Love Triangle

By HersheyKandii97

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Mario sighed before he closed his eyes "Do you still have feelings for him?" he asked. I bit my lip "Does it... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: The Plan
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 3

505 18 3
By HersheyKandii97

Okay you guys I'm excited. I've been on and off Wattpad for the past few years now but I'm just now realizing all the new features that was added. You can actually place images in the middle of the Chapters, that is so dope! I know I'm late but I'm just now seeing this. Soooo, I have some really good ideas to make this book a lot more realistic. To me, the key to reading is being able to imagine the scenes that you're reading in your head. So I'm going to make these Chapters a real as possible. I'm actually excited for the ideas I have cooking up. Okay guys enough rambling, here's Chapter 3. Don't forget to comment and vote. Love you guys ❤

Chapter 3

Chasity's POV

I warmed up a nice pot of hot chocolate before pouring it into my favorite pink sparkly mug that Mario had gotten me for Christmas last year. I added some mini marshmallows and a drizzle of Caramel, before picking up my mug carefully and bringing it over to the couch.

I put on an episode of Hannah Montana from the Disney+ app on my flat screen TV and got back to work. My boss emailed me some documents that he needed me to sort and email out to his business partners, so I've been doing that for almost half my day. Thank God they canceled classes due to snow or I don't think I would've been able to get through most of the work that he sent me.

I was blowing into my mug trying to cool down the hot condiments when Yandy's bedroom door suddenly opened, before both Trent and Yandy stepped out. Yandy was in her panties and bra and Trent had on a pair of basketball shorts with no shirt on. He's here again?

I rolled my eyes "Trent don't you ever go home?" I asked dryly as I took a sip of my hot chocolate. Mmm, this is the best batch I've made so far.

Trent snorted "Why would I go home when my sexy ass fiancé is here.." he stated in a 'duh' tone, making me roll my eyes again. Yandy giggled like a little school girl before sending Trent a wink.

Don't get me wrong, Trent is my best friend and all and I love him, but he looks just like his brother...Tyron. Yes Tyron and Trent are brothers and they look like a split imagine of each other. So every time I see Trent I think about Tyron and it's annoying. I was able to deal with it for the past 5 years, but like I said seeing Tyron face to face a few days ago has made things complicated...

"Ooh Chassy you made hot chocolate?! Is there anymore left?!" Yandy asked excitedly making me chuckle.

I pointed to the pot that was on the stove "There's some in there, knock yourself out".

She squealed before racing to the kitchen, almost falling in the process. I swear she acts like she's 5 most of the time. I love her though.

Trent walked over to me and lifted my feet up from the place it was rested on the couch, before sitting down next to me and placing my feet onto his lap

" was your date the other night?" he asked, grinning from ear to ear. Ugh, Yandy must've filled Trent in on all the details from what happened the other night. And there's no doubt in my mind that Tyron didn't say anything either. Great, I won't hear the end of this.

I sighed "I mean it was okay. Me and Mario went out to eat and then he brought me home" I stated shrugging.

Trent rolled his eyes "Cut the bullshit Chasity I know you saw my brother the other night" he said, giving me a knowing look.

I shut my MacBook before placing it onto the floor "Okay Trent, yes, I saw Tyron the other night. Big deal" I said shrugging, getting slightly annoyed. Since me and Yandy moved in together and he's been coming over he never at all mentioned Tyron to me. So I'm not going to start talking about him now.

His eyes widened "It is a big deal Chassy. Do you know how much of a depressed sloth Tyron has been for the past 5 years since ya'll broke up?! And when I say depressed I mean 2005 Britney Spears meltdown depressed" he exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes "I can only imagine because I was depressed too. But I got over it" I said before sipping more of my hot chocolate.

I was depressed for a year after me a Ty broke up. Even when me and Mario was just messing around I still couldn't get Tyron out of my head. It was a very hard time in my life.

Trent snorted "You didn't get over it, you just got on top of somebody else" he said cutting his eyes at me. Oh no he didn't.

My mouth popped open in shock "Um excuse me, that's not true".

"Yes it is. I keep telling you that this Mario kid that you're with is just a piece of meat to help you get over my brother. There's no real love there, I'm not buying it" he said shaking his head.

I sighed "Trent look, I still love your brother...a lot. Okay I'll admit that, but we can't be together. Your Uncle threatened me and I'm not taking it lightly" I said, still remembering the words that was said to me that day I got called into the Principle's office in high school.

