ONLY FOR YOU // Merlin/Merthu...

By ambyssall

86.1K 2.1K 641

description edited 7/13/2022 hi, it's ya boy ambyssall. merlin is my comfort show and i am a gay little boy w... More

Golden Eyes
Truth be Told
I'll Be Here Forever
Brothers at Heart
Literally just Merthur
Idiots. They're Idiots.
More Merthur
Double Trouble
Arthur, You Clotpole
i need you
more wings
a brush with death
a/n: i was tagged!
well, this is unfortunate
the siren's song
[clown emoji]

some angy men

3.5K 121 30
By ambyssall

<< hi i'm writing this one because i'm a very tired child who is suffering from exams and uh everyone may be a bit strange in this one bc i'm putting my angy energy into this yes and uh merthur and then soft because uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

'm soft boi >>

The sun attempted to shine through the grey clouds that covered the sky, but it was quickly smothered. The dismal lighting damped everyone's moods, pushing the entirety of Camelot into a miserable state. A light fog covered the kingdom, making it so you couldn't see more than 10 feet in front of you.

Arthur sighed and ran his gloved hand through his hair, looking at the window, struggling to see the square below. He was deep in thought, annoyed with everything that had been happening. Camelot had been under siege for at least a month now, and it was wearing everyone down. He was worried about the conditions of his knights, and his people.

"Merlin!" he shouted, only turning his head to the right before looking back out the window, waiting for his manservant.

Said manservant stumbled through the door quite a few minutes later, closing it rather loudly behind him. He panted for a moment or two, catching his breath and attempting to stand up straight, with a huffed, "Sire."

Arthur turned around to face him, frowning. "What took you so long," he growled, stalking over.

Merlin shrugged, stepping backwards. "I was busy, so someone had to go and find me. I was out running errands for Gaius."

"Sure," Arthur snorted, but he just spun on his heel, beginning to pace the room. "My laundry needs to be taken out, my armor needs to be polished, and my sword needs to be sharpened. Go through the knights armor and find any chinks or dents, and fix them. After that--"

"Arthur, you really can't expect me to be able to finish all of those chores. I'm exhausted. I've hardly slept because of the workload you and Gaius have been giving me!" Merlin cut him off, voice breaking. He was honestly ready to cry.

"Isn't it your job, Merlin?" Arthur snapped, spinning back to face him. "And it's Sire, not Arthur."

Merlin ran his hands through his dark hair, making a frustrated sound in the back of his throat. "You always let me call you Arthur! And yes, it is my job, but I'm also human. I can't go on like this! I need to rest."

"Rest? Rest? So how come you get to rest while the rest of us work? You don't deserve to. You need to do your job so we can do ours," Arthur snarled, starting to stalk back to Merlin.

Merlin just stormed forwards, the two of them standing chest-to-chest, seething. "We all need some rest! You're overworking all of the servants, all of the knights, and all of the townspeople! You can't possibly expect us to keep going like this," he retorted, shoving Arthur, who actually stepped backwards.

"We can't rest while we're under siege. We need everyone to work together so we can fend these raiders off. It's obvious they're allied with an enemy kingdom, or else they wouldn't be able to keep going like this," Arthur turned his head way from Merlin, trying to keep himself from lashing out at his friend, despite already having done so.

"We could take shifts-- Or-- Or get help from one of our allies! We need to get help, Arthur," Merlin said, slightly desperate.

"We don't need help. We're Camelot. We can handle these raiders." Arthur returned his gaze to Merlin and shoved him.

Merlin snarled and pretty much tackled Arthur, shaking him. "You're an idiot! We're all going to die, whether it be from exhaustion or those raiders killing us all!"

Arthur grabbed Merlin's wrists tightly, preventing him from continuing to shake him. "And you're manhandling your King. This could be considered an act of treason," he said darkly, spinning them, slamming Merlin into the table.

Merlin hissed in pain, kicking at Arthur's shins. "Let go of me."

"Then stop arguing. It's not up for debate," Arthur said, holding Merlin's gaze with cold eyes.

"Oh, really? You're becoming your father," Merlin spat, and then instantly realized that was a mistake.

"I will never be like my father," Arthur roared, releasing Merlin's wrists in order to grab his shoulders and push him backwards, down to the table. Merlin huffed and fought back halfheartedly, his right leg coming up off the ground.

Arthur leaned over him, hands planted to either side of his head. "Do you hear me? Never, ever, say I'm like my father."

Merlin fought to control his breathing, attempting to shove his knee in between him and Arthur. "Y-- You're being unreasonable, and a tyrant."

