Hello Logan

By callheryellow

421 10 1

Logan Andrews has had her share of heart breaks and bad mistakes, but does she have what it takes to accept t... More

Hello Logan
• Prologue •
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37 1 0
By callheryellow

"Okay, one more time. Are you sure I look okay?" I looked down at my outfit and squirmed. I had on white platform sneakers and a dark brown fitted dress.

Cynthia opened the front door to Patrick's parents house and looked at me. "Yes, for the hundredth time you look amazing."

I ran my hands down my sides and looked at Cynthia. "How about now? How's my hair?" I ran my fingers through my curls.

She rolled her eyes and grabbed my arm. "You're so annoying. Let's go." She pushed through the crowd of people with me behind her.

The party was just getting started considering we got there two hours late. I looked around to see if I saw anyone I knew, but I didn't.

I pulled Cynthia closer to me. "Where's the man of the hour?"

She shrugged. "No idea, I'm going to get a drink. You in?"

I shook my head. She nodded and left. I walked out the slide door and on to the patio. It was pretty packed, but not as much as it was inside.

"Are my eyes deceiving me? Is that the one and only Logan Andrews?"

I raised an eyebrow and looked over to my left. A girl with blonde hair started to approach me. "Oh my gosh!" My eyes widened and I ran over to jump on her. "Samantha!"

She squealed and picked me up. "Logan!"

I smiled and looked down at her. "You're here and you're blonde! You listened to me!"

"I did! I've missed you so much!" She hugged me.

I hugged her back and pulled away with a smile. Samantha Jones is Cynthia's favorite cousin, one of the worlds most famous super models, and my second best friend since the sixth grade. She left after we graduated high school and moved to New York, she visits often, but not enough.

I jumped down. "Does Cynthia know?"

She nodded. "She picked me up from the airport last night. I told her not to tell you, because I wanted it to be a surprise."

I dropped my arms. "Well it is. What are you doing here?"

"I'm on business for the most part. I have a video project with Harper's Bazaar and they wanted to get a glimpse of my life here." She laughed.

I laughed. "That's really cool, Sam. I'm so proud of you. When do you leave?"

She smiled. "Thank you my love and two days time."

I pouted. "Oh no. I wish you could stay for my dad's birthday party."

She sighed. "I do too. I stopped by your house earlier to give him his gift, so he would know that I didn't forget."

"He would've known."

"I still wanted to get him something. Anyways, how are you?" Her gaze softened.

I smiled softly. "I'm fine, can't complain."

She squeezed my shoulder. "Good, because I'm going to kill Patrick and Olivia."

I choked on air just as I felt someone push pass me to jump on Samantha. I glared, playfully. "Excuse me would've been nice."

Cynthia stuck her tongue out. "Whatever loser."

"Why didn't you tell me you filled Sam in?"

"Well, to save you from hearing her mouth. She was very angry Lo, you should've saw her."

I shivered. When Samantha's mad, no one wants to be around her. "I'm going to go get some water, are you staying with Sam?"

She nodded. "For a little. I'll come find you."

I nodded then looked at Samantha. "Catch you later?"

Samantha nodded. "I love you and I promise not to say anything unless someone else says something to piss me off."

I laughed. "I love you too." I turned around and walked inside of the house. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from out of the cooler.

"Still the first girl I've ever seen get a water bottle at a house party."

I stood upright and faced the voice. I smiled. "I don't drink at house parties. You should know that by now Andy."

He chuckled. "Yeah, I know." He nodded towards my outfit. "You're looking good."

I smiled. "Thanks, so are you." I waved my hand around. "This is what you guys planned?"

"Liv planned it for him. I thought he would've wanted to do something more.."


"And small."

"Well, you know Patrick."

He nodded. "How are you? I haven't talked to you since I told you about them."

I shrugged. "I'm fine, I told Cyn. Which is kind of why we're here. She wanted to get drunk and yell at him I guess. I'm just here for... support."

He smirked and tossed back some of his beer. "Support?"

I smiled. "Yes, Andy. I'm not trying to start anything, I don't really have the energy for it."

He shrugged. "Yeah, I understand that. Was it bad? You telling Cyn, I mean."

I hummed. "Not really. I thought she was going to actually attempt to kill Casey, but instead she just suggested it."

He laughed. "That sounds about right."

"They don't know that I know about him right?"

He shook his head. "No, but you know if everyone intends on getting drunk tonight..."

I nodded and looked down at my sneakers. "I know, but until that time comes let's just not talk about it." I looked back up at him. "Hey, Andy?"

"Yeah, light bulb?"


Someone cleared their throat. "Am I interrupting?"

