In Too Deep

By worksbyc__

209K 7.1K 1.4K

**Please keep in mind there are four parts to this book** But they are all located in this book for easy acce... More

I. First Day
II. You Ain't My Girl
III. Mayweather
IV. Be Nice
V. A Good Ending To A Terrible Day
VI. Y'all Got Me?
VIII. She Good
VIIII. #MoreLife
X. Oh Hell Nah
XI. Prom
XII. Done
XIII. I'm Back
XIIII. This Is Adrian
XV. Big Ole Freak
XVI. Nobody
XVII. A Patient Man
XVIII. Sorry
XVIIII. No More Secrets
XXI. So Perfect
XXII. 180 Days
XXIII. Dead To Me
XXIV. A Beautiful Soul
XXV. I'm Fine
XXVI. Good For You
XXVII. Tasha
XXVIII. She Needs You
XXVIIII. Are You Trying To Die?
XXX. 14 Days
XXXI. Love Story
XXXII. Powerful Poison
XXXIII. I'm Home
XXXIV. The Economy
XXXV. I Doubt It
XXXVI. Hate To See You Go
XXXVII. Just A Kiss
XXXVIII. Breathe
XL. Happy Birthday Cam!
XLI. Enough
XLII. We Straight.
XLIII. Our Business
One. Ridge
Two. I'm Good
Three. This Is Beyond Me
Four. Going Down Fighting
Five. Rule Number One
Six. Amber
Seven. It's Like That.
Eight. I'm Dior
Nine. Danny
Ten. GirlTalk
Eleven. She Ain't You
Twelve. #1 Fan
Thirteen. Pray For Jalynn.
Fourteen. Mr. Quarterback
Fifteen. Shit Ain't Sweet
Sixteen. Keep My Cool
Seventeen. Stink
Eighteen. Because..
Nineteen. Not Gonna Happen
Twenty. Hey Princess
Twenty One. Dead Wrong
Twenty Two. The Hardest Part
Twenty Three. Blood
Twenty Four. 444
Twenty Five. Working So Hard
Twenty Six. Merry Christmas
Twenty Seven. A Bright Light
Twenty Eight. Right Hand Man
Twenty Nine. Changes
Thirty. As Long As You Good
Thirty One. Work It Out
Thirty Two. Family First
Thirty Three. Dead Wrong
Thirty Four. Good Girl
Thirty Five. Medium Cam
Thirty Six. Bullshittin
Thirty Seven. Go Jayda
Thirty Eight. CamBam
Thirty Nine. Good Son.
Forty. All Hell Breaks Loose
1. #DashDay
2. All I Need
3. Paris Bitch
4. Atlanta
5. Cheers
6. Chill
7. Antonio
8. Trust
9. Detroit
10. Rain
11. Strictly Sex
12. Happy Birthday AJ
13. Antwan
14. TheShadeRoom
16. Shot
17. Home
18. Get Out
19. Therapy
20. Surprise
21. Reunion
22. Lost Time
23. Be Easy
24. It's Fine
25. As Friends
26. Symptoms
27. Mets
28. Sick
29. Take Care
30. Inside
31. Silent Prayer
32. Close
33. Delusion
34. Sunday
35. Vacation
36. I Do
one.. Kevontae
two.. Dumb
🚨🚨 READ 🚨🚨

15. Blink

755 34 7
By worksbyc__

Dashawn POV

It was like 9 in the morning when my plane finally landed. I just got home.

The house was silent as I walked around. I went in checking on Antwan who was still sleep. I closed his door softly walking to my room finding Jayda sleeping as well. I walked over kissing her forehead and she opened her eyes hugging me.

"Good morning." I said chuckling.

"I missed you." she said kissing me on my cheeks then lips.

"I missed you too." I said sitting on the bed as she climbed into my lap.

She sighed as she heard Antwan start whining meaning he was up.

I followed her to his room as she picked him up out of his crib.

"Good morning baby." she said kissing his forehead.

I walked over and when he saw me his eyes lit up.

"Dada!" he yelled reaching for me.

"Wassup boss!" I said hugging him.

It broke my heart seeing as tears spilled from his eyes as he laid his head on my shoulders.

"You missed dada?" I asked him wiping the tears.

He didn't say anything just wrapping his arm around my neck.

"Aaw my poor baby." Jayda said rubbing his back.