Arthur lowered his head, and Merlin locked up, not breathing. Sure, Arthur was terrible attractive, and sure, he was completely head over heels for him, but oh god, this was not a good situation. He did not need an angry Arthur looming over him with dark eyes, making his heart do weird things as it tried to break free from his rib cage and fly to the moon.

"Do you want to repeat that, Merlin?" Arthur purred in a very most definitely dangerous voice, tilted his head at the other man, slowly letting his head get closer.

Merlin choked on air. This was very not good. He was terrified, not knowing what Arthur was doing. He was... Probably venting, or something, and Merlin just happened to be right there, ripe for taking a beating, hopefully not literally.

Arthur shifted, his head next to Merlin's, lips brushing his ear. "Well? Care to repeat yourself? Or would you like to apologize?"

Merlin made a pitiful sound in the back of his throat, his mouth opening and closing, but he couldn't quite form words, desperately trying to get his brain to work. He didn't know what he wanted more; Arthur to step back, or for Arthur to kiss him, bite him, or whatever.

And apparently, it was the second option. Arthur tilted his head down, lips resting against Merlin's exposed neck. "Well? Are you going to say anything?"

"Wh-- What--" Merlin choked out, then his lungs rejected the air he had been breathing in, his heart nearly stopping as Arthur pressed his tongue to his neck, then teeth bit down, not too gently, but not enough to quite hurt.

Arthur waited, then, waiting for Merlin's reaction. He smiled when his manservant practically whimpered and scrabbled against his back, grabbing at his shirt, right leg pressing against his waist.

"Ar-- What-- Are you doing," Merlin said, in between gasps, holding on to Arthur for dear life.

Arthur moved up Merlin's neck, leaving small bites up to his jawline, then lifted his head, lips brushing over Merlin's. He smiled again as Merlin tilted his head up, trying to kiss him.

"Taking what's rightfully mine," he purred, pressing into Merlin and kissing him forcefully and passionately.

Merlin was stunned, unable to move, and then he could, pressing up into Arthur and into the kiss. When Arthur pulled away, he struggled to breathe once more, eyes fluttering open. He wasn't even aware that he had closed them.

"... Merlin? I-- I'm sorry. I should have asked..." Arthur murmured, starting to pull away from the other man. He was less angry now, eyes concerned.

"Arthur, it's okay. We're okay. Are you feeling better now?" Merlin asked, leaning forwards with Arthur. He tilted his head at his king, bringing his hand up to his cheek.

Arthur leaned into Merlin's hand, taking a deep breath. "My head's slightly more clear, and I think you're right. I've been pushing everyone too hard. We need to rest."

"Thanks for agreeing," Merlin said with a smile, letting Arthur pull him into a hug and press a kiss to his forehead.

"My bed. Yours is too small for the both of us," Arthur mumbled into his hair, stumbling towards his bed while keeping Merlin close to his chest.

Merlin laughed. "You have to tell the knights to take a break first."

"Mm. No." Arthur turned his head, calling out, "Guard!"

One of them, Quentin, poked his head inside. "Yes, sire?" he said, not really making an expression at the position Arthur and Merlin were in.

"Find a runner and tell the knights that they can take a break," the king ordered. Quentin nodded and closed the door.

"Now can we nap?" Arthur asked, hugging Merlin tighter, the back of his legs hitting the side of the bed. His squinted eyes found Merlin's wide open eyes, who blinked rapidly.

"We..? No, Arthur. I'm not taking a nap. I need to get some last things wrapped up."

"But, but you just said that we need to rest!" Arthur complained, somehow managing to pull Merlin tighter to him.

"Oh, okay, fine, because you insist. I'll sleep in your bed," Merlin sighed, chuckling at Arthur's happy expression from his response. "But if some of your clothes small slightly moldy, don't blame me."

"I wouldn't, because you'll be wrapped in my arms, and we'll be warm and happy," Arthur said with a smile, falling backwards into the bed, tugging Merlin down with him. He beamed at Merlin's mildly annoyed expression, not really caring about it. He managed to get the two of them under the covers, surprisingly enough, seeing as he refused to completely let go of Merlin. It was a rather amusing sight, the two of them wiggling around as they tried to get comfortable, Merlin complaining repeatedly about how Arthur needs to get his mood swings under check.

"Oh, hush. You love me," Arthur purred, nuzzling his head into Merlin's neck.

"That I do, for some strange reason."

<< ok yeah i have nothing to say >>

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