The King's Daughter

BlankSpacesOfTime द्वारा

87.5K 4.6K 1.9K

A notorious criminal abducts the King's daughter simply for the challenge. His crimes are a game to him, each... अधिक

1 Abduction
2 Arriving
3 Masked
4 Meeting Their Leader
5 Unexpected News
6 Arrogant Fool
7 Rules
8 When She Misbehaved
9 Rebellious
10 Hot Tub
11 Shivers in the Night
12 His Dad Took Over Again
13 Picnic With a Serial Killer
14 The Bodyguard
15 Wedding Dresses
16 Late Night Board Games
17 Small Spaces
18 Stuck
19 The Night Before
20 Here Comes the Bride
21 Then We Were Wed
22 Speak Up
23 Everyone's Afraid of Something
24 Fear
25 Night-Time Escapades
26 River Rendezvous
27 To Love Him or Not
28 Away With Death
29 Rooftop Confessions
30 Attack On The Mansion
31 Matchmakers
32 Do You Love Me?
33 Ecstasy
34 Consequences
35 Aftermath
36 Intimacy
38 The Surprise
39 It Wasn't Meant To Happen This Way
40 Bad News
41 One I Can't Live Without
42 Fleeing The Mansion
43 The Lake House
44 When Everything Changed
45 The Sentence
46 More Trouble
47 Promise Me
48 Don't Underestimate Me
49 Phase One
50 Ill Intent
51 Undercover
52 Last Day Alive
53 Princess Aria
54 Two Choices
55 The Queen of Verdelle

37 Soft Louis

1.4K 89 27
BlankSpacesOfTime द्वारा

• Louis' POV •

"What exactly are we doing again?" Harry asked quietly from beside me.

"We're making sure Mason doesn't attack the royal family." I said.

He and I were positioned on the sixth story of a hotel in town, each with a pair of high power binoculars as we stared out the giant window in my room. We were watching the palace. I had been keeping the reason for this mission to myself, but I guess Harry was bound to find out soon enough as the second in command.

"Wait...I thought you wanted the royal family dead?" He frowned and slouched back against the couch we were lounging on in the darkened room.

The city lights from outside shone in, casting soft rays across the room, but not enough so that people outside could see in. We could spy on the palace undetected. The city was mostly quiet, being it was 11 PM, almost the prime time for mischief to begin.

"I've updated the plan. I'm keeping them alive." I mumbled, not looking forward to the disappointed outburst that would surely follow my statement.

However, he just shrugged. "I knew it."

"You knew it?" I repeated, scoping out the grounds around the palace for any suspicious activity. I heard rumors among friends in town that he might make a move tonight, and I was going to make certain he didn't.

"Yeah I did. Things you've said have led me to believe that you aren't going through with the plan. You're in too deep now, with her. I mean not literally...metaphorically. I mean you did go her. Um, never mind." Harry stuttered awkwardly and I rolled my eyes, but I was surprised that he wasn't upset about this.

"You're okay with this? We've all been working for years toward this endgame and I've decided to call it off. That doesn't affect you?" I turned to stare at him.

"Nah...whatever you want is what I want. If you change your mind, so will I." Harry answered softly.

I shook my head, pretending I wasn't as relieved as I was with his support. I looked through the binoculars again and studied the lit windows in the palace that didn't have curtains. Aria's bedroom window was dark as usual, but I could see into the king and queen's bed chamber. The fools didn't think to shut the curtains for privacy.

"You've always been loyal to me, Harry, unwaveringly. So I can't understand why you betrayed me by joining in Quinn's evil scheme to tear us apart." I couldn't keep the question in. It had been nagging at me for ever since that day.

Harry sighed, playing with his binoculars. "Quinn had told me only moments before you came into my room. I was going to run and tell you, but it was too late, you found us. I just didn't want all of your anger to be placed on Quinn, so I let you believe it was both of our fault."

I set the binoculars down and faced him, my stomach tensing with guilt. "You had no part in it? Don't you dare fûcking lie to me, Harry."

"I had nothing to do with it." He looked nervous as I stared at him.

"You swear?"

"I swear." He held up his hand. "I'd never do anything to disappoint you, if I can help it."

Shaking my head, I let out a breath. "I really hope you're not lying..."

"I'm not. Louis, I live for you. You've always known that. Even when we were kids, I've always had your back. Please mate..." Harry whispered sadly.