I'm not gonna lie that hurt a little bit. I didn't realize how much me leaving affected him. When I tried to put him down he held on tighter so I kept him laying on my shoulder.

"He missed his daddy." Jayda said smiling at me.

"You think that's why he not eating?" I asked.

"I don't know. Let me go brush my teeth and I'll cook something."

"Aight." I said bringing Twan downstairs with me.

I sat on the couch letting him play in my lap as I watched game highlights.

He eventually just sat back in my lap I guess tired of moving around.

Jayda walked in with some oatmeal for him. She handed it to me.

"Come here, Twan. You wanna eat eat?"

He just stared at me then played with my shirt.

I took the spoon taking a bite of oatmeal. He looked at me for a minute.

"Aaah" he said holding his mouth open for some. I fed him two spoons.

He took the spoon from me I thought he was about to feed himself but he held it out to me.

"Hmm." he said holding it to my mouth.

I ate it and he fed himself a spoon.

"You not allowed to leave no more." Jayda said looking at Antwan.

"I ain't know he even knew the difference." I said honestly.

We cuddled and watched him play for a little bit before Lucky texted me saying he was ready to meet.

"I'm going to meet Lucky for a hour then Ima come get y'all to take y'all out so make sure you dressed." I said standing up.

She sighed but didn't speak on whatever she was thinking.

"I love you." I said kissing her before getting up and grabbing my keys.

"I love you more."

Jalynn POV

I was in the mall coming to pick a chain I had custom made for Keith's birthday. I was dropping 10 stacks on him. I had just left the bank getting the money. He was sleep when I left but he should be waking up soon.

The jeweler shop didn't open for another 30 minutes so I walked to the Louis Vuitton store to pass the time.

I saw a purse on display that was really cute. I picked it up examining it before I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I set the purse down turning to see who it was.

It was a lightskin girl with short, curly hair. She was very pregnant and she looks like she'd been crying.

"Umm yes?" I asked looking at her confused.

She sniffled taking a deep breath before talking. "Look I really didn't want to do this. I'm coming to you as a woman. I swear I didn't know about you until after. I swear." she said taking another breath.

I shifted my weight knowing where this was going.

"Come on." I said sighing walking out of the store finding a bench.

"When I found out about you I felt embarrassed. And stupid. I thought he loved me. And when I told him I thought he would be happy. But he got angry telling me he had a girl at home. Trying to say I trapped him. But I didn't. A baby was the last thing I needed. A few weeks later he called me and we went to the doctor. He made them draw blood from my belly even though the doctor warned us it was risky. I didn't want to do it but he didn't care. The results came back a couple days later saying positive. I thought he would step up now but he didn't. He stopped calling, texting. I thought about an abortion because I didn't think I could do this by myself. But this is my baby. I couldn't go through with it. My baby is due in two months. And I convinced myself I didn't need him. That I could do this by myself. But I can't. I just want him to step up. I didn't want to bring my problems to you. But I was walking around here shopping and I saw you and I just.. I thought you should know. And I just wanted to say I'm so sorry. And I hoped you could help me get through to him. I'm so sorry I had to hurt you in this way. And even if you can't at least I can tell my daughter I did everything I possibly could. That I tried. I just need her to know I'm trying." she said crying even harder.

I blinked back the tears that were forming as all these feelings flooded into my head. Part of me was sad. Part of me was angry. But most of me was just hurt.

I literally had no idea what to say or do.

"How long has this been happening?"

"A couple months before I got pregnant. He made me fall for him. I didn't know anything about you I promise." I did the math in my head. So they been fucking with each other right around the time he made it official. I knew it was too good to be true.

I went into my purse handing her the cash I was going to buy his chain with.

"That's ten thousand dollars. That should get you straight. The best thing you can do for your daughter is keep him away from her. Thank you for telling me. You could have been petty about it. I'm grateful."

She started crying harder as she hugged me.

"Thank you. I'm not even like that. I just want to be the best mother for my daughter. I never saw myself having a child without a father because that's how I grew up. But she's all I care about now. Thank you so much." she said before sitting back.

"It's no problem. I know you'll be a good mom for her."

"I'm Keisha."

"Jalynn. If you need anything you can call me." I said writing down my number for her.

