Erkenci Kus Episode Recaps 1...

By ChayaLevy

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The series has ended. Every week we would come together chat watching the episodes, theorize, and obsess over... More

My Journey to rewatch Erkenci Kus
*what the heck am I talking about? - a glossary if you will
Erekenci Kus episode 1 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 2 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 3 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 4 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 5 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 6 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 7 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 8 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 9 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 10 recap
Erkenci kus episode 11 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 12 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 13 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 15 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 16 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 17 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 18 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 19 recap
The legend of the Amber stone
Erkenci Kus episode 20 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 21 recap
Erkenci Kus Episode 22 recap
Episode 23 recap Sunday :) here are some vids to get you in the mood
Erkenci Kus episode 23 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 24 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 25 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 26 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 27 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 28 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 29 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 30 recap
Erkenci Kus epsiode 31 recap
Erkenci kus ep 32 recap on july 26th :D
Erkenci Kus episode 32 recap
Ek recaps why I stopped and why I am starting again
Erkenci Kus Epsiode 33 recap has been hacked please read if a member
Erkenci Kus episode 34 recap
Ek recap ep 35 will be posted on May 31st :)
Erkenci Kus Episode 35 recap
Erkenci Kus episode 36 recap
Erkenci Kus ep 37 recap

Erkenci Kus episode 14 recap

5.3K 26 53
By ChayaLevy

warning I will be sighing a lot in this recap so buckle up and get used to it lol this episode is jam packed with swoon worthy, heavy sighing moments

1. We start this episode with the beginning of the scene where Sanem confesses her love to Can in the backyard...I'm grateful they did the whole scene again it makes it a solid and complete beginning scene....the kiss in the fake rain aka sprinkler moment... sigh the first kiss was so delicate and yet I wish they didn't pull the camera so far back ...which probably meant it was a steamier kiss and the censors didn't approve so they edited it accordingly ...I have many bones to pick with these censors

a. Can: What are you doing to me Sanem...Sanem: what am I doing? Can: if I knew I could explain it .... awwwww I love this whole scene

b. Can: I could stay here just like this with you until morning....the looks they give each other are so intense sighhhhh

c. Sanem: My head is numb from excitement and its already not normal to begin with lol she's so quirky I love it...and I love Can laughing with her too

d. Can pulls Sanem in nose to nose and says what if we kiss again and maybe that will help numb your head....gahhhhhhh

e. 2 kisses in a row they are being nice to us here

f. You could tell how freezing they were while running to the house...Cy could barely move his arms he was so thing to note- they did this scene so many times that CY got sick and had to go to the hospital and be put on an IV....note to production staff sprinkler scene + middle of the night scene bad combo without proper breaks etc take care of your sorry I wont scold anymore

2. Awww and we are back to the question- are you hungry? ...I love when he asks her that its so cute and caring and sometimes adds a little innuendo to it

a. Can: I can cook for you.....

b. Sanem: how about I cook for you I could make cig kofte

c. Can: yok its my turn I love this back and forth

d. Sanem: you mean you wont risk your life for me?

e. Can: I will just not tonight, tonight I want to just enjoy being with you another time I'll risk my life adorable

3. Ayhan, Leyla and Osman meet

a. Leyla now knows about Sanem's feelings and tries to get ayhan and Osman to spill what they know..Leyla: we all don't know where Sanem is but we know who she is subtle Leyla...she is so giddy with being in the loop

b. Ayhan leaves – she was zipping her lip and saying im not dealing with this

c. Leyla tells osman that she knows and they know so he should tell her everything he knows and then she will tell everything she knows....Osman is smart and a good friend...He says you go first lol he's not falling for anything..then they have a back and forth no you, no you ....awwww they could have been a cute couple given the chance....dont worry I love leyem later but right now im shipping Osman and Leyla hard

d. Then Guliz comes and whisks Osman away from Leyla to practice lines...Guliz has game no question and is really getting under Leyla's skin

