like every other only well...tankers slowly approached their destinations and parked. Not much long later all of you arrived.

"Well, you two ready to rock?" Chris asked.
"Are you kidding?" Leon asked.
"Not one bit...but we got no choice." You sighed.
"Let's do this," Chris replied.

Driving off you held onto Leon a bit tighter as he drove the bike forwards, coming to a tanker he pulled out a grenade handing it to you who pulled the pin and quickly threw it under the tanker as Leon had the bike pass by quickly. Behind you both the explosion took place.

One down more to go...

A guy came out of the van behind it but DC quickly shot him down, letting you and Leon return their side, Kuga poking his head out of the backseat window barking at you all. Smiling you got off the bike and rubbed his head.

But your smile quickly turned into a frown when the back of the van made noise, every one of you held your guns towards it as you gently pushed Kuga's head back inside the car staying right in front of the door. Damian slowly approached the back of the van.

"Careful..." You whispered.

You weren't liking the feeling you were getting from this as you watched Damian open the door only to have it shove open and have two infected dogs jump out one attacking his neck killing him.

"Damian!!" Chris shouts.
"No! Dami!" You scream in horror.

You and Chris shot at them but like usual they were fast, standing beside the guys you weren't sure what the plan would be like until Chris asked.

"Damnit, Any ideas?" Chris asked.
"I'll lead the dogs away. You and (Y/N) go blow up some more tankers. Good?" Leon says.
"Yeah." Chris agrees.
" careful." You whispered to him before heading for the jeep after seeing him nod his head.
"Here boy, come on!" Leon says riving up the engine before taking off the infected dogs following him.
As he took off Chris stumbled a bit towards the body of Damian, frowning you walked over to his side placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Arias won't get away with all this, we'll stop him." You told him.
"Yeah, I know," Chris replies.

And with that, you and Chris got into the jeep searching for the rest of the tankers as Leon dealt with the infected dogs. Which just so happened to be on a certain highway, he avoided cars as much as he could to get some room to kill these infected dogs before they went after anyone else and he did end up doing so with some nice cool moves before driving the bike off to quickly meet up with you and Chris again.


Strapped to a table Rebbeca tried her hardest to get free but when you're being held down by metal binds it's really hard to even get out of them for a split second. She only stopped when Arais arrived in the room as a 'doctor' was getting some things ready.

"This new version of the triggering virus is better than the usual virus. Stronger, not just your blood but your friend's blood was the key. Thank you so much, now that I finally know how to alter your friend's blood I can have my products become even stronger. Unfortunately increasing the toxicity means it can't be administered by gas anymore. So it's back to the old needle I'm afraid." Glenn explains.

He then tells her it should start working quickly, without even speaking to the man she could feel it be true. All she could do was gasp in pain as the new virus that had been strengthened with both a woman's blood was taking effect.

**Back With You&Others**

It seemed to go by a bit quicker when with you and Chris on the ground and D.C with Nadia in the BSAA aircraft, with just a few others left D.C and Nadia decided they could take care of things from here which lead them to tell you and Chris to go after Rebbeca.

Thinking none of it Chris quickly drove the jeep throughout the city to get to the building where Arais should be hiding out in, needing to be quick you strapped a pistol to your thigh while quickly reloading your rifle. Nearing the building you once more gave Kuga something of Rebbeca's to sniff on and as soon as you opened the doors to get out once the jeep quickly stopped he was off with you following behind him.

When you walked down a few halls there were camera's shooting at them quickly you guys pretty much already knew he was waiting...then again that must've been obvious when he spoke through the intercoms to you guys.

"Nice to see you two again, Mr. Redfield, Miss (L/N)." Arias's voice spoke out.
"Arias..." Chris hissed.
"Thanks to Professor Chambers we made the virus much stronger. Your blood proved to be rather tricky to disinter Miss (L/N) but I managed to break the code. If you two stick around for about another 20 minutes you'll see how strong. I can't wait for you to meet the new and improved Rebbeca. The question is do you two have it in you to kill her?" Arias says.

Pressing yourself up on the wall just across from Chris you looked at the floor horrified as you slumped on the wall behind you, the fact that the blood you donated to create cures was being used for making a virus stronger you felt as if this was becoming your fault.

Snapping out of it you followed Chris down the hall after he had set a timer two only had 20 minutes to save Rebbeca and cure her quickly. Walking down the halls quickly Kuga was in between you two sniffing at the ground as he was leading the way towards Rebbeca's sent.

"My army of the dead will change the world for the better. It would correct the recent imbalance created by recent wars. Maybe if you two live long enough you can watch what the most powerful trained B.O.W's can do..." Arias continues talking.

You on the other hand just ignored this mad man, they all said things like this thinking they were the sole people for the job in changing the world...but you can't change an entire world just from what your past is, you can't bring innocent people into the fire when they have no saw nor any part in such tragedy.

"You belong in a nuthouse asshole," Chris replies.
"I'd rather see him be dragged to hell!" You growled.
"Unfortunately I'm not crazy. I want revenge." Arias tells the two of you before unleashing his undead.

