
By StitchIzBestBoi

509 36 13

"...Of course, they wouldn't understand. They've been pampered their whole life. They don't know how it feels... More

Chapter Two (The Move)
Chapter Three (Hello, New York)
Chapter Four (Friend?)
Chapter Five (Bully)
Chapter Six (Father)
Chapter Seven (Frederickson Academy)
Chapter Eight (Orientation)
Chapter Nine (Doomsday)
Chapter 10 (Day One)
Chapter 11 (Amber)
Chapter 12 (The Class)
Chapter Thirteen (Music)
Chapter 14 (Just Sing)
Chapter 15 (The Deal)
Chapter 16: (Friends and Foes)

Chapter 1 (Beginning)

82 4 2
By StitchIzBestBoi

1... 2... 3... 4... 5...Bang! I let go of Teressa and burst out of my room with a million questions running through my head, "What did Daddy do to Mommy? Is Mommy okay? What happened to Mommy?" Damn it. My short legs and arms were pumping as I ran down the hall. I should've taken care of Terri but at that moment the only thing I was concerned about was. "MOMMY!" I cried at the top of my lungs as I stumbled down the stairs into the kitchen. My heart stopped when I saw her, my eyes widened and my hands began to tremble. Mommy was on the floor, her eyes closed and a waterfall of blood trickled from her head creating an ocean of blood around her "Mommy what happened?! Where is Daddy?!" My voice trembled in fear. I slowly walked to Mommy's side and crouched down and slowly lifted her head. Mommy looked so pale. She looked weak and tired. I should've immediately called for help or ran to the neighbor's house, but what would you have expected from a six-year-old child. Mommy slowly raised her hand and gently wiped the tears from my face. "...Felix" she said weakly, "...call 911.."Mommy's hand fell to the ground and her eyes closed. "Mommy? MOMMY!?"


BEEP BEEP BEEP BEE- I let out a deep sigh. Damn, I was having that dream again. I sit up and look out my window. School hasn't even started but Mom still wants me waking up early. I get out of bed and let out a long yawn. God, I hate mornings. I drag my feet across the wooden floor and head downstairs. I walk into the restroom and splash the warm water onto my face. I clean myself up and walk into the kitchen. I'm surprised Teressa hasn't woken up and started blabbering about how I didn't-. "FELIX YOU KNOW THAT MOM HAS TOLD YOU A MILLION TIMES TO ALWAYS MAKE YOUR BED WHENEVER YOU GET UP. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WEIRD IT IS THAT YOUR LITTLE SISTER HAS TO TELL YOU TO MAKE YOUR BED. C'MON FELIX YOU'RE FOURTEEN!" spoke too soon I guess. "I'll fix my bed later" I reply. "You're so lazy!" Ugh, I love my little sister but she can be astonishingly annoying sometimes. "I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy saving mode." "Whatever." exclaims Teressa while rolling her eyes " I can't believe we are gonna start school in a week," I say. "Me neither, summer has gone by so quickly. It must suck for you since you're going to high school now without your friends." Teressa replies. "Yeah, well you don't have to rub it in. Hey by the way, is Mom awake?"I ask "Yeah, she is just washing her face." Teressa replies. "Right, so what do you want for breakfast?" I ask Terri. "You? Making breakfast? Might as well go outside and eat some dirt and drink sewage." Teressa replies as she jokingly starts walking towards the door. "Hey! I'm just trying to be the responsible, kind, and loving brother that I am." "Ew." " What's all the commotion about down here?" My mom asks as she walks down the stairs. "Ah, good morning Mom," I say as I go and kiss her on the cheek. "Mommy guess what, Felix forgot to make his bed again" Damn you Teressa. "uh yeah about that, I was actually about to head upstairs to make it right now." "uh-huh? Well, I have something important to tell you guys so the bed can wait." HALLELUJAH! "Oh really," I say as I turn my head and smile at Teressa. Teressa makes a pouty face and sticks her tongue out at me. She thinks she is so grown up but she is still very childish. "Enough you guys let's sit down and have some breakfast," Mom says. We each grab a bowl and grab the cereal of our choice. I pick chocolate Krispy bombs, of course, my all-time favorite cereal. I sit down and pour in the milk and cereal and start to eat. My family joins me and after about 2 minutes of hearing nothing but chewing my mom speaks up. "So like I said before, I have some important news to discuss." Says my mom as she wipes her mouth with a napkin."What is it?" Teressa asks "Well I know this is quite sudden but...WE'RE MOVING!" I choke on a spoonful of cereal. "Um, I'm sorry what?" I ask in disbelief. "Well I know you guys don't like it here in California and I've gotten a better job offer somewhere else." she replies "and where exactly is somewhere else?" I ask "Well that is the exciting part...IN NEW YORK" She says with a beaming smile. "NEW YORK!" Exclaims Teressa as she jumps out of her seat nearly tipping over her bowl of cereal. "That is incredible Mommy. When are we leaving?" Teressa asks excitingly. "Tomorrow actually" replies my mom. I choke on another spoonful of cereal but this time my sister chokes as well. "TOMORROW?!" my sister and I reply in shock. "Yea, I meant to tell you guys sooner but I was too caught up with all the arrangements and thinking about a lot of things." My little sister quickly finishes her cereal and places it in the sink. "Well, if we are leaving tomorrow then there is no time to lose! We need to start packing" My sister runs up the stairs excitedly. I, however, don't seem to feel the same way. I look at my mother," How, exactly did you get this job offer?" I ask my mom suspiciously. My mother frowns and lets out a sigh. "I was afraid you were going to ask that..." I could feel the anger inside me start to burn, for I knew the reason. "You went to him for help didn't you," I say through clenched teeth. "Felix, you know your Dad has-" "HE IS NOT MY DAD! HE LOST THE PRIVILEGE OF BEING CALLED THAT WHEN HE LEFT US." I yelled. I turn and look at my mom and I can tell she is fighting tears. "I-I'm sorry it's just that-" "You don't need to be sorry" my mother replies with her voice beginning to crack up. She pushes her tears back down and looks at me. " I know you don't want me going to your- to him for help but I had no choice he was offering me a really good deal to work for him in New York and he offered to pay for a nice house." I look down and every gut in my body is telling me not to ask this question but I just had to. "But at what price," I ask. My mother looks hesitant about telling me, but suddenly Teressa comes running downstairs with a suitcase and two small boxes. She looks at me and then at my mom. "What are you guys doing? We need to start preparing we have a lot to do!" I look at my mom and place my hand on hers, "We can talk about this later." My mom nods in agreement. I look at Teressa and let out a chuckle. " What?" says Teressa."You still have all these stuffed animals, I thought you said you were grown up." I say as I pick up her blue doll. "What did you name this one again, was it blueberry or something like that." I joke. "NO! her name is Sadness and she is the greatest therapist in the world," she replies snatching the doll out of my hands. I laugh and remember how she used to talk to the doll every time she was sad. "Well, why don't you come and help me pack," I say as I walk up the stairs. "Okay, but only if you take my things to the car in the morning," she says following me. "Ha, look who is lazy now!" I say laughing. "I'm not lazy, I'm just on energy saving mode," she says mimicking me. "Ha, ha hilarious," I say sarcastically. I look over my shoulder and see my mom smiling at both of us. If only we could be like this more often....END OF CHAPTER ONE

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