He looked so sad and remorseful that I couldn't hold it against him. I had to believe him. He'd been my friend for most of my life and yes, he'd always been there for me. I had suspected there was more to the story and I couldn't describe how relieved I was hearing that Harry had't been a part of drugging Aria. He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Glancing back out the window, I noticed Aria's bedroom light had turned on. I quickly held the binoculars up to my eyes and peered through them. Queen Luna was in her oldest daughter's room, sitting on the bed. As I zoomed closer, I noticed she was crying. Normally, I'd simply laugh at her pain, but she was obviously mourning Aria.

If I ever lost Aria...

A strange uncomfortable sting ignited in my chest and I didn't care for the feeling at all. If Mason succeeded in destroying the royal family, Aria and her family might never see each other again. And while I didn't feel too extremely terrible for the royals, I felt...sorry for Aria. She might not ever get the chance to say goodbye if things went wrong. If only there was a way for them to see each other in case I failed and something happened to them.

The queen was now laying on Aria's bed, shaking with sobs. I set the binoculars down and got up.

"Did you see something?" Harry asked me.

"Harry..." I trailed off, lost in thought.

When I didn't continue, Harry prodded softly, "Yeah?"

A drew in a deep breath and let it out. "All this time I've been looking for something. I don't know what...but there's always been this gaping hole inside me and I've been looking for something to fill it." When Harry tried to hide a mischievous smile at my unintended innuendo, I rolled my eyes. "Not literally you moron."

"Mhm." Harry failed at trying to keep his grin at bay.

I just glared at him, but continued. "I'm serious here. I thought I could fill it with my games. The bigger they became, the more likely I'd finally feel satisfied. But...nothing I've done in this gang has ever left me feeling whole...until I met Aria."

"Awe." Harry clasped his hands together.

I scowled. "Don't 'awe' me. I'm serious. I don't need anything else now that I have her."

"I'm glad." He said. At my suspicious look, he expanded. "I like the new you better than the old one."

"Me too." I murmured, staring out the window at the expansive palace, Aria's rightful home. Again my heart hurt as I my eyes fastened on her weeping mother. Aria should be there in her bedroom, embracing her mother.

• Aria's POV •

I'd been waiting days for Louis to return, but still I hadn't heard a word. Each day I found myself missing him more and wishing he'd come home to tell me my family would be alright. From the news channels I knew they were still fine, but that could change any second with Mason on the loose and causing trouble wherever he could.

At last I finally couldn't take it anymore and found one of Louis' guys he usually had with him, someone he trusted I was sure. I think his name was Liam. He was in one of the studies sitting behind a desk and I confidently went up to him.

"I'd like to speak with Louis." I said.

He looked up, surprised to see me. "Highness. Louis isn't here. He's still away."

"I know that. I'd like to call him." I told him matter-of-factly.

His eyes went wide as he stammered, "Uhh...Um. I don't think Louis would like that."

"You can be in the room if you must, but I will be calling Louis and you will dial the number, understand? That's an order. Now." I tried to sound as confident as I could and turns out, it worked.

"Well...I suppose it wouldn't hurt if I oversee it. But no funny business or I'll take the phone away and that'll be that." He raised an eyebrow and pulled out his phone.

I hadn't been allowed near a phone since I got here and I was excited to actually use one. I nodded in understanding while he dialed a number and pressed send. "Yeah, Louis? It's Liam. Uh...the princess wants to talk to you. That okay?"

I waited patiently for a moment while Liam listened to whatever Louis was telling him. Then he handed me the phone.

"I'm watching you." He said as he leaned back on his chair.

I held the phone up to my ear and stepped away from the desk a ways. "Louis?"

"Baby girl? You okay?" His voice said through the speaker and I felt calmer immediately.

"I'm fine. I just...miss you." I whispered.

I heard him chuckle and I pictured his eyes crinkling like they did when he smiled. "I miss you too."

"Any luck so far?" I asked.

"I little. I've seen him a few times, but haven't managed to pin him down yet. He's stayed away from your family so far." He told me.

"That's good." I replied quietly.

"Hey listen. I have a surprise for you." He said after a moment of silence.

"Oh?" I smiled.

"Yes, but it requires you to come here to receive it." He said.

"How will I do that?"

"The boy's will bring you here, so I need you to cooperate with them, okay?" He said seriously.

"They're not going to stuff me into a suitcase again are they?" I worried, remembering the intense anxiety that situation had caused me.

"No, no. I promise the most discomfort you'll experience is the blindfold." He said.

"What's the surprise?" I wanted to know.

"It's a surprise." He laughed. "You'll know in two days."