I don't know why I'm being so nice to her. The old me would have whooped her ass first asked questions later. I guess I know the only person I should be mad at is Keith. I don't understand how he could be so perfect at first then turn around and be someone so different. I knew something was different. I just never expected this.

I drove to his house and grabbed a random bag and just started throwing all my clothes and everything in it. When it was full I grabbed another bag. I fought back tears refusing to cry over him.

I heard the front door open preparing myself for the argument I knew was coming.

"What you doing?" he asked when he saw my things thrown everywhere.

I ignored him as I started stuffing shoes into a suitcase.

He grabbed my arm pulling me up so we were face to face. "You don't hear me?"

"What it look like I'm doing?" I said snatching away from him.

"It look like you leaving me." he said matter-of-factly.

I rolled my eyes bending back down to stuff all of my shoes in a suitcase.

"You gon talk to me?" he asked sitting on the edge of the bed now. I zipped up the suitcase standing up.

He grabbed me once again. "You ain't fucking leaving me and not telling me why. I ain't do shit to you."

I stared at my arm he was grabbing before looking up at him. With all my strength I smacked the shit out of him causing some spit to fly out of his mouth.

He turned to face me with anger in his eyes. "Have you lost your mind?!"

"No but you have! You gon make a baby on me!" I yelled. His face dropped realizing I knew his little secret. I was really hoping he would deny it. I hoped and prayed that the girl was lying. But the look on his face told me everything I needed to know.

I started swinging on him as tears fell from my eyes. He betrayed me in the worst way possible.

He held it back for the longest but I guess I pushed him to hit me in my jaw making me stumble back onto the floor.

"Let that be the last time you put your damn hands on me!" he said holding his face.

The fighter in me couldn't go down like that. I jumped up and started hitting him with all my strength. He hit my ass back. I could feel every punch he threw but didn't let that stop me until he picked me up throwing me into the dresser. My back hurt where I landed on it. I knew this was a fight I couldn't win and I was sore all over.

"I HATE YOU!" I yelled as he stood there trying to catch his breath.

I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was AJ. I asked him to help me move my stuff out. He came no questions asked about why I wanted to leave.

I stood up weakly.

"Who you got at my house?"

I ran out the door and down the stairs toward the door but he got to me before I could open it pressing his gun against my neck.

"What you tryna do Jalynn?" he said into my ear.

I knew he would kill me. He would kill anybody.

"It's AJ." I said tilting my head trying to move the gun off of my neck but he just pressed it against me again.

"Tell him to go home."

I reached out for the door but he pushed my hand down.

"Through the door! You gon let him see your face like this?"

I sighed. "I changed my mind AJ. I'll call you later." I yelled through the door.

"You good?" he asked back.

"Yeah I'm fine." I yelled.

"Why you not opening the door?" he asked sounding suspicious.

"I'm naked." I quickly lied.

He was silent for a few seconds. "Well go put on some clothes so we can talk about earlier."

"We busy!" Keith yelled.

It was still silent before he finally spoke. "Ard yo. Call me later." I watched through the peephole as he walked off.

I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"Jalynn I ain't mean to hit you." he said leaning against the wall.

"You meant to cheat on me though. And lie."

"I'm sorry."

I sighed looking at the ground.

"I gotta go. I'll see you tonight. I'll make it up to you aight."

I just nodded. I walked to the bathroom turning on the shower. I stripped out of my clothes catching a glimpse of my bruised and sore body. I felt tears falling as I stepped into the shower letting the hot water run down my body.

When I finally got out I slid on some clothes and left going to Cam's house. I was gonna tell him everything.

When he opened the door smiling at me I couldn't bring myself to say it to him. I just acted normal.

Me and Mani were in the living room chilling when I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"Jalynn what's wrong?" she asked looking at me.

I couldn't hold it in any longer as I saw Keith blowing up my phone with apologies and telling me how much he loved me.

Mani looked at me trying to figure out what was going on. "You gotta talk to me Jalynn I don't understand."

I sighed as I slid my hoodie off showing her the bruises on my neck and arms. More tears fell as I saw the look on her face.

"What the he- Oh hell nah!" she yelled standing up. "Cam!"

"Mani please no." I tried to plead.

"Yo?" Cam said walking in. His face dropped when he saw me crying and my arms. "The fuck yo." he said lifting my arms and twisting them examining my bruises. "Butter did this shit?"

