Being Lucky Can Be A Curse (J...

By KitMiki

9.6K 452 88

When humans were on the verge of extinction because of the zombie apocalypse that they created years ago, God... More

Chapter 1 - I Fell Asleep
Chapter 2 - Supernatural Investigation Department
Chapter 3 - Survey
Chapter 4 - First Case : Phantom Thief
Chapter 5 - First Case : Phantom Thief Pt. 2
Chapter 6 - First Case : Phantom Thief Pt. 3
Chapter 7 - First Case : Phantom Thief Pt. 4
Chapter 8 - First Case : Phantom Thief Pt. 5
Chapter 10 - Payback
Chapter 11 - New Rivalry?
Chapter 12 - You're Amusing, Zhao Zi
Chapter 13 - Missing Grandson
Chapter 14 - Black Blood
Chapter 15 - The Curious Case of Axel Auriant
Chapter 16 - Jack's Identity

Chapter 9 - Your Name is Cabbage

637 32 13
By KitMiki

Removing his blanket that was covering his face, he slowly looked at the direction where the source of the noise came from.

Looking down by his bed, he was surprised that the teleporting pig was there.

"You!? What are you doing here?" Zhao Li An asked in confusion.

What was this pig doing in his house? Was it trying to steal?

The pig just stood there and looked at the owner of the house directly into his eyes as if trying to say something quite important.

"Oink! Oink! Oink!" (I need a safe place to stay.)

Zhao Li An frowned. It was odd that the pig was not teleporting away. Usually, whenever he would encounter this pig personally, it would quickly disappear.

"You haven't teleported away too after seeing me. What's happening here exactly? You're not stealing are you?" Zhao Li An said with suspicion. He looked around at his bedroom while still in bed to see if he had missing items. There was none thankfully.

"Oink. Oink," the pig replied with a sigh. ("I'm not going to steal anything here.")

Even though the pig was not teleporting away, Zhao Li An would not be able to catch him in any way, even if he wanted to. So, he stood up and tried to know why the pig came here.

Remembering the picture frame of the old farmer and his family that was in his bookshelf, he wanted to take it and to observe it. Yet, before he could even touch it, the pig was already pulling his black pajamas down.

The pig struggled as he was pulling Zhao Li An back, "OINK!! OIIINNNKKK!" ("Don't touch my family picture!")

Zhao Li An quickly tried to pull back his pajamas back, "What do you think you're doing?"

Seeing that the police officer stopped touching his family picture frame, the pig stopped pulling.

"Oink!" ("Hmph!")

Somehow, Zhao Li An felt the contempt from the pig's voice, which made him confused.

He looked at the picture frame again and tried to grab it, but he was once again stopped by the pig's pulling.

Zhao Li An stopped and confronted the pig. "Hey, how can you act this way? You're in my house!"

"OINK!" ("HMPH!")

The young police officer felt the contempt once again from the pig. This time, it was more obvious. In any case, Zhao Li An could not accept such behavior.

"Hey, I don't appreciate the tone of your voice. You should give others a respect if you want to earn respect too. That's what my late grandmother taught me," Zhao Li An scolded the pig even though he knew that it might not understand what he was saying. Still, he could not help it.

When the pig heard the word "grandmother", he quickly stopped what he was doing. Although he could not speak the human language, he was smart enough to understand what people say. Hearing that the young policeman mentioned his grandmother, the pig seemed to remember his now dead human grandparents who adopted him. When he learned the death of his human grandfather, he was prepared for it. He did not cry although he was saddened to lose him.

In any case, somehow at this point, he felt that he was on the verge of crying. Why, at this point, he had this urge to cry?

The teleporting pig looked down as he sat down on the floor. Meanwhile, Zhao Li An felt that he somehow hit a sore spot on the pig. Although he was not sure if the pig did understand what he just said, yet the fact that the pig changed its attitude after scolding him just could mean that it could understand him. Thinking about it, this change of attitude was probably related to the old farmer. In any case, Zhao Li An did feel bad.

Awkwardly but carefully, Zhao Li An sat next to the pig and tried to comfort it.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Zhao Li An said with heartfelt words. He was going to caress its head to comfort, but he was hesitating. Finally, after some thought, he proceeded to caress its head. As long as he did not bite him, it would be okay.

Feeling the warm touch of the young police man's hand on its head in addition to his heartfelt words, the pig felt comforted even for a bit. It looked up with tears in its eyes.

"Oink." ("Thanks.")

Zhao Li An did not understand what the pig was saying, but he could sense what it was trying to say. 

"You're welcome." Zhao Li An smiled as he continued to caress the pig.

At that moment on, a connection was made.