With Rebbeca the virus was quickly getting worse within her, running low on time quickly you and Chris just turned a corner when loads of undead were in the halls. Fuck! Quickly taking fire at them you and Chris ended up slightly separated as one by one they fell with bullets in their heads, Kuga worked with you to distract a few while you took then down.

At times you had to use your combat knife when your gun slipped out of your hands a few times until Kuga kept using his mouth to pick it up and quickly run to your side to give it back whenever you reached. One by one they were coming down and soon all were gone until Leon made his grand entrance with the bike driving it inside the halls and gunning down the rest of them.

'Why must this man do all sorts of things to make me even more in love with him?'You thought.

Well making a cool entrance usually ends up with a snarky remark or something with it.

"Leon," Chris says.
"Sorry I'm late, I had to take the stairs," Leon replies.
"On a bike?" You asked smiling a tiny bit.
"Well you know, I couldn't just fall." Leon counted back.

Shaking your head you smiled until it once again quickly disappeared when the elevator doors signalled the doors opening and even more undead arriving through. All three of you looked at one another, shrugging your shoulders you three looked at the undead approaching and got back into action.

Since there was so many Chris had to separate from you two once more slightly just down another hall as you and Leon quickly got into the use of working together rather quickly in good instinct as synchronized movement and shots fired happened...the feeling fo working together never left either of you even if you were apart for years.

However time wasn't really on either side, Rebbeca needed to be saved and to do that the three of you needed to split up and fast.

"Rebbeca's running out of time," Chris says.
"Then let's split up. (Y/N) and I can take care of things from here." Leon tells him.
"Go, Chris, take Kuga with you. He'll help you locate her." You told.

With a nod of his head and you ordering Kuga to follow Chris, they went off after quickly dealing with a few of the undead in their way when you saw them turn the corner you sighed and stood back to back with Leon.

"Ready for this?" Leon asked.
"I don't see any other option." You replied.
"After we deal with these things...we need to talk." Leon states.
"Yeah, I know." You sighed.

Even if you wanted to desperately avoid the conversation you'd were bound to have with Leon, you knew it had to be done but first these undead people needed to be dealt with. Maybe after that the misunderstanding could be put to rest and the agony in your chest you've felt since leaving him could finally disappear.

Shots fired completely covered the room as one by one the undead went down and didn't get back up, only when did all of the undead there fall to the floor some piling up did you and Leon get a chance to catch your breath from all that, leaning upon a blood-covered wall you sighed and closed your eyes for a moment.

"I think now is a good time to talk," Leon says.
"As much as I'd like to avoid this conversation...your right." You agreed.
"Just let me explain a few things and then give me an answer okay?" Leon asked.
"Go on." You nodded after shrugging your shoulders a bit.
"I was wrong to not quickly deny what Helena said, but I need you to know that I don't love Ada. It's always been you who my heart yearns for." Leon starts.

You stood there as he slowly approached you after placing his gun away. When he stood in front of you he sighed and looked to the wall behind you for a moment. Taking a deep breath before letting it out he began to explain how he was feeling from the breakup.

"Whenever I think of the past, it brings back so many memories. All the memories come back, but you don't." Leon says
"Because you never denied it! How do you expect a woman to come back to you when you haven't denied feelings for another woman right in front of her." You shouted.
"And I realized that! When you said your last goodbye that day, I died a little inside. Because the love of my life was gone." Leon continues.
"Leon..." You whisper.
"I was strong enough to walk away...but broken enough to look back...and now I'm more broken than you ever think...I've tried not to think about you...but it never never has." Leon slowly tells looking down.
"I've never stopped thinking of you either, but the mere thought of someone else being enough for you...tears me apart inside...I can't watch you with someone else, I just can't." You explain voice breaking slightly.
"I could never love another woman other than you. You stole my heart the moment we met, and honestly, I don't want it back, call me crazy but that's how it is. From the moment we met in Raccoon City and then on my feelings for you only grew over the years." Leon explains.
"...H-How hard did you search for me when I went missing?" You asked a question you wanted to ask for so long.
"Every single day, I didn't speak about you to others so often because it was so painful...people would tell me it's possible you could have been dead...back then I didn't want to hear it because I wasn't gonna believe it unless I saw a body...I'm sorry things turned out the way it did...please (Y/N) I can't go on like this without you in my life anymore." Leon finishes.
"Neither can I, this is too painful. I don't want to live in a world where your not in my life constantly. I can't take this anymore!" You sobbed letting your tears out.
"(Y/N)..." Leon whispers.

It was then that you both finally hugged one another tightly, holding each other as your lives depended on it. In such a short amount of time, the misunderstanding seemed to be cleared up as you sobbed into Leon's shoulder with one of his arms around your waist and his free hand in your hair. Your hands gripped his jacket.

"I won't ever let you feel that way again, I swear to you here that I'll tell you how I feel every day if you want," Leon whispers.
"I don't care how much you tell me, I just need you." You sobbed.

Leon couldn't hold back anymore when he pulled away slightly from you and pressed his lips to yours in a gentle yet desperate kiss. One that was long waited yet much needed. Both of you knew that there would be even more conversations on what to do from here but after you two had your heartfelt conversation and admitting things between you two were still very much mutual you both regained your composures and left the area to join Chris, Rebbeca and Kuga.

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