I looked from Andy to the voice and paused. I let out a breath. "You are, but considering what today is you get a pass. Happy birthday."

Patrick smiled, oblivious to the awkwardness that was surrounding him. "Thank you. I'm glad you could make it. Is Cyn here?"

I nodded as Samantha bumped my hip.

Samantha looked at Patrick. "Happy birthday asshole."

Patrick's eyes widened. "Samantha?"

Andy looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "What the..."

I sighed at Andy. "That's what I was trying to tell you before Patrick walked in."

Andy sighed. "Olivia's going to flip her shit when she finds out."

Samantha rolled her eyes. "Who fucking cares? This is a free country and I was invited to a birthday party by my cousin."

Andy finally looked at her and his eyes widened. "Wow, you're blonde?"

She raised an eyebrow. "Yes, problem?"

He shook his head and smirked. "No, not all Samantha. You look amazing."

She smiled and moved some of her hair behind her ear. "Thanks, Andy. You don't look too bad yourself."

"Andy!" Cynthia ran over to Andy and hugged him.

Andy laughed. "Hey Cyn."

Patrick folded his arms and leaned against the kitchen island. "Hey baby, no love for me?"

Cynthia looked at him. She blinked and cleared her throat. "Hi."

Patrick raised an eyebrow. "Did I do something wrong?"

Cynthia glanced at me then back to Patrick. "Yes, as a matter of fact you did."

"Cyn.." I gave her a pointed look.

She looked at me and shook her head. "No, I have to say this." She looked back to Patrick. "How could you betray Logan? She loved you and you hurt her. You hurt me too."

Andy looked at me with wide eyes. I shrugged.

Patrick frowned and walked towards her. "What? What are you..."

Cynthia's eyes started to water and she stepped back. "Michael and Casey! You fucking asshole!"

Patrick paused and ran his fingers through his hair. "Fuck Cyn, you weren't supposed to know about that."

Cynthia's eyebrows scrunched together. "That's all you have to say to me? To us? My best friend is fucking hurting and that's all you have to say? That we weren't supposed to know?"

Patrick opened his mouth then closed it. He sighed. "Cyn.." He looked at me. "Logan.."

"The gang's all here! Samantha?"

I looked to my right and spotted Olivia. She walked over to us and stood beside Andy protectively. "What a surprise. Are you here to stay?"

Andy groaned and downed the rest of his beer. "Here we go."

She ignored Andy and hummed. "Let me guess. Modeling gig?"

Samantha raised an eyebrow. "Gig? This is my career, Olivia. Do me a favor and respect it."

Olivia and Samantha's relationship, or lack of I should say, is almost similar to me and Casey's. Olivia always thought she was the better one between the two. They used to be really great friends, until Olivia's jealousy got in the way of things. She would always get jealous of Samantha when we were growing up and she still does in her own way. Especially since Andy is Samantha's ex.

Olivia glared at Samantha and pulled Andy closer to her. Samantha noticed and smiled.

Cynthia groaned. "Please stop, this isn't about you two. It's about Lo..."

"Oh Cynthia, stop whining." Casey walked in with Michael behind her. Now that I knew who he was, I don't know how I couldn't have seen it before. He looked exactly the same, just all grown up. "Hey Pat, happy birthday."

Michael clapped his hand on Patrick's shoulder. "What's up guys. Happy birthday P."

Patrick smiled awkwardly and wrapped his arm around Cynthia's waist. "Thank you both."

I tried not to let his presence here with her get to me, but my body tensed anyway and Samantha noticed. She squeezed my arm comfortingly. I looked at her and smiled softly.

"Oh look everyone the ice queen is here! Fuck off." Cynthia rolled her eyes and moved out of Patrick's embrace.

Andy, Samantha, and I choked back a laugh and Casey glared at Cynthia.

Patrick sighed and gently grabbed her arm. "Babe."

Cynthia shrugged her arm away. "Patrick, don't fucking touch me."

Olivia raised an eyebrow at them. "What's going on with you two? Is everything okay?"

Casey pouted. "Aww, trouble in paradise for the perfect couple? That would be a first."

Samantha sighed, loudly. "Casey, shut up. You have no right to comment on their relationship."

Casey looked at Samantha. "Excuse me?"

Samantha crossed her arms. "You heard me."

Andy looked at Samantha. "Don't."

Samantha shook her head. "I'm not."

Olivia looked at Andy. "Why are you telling her what to do?"

I cleared my throat and everyone looked at me. "Can you all just, I don't know... Shut the fuck up?" I ran my fingers through my hair. "Wouldn't want the new guy to think you all hate each other."