4. Can cooks dinner for Sanem

a. I love that he cooks in this series because from the dizis I have seen they always make the guys "too macho" to cook.... I love that he is sipping red wine while cooking lol I don't know why but I just do

b. Sanem comes to the kitchen in his shirt smiling but then for a moment she frowns I think when Can didn't realize Sanem was there she started to doubt herself....then she does her fake cough and he turns with the biggest smile and I think that settles her nerves a bit.

c. He sees her and says she looks really good like that, especially the off the shoulder part...hes like we can let your dress dry in the dryer for a while lmao they both look shy in that moment that they both have confessed their feelings its this space of trying to get comfortable in their new space they created

d. The first thing Emre does that is good in this whole series is leave when he sees Sanem and Can in the kitchen lol finally a moment where nothing gets spoiled by unwelcome guests

e. Just like the hut scene Sanem says she will make the salad....Can gets worried knowing Sanem's klutziness and tells her that he will take care of it ...but in a convenient way of coming around behind her and holding her saying to leave the knife

f. Oy he brings up kotu kral....I wont give you wine because you will call me kotu kral and it wont be nice....ok so I love that he is joking but you can see he really did not like being called kotu kral it obviously bothered him...why did you call me that anyway?

g. This kotu kral question really freaks Sanem out because she doesn't want to lie she wants him to know everything but she doesn't want to lose him.....i love that he notices when she starts to feel sad and he gets worried

h. Can: Tell me everything I want to know everything about you

i. Sanem: If you learn everything about me you wont want to be with me....ufff that hurts....Can: that could never happen trust me heart is crying – this is the second promise he breaks to Sanem.... The first one was when he said no one with call you "the other" ever again....he will break these two promises and we just have to wait and watch it happen...but for right now I will enjoy this moment

j. Can: I don't care about your past ...Can thinks there is something in her past ... or in a past relationship that she is afraid to tell him...little does he know

k. Sanem: What if we are not right for each other? Can: remember what I said don't think just feel...listen to your heart and what it says ....ufff ya Can Divit is so romantic

l. Can: Tell me later don't ruin the mood I will gladly listen when you are ready...lets just be in this moment ...yes be in the moment sigh

m. He kisses her hands and gives such a hopeful and comforting hug....sigh sigh sigh...I mean I did warn you I would be sighing a lot ;)

n. Then she drinks a massive amount of wine to calm her nerves... I don't really love that about dizis where they make the women get drunk so that they be honest with their feelings or deal with a love interest...women are perfectly capable of being present in an emotional conversation without the need to be drunk ...ok feminist rant over

o. She says she will go change and Can is like um you're good like this why don't you stay in this for a while...lmao Can is thirsty ...she just hugs him and runs to his room to change and he gives this giddy laugh watching her leave...he is blissfully happy

5. Canem's Dinner under the stars

a. Ok it is adorable Can trying to show Sanem how to spin pasta and her covering her mouth realizing her mouth had pasta hanging out of it

b. Then Sanem shows how 'not drunk' she is by stumbling around..."no you aren't effected at all"

c. Sanem: I know your every moves by heart, because of my photographic memory of course....we wont mention the time she watched him at the photoshoot mimicking his every move and how she was studying its definitely just her photographic memory ;)

d. I love when she tells him the gestures she knows- when she compliments him and he feels shy, when she says something nonsensical he gives her a look, how he points, shes about to talk about when he is feeling confident on a day he looks handsome and she adds she thinks he is always very handsome and he starts to do his hand gesture...then she continues when you get compliments and feeling confident you say bring them bring them with your hands... then when you are feeling confident and cool and shows how he takes off his glasses... its such a sweet and fun moment.... The part that is so lovely is that she is saying that usually he jokes with a compliment, he does a jokingly keep them coming gesture but with Sanem it means more and he gets shy and nervous and looks down and he only does that with Sanem....*swoon*

e. She also mentions when he is interested he lifts up his glasses in a certain way to get a better look..and he says ya I do that when im upset too so that it brings to the attention that I am annoyed...he mentions this and we saw that when Levant shook Sanems hand at the abandoned warehouse, and we will see that move like Sanem said in ep 33- showing interest in her yellow dress gahhhh

f. Can: I cant memorize things like you but I do remember things, your smile, when you are nervous that you just ramble, that you touch your hair when lost in thought, and your scent that follows him everywhere...sighhhhhh

g. Can asks Sanem where she wants to go with him , where has she not been yet....I love when she is like I haven't been anywhere, a grocer doesn't take many business trips lmao

h. Ok one of my favorite moments in ek..Can: where do you want to go with me? Sanem: here *touches his heart and moves into a hug* this place is enough for me.... It is such a beautiful sentiment and Can has probably never been told that before ...this moment is so special and their hug is so loving