Trent rolled his eyes "That prude doesn't even live in Virginia anymore! He moved to New York with our Aunt. How would he know if you and Tyron got back together? And if if he knew what could he do? Ty isn't even a teacher anymore" he exclaimed.

I shook my head "Okay and that may be true, but I'm still in a whole new relationship now. I've been with Mario for 3 years now and I'm not just going to throw all of that away for a man that I haven't saw in 5 years" I stated.

Trent snorted "He's not just any man, he's the man that you were once in love with"

"Yeah well, now I'm in love with somebody else" I snapped. I don't need this shit right now!

Trent rolled his eyes as he got up from the couch "Chasity, I'm only saying this because I care. Tyron is my brother and you're my best friend. I watched your relationship grow and I know you two truly love each other. You're being in-denial but it's okay, time will tell and fate with take it's course" he stated.

I then watched him walk out the living room and make his way to Yandy's room, before shutting the door softly behind him. Ugh, why does my life have to be so complicated?

I rolled my eyes and continued to sip on my hot chocolate, deep in thought. Suddenly my phone pinged, taking me out the world I had drifted off to.

I took my phone from under my thigh and looked down at was a message from Tyron

I replied to my other messages before opening his. My heart fluttered as I read it. I swear I love that nickname that he gave me and I will never forget the day that he gave it to me. Ugh, Chasity get it together. Stop looking at him in that way. That is your friend and that's it.

I replied to Tyron's texts just as Yandy sat on the couch next to me

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion at his text. Coffee? At 7:00 at night? Who the hell drinks coffee this late?

"What's wrong?" Yandy asked eyeing me, blowing into the mug that was in her hands.

I shook my head "It's Ty, he wants to grab a coffee and it's literally the evening time" I stated still confused. First off all, if I drink coffee now I will be up until Saturday.

She chuckled before taking a sip of her chocolate "Girl, he's not worried about no coffee, he's tryna get some booty" she joked, barley able to contain her laughter. What?!

I gasped "Yandy shut up! That is my friend, nobody is getting any...booty" I exclaimed, looking at my best friend like she lost her mind. Her and Trent are starting to ride my last nerve.

She rolled her eyes "Yeah okay we'll see. But anyway, go with him" she encouraged.

I bit my lip "I don't think that's a good idea.." I trailed off. My feelings for Tyron are complicated. This whole situation is complicated.

Yandy scoffed "Look, if ya'll are friends like you claim then what's the big deal about going to get some damn coffee with the man? I mean unless you feel something more. Do you?" she asked, making a sudden headache come on.

I sighed before placing my mug onto the coffee table and getting comfortable. I glanced behind Yandy to stare at her door, just to make sure Trent wasn't coming out

I chewed on my bottom lip "I...I still love Tyron" I whispered, not trusting myself to speak normally.

She gave me a blank stare "Duh! Stevie Wonder could see that!" she stated, making me roll my eyes.

"It's not that I'm just in love with him, it's...i-it's interfering with me and Mario's relationship. We had sex the other night and I found myself comparing Mario's sex game to Tyron's" I mumbled, getting embarrassed just talking about it. Why do I feel like I'm cheating?

Yandy grinned excitedly "Forreal?! Who's bigger and who's better? I know that's my brother-in -law and stuff but you know I'm a perv" she said waggling her eyebrows at me.

I shoved her shoulder "No I'm not answering that Yandy!" I said sternly. It's bad enough that I'm even thinking about another man while having sex with my boyfriend.

Yandy stared at me for a few seconds, not breaking eye contact. I squirmed under her gaze for a while before finally sucking my teeth

"Fine! Tyron is better, he's the best I ever had" I said out loud, burying my face into my hands shortly after. I feel like a hoe.

She clapped and began laughing "Yes! So go get some more of Tyron and leave that Marcus guy alone" she stated, scrunching her face up.

I rolled my eyes "His name is Mario and I can't just leave him alone. We've been together for 3 years and believe it or not, I'm in love with him. Even though I love Tyron more...a lot more. I can't just throw what me and Mario have out the window" I said.

She smirked "Didn't you just say that Tyron was better in bed than Mario? You got that Raw Chicken Rod and you need to get back to the BBQ Spare Rib" she joked, and I couldn't help but burst out laughing because that makes absolutely no sense but it sounds funny.