Michael closed the refrigerator door and chuckled. "It's cool. I've known them for awhile. I'm surprised you haven't gone crazy yet. How is that?" He looked at me.

My eyes widened a little at the intensity of it all. The way he looked at me was, well for lack of words, intense. I know it was innocent on his part, but I couldn't help but think back to the day that I broke his heart and my own in the process.

Samantha noticed my stare and nudged me. I broke eye contact with Michael and looked at her. "What?"

Cynthia laughed. "He asked you a question and you kind of froze."

I raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

Samantha pointed to Michael. "The cute guy with the pretty eyes."

Michael laughed. "Thank you. I like your hair."

Samantha smiled politely. "Thank you, it was all my best friend Logan's idea. She told me that I should do it for a photoshoot one day and here I am."

I looked at her, alarmed. She squeezed my hand.

Michael sat his drink down on the counter and raised an eyebrow. "Logan?"

Samantha nodded. "Yes, do you know her?"

Michael looked down at his hands with a small smile then back at Samantha. I almost melted. "I'm not sure if it's your best friend, but I did know a Logan once. As a matter of fact all of us did. I haven't heard from her in awhile though."

Samantha pouted and sneaked a glance at me. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Have you tried to reach out?"

Michael sighed and leaned against the kitchen island. "One time, a couple of years ago. Our families still communicate and my mom tells me stuff about her all the time. The last I heard she was studying for her bar exam."

My eyes widened and I could feel my heart beating through my ears. I'm going to kill my mom for telling my business, but his mother is my Godmother. That's what made everything so complicated.

Samantha smiled softly. "It sounds like you miss her."

Michael chuckled. "She was my first love, but also my bestest friend. We were inseparable, so yes. I miss her a lot."

The room was quiet. Too quiet. Everyone was looking at me, but I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I felt like I was going to burst into tears. It was like he was talking through Samantha to me. It felt so surreal.

I looked down at my sneakers and tried not to squirm from the uncomfortable feeling in the room. I looked up at Andy and he looked concerned. "Andy, would you..."

He nodded and made his way over to me. "Let's go play beer pong with some people by the pool."

I nodded and looked at Cynthia with tears in my eyes. "I'll be back."

Cynthia pouted and she gently grabbed my arm. "Logan." Her eyes widened once she realized she said my name. "Fuck! I'm so sorry, it slipped."

Samantha sighed. "Cynthia! Just because we know about Michael doesn't mean Logan wanted her presence to be known yet."

The kitchen was deadly silent when it was anything but in the other room. I could feel my hands growing clammy. I rubbed them down the sides of my dress and looked at everyone standing in the kitchen. Cynthia and Samantha looked sad, Patrick looked ashamed, Olivia looked shocked, Casey looked scared, Andy looked concerned, and Michael... Well, he couldn't take his eyes off of me.

Casey looked at me then to Samantha. "How exactly do you know?"

Cynthia raised an eyebrow. "Why does that matter?"

Andy shrugged and walked over to Casey. "I told Logan about him that day at the restaurant."

Casey's eyes widened. "What! Andy, how did you even find out? You weren't even there!"

Olivia hit Andy on his shoulder. "You idiot! I told you not to say anything!"

Casey glared at Olivia. "What the fuck Olivia? You told him!"

Andy rubbed his shoulder and stepped away from Olivia. "Who else was going to tell her Liv? I care about her. I couldn't exactly say the same for you."

Olivia looked offended. "How could you say something like that? Of course I care about her!"

Andy scoffed. "If you cared you would've told her that you set up her ex boyfriend with someone that she doesn't even like."

Olivia glared at him. "Fuck you asshole." She looked at me and her gaze softened. "I was going to tell you.."

Casey laughed and looked at me. "No, she wasn't." She looked back at Olivia. "Why don't you stop lying to her. You weren't going to tell her anything, nobody was."

Olivia groaned. "Casey, please shut up."

I shrugged. "It's really none of my business."

Olivia looked back at me. "I know it looks bad, but.."

I shook my head and made eye contact with Michael. He looked like he'd seen a ghost. I broke eye contact with him when Olivia called my name. I looked at her. "Olivia, I really don't care okay? It's fine. Just drop it."

Olivia sulked. "Logan, I feel like shit right now. Please, hear me out?"

Samantha stepped in front of me. "Why the hell should she? You were her friend and you fucking betrayed her."

Cynthia moved beside me and looked at Olivia. "Don't even think about coming near her."

Olivia ignored them and reached out for me. I stepped back before she could touch me. She whimpered. "Logan please don't do this. I wanted to tell you.."

I groaned and walked out of the kitchen with Samantha and Cynthia behind me. I felt like I was suffocating. I needed to get out of their house and in to my own.

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