[Day 5 After the Rain of Miracle]

[Location: H City at Taiwan, Taipei]

[Population: 24, 996]

That morning, Zhao Li An woke up. He wondered if what happened last night was a dream, but seeing that the picture frame was still at his bookshelf and the pig sleeping on the floor with its bed that it brought last night, he knew that it was not a dream.

He wondered if this pig was going to stay at home from now on? By the looks of it, it would be the case. He does not mind though since he lived in this house by himself. Having a company would not be such a bad idea.

As he got off his bed, he carefully tip-toed away, so he would not wake up the pig.

In the kitchen, he started making a simple breakfast: an egg sandwich and warm milk. Thinking about the pig, he looked for food that he could feed it. In the refrigerator, he found a cabbage, some carrots, and some fruits. He took them out and washed them. Then, he pulled out a huge bowl from his kitchen cabinet and put the fruits and vegetables in it. He was not sure if this was enough, but it was better than nothing. If it was not enough, then he might just buy more later. He thought that he should probably invest on a small garden to cut expenses in the long run if the pig would stay with him longer.

Soon, the pig woke up and instantly teleported next to Zhao Li An which scared the young policeman.

"Ah!" Zhao Li An flinched. "You scared me."

"Oink! Oink!" ("You get scared easily.") The pig thought that it should stop scaring the policeman because he might die from a heart attack. It would be a pain to find another person to live with. In the first place, the pig was questioning itself why it decided to choose the policeman's house to stay with. It could be that when the first time it came here to steal something, it saw the picture frame of an old woman which reminded it of its own grandmother. It could also be that the pig thought that it could trust the policeman or it could be that the pig was just desperate and had no choice but to go with the policeman. Either way, the pig seemed to have done the right thing since the policeman was treating him well.

Calming down, Zhao Li An proceeded to take the huge bowl full of vegetables and fruits on the floor for the pig.

"You must be hungry, here!"

The pig looked at the bowl that was offered to him and he was impressed. He liked vegetables and fruits.

"Oink." ("Thank you")

After he replied, the pig started munching his food.

"Hehe, no problem!" Zhao Li An replied happily as he patted the pig's head.

Suddenly, he realized that the pig does not have a name.

"Hey, do you have a name?" Zhao Li An asked with curiosity as he grabbed his sandwich.

The pig did not reply. Although the pig did have a name, how could he tell the policeman his real name? He decided that he would just let the policeman name him.

"Ahh, right," Zhao Li An said. "You must have a name, but no one could really tell me what it is."

His family was dead and the pig could not talk, so there was no way for Zhao Li An to know the actual name of the pig.

As he drank his milk, Zhao Li An started thinking for a suitable name for the pig. Looking around for inspiration, he came up with a name he thought was suitable.


Hearing the young policeman getting hyped, the pig looked up to observe him and said, "Oink! Oink!" ("You're loud.")

Zhao Li An thought that his new roommate liked the name, so he happily announced, "Ahh, yes! That's your name from now on! Cabbage! Your name is Cabbage!"

"Oink! Oink! Oink!" ("What kind of name is that!? I don't agree!!")

It was too late. Zhao Li An seemed to set his mind on that name.

"Alright, Cabbage! I have to go to work right now," Zhao Li An replied as he finished gulping his glass of milk.

Quickly, Zhao Li An went into the bathroom to prepare for work. As for Cabbage, he was left by himself and unable to protest. Since there was no way he could disagree with the policeman, Cabbage accepted his fate. He just continued eating his food on the bowl. Although Cabbage was such a bad name, it was not the worst.

After washing up and preparing to go to work, Zhao Li An briefly talked to Cabbage about house rules.

"Cabbage, while I'm gone, I want you to behave, okay? That means no more stealing from anyone. Please don't make any trouble. Also, please guard our house. If anything happens...well you can teleport to the police department where I am usually. No one would be able to catch you anyways. Understood?"

"Am I a dog?" Cabbage thought to himself. He hated dogs. Of course, it was useless for him to argue with this human.

Cabbage simply nodded, "Oink!" ("Alright.") 

For Cabbage to understand what he was saying, Zhao Li An was satisfied. "Alright, I'll be back later."

He patted Cabbage's head then left. As he was about to leave the gate, he looked for his wallet in one of his pockets. It was then that he remembered that his wallet was still in Jack's hands! That gangster!

As he was thinking of how to contact Jack, he noticed a black motorcycle parked in front of his small house. By that motorcycle, a man holding a red helmet was standing still.

"Good morning, Zhao Zi," the man said happily.


Hello everyone! I know that it has been a long time since I updated this fanfiction. I was busy and I was focusing on the other fanfiction.  I'm trying to update as much as I can and thank you for waiting.

In any case, I would like to greet everyone belated Merry Christmas and a prosperous Happy New Year!!!

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