merlin angst one shots

By imwithtonyandnatasha

20.9K 576 146

just a bunch of one shots where merlin gets hurt.... A LOT. this isn't my one shot book, its @Dani_JaB 's. th... More

Not You (part 2)
Not You (part 3)
Not You (part 4)
Not You (part 5)
Not You (part 6)
Understand, Won't You, Please
Past Memories

Not You (part 1)

3.6K 88 13
By imwithtonyandnatasha

The burning was unbearable. Spreading through Gaius' body with no mercy. Searing his mind into sludge that he could barely hear the audible demand his torturer was making.

"" He asked.

Gaius tried to hold back. But the heat was making his mind useless. He was not able to think of the consequences it would have on the poor boy whose name he was about to utter.

"Merlin..." Saying his name out loud is what brought Gaius back to his state of sanity. "Knows..." He recovered. "He knows..." Gaius took a shaky breath. "Of who you speak..." It wasn't ideal. They still now knew the name of Merlin. But it was better than Morgana knowing Merlin is Emrys.

The burning stopped, and Gaius was able to relax. Though he was utterly ashamed of what he may have now brought upon Merlin.

Alator exists the room, off to find Lady Morgana.


"Sire!" Gwaine bows.

"Speak your mind, Gwaine." Arthur said.

"It's Merlin, My Lord."

"What about him?"

"He has found Gaius. He wasn't a traitor after all. But he's going after him, alone. I couldn't stop him, Sire. I fear he may get hurt."

Arthur pondered this for a moment. "Are you sure that Gaius was really abducted?"

"Yes, Sire." Gwaine nodded.

"Do you know where he is?" Author asked. Gwaine nodded. "Then we shall help him. Gather the knights. We're heading there now."


Merlin rode full speed through the woods. Whatever reason they had for taking Gaius, it couldn't be good. He could even be hurt...or worse.

Suddenly Merlin's horse reared, throwing Merlin off. There and been a snake. He wasn't badly injured, just a twisted ankle. But the more time he wasted, the closer Gaius could be to death.


Merlin had just arrived at the Ridge of Chemary when he heard more pounding of horse hooves behind him. He turned quickly - sure he was in trouble - to find only the knights of Camelot. King Arthur, Sir Gwaine, Sir Percival, Sir Elyan and Sir Leon.

"Merlin!" Arthur said. "It's a good thing you're not very good on a horse otherwise we might not have caught up with you."

"What are you doing here?" Merlin asked, glancing at Gwaine. He only shrugged.

"I think you're right. About Gaius not being a traitor." He replied. "I want to help." He then continued to dismount his horse, the others following his lead. Merlin only stared, stunned. "Come on, then." Arthur said, pushing past Merlin and into the cave.

Merlin still stared, dumbfounded, as the other knights followed their kings lead. That is, until Gwaine. "Come on, Mate." He said, padding him on the back. Merlin stared at him, giving him an odd look. "Fine, then." Gwaine said and he pushed Merlin inside.


Agravaine rode his horse as fast as possible to get to Morgana. He soon arrived.

He burst through the door, not wasting anytime. "It's Merlin, he's onto us. Gone to find Gaius as we speak. He may even know here he is." Morgana rushed out the door, not wanting to waste another second.


When Morgana and Agravaine arrived at the Ridge of Chemary, there were six horses there. "I thought you said only Merlin was onto us." Morgana snarled.

"He was the only one who left when I was there. The others must have followed him after I." Agravaine said, rushed. He did not wish to have Morgana angry with him.


The knights and Merlin came to a forked path. "We'll have to split up." Merlin said.

"Yes." Arthur agreed. "Gwaine, Leon, you're with me. Percival and Elyan go that way. And Merlin...oh."

"It's fine. You guys go those ways, I'll go this."

"But you'll be alone." Elyan said.

"So be it." He said, and he ran.

"Don't do anything stupid!" Arthur yelled after him before following Gwaine and Leon deeper into the Ridge.


It wasn't too long before Arthur, Gwaine and Leon came across a room. Another path also leading into it. They inched in and found Gaius laying on a bed of rock, sweat dripping from every inch of his body they could see. "Gaius!" Arthur said. They moved forward into the room, finding Agravaine there, as well. "Agravaine?" Arthur questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"The guards saw Merlin leave, I followed him thinking he had information on Gaius."

The knights distantly heard footsteps coming from the direction of the path they did not. "Proctect Gaius!" Arthur said. "On me!" The two knights surrounded Arthur, ready to attack whoever came down the path.

The footsteps became louder, getting closer. They were about to attack...

When Percival's head popped out from behind the rock. The knights all collectively let out a sigh of relief. "Good, you're here. Let's get Gaius out of here." Arthur said. They all stood around the bed of rock where Gaius lay.

"What about Merlin, Sire?" Elyan spoke up. At the mentioned of his name, Gaius perked up. He grabbed Arthur's arm. Willing him to listen.

"Merlin." Gaius choked.

