Denial, Drama And A Destinati...

By blackwidow2210

1.2K 62 47

Meera's first impression of Arjun is: arrogant NRI jerk. But when their families are invited to a lavish dest... More



42 3 0
By blackwidow2210

"Wake up!! This instant. WE'LL REACH IN 10 MINUTES. God this girl is either deaf or dead...", Arya's voice trailed off. Meera slowly regained consciousness from her slumber. She realized that she had been resting her head on Arjun's shoulder the whole time. She quickly sat up straight in her seat, avoiding eye contact with him.

"How long was I asleep?", she asked groggily. All that heavy North Indian food really made me sleepy, I guess. 

"You missed all the scenic routes", said Arjun. "We were trying to wake you, but you were too busy drooling on my shoulder!"

"NO. I DID NOT!", she exclaimed loudly. 

"Woah. Chill. I'm kidding. Thankfully, you are not a 'drooler', Meera", he replied, laughing.

"I think lunch was too heavy and also, I hate those winding roads. They make me sick. I've had motion sickness since childhood. To think of how many times I must have stopped the car to puke...", Meera replied, with a shudder.

"Yup. I remember those pukey times!" said Arya from the front seat. 

"Thanks for chiming in, when no one asked you to, Arya. Anyway. I can't wait to reach this place. It's going to amazing. The first thing I'll do..." Meera said, when Arya cut her midway.

"Nobody cares. The first thing I will do is have a long bath. Bathtubs are such a luxury!" she said with glee.

"That's so not fair. I wanted to do that", Meera said angrily. 

"Tough luck, sis. Because I called it first!" she said. 

"Stop behaving like a sore loser Meera. She won this fair and square", Arjun said, being more reasonable than she expected. 

"I know. But it's still frustrating!", she replied.

"Dad told me that a lot of guests are reaching today, so they have organized drinks and starters for everyone. So let's go for that!" he said.

"That does sound good actually. I hope I see some cute guys there!", Meera said. 

"I know there will be cute girls there. So I will be there from day 1, laying the charm! You have promised to be my wingwoman anyway" he said, nudging her shoulder playfully. 

"Oh yeah. I guess I did", Meera said, with a shaky laugh. "I got to videocall Sid first, when we reach. He really wants to talk about something apparently"

"Ohhh right. Don't take too long though. All the cute guys will get away!" Arjun said, chuckling. 


Meera got out of the car to witness a stunning palace, converted into a hotel. She instantly loved the old and ornate architecture, with the strong pillars and high ceilings, studded with golden chandeliers. The hotel had kept the olden touch alive, evident by it's interior decor. Is this a dream come true or what?!

As they passed through the metal detectors, to enter the reception area, they were greeted by a welcome drink and garlands were put around their necks, by smiling attendants.

"Get ready to be supremely pampered", Tara whispered to the group, who all nodded in agreement. 

"Welcome to Padmini Palace! We are delighted to welcome you all today. We have arranged refreshments for you in the Rose Ballroom. My staff will take your bags to your rooms. Do let us know, if you need anything", said a sharply dressed man in a suit. 

"Meera listen. Your father and I are quite tired. We'll just head to our room and take a bath. You and the kids go to the ballroom. We'll see you guys for dinner" said Meera's mom. 

"Kids. Let us know about your whereabouts on the group chat. This place is so big that we'll never be able to find each without it!" said Arjun's mom, as they walked towards the elevator. 

Arya and Tara decided to head to the room to change and take a bath. Arjun and Meera were still busy clicking Instagram stories. 

"Should we head to the ballroom, my lady?" said Arjun, with a slightly thicker British accent than usual. 

"Why of course Sir! Lead the way!" Meera played along, in the same accent. 


The ballroom was so beautifully decorated for the wedding. The royal pink curtains and rose plants could be the reason they called it the Rose Ballroom. There were so many wedding guests mingling with each other, ordering drinks at the bar and dancing to the beats of Bollywood wedding songs. 

"Arjun! Can you ask for a cocktail for me? I'll just quickly call Sid and meet you at the bar. Cool?" said Meera, taking her phone out from her pocket. 

"Sure thing. Come quickly or I'll give your drink to whichever pretty girl is next to me at the bar!" he replied chuckling. 

Meera just made a face and went out of the ballroom to call Sid. He picked after several rings.

Sid: Hey.

Meera: Hi Sid! We just reached the palace. Did you see my story? It's so amazing right? I can't believe I get to stay here for a week!

Sid: Yeah... I saw it.

Meera: What's wrong? Where is the enthusiasm!?

Sid: I'm just tired today Meera. And you made me wait so long for your call. You could have called in your car journey, you know. 

Meera: Dude I didn't have any reception there. How would I call you?

Sid: Fine whatever. At least you remembered to call now. I was 99.9% positive that you wouldn't!

Meera: What the fuck. Why? Is this about Arjun again? Why are you being so weird about this?

Sid: I'm not being weird at all. It is YOU who can't stop talking about him since you met him. 

Meera: I find him really interesting. We are really becoming friends here. So what is your issue with that?

Sid: I have no issue. It's just that you are too attached; too soon. 

Meera: No. I am not. In fact, we even made a pact to be each other's wingman for this wedding.

Sid: Wow. This is officially the dumbest thing I have heard. Ever. 

Meera: Sid. You're really killing my good mood here. Why did you want to talk? Just to fight with me over this?

Sid: As a matter of fact, yes. You are getting very attached to him, very fast. I don't want you to get heartbroken over him. When the inevitable happens, you'll come crying to me. 

Meera: Wow. Thanks for the concern. But I think I know him better than you do. We are just two people who like each other's company. 

Sid: Okay then. Go and get your heart broken by a guy who will go back to his country in the next 20 days. You know long distance never works.

Meera: Why are you jumping to these conclusions that we will date and eventually have to break up because of long distance? Something is up with you. Are you afraid that I'll start talking to him more than you?

Sid (after a few moments of silence): I'm hanging up Meera. Call me if you want to talk to someone other than Arjun for once.

Meera: God you're being such a baby, Sid. This is ridiculous. Hello? Hello?

I can't believe he hung up on me. What is this new drama?

Still frustrated with her confusing conversation with Sid, Meera walked towards the bar. She noticed Arjun talking to a girl, wearing a pretty blue dress. She had long brown hair and rare gray eyes for an Indian girl. They were laughing about something, when Meera came near Arjun. 

"Oh hey Meera, there you are. Let me introduce you to Alisha. She is the groom's cousin" he said.

"Hey Meera! Nice to meet you" Alisha said. 

"Nice to meet you too, Alisha" said Meera, shaking her hand with fake enthusiasm. She turned to Arjun and asked pointedly, "I am assuming you got me a drink?"

"Oh yeah the drink. Sorry. My bad. I started talking to Alisha here, so I forgot!" he said, sheepishly.

Alisha giggled and said, "Yeah Meera. It's my fault, not his!" 

"Ohh okay.. I will still blame Arjun though" Meera said. "I will have a Cosmopolitan please" she called out to the bartender. 

How did he already find someone? It's making me a little angry. 

There was an awkward silence till the bartender gave Meera her drink. She muttered a thank you and said, "Ummn. I'm a little tired so I'll just go upstairs. You guys have fun"

"Meera. What's wrong suddenly? Sit here with us and have your drink!" he exclaimed. 

"No. It's fine, I'll see you later" she said and left before Arjun could say any more. 

Oh my God. Was Sid actually right?

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