A Vampires Quest (COMPLETE)

بواسطة LilithaAngel

10.9K 816 41

This is the third story of the Blackbloods series. If you haven't read the first two never fear as this book... المزيد

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Five
Sequel is OUT!

Chapter Twenty Four

305 25 2
بواسطة LilithaAngel

2 weeks later.

Its been 2 weeks since Serena vanished, 2 weeks since her powers consumed her, 2 weeks I have not been able to find her. 2 weeks of anguish.

"where did she go!?" I yell again, slamming my fists onto the ornate desk, uncaring of the wood cracking but feeling a little guilty as Lara jumps back, eyeing me cautiously while Byron stands staring at me as if I was a child having a tantrum.

"if we knew Alex, we would tell you." Byron replies calmly to my outburst before pulling Lara under his arm, she cuddles close to him and the sight angers me more than it should, I should be doing that with Serena right now but instead she is missing and nobody has any clue where she went. The velvet box is burning a hole in my pocket but I darent put it anywhere else.

"have the library's been any help?" violet asks, looking at the large stack of books in front of me, I shake my head, dropping into my seat, my head cradled in my palms. I hate feeling so useless. Dylan's large hand falls on my shoulder, squeezing slightly.

"We will find her Alex." His low timbre holds more hope than i hold. Pushing roughly away from the table i storm from my office, heading towards the bedroom Serena and i shared for the brief time she was here, her soft scent has nearly vanished completely and i hate it, it feels almost final, like when her scent is gone it means shes gone forever. Slamming the door shut i collapse into the armchair by the fireplace, the fire has long burned out, but the cold doesnt bother me so i havent lit it again. Closing my eyes i imagine Serenas face, her emerald eyes that hold more knowledge and past than their physical age, dark curls framing her face, her soft full lips and contagious smile that always lights up my world.


My eyes fly open, head whipping around as Serena's call lingers in the air, the hairs on my arms prickle, standing abruptly i scan the room, every speck of dust seems to have frozen in the air, glittering in the lamps light like tiny specks of glitter.

"Serena?" I call out, feeling a little foolish to be talking to an empty room, spinning slowly i wait, my heart in my throat, praying that it wasnt my imagination that conjured up her voice.

Alex? Where are you?

"I'm still at the palace, you disappeared."

My ancestors took me. i dont know where i am. i dont know how to get back to you. 

"Try and use your powers Serena." For a moment there is silence and then the glittery specks of dust start spinning, moving by themselves, swirling together until the transluscent form of Serena stands before me, looking down at her speckled hands before her eyes collide with mine, the colour of her eyes is muted but the familiarity of them takes my breath away. Without thinking i cross to her, attempting to pull her into my arms, only to fall straight through her, her frame insubstantial.

Alex? I cant come back fully. i dont know how. theyre trying to pull me back to them.

Her voice holds panic that kills me to hear, the books on my shelves start dancing as i feel her emotions starting to control her, standing close to her i look her in the eyes, itching to touch her but unable to as she is nothing more than a ghost right now.

"We will find a way to bring you back, i promise. I feared you had died Serena, but if you are truly alive then nothing in hell or heaven will stop me from finding you and bringing you back to me. Are you on Earth still?"

I dont think so. The others call it Magi Insula. This place is strange, nothing makes sense here. im scared Alex.

"I will find a way to save you Serena. Do you trust me?"

Theyre pulling me back Alex. I trust you. Please find me. 

The dust particles suddenly explode, the force blows me across the room, landing hard on the floor but i do not feel any pain, all i feel is elation and hope that Serena is alive, she is just trapped somewhere, Magi Insula, now its just a case of finding this place and getting her out of it. Hurrying from my room i almost knock Lara over as i race through the halls, my hands steady her shoulders.

"Alex? Is everything okay?"

"Better than okay. I need everyone in the library pronto." I race off again leaving Lara staring at my back confused, hurrying into the library i spy Violet hunched over a desk, pages flicking too fast for humans to read but the benefits of being a vampire means we can read really fast.

"Can i help you Alex?" Violet calls from the desk, her eyes not leaving the pages of the book shes reading.

"Magi Insula. Any idea where or what that place is." She spins in her chair to face me, her brows furrowed in thought.

"Wheres the fire?" Dylan jokes as he waltzes into the library, closely followed by the rest of my family.

"We need to know everything about Magi Insula." I reply before clambering up a ladder to grab an old scripted book.

"Island of Mages?" Byron's voice stops me dead, my gaze flits to his.

"Island of Mages?"

"Magi Insula is latin for Island of Mages." He replies as he heads towards another alcove of books, grabbing a large leather bound book before bringing it over to the large table.

"Since when do you know latin?"

"Since i often get bored and try to entertain myself somehow." He replies as if im stupid and should have known that already. Sliding down the ladder i head to his side, looking down at the book as he flicks through pages until he clips it open on a page, headlined Realm of the Mages.