"So...I should go for Coffee? And it won't be like cheating?" I asked, still unsure about agreeing to this coffee situation.

Yandy shook her head "Honestly Chassy, I don't like your boyfriend. So even if you slept with Tyron behind Mario's back I would somehow try to convince you that you didn't cheat. But no, I don't think you grabbing a cup of coffee with your friend is cheating" she stated, finishing off her hot chocolate.

I still bit my lip as my finger lingered over my message. I feel like me and Tyron going out for coffee is a date, and I feel wrong about it. Regardless, I feel like I'm going behind Mario's back.

I sighed "I can't. Me going out with Tyron is us going on a date which is me cheating" I said, more to myself than to Yandy.

Yandy rolled her eyes "Okay fine, so if you don't wanna go out with him then invite him over here" she said before getting up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. WHAT?!

I turned on the couch to face Yandy as I watched her wash the mug out in the sink

"Yandy are you crazy?! I can't invite him over here! What if Mario finds out?!" I exclaimed. Inviting Tyron over here is far worse than me going out for coffee with him. At least going out for coffee looks more innocent then him coming to my house.

Just then Trent came out Yandy's room fully dressed in his construction uniform

Yandy cleared her throat "Babe, if Chasity invites Tyron over here is she cheating on Mario?" she asked.

Trent walked up to Yandy and kissed her forehead, before turning his attention to me

"Do you plan on doing the freak nasty bump n grind?" he asked.

I shook my head "No".

He shrugged "Then it's not cheating. And if your little boyfriend presses you about it you can tell him that Tyron is my brother and thatinvited him over. If he has a problem with that then he can come to me" he stated, clenching his jaw. Oh brother.

I rolled my eyes "Okay nobody is fighting my boyfriend one, and two...okay fine. But Yandy you have to stay around us the entire time. Don't leave our side" I demanded. If Yandy stays around us it won't look too bad if Mario does find out. Right?

"Great, third wheel. My favorite game" she stated sarcastically as she dried the mug with a towel before placing it into the cabinet.

Trent chuckled "Well ladies, I'm off to work. Love you my wife" he pecked Yandy's lips "And love you my dumb ass naive bad decision making best friend" he said to me before coming over and kissing my cheek.

"Hey!" I said mushing his face. I don't make bad decisions...all the once. Whatever.

I texted Tyron and told him to come over and to be careful driving because it's snowing outside, before I walked to my room.

I changed into my Burgundy silk Pajama tank top with matching silk Burgundy shorts. I slipped on my black fuzzy socks and put my hair into a messy bun on top of my head. I applied some Shea Butter to my lips and sprayed my neck and wrists with some Pure Seduction body spray by Victoria's Secret.

I looked over my appearance in the mirror before mental scolding myself. Chasity you could've kept the same outfit that you had on, you're getting all dressed up for him for what?

I rolled my eyes and exited out my room, making my way to the kitchen. I made Tyron a tall cup of White Chocolate Mocha coffee that I got from Starbucks and added 3 sugars, just the way I know he likes it. I made myself the same thing but I added ice with whipped cream and some caramel ontop. I prefer iced coffee over hot coffee, no matter how the weather is outside.

Just as I was finishing up on our drinks, there was a knock on the door, making my heart jump into my throat. He's here.

"I'll get it" Yandy sanged as she ran out her room wearing sweatpants and a longsleeved V neck top, and ran to the front door. Oh my God why do I feel like I can't breathe.

I kept stirring Tyron's coffee nervously even though it was already prepared. The spoon was slippery in my hands due to my palms sweating. What has this man done to me?

I heard the door open "Hello Tyron" Yandy chirped making me bit my lip.

Tyron chuckled "Wassup Yandy, long time no see" his deep husky voice said, making my insides squirm.

I saw them hug from my peripheral vision, before I saw him turn and began walking in my direction.

I kept my eyes strictly on the coffee as I continued to stir it. I'm stirring this coffee like I'm beating eggs.

"Hey Brown Sugar" he said softly, making my breath catch in my throat.

I slowly tore my eyes away from the coffee and looked up at him. He smiled at me, and my heart beat sped up.

Chasity control yourself.....


Dun dun dun. How long before ya'll think Chasity will crack? Do you think that hanging out with your ex even though ya'll agreed to be just friends is cheating? Let me know in the comments below. Don't forget to comment and vote, I love you guys 😘


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