The Elemental: My Burning Leg...

By Musics4lifes

500 130 41

Lilith Moonlight, seventeen year old human girl blinded by her true self not knowing what she really is. Disc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27

Chapter 26

8 3 0
By Musics4lifes

Once again, I have come across someone so beautiful and pure, someone that brings in light deep within your soul. Here was Goddess Danu, standing a few feet away. Just like last time, we were in a cove behind a waterfall. It was very peaceful and definitely an area where I could go to relax.

Goddess Danu smiles bright at me, wearing this time a light blue dress with a gold strand along her dress. She was barefoot. From a distance she could be seen as a pure hearted child who came to see her very first waterfall. She wears a golden necklace around her white perfect neck. Seeing her made me remember one of the pictures in my living room, same setting and outfit.

I could hear birds chirping loudly and peacefully as if they were communicating with the other birds. I could see deers and their young ones, fawns, frolicking in the field. In a far distance, I could see a double rainbow. Everything here was just beyond amazing and beautiful.

"Hello Lilith Moonlight, you called?" Goddess Danu spoke softly and happily.

"Goddess Danu, I'm sorry, didn't realize I called you so soon," I said nervously.

"Don't be dear. I love my children and will always go to them in time of need. I see that the vampires are back to their normal standards once again," she smiled with approval in her eyes.

"Yeah," I said quietly, remembering what happened to Stefan.

"Everything will workout in the end Lilith," Goddess Danu promised.

"How can you be so sure? How can I be some prophecy when everyone around me just dies? I know you are the goddess and all, but I can't do this if I will just end up losing everyone!" I said loudly with tears coming down. I wiped away my tears, trying to remain professional and respectful. "I'm so sorry Goddess Danu, I didn't mean to come of rude."

"Never apologize for how you feel. You must let it out so that you may begin healing. You know the whole say, all things happen for a reason? On your journey, everything will happen for a reason, even though you may not know why, but eventually things will start to look clear for you," Goddess Danu explained.

"How? Sure, the vampires are once again safe and the humans, but what about people like Stefan who lost his life for no apparent reason? Why bother going on this prophecy hunt if the people close to me will just end up dead?" I complained with a hint of anger.

"Lilith, I promise you this, though I can't explain in detail, everything will work out for you as long as you stick to the right side. Follow your destiny and in the end, everything will work itself out. I know it is troublesome to see it, but just have faith. You will be awarded for great acts," Goddess Danu stated.

After letting her words of wisdom hit me, I thought of something else that I needed to ask. "Have you heard about The Elite? Before I burned Lord Delaney, he mentioned how they killed my family."

"I can't say much but do beware of them. You will cross paths and big decisions will be made from you. Every step you take will be crucial within your journey," the goddess responded.

Couldn't she ever just say what she means. Nothing could ever be easy, not even in these dream visits. "I will keep that in mind."

"Go on my child, it is time for you to wake up. Face the new day proud and strong. Blessed be and may the light guide you on your path," Goddess Danu said happily.

"Blessed be Goddess Danu," I said with a smile.

Morning, I stretched my arms and got out of bed. I felt a bit groggy after everything has happened. I still had to meet with Thea to report to her about the mission and everything that has taken place. I dreaded the moment that I will have to face Thea but even she has a right to know of what happened with Stefan.

"Morning Lilly," Kyle said as I walked down the stairs, using his nickname for me.

"Bleh," I responded showing my tiredness. "I feel like I could sleep for another few days or weeks."

"You and everyone else. You think Thea will give us time off?" Kyle asked.

"If not, I will be using my vacation days...we do get vacation days right?" Wasn't mentioned in the meet and greet but surely we do.

"Not sure," Kyle shrugged, "definitely was not in our orientation," he joked.

"The orientation where I backtalked Thea and giving her attitude?" I laughed. It felt good to laugh after everything that has happened. "Have you guys seen Calico?" I looked around the room realizing he was not present.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Calico muttered while walking down the stairs.

"Well look who decided to wake up," I teased him.

Calico rolled his eyes, "Feels like I didn't get no sleep," he stated.

"Join the club," I shrugged. "No one got much sleep apparently. Remind me to get extra sleep before a big battle or better yet, before we get kidnapped and locked in a cell," I teased.

"You thought being locked up was funny?" Kyle said shockingly. "I for one did not find it funny."

"Well no, that actually sucked. I mean the bucket as our 'toilet' was kind of funny but..." I stopped myself before I could say it.

"Lilith?" Drake spoke up, "what happened in the cell?"

"It's nothing," I said nonchalantly, hoping they wouldn't push it.

"It was something, I can see it within your eyes. What happened?" Kyle said with all seriousness.

I sighed knowing they wouldn't drop it, "One of the guards who checked up on me thought it would be funny to try to seduce me," I said.

"You mean he tried to rape you," Calico grinded his teeth.

"Tried to. Angus showed up in time to stop it. Later on, apparently he was sentenced to death by Lord Delaney for trying to rape me," I causually stated.

"At least that horrid lord did something right," Drake said.

I could feel my stomach rumble and went to make myself some breakfast. Right when I opened up the cupboards, my phone rang. I picked up my phone to see who it was and instantly rolled my eyes.

"Hello Thea," I said.

"Lilith! Thank the goddess you picked up! Where the hell have you been? You were suppose to report back a couple days ago!" Thea sounded more scared instead of anger.