6. Can gives Sanem tea to sober up...Sanem: I think Cay/tea is something beautiful....Tea has always been a metaphor in their relationship for each other so I love that she says this

7. I love the Gitme back and forth ...don't go, stay...don't go...stay don't go..ok then there is no reason to go...that's what im saying lol...except my mom will kill she wont .... Don't say "gitme" if you do I really wont be able to leave....and he says ok I'll drive you home...he is so respectful, always wanting it to be her choice

8. Can drops sanem off and the scene has such an end to a high school date feel... its adorable

a. When will you tell your parents we are madly in love

b. I got anxious hearing you say that I cant imagine how my parents will feel...while she says this he gives her a look and licks his lips and gahhhhh just gahhh...he loves when she gets nervous about them lol

c. He agrees that they will tell them in time and then asks - because we are in your neighborhood I cant kiss you right and she says yep....poor guy .... But then she cant help it and gives him a kiss on the cheek and runs out of the car...the kiss surprises him in the most innocent and loving way

9. Emre and Aylin are freaking out about Canem...and I love it....but now they are going to have a plan with that ring ...grrrr emre is so selfish ...he doesn't want to risk losing his brother so he is going to try to ruin Sanem and Can's relationship ...that's how you show love? By trying to destroy your brother...I forgot how I started to like emre because by the end of the series I really did like him... I loathe him now and don't remember the moment I really started to like wasn't at the beginning of took me a while into their relationship to like him...and from watching from the beginning I understand why it took me longer to forgive

10. Sanem goes as early as she can to tell Osman and Ayhan about the sprinkler confessions and date

a. They tell her to be happy live in the moment...finally ayhan on board with that

b. I love when Osman gets mad when Sanem says Emre told her to enjoy Can while she can because it wont last....I love when he becomes fire like a true big brother...a big part of It his reaction was him also knowing Leyla has feelings for emre..."he is not a man, not a man!" lmao take a breath Osman

c. Sanem realizes something is quiet and missing....It's her negative inner voice that is silent now that Sanem decided to act how she feels instead of holding back...although they all think the silence is about muzzo being gone for army service and they decide to write him a letter ...Sanem says she understands muzzo better now because she is becoming like him only thinking about Sanem you are NOTHING like muzzo

d. Aww ayhan is Instagram stalking ceycey ...poor girl

11. MIvkebe is cooking and is very focused on counting so she knows when the food is ready...this reminds me of how my Turkish great grandmother would cook...when the water goes wada wada wada its ready lol

12. Leyla busting Sanem and playing with her – we will talk about 'Guliz" later...mhhhmm Leyla wants the scoop

13. Ayhan and Ceycey they are so adorable- they are both aware the other is in love with each other but not aware they are in love with the other ....#confused_otters

14. The ayden breakfast table

a. Its so sweet how Sanem is pushing back the money that Nihat and mivlebe are giving her to pay her back from the debt

b. everyone is watching Sanem laughing giddily at her morning texts from Can ...then Sanem realizes they are all staring at her and she keeps saying its Guliz being funny...I love Leyla's look like uhuh Sanem no way I am believing that

c. Can's texts -Ozledim/I miss you – sigh it means more now because that is what Can and Sanem tell each other later on even when they are together as a romantic back and forth

d. Sanem leaves breakfast because Can is waiting for her sigh...Mivkebe is so on it...shes going to watch Canem at the commercial shoot to see whats going on