"I can't wait that long!" I exclaimed teasingly.

"I promise it'll be worth the wait. I have to go now, but I'll see you soon." He said, seeming to be suddenly distracted.

"Okay...bye Louis." I said in disappointment.

"Goodbye princess, I love you." He said.

"I lo..." I stopped myself, my eyes widening. I quickly hung up the phone, hoping he hadn't heard me. Handing the phone back to Liam, I left the study.


Two days later, I was blindfolded in a van. The ride was long and boring and I wanted to tear my ears off after being forced to listen to retro country music the entire way. But at last we arrived wherever we were going and the blindfold was removed. I blinked in the dim light. The back doors of the van were opened and I caught sight of a city street bathed in darkness and blanketed with snow. Night had fallen sometime during our trip.

A heavy coat was placed around my shoulders by one of the men who had accompanied me. A hat was placed on my head and a scarf was wound around my neck. Eagerly, I stepped outside onto the snowy street and noticed Louis standing off to the side. He stepped up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm so happy you're here." He said in my ear.

The feel of his warm breath on my skin was wonderful and having his arms around me again was amazing. I hugged him tight.

 "You're not going to hide me this time?" I looked around at the empty street, the lamps casting a soft glow across the white ground. Despite it being a rather expansive city, this part of it had more of a small town atmosphere. The shops and buildings all looked closed and no one was in sight.

"No one's looking for you and you can't really tell it's you anyway under all this fabric." He tweaked my hat.

I smiled and tried not to be saddened after hearing that no one was looking for me. Instead, I focused on the bright side of things. " said you had a surprise for me?"

He smiled his adorable smile and nodded. "Indeed. I'll take you to it."

He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we started walking along the sidewalk. I noticed Christmas lights in the shop windows and Christmas decorations adorning every window display. I had nearly forgotten Christmas was approaching. December had just begun. I hadn't thought I'd get the chance to enjoy my city's festive Christmas extravaganza ever again. They always went above and beyond, making the city a winter wonderland every December. It was like living in a fairy tale.

Louis guided me along, without any guards. It was just us two and he didn't seem worried that I'd try to run off. I didn't feel a desire to run off at all, but I thought of how easy it would be with only Louis with me.

When we reached the park, he turned us onto the path that wound through the park's beautiful landscaped grounds and flower gardens. Lights lined the paths and twinkling fairy lights sparkled among the flower bushes along the way. The fountain was frozen ahead of us in the center of the park. The clear sky above us allowed the stars to shine brightly, but there was no moon. The place was so romantic. We were nearing the gazebo where my good friend, Catie, and I used to sit and talk for hours. Perhaps Louis had planned a romantic date for us.

He suddenly stopped me, taking my hand in his and looking me in the eye. "Aria..."

"Hm?" I hummed, staring back into his clear blue eyes that sparkled beautifully.

"You have to know that I care for you deeply. I'm...trying to show you. And tonight, I hope you'll see again how much I truly care."

I looked down at our hands, not knowing how to respond.

He tipped my chin up and leaned down close to my mouth as he whispered, "I love you."

Louis pressed his lips softly against mine without waiting for me to respond, probably because he knew I wouldn't. 

When he pulled back, he nodded at the gazebo. "You're surprise is in gazebo. Go on without me, I'll be waiting under that tree there. Come back to me when you hear the clock strike midnight."

My hands felt cold as he pulled away from me and started walking away. He was actually walking away, leaving me standing alone in the middle of the park where I could go anywhere if I wanted to. He trusted me not to leave? What was in the gazebo? I faced the circular structure, unable to see under it very well because it was dark. The lights inside it must have been turned off.

Cautiously walking through the snow, I made my way slowly toward the gazebo. I didn't let myself think about what was inside it, because I had one guess, but if it wasn't true I would hate whatever was really there.

I noticed a dark object sat on the bench as I approached the steps leading up to it. My heart began to pound as I forced my feet to move up the steps one at a time. As I reach the top, the figure shifted and turned to me. The face of an angel met my disbelieving eyes.

"Mom?" My voice cracked as my vision blurred with tears.

She stood up quickly and rushed to me, flinging her arms around my trembling body. My mother held me in her arms as I wept, never having felt such relief in my life. I never wanted to let her go.


Awe :')

What are your thoughts??

I meant to update for Christmas like I usually do, and also because this chapter seemed Christmasy, but I had too much going on and couldn't find the time to finish it in time, so I'm sorry it's been a while.

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