"The realm of the mages is a special place, another dimension very similar to earth. Only mages can access the realm and it is strictly forbidden to bring any other species into it. Although similar to Earth its genetic makeup is very different, the laws of earth do not apply to the realm. The realm is split into four sectors, each for the different mages power. But during the great wars the mages were hunted to near extinction and so the portals to the realm were destroyed so that no evil could enter the sanctuary and destroy the mages ancestors resting places. It is said that there is a prophecy that one day the portals will open one more time when the power of five is united, that person will hold greater power than earth has ever witnessed, the power to destroy the worlds or unite them together."

"The power of five?" Lara asks, looking over Byron's arm.

"Elements, Time, Space, Mind and Spirit. Each mage should only be capable of one power, but there are circumstances where a mage has harnessed more than one, each of these mages have been lost to the dark call of magic, they become what we call necromancer and must be destroyed." the last word I read with a quiver in my voice.

"What does that mean for Serena?" Lara asks, quietly, almost afraid.

"I won't let her die." I yell, my fear clouding my judgement.

"what if we don't have a choice. What if we have to kill her to save us all?" within a second I am across the room, holding Paul against the wall by his throat, an inhumane growl vibrates from my throat as my finger nails lengthen to claws.

"if you touch her I will kill you." I snarl in his face, so preoccupied I don't notice his fist until it collides violently with the side of my face, knocking me back in surprise. A red haze descends over my vision as I attack him, our fists colliding with each other, the cries from our family fall on deaf ears as we continue to fight. Suddenly strong arms shackle my arms behind my back, as Paul is dragged back by Dylan.

"calm yourself down Alex! Fighting each other will not help find Serena." Yanking out of Byron's grip i cant help but glare at his calm tone, how is he so calm when we have no idea what Serena is going through.

"Guys, would you stop your testosterone fuelled glaring match and come here." Violet gestures wildly catching my attention, growling once more at Paul who is massaging his jaw, which makes me smirk as i head over to Violet who is nose deep in another leather bound book.

"What is it?" I ask, peering over her shoulder.

"There's a passage here, each mage has a conduit, another half if you will. The conduit is important to the mage, it grounds them, helps them control their powers, if a mage and conduit are seperated both suffer but the mages suffering is worse as the power threatens to consume them. If Serena has more than one power ..."

"She does ..." I reply factly, causing everyones attention onto me totally.

"What do you mean Alex?" Lara asks, gently touching my arm. Hanging my head i take a steadying breath before looking up at my family's concerned faces.

"Serena can do more powers than you know. You obviously know that she can wield the elements."

"Her little fire display was a bit of a giveaway." Dylan tries to joke to disperse the tension, not that it worked.

"She can also manipulate time and can project, so i assume that would come under spirit. That was powers she showed before her powers were meant to truly awaken." Byron's large hand rests on my shoulder comforting.

"We will find her Alex and we will bring her home." He declares confidently.

"How? If she is on Magi Insula then how are we meant to get her back?"

"If she is truly as powerful as you say, even more so now her powers are awakened then surely she is the prophecy and surely she will be able to open the portal to Magi Insula."

"But Byron, bringing another species into Magi Insula is forbidden." Lara speaks quietly.

"Surely keeping a mage and her conduit is forbidden too."

"If Alex is truly Serena's conduit then the punishment for keeping them apart is death. That is their most absolute rule." Violet pipes up, reading from the book, hope blossoms in my chest.

"Can you contact her at all Alex?"

"I will try." I promise under my breath as i race out of the library, back into our bedroom, standing in the middle of the room i clear my mind, focusing on imagining Serena, every minute detail, from the colours in her hair, to the sparkle in her eye, to the tiny scar under her right ear.

Alex? Serena's soft voice whispers through my mind, concentrating on the sound i still.

"Serena. I need to see you." I whisper, praying that she can hear me.

"Alex?" Serena's voice comes from behind me, her scent floats around me as i open my eyes, spinning i inhale suddenly as Serena's shimmering figure is standing a foot from me, hope glittering in her pale green eyes, her hand reaches for my cheek before pulling back, frowning at the opaque limb.

"Do you know where the portal is?" Her eyes jump to mine in shock.

"How do you know of the portal?"

"I need you to open it for me."

"I cant. you arent allowed to come here, the ancestors have decided."

"Fuck the ancestors. Without me you will die Serena." She reels backwards as if i had physically assaulted her, i mentally curse as i didnt mean to say it that way.

"What do you mean?" She asks, her figure starting to shimmer, tears in her eyes.

"Your powers need me to ground you, otherwise you will be lost to the powers inside you and you will be destroyed. I refuse to lose you." I ache to pull her close to me but i hold back, knowing i cant.

"The portal will open in Lake Aelfdene on the next full moon. The ancestors have told me that i will be closing the portal forever, destroying the bridge between Earth and Magi Insula. There will be guardians either side of the portal." Her figure fluxes just as Serena falls to her knees, clutching her head, racing to her i can only helplessly kneel beside her.


"The ancestors are angry, they're pulling me back. Be careful. Please Alex. I cant lose you." Her eyes collide with mine.

"You will never lose me." I promise, my hand reaching for hers, for a mere second her hand entwines with mine, real, skin and warmth, before she disappears completely. Tears cloud my vision, the loss is breaking my heart, kneeling with my head bent, Serena's gentle scent still swirling in the air around me i cant control the tears as i weep quietly. 

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