15. Can brought Sanem breakfast as they drive to the I the only one worried about that cat who runs in front of the car while they start driving...they cutaway at that moment in the scene so im hoping that cat only worry is that later on in episode 19 Sanem yells for Can to stop the car and Can goes what is there a cat in front of the car or something....eeek I hope that meant they yelled for him to stop the car here...I hope that cat is ok

16. Muzzo's mom becomes partners with Cakal aka the jackal...Mivkebe says I better leave this conversation before I hurt you ....then she threatens Cakal - mivkebe is a badass

17. Sigh Canem holding hands ...they both keep looking at their hands smiling and its adorable...I love when Can asks, "why did you let go of my hand?"...and Sanem says she is shy and doesn't want people to know...Can says ok even though he doesn't like secrets...and they go into the office all smiley

18. Sanem hugs Deren because she is now an intern ...Deren is freaked out lol and Can is smiling from afar seeing Sanem so happy

19. Mivkebe confronts Khalil about the money Sanem paid him back with ...she uses her super power – staring intensely until the person cracks lol I love when Khalil tries to not stare directly into her eyes lmao "look into my eyes" she is amazing

20. How many times will Emre tells aylin not to do anything without him knowing for him to realize she is not going to listen...every time she promises and he believes her I think- wake up emre!

21. Sanem joins the creative meeting

a. That moment she sees the blueprint of her neighborhood was so lovely...she sees its beauty and Can smiles at her innocence and love for her neighborhood

b. Then when the talking starts and Can was touching her hand on that blue print...sigh...I love how he loves her passion for work and life...and touching her lol

c. And I love how Can moved his chair so close to her... usually he sits at the head in the center but his chair is the closest it could be to Sanem

d. right before Can leaves he gives her a wink...and she gives an awkward one right back lol

22. Leyla tries to get Sanem to talk about what happened with Can last night...and Sanem starts rambling/yelling about what she does as an errand girl and she scares away Leyla...I love when she smiles that Leyla ran away and congratulates herself on being so smart lol....Sanem is happy she out crazied Leyla's need for gossip

23. Mivkebe calls Sanem to tell her about how she paid the loan- "Sanem look into my eyes and tell me the truth"...I love Sanem freaked out even on the phone saying, "it's hard to look from this distance" lmao amazing

24. MIvkebe then goes to Ayhan to have her confess...Ayhan pretends to get Mivkebe water and then runs away- there is no water in the house I will get from the I love this scene...and mivkebe chases that girl down and she folds and tells about the loan...I don't blame ayhan for this ...mivkebe's super power is powerful

25. Ceycey and Sanem talk

a. Ceycey tells the secret to him being relaxed is pretending to work and taking breaks every 20 min lol so relatable

b. Sanem-: ceycey can I tell you something.....omg sanem can you let ceycey have one stress free day lmao boy went to the hospital because of you

c. Sanem tells ceycey she is becoming an intern copywriter...first time I am disappointed with ceycey is when he is not happy for her and goes on a rant why not him... why not you ceycey? because she can write and won the competition! dude be happy for her she's your friend

d. I love that Can sees this and literally barrels into Ceycey to stop him from raging at Sanem...Can: What do you want to say to me ceycey? ceycey chickens out and leaves

26. Sanem brings Can tea

a. Can is on a call when she comes to his office ...Sanem starts to leave because he's on the phone but Can stops her ...where are you running away to? sweet he rushed off the phone call to be with Sanem

b. Can congratulates Sanem on becoming a intern ...Sanem says I was so happy I even hugged Deren so that means I can hug you too right....Can says of course if you already hugged Deren you can definitely hug me cute when they are trying to justify pda when they are supposed to be keeping their relationship as a secret...she goes in for a hug but sees people walking by and gives a handshake instead...I mean that handshake...*fanning myself*...if it wasn't for Emre's interruption they would have been kissing as they kept getting closer to each other while prolonging the handshake

c. Can reminds her again in this moment that her talent got her here...she really needs to be reminded because she doesn't trust herself yet