"Cam please. It was my fault."

"The fuck you mean it was your fault. He shouldn't have hit you in the first place!"

He grabbed my arm dragging me out the door. He opened his car door for me and I got in.

I felt more tears falling as he sped down the road. I don't know where we were going.

Minutes later, we pulled up to the trap house. I've been here before but I wasn't allowed inside.

"Get out." he said as he got out as well.

I followed him up to the door as he walked in.

"Yo Dash!" he yelled walking up the stairs.

I watched as Dashawn appeared in a doorway. "Wassup?"

"Where that nigga Butter at?"

"In the back why?" Dash asked looking at me confused.

Cam nodded and I cried harder as I saw Keith walk out of a room only to be met with Cam's fist. They started fighting and I screamed and cried as Dash ran over to break it up.

Dash managed to pull Cam off of Keith stepping between them.

"The hell is your problem, man?!" Dash yelled at Cam.

Cam tried to move up on Keith but Dash pushed him back standing his ground.

Him and Cam had a staredown before Cam looked away and at Keith.

"You put your hands on my sister, nigga?" Cam said mugging Keith.

"Cam please." I said trying to pull him away but he pushed me off of him.

"This what we doing?" Keith asked looking at me with hate in his eyes.

I felt more tears slide down my face.

"I'm sorry." I said wiping my face.

"It's true?" Dash asked turning to Keith.

"Dash it's my fault. I hit him." I said wiping more tears.

He looked at Keith seeing the marks I left on his face.

"That ain't no fucking excuse Jalynn!" Cam said yelling.

I didn't even realize Keith had gotten up now and he swiftly pulled out his gun aiming it at Cam's head. Immediately Dash stepped back pulling out his gun aiming it at Keith. A couple of other niggas ran upstairs to see what was going on and when they saw Dash aiming his gun they whipped theirs out too.

"Stop!" I yelled at all of them.

"Think about what you doing." Dash said to Keith.

Cam stared back at Keith with no expression on his face. "You better be bout that shit."

"Keith." I said calling him. He didn't look at me. "Keith please I'm sorry. I don't wanna leave you. Please. That's my brother."

I saw him blink hard. I remembered him telling me that was what he did right before pulling the trigger as he thought about all of the things that pissed him off to motivate him.

"No!" I yelled running towards Cam.


I felt a sharp pain in my chest as my body dropped to the ground.

"JALYNN!" I heard Cam yell.


I heard another body drop and I knew it was Keith.

Tears spilled down my cheeks from the pain. I heard voices yelling but couldn't make out the words. I felt my body being lifted out the ground, the sound of a door slamming closed, I felt the car speeding forward. More yelling. Everything was blurry.


"Jalynn look at me!" I yelled grabbing her face.

Her eyelids kept dropping. I couldn't let her go to sleep.

"Jalynn!" I yelled again shaking her.

Her eyes popped open as she looked around and they landed on me.

"Am I okay?" she asked weakly.

Dash looked in the back before speeding up the car.

"You fine, shorty. Just don't go to sleep. Look at me."

"I'm tired." she said as more tears came out.

I looked at her chest where blood seeped through her shirt. I started applying more pressure.

"I got you. Just look at me. Dash! How much longer I'm losing her!"

"We almost there. Two minutes."

"I don't got two minutes!" I said looking down at Jalynn. "We almost there, just look at me."

I felt a breath leave her chest but she didn't inhale. I shook her. "Jalynn."

My eyes were burning as I felt tears forming. "Jalynn!" I yelled shaking her even more. "Nah. Nah." I said pulling her closer to me. I saw Dash turn around and punch the steering wheel as he pulled up in front of the emergency room blaring the horn to alert the nurses.

I was still shaking Jalynn. But it was no use. Her eyes stared up at the ceiling with no life in them.

Nurses rushed with a gurney pulling her out the car.

I watched as a nurse climbed on top of her performing CPR.

I was losing it watching her body as it stared at nothing.

"Fuck, man!" I said punching a wall. I felt sharp pains in my hand but I didn't even care.

I felt tears fall as I watched them roll my sister in the back.

I felt Dash pull me into a hug as I tried to get myself together.

How the fuck Ima tell my parents? Our family. This shit was so fucked up. This wasn't supposed to go like this. I'm hurting man. I never thought it would be her.


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