"Yes Gaius we know. I'm sure he's fi-"

"No." Gaius interrupted. "He's in danger." He whispered, which was all he could manage. "M-Morgana. She...wants him."

Arthur burst into action. Running as fast he could to go and find him. Gwaine turned to the other knights. "Get Gaius out of here. I'll go after him." He didn't wait for a reply as he took off after the king.


Merlin wandered the halls, his anxiety growing. As he walked, he found himself in a big room, a dead end. He turned to leave when he was thrust off his feet by an invisible force.

He groaned in pain and looked up, finding Morgana staring down at him. "You are a thorn in my side, aren't you Merlin?" Morgana cooed, playing with the knife in her hand. She shoots it towards him, and he was backed up against a wall. "You need to learn to not meddle in things you couldn't possibly understand."

That's when Arthur and Gwaine came running in. "Merlin!" Arthur exclaimed. He charged Morgana.

"Arthur, no!" But it was too late. Morgana turned quickly, brought up her hand and blasted him. He flew backwards, and was pinned to the wall. Gwaine charged, thinking he could surprise her. But, inevitably, ended up just as Arthur.

"This does not concern you, brother." Morgana sneered. "Nor you, Sir Gwaine." She turned her attention back on Merlin.

"What have you done to Gaius?" Merlin asked.

"He had some information I needed involving the sorcerer Emrys." She said. "But why are we discussing his fate, when we should be discussing yours. There are so many ways I could kill you, so it is no matter of whether you shall die or not. But rather, how." With a flick of her wrist, the knife sliced Merlin on the arm. Merlin groaned, grabbing his arm.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouted, getting angrier by the second.

Just then, Alator entered. "Alator." Morgana said. "This is Merlin." She nodded towards the boy.

"This is Merlin?" He asked.

"Yes." She answered. "Why? I trust everything went well?" Alator walked forward, towards Merlin.

"Stay away from him." Gwaine growled. They ignored him.

"Well?" Morgana asked impatiently. "Do you know who Emrys is, or not?" Alator knelt down in front of Merlin.

"I no not of who he is. But rather, of who does." He said.

"Who?" Morgana asked eagerly. Alator stared at Merlin.

"Him." He said. Morgana looked utterly shocked.

"Are you sure?" She asked. Alator nodded.

"Gaius spoke his name. Unless you know of another by that name?"

Morgana started to laugh. "Oh, Merlin." She sneered. "Alator," She turned to him. "Can you use the same methods you did on Gaius?" Alator shook his head.

"The old man was strong, My Lady. My magic is exhausted. I'm afraid I cannot do that again for a little while."

Morgana smiled, not burdened by this news at all. "How much fun we will have together." She told Merlin. She brought up her hand, and Merlin went flying. With a sickening thud, Merlin hit the rock walls and fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Merlin!" Arthur shouted. "Morgana I swear-"

"Don't waste your breath, dear brother." She turned to Alator. "Help me with bring him to my horse, yes? Then you will be relieved of your job and given your pay." Alator bowed in response.

He walked over to the unconscious boy, turning him over. His forehead was bleeding from the impact of the rock. Alator picked him up, throwing him over his shoulder, and walked out of the room.

Morgana turned to the two knights still strung up against the wall. "Goodbye, brother. I believe we will see each other again...soon." On that thought she left, laughing menacingly as she did so.


Morgana almost ran straight into Alator. "Why have you stopped?!" She growled.

"The other knights, they are waiting for their king. I am carrying the boy, you will have to deal with them."

Morgana smiled. "That will be easy, and most enjoyable."

They continued to trudge up the hill. Meeting the knights at the top.

"Hey!" Elyan shouted. "They have Merlin! And where's Arthur and Gwaine?" They charged all at once. But, of course, their attempts failed and ended with them all flying through the air. Given time to escape, Morgana rode off. Silently telling Agravaine her soon to be whereabouts.


The knights all groaned as they picked themselves back on their feet. "Where's Arthur?" Elyan asked.

"And Gwaine?" Percival added.

"We'll have to search for them, quick." Leon turned to Agraviane. "Can you get Gaius back to Camelot on your own?"

"Of course."

"Alright, then." Leon said. "Let's go find one idiot and one king." And he and the other knights trudged back down the hill.


After some time, Gwaine and Arthur eventually became unattached to the wall. They were just getting back up onto their feet when Leon, Elyan and Percival walked in.

"My Lord." Leon said. "What happened?"

Out of breath from struggling, Arthur answered with pain in his heart. "Morgana's taken Merlin." He said.

"We saw." Elyan said. "But why?"

"Morgana seems to think he knows who someone named, uh, Emrys is." Gwaine answered.

"What's she going to do to him?" Percival asked, worry dripping in his voice.

All the knights had a connection to Merlin. He was their fun, lovable, humorous Merlin who always managed to make them smile on the darkest days. And now he's gone. Taken by Morgana. Mostly likely going to be...

"Tortured." Arthur said with disgust. "Merlin will be tortured, no doubt."

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