27. Can puts emre in his place and visa versa in their meeting

a. Can gets mad when Emre says don't spend money without thinking....and Can sets him straight ...he is doing what he needs to make the company quality good and don't forget who is in charge etc

b. Emre says I get it trust me but when you leave everyone who works here will be relying on me for job security

c. They both needed that reality check I think

28. Ufffff ya Sanem getting help from aylin ....grrrr if she is an intern someone should be helping her so Aylin doesn't get her claws into hurts to see Sanem fall for Aylins sob story...because sanem would never use her relationship for manipulation she honestly feels bad for aylin getting kicked out of the office and her love, emre, not standing up for her...Sanem gets emotional hearing the story and her heart opens to Aylin....and its hard to watch her being taken advantage of

29. Ceycey sees what is happening and is worried about Sanem because guliz is already under Aylins spell...Ceycey: what will I do ....i will be finished lol he is freaking out and I don't blame him Aylin is evil and manipulative it is easy for someone to follow her

30. Canem in the archive room...of course with a ceycey present lol

a. Can: Do you know I miss you if cant see you for 5 minutes...he is romantic

b. He kisses her hand and says Let me get my dose of Sanem and I will see you after work...sigh

c. Sanem is so smitten she watches as he leaves in pure bliss

d. Lol ceycey is in a scary calm state – if these walls could talk, you look good Sanem is freaked out too- "why aren't you freaking out or fainting" lol

e. She is so embarrassed when she ceycey was so creepy as he left with this creepy manic grin...old dusty files what they could tell... lol

31. Deren looks over at Aylin and Aylin gives this sinister wink...the sound effect the wink made was a nice touch lol makes it more evil

32. Ceycey gets a new title "Deren's intern" lmao and he is like yes that is perfect and from now on I will call you Deren I love it...Deren not too happy about that and Ceycey goes maybe other people may need an intern like Aylin...cue the dramatic music.... da da da da....and deren loses it and watches him walk away in shock...Ceycey is the only one brave enough to talk back to this woman

33. Canem in the park

a. Can waits for Sanem watching other couples in the park...and Sanem tries to sneak up on him but he catches her in the nick of time and gives her a piggy back ride...I absolutely love this is playful and sweet...they aren't holding back anymore and they are genuinely enjoying each other's company

b. He puts a flower in her hair and it is such a sweet moment

c. Can: I feel like we are teenagers sneaking to see each other at the park, what do you think about us...he looks down while saying it almost like a shy teenager... Sanem responds, "I was afraid my heart would beat out of my chest when I got your message to meet"...Can responded: You don't need to worry I am holding on to your heart for you it is in a safe place...Pardon me I just need to swoon right now - my hand is resting against my forehead and I am slowly falling, hitting the ground .... sigh swoon sigh

d. Sanem's first origami present to Can... a butterfly because there are thousands of them in her stomach whenever she sees sweet and he says oh is that what happens and goes into hugging Sanem...Gahhh this scene is so charming....I love when he doesn't want to let her go to answer deren's call....Deren is calling ...Yo/no...Yo Yo lol and then finally Sanem breaks away...Sanem: Deren cant go 2 minutes without me....Can: I have the same problem....did I mention sigh

e. They go back to the agency hand in hand, Can kisses Sanem's hand and she leans into him ...and I so love this couple

34. Ceycey and ayhan go around the neighborhood to get permission to use their store fronts...but he is not the greatest with people lol...ayhan calls ceycey out saying he is doing this because he wants to be alone with her because he is in love with her and then mentioned his previous electricity comment...ceycey in denial was like nope I meant that with anything, you can get a shock ....he then tries to touch a guy to get his "electricity" and the guy was having none of it lol

35. The models cant come to the shoot because Metin is no longer their lawyer and since he left things have been hard for the new person to catch up on...Can doesn't process what a mistake he did by firing Metin...not only to his friendship but to the company

36. Cakal gathers the store owners to get them riled up because they are getting barely paid to have their stores used in a commercial...I hate to admit it but Cakal is right they should be well compensated ....I mean he is doing it to get a cut of everyone's payment but still

37. The commercial shoot

a. Classic sanem hanging out of the window of the van showing how cool it is...its just a white tour van but she is really proud of it

b. Can genuinely loves mivkebe and nihat and I love watching them talk

c. Sanem tries to avoid talking to her parents and Can pushes her to go talk to them...She gives him a look like what are you doing to me...

d. MIvkebe and nihat interrogate Sanem about the money- mivkebe felt the same way hearing about her crazy emre loan that I did- "why would they do that for an errand girl it makes no sense...yep you are right it doesn't and Sanem figured that out the hard way...I love that Can sees Sanem in distress with her parents and calls her to come to help him ...and she sits by him and they just smile in their little bubble of joy

e. I love love Deren stands up for herself to the Cakal and freaks him out lol and then he sees Can who he recognizes from the time Can threatened him to give back the store to the aydins after that beautiful Canem hut night and the Cakal really takes off

f. I love that Can tells Deren "of course we will pay the neighborhood we are filming in their space" shows he really respects the people he works with and doesn't try to take advantage of anyone

g. Ufff sanem you are taking aylin to melihat... the town gossip... *facepalm* ... of course Aylin is using her "charm" to get info about Sanem...ufff ya...I do think it's hilarious when melihat says she doesn't like gossip lol kinda like the older generation Guliz

38. Canem run off to be alone together

a. I love that Can sends her on a gps hunt for him ...and then when she finds him he brings her to a "secret place"

b. They are two teenagers sneaking around...they just stare at each other for a moment smiling its so cute...and they both say it was hard for them to see each other but not be able to be with each other at the shoot

c. And then he goes in to smell her neck gahhhhh Sanem also surprised is in a daze in that moment...then he says you smell beautiful, how about you give me your perfume so when I long for you I can smell it....ufff sometimes I say uff annoyed but this is an ufff where I am like damn this show can make something like sniffing a person with the same heat as an intense make out scene

d. Sanem admits she thinks Can smells good too but couldn't replicate it in perfume form which she was trying to do.....I love that she is being so open with him

e. Can says if you take a long enough sniff of me maybe you will get letting out a breathe now and fanning myself...we never get to see Sanem really smell his neck but I bet you that scene would not get past the censors mainly because of how Can would react I think after that moment

f. Sanem says Im you and me both sanem

g. Can: You know I am only keeping to this secrecy because I love you

Sanem: I know I'll make it up to you

Can: you'll make it up to me – im curious about this topic how...the way he says it is so suggestive and Sanem realizes how she said it and gets nervous by his response lol

Sanem: now im just saying the first thing that comes to ya sanem we were all thinking it too ;)

Even though Can hates secrets it looks like he is enjoying the sneaking around part

39. Mivkebe thinks Can gave Sanem the money because emre is not the type to do that....mivkebe can read people well...Emre would only give Sanem money like that for his own selfish reasons....but now MIvkebe is worried that Can doesn't love Sanem so mivkbee ropes nihat into a plan to get Sanem to stop liking Can....ummm good luck with that

40. Aylin walks up to Sanem and Can with the engagement ring that Sanem said was hers, Aylin is ready to expose Sanem....then she decides against it and walks away.. First time I saw this I thought for a moment Aylin had a change of heart because she saw how sweet Sanem was....little did I know... I know I am surprised how naive I was about that moment...I guess Sanem was rubbing off on me

41. Leyla is doing the red bull commercial this episode lol...hard at work Leyla just needs that little can of Red bull to get her through it all lmao...there is nothing subtle about Turkish product placement.....uff then Leyla gets her feelings played with again – after Leyla praises emre he asks her to come get that salad he promised her...what a conceited jerk,.... he uses their lunch as a cover to give a bribe....ufffff when do we start to like him? I am starting to question how I let that happen....and Leyla is now starting to see everything more clearly about emre...ugh what a jerk finally taking her out for lunch but only to use her as a distraction grrrrr Leyla understandably lost her appetite

42. Mivkebe tells Sanem that Can is the center of the fashion world, a womanizer etc to try to and convince Sanem to not like Can anymore but Sanem says he isn't like that and that he likes natural girls ...Sanem: 4 models could come and be almost naked and he would not even look at and of course the models show up at that moment lol

43. Ceycey speaking English saying over and over again "I am boss" to impress the models... I was dying lmao

44. Ok I don't like that Sanem is jealous and Can knows it....he is like why cant these models be in the commercial? With knowing eyes....and then she says its not because im jealous and he makes a face mockingly like no of course not

45. I hate Sanem's jealousy plan- to mess up the hair and makeup of the models so they cant be in the commercial...she is blowing her dream and the companies time because she is jealous...I think sanem is better than that... I am a bit disappointed how immature she is being about is not even like Can is giving them the time of day

46. The Osman rescuing Deren was a bit much but I loved how Deren stood up to the Cakal ...she is a badass so I don't think she needed a rescuing scene where she falls/gets pushed to the floor by Cakal...I think they kept trying to figure out which person Osman should end up with Osman and so this moment had the potential to start people shipping Deren and Osman But I think the Osman storyline got lost when Ayse left and Asli took all these potential couples and then well we will talk about Osman's fate when the time comes

47. Ceycey is hurt that Sanem is leading this shoot and calls her Ms. Sanem and sanem laughs and calls Ceycey, Mr. Ceycey ....ceycey get a grip! be happy for your friend!

48. Can sits next to Sanem all smiley asking her to go to the rocks with him at lunch break ...she agrees but she is also annoyed and Can does not realize because he is too happy to notice her jealousy scowl....nihat sees the closeness of Canem in that moment and calls Sanem over to talk and nihat continues the plan to make Sanem not like Can... Can adjusts his chair so he can observe the conversation lol....ugh NIhat don't say you saw Can embracing a model uff ya happy that Sanem doesn't believe it... Sanem says it must not have been Can..I wish she would think about that while she is behaving in this weird childlike jealousy ...because when pushed come to shove she knows Can only has eyes for her....Nihat is trying so hard- you should always be distant from your boss...I love that Sanem says- I do, I don't look at him or stay behind him unless there is a need ...sigh I will say this- there is always a need

49. The models leave upset that their hair and makeup is a disaster and Sanem plays dumb not knowing how this happened and Can isn't buying must have another plan right? And Sanem does ....and she goes off to follow through with her plan

50. Can goes to say hi to mivkebe and nihat and to get a soda from the store...I love Can saying to them - you must be proud of Sanem... he really is proud of her too and it shows...Nihat is a little cold and says the best thing a father could say to his girl's secret boyfriend: we are proud, Sanem is special and anyone who doesn't see how special she is its their loss.....go nihat...luckily Can knows how special Sanem is and says you are right I have never met anyone like Sanem before...sigh sigh mivkebe is catching on- maybe he loves Sanem too?

51. I love that moment Can turns smiling and sees how Sanem pulled her crazy plan off- Ayhan, Aylin, Deren and Sanem all as the models...I love Ayhan's look with the teethy smile and the others posing... its hilarious and mivkebe and nihat are at a loss for words - I cant quite describe their reaction- shock/disgust/confusion lol maybe all of the above

52. The fastest shooting of a commercial...just think about how the orange drink commercial shooting took up so much more time than a multiple shot commercial like this lol

53. Ceycey tells Mivkebe and nihat- that Sanem has grown up, this little girl ...the look on nihats face is- don't look at my daughter lol but ceycey is only "reminiscing" with Sanem's parents as if he was around to see Sanem as a little girl and grow up like a parent lol

54. Mivkebe does the eye thing at ceycey asking where Can went to because they know that Sanem went to the embankment ...ceycey surrounded by nihat and mivkebe confesses he went to the embankment too...seriously Mivkebe needs to be in the CIA

55. Can and Sanem meet at the cursed rocks

a. Sanem is still in her 80s costume and she doesn't get why people were looking at her strange lol

b. I love when Can hugs Sanem and spins her around sigh

c. Can: did you like the shoot Sanem: yes I have lived a beautiful day because of you thank you..and then he points to his cheeks for her to kiss them... it's such a sweet moment ...After both cheeks are kissed they almost kiss on the lips....and then nihat and mivkebe come yelling after Sanem

d. I don't understand why Sanem thinks yelling at her boss all the time is a good cover ...what worker in their office would have the nerve to yell and scold Can the way she does? ...I love how confused Can is by her outburst and keeps mimicking her hand gestures trying to understand

e. and mivkebe spots the lipstick on Can's cheek....oooooo that stare down she gives Can ....he finally got the mivkebe stare and asks why she is looking at him that way...first person to not buckle at that stare lol...your cheek....ok seriously her parents are waaaayyy too trusting she is wearing the same color lipstick and they believe her story that he was kissing a model

f. the look Can gives Sanem while she walks away waving and blowing kisses and yelling rude things at him is priceless...Can is like you are crazy but I love you

56. aww Ayhan and ceycey have a moment- Ayhan says you cant run from the feelings you have for me ....awwwww ayhan fighting for them even though ceycey said he closed that chapter

57. Omg Aylin has so many "villain tells their plan so the audience can know the plan" moments lol she tells us that even though we think she stopped messing with Sanem she is coming after her with that ring

58. awwww Leyla comes to Osman for some comfort after being used by emre but he already has plans with guliz...I feel for Leyla but I am happy Osman is not waiting around for her anymore... even though he wants to

59. The Can Bey morning exercise montage- I'm convinced these exist for 2 reasons 1. Well because ya do we need to explain why this montage would be enjoyed by the audience? Lol excuse me while I fan myself and 2. He doesn't have enough time to actually go to the gym while on set so this was helping to keep up his body form...which is why he has his real trainer in the gym scenes lol why get an actor to be a trainer in the scene when you can use your actual trainer so you can actually work out safely while filming

60. I love love Sanem writing in the morning with Can's feather pen...makes me happy

61. Can calls Sanem to ask her to come to breakfast- He says he makes the best crepes ...sigh this makes me smile because of a later dream sequence he has in episode 42...sigh I wont spoil that here though...right now it doesn't seem like a big deal besides the awesomeness of him cooking for her again but sigh now that I know the later reference this comment is dreamy....and we wont talk about how he is shirtless for this phone call ;) I have my dignity....its small but it is there

62. Canem breakfast

a. Its so sweet and romantic – Can went to so much trouble to make this elaborate spread to put on his crepes

b. "in your parents eyes I am a womanizer, hangs out with models, eats raw meat, a snob and so on " ...I love when Sanem laughs and says yes...Can is smiling and is like why do find this funny im going to tell them everything – Sanem: no give me time Can: ah Sanem ah what can I say to that

c. Sanem: I always put myself in these situations huh? at least she is aware of it right?

d. Emre and Aylin interrupts the breakfast date reminding me a lot of Ursula's eel friends, flotsam and jetsum in the little mermaid

e. Sanem makes a terrible excuse that she was hungry while they were working Sanem, no one is buying this extensive breakfast was made for a coworker dear

f. Can gives a polite invitation for Aylin and Emre to join them but did not expect, nor want them to actually join....but evil aylin had other plans and Canem are both annoyed and shocked when Aylin decided to stay

g. Aylin says take care of Sanem or I might have her come work for me...I love his response – Sanem will work wherever she wants to....Remember this Can in later episodes

h. Can is so annoyed by the interruption and with Aylin that he gives emre his plate as he says he lost his appetite

i. Ufff aylin always has a plan and the ring is revealed to be in Aylins purse that she purposely drops on the floor

j. Can picks up the ring looking hurt and upset- they all stare at each other as the drama builds and it's causing me heart palpitations then Can breaks the silence finally and says, "Sanem isn't this your engagement ring?"...and then the shot FREEZES!!!......gahhhh what a way to end an episode my heart is racing / waiting eagerly for next episode

If you made it all the way to this point- thank you thank you- uff I feel I need to watch the beginning scenes again of this episode just to not have this tension in my stomach from the look that Can gives Sanem while he holds that episode is going to be a rollercoaster of I look forward to processing that with you all. 

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