Interesting, guess she does have somewhat of a heart. "Sorry, it's been a hell of a mission. We just got back late last night and I was about to make myself some breakfast. After I eat, I'll come by your office and fill you in," I promised her.

Thea shockingly ended up being good with that so I said my goodbyes and re-opened up the cupboard. Looking to see what cereal we had, I was once again interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Oh my fucking goddess, what could it possible be now?" I threw my hands up. "I swear, I will never be able to eat breakfast again!" I rolled my eyes which made everyone else laugh. "Glad you all find my hunger suffering enjoyable," I mumbled.

I opened up the door to see the last person I expected. My stomach dropped and lost all appetite that I had. I could feel my eyes bulging out and my jaw drop. I swear if I am dreaming, no one better wake me up. How could this be possible?

"Oh my goddess! Please tell me this is real!" I said loudly.

"Lilith, who's at the door?" Kyle asked from the kitchen.

"Hey beautiful," Stefan said and wrapped me up into a huge hug.

"Stefan..." I could feel my tears falling. How could this be possible? I saw him die! We left him back at Eripmav. "How is this possible?" I whispered to him. "I saw you die."

"Apparently having my neck snapped doesn't kill me but does knock me unconscious for quite awhile," Stefan answered. "I will explain everything, where is everyone?"

"In the kitchen," I answered. We walked into the kitchen to see everyone shocked. Everyone but Calico that is.

"Stefan? You're alive!" Kyle said happily and went over to give him a hug.

"How is this possible?" Drake questioned.

We all gathered around the table waiting for Stefan to explain. "So apparently getting my neck snapped does not kill me," Stefan started. "I was unconscious instead of being dead. I woke up inside the burial chamber. I was very confused at first wondering where I was. It took me a moment to realize I was back at Lord Thornes estate inside his burial chambers. When I walked out, I found Lord Thornes right at the door and if vampire's could become even more paler, he would of been more pale than a ghost," Stefan said which made us all laugh. "After he collected himself, he filled me in on everything that has happened. He then got in touch with Calico."

"That explains why you felt even more tiresome," I said to Calico which gave an approval nod. "But, how are you not dead?"

"There is a lot that I don't know about myself, being what I am. The only conclusion I could think is that, just like how I can turn my limbs into weapons, I don't have the same bone structure as someone else. For you guys, a neck snapped would kill you guys, besides you Drake, but for me, apparently I am immune to neck snapping," Stefan shrugged. "Though it was very painful when I woke up," he rubbed the back of his neck.

"But why did it take so long for you to awake?" Drake asked him.

"I'm guessing, because he is still learning what his powers can be and that he has never had his neck snapped, he is still learning his healing phase. Now, I'm quite sure if he were to have his neck snapped a hundred times or so, he would heal faster because he would be used to it," Calico explained.

"Exactly what I thought. Though, it would be good to heal faster, I think I will pass on getting my neck snapped a hundred times or so," Stefan chuckled.

"Yeah, let's not go through that again," I said with full seriousness.

"Have you guys spoke to Thea yet?" Stefan asked.

"Not yet, I wanted to eat breakfast beforehand but that didn't happen and now, not so hungry," I told him.

"Well let's go meet with her and fill her in knowing the mission was a complete," Stefan said.

We are headed over to the headquarters of the SIA. As we all walked in, I saw Quin speaking to Marrie and he certainly did not seem happy.

"I want to speak to Thea now, Marrie. I haven't heard from Calico in a few days and I am telling you that this is unusual," Quin said urgently.

"Well don't tell me you started to miss me now," Calico chuckled.

Quin spun around showing relief on his face after seeing Calico. "Oh don't you start now, you had me run your business stating you will keep in touch and it has been a few days since I last heard from you!"

"Well I'm back now, missions don't exactly have a completion date you know," Calico rolled his eyes. "Marrie, good to see you again."

Marrie had her white hair in curls this time wearing a black dress with a crescent moon. "Guessing you guys are here to report back to Thea?"

"Oh so now she's suddenly free," Quin rolled his eyes.

"Thank you Marrie," Calico said. "Quin, we will be out soon if you want to wait." Quin nodded to Calico and he headed straight to Thea's office with everyone else following right behind.

As we stand behind Thea's office door, I knocked twice on her door. We heard Thea's voice telling us to come in.

"Ah, there you guys are," Thea pleasantly said. "Now, care to explain why none of you guys cared enough to report back during your mission?"

"Oh we are terribly sorry Thea, being kidnapped and locked in a cell to be put to our deaths couldn't be a good enough reason to explain our absence," I said with sass.

"Lilith, behave for once, please," Stefan said quietly to me.

As I rolled my eyes, "What I meant to say was that we got kidnapped from the vampire rogues and locked within a cell."

"Well I see that you guys are alive so that's a plus," Thea said.

"Barley," I said quietly.

"Mind telling me what went down," Thea said with full curiosity.

I explained to Thea on every detailed event. I told her about how I acted to be on Lord Delaney's who really was the grandfather of Angus Delaney side and then tried to explain how the real Angus Delaney was the grandson of Lord Delaney. Than how the real Angus Delaney was the butler in disguised. It was even more confusing to explain then it was to me when I saw it for myself. I then further explained about the battle that took place and how I defeated Lord Delaney once and for all.

I studied Thea's face and could tell she was confused but also thrilled after explaining the battle that went on. "And then Calico got us home," I said finishing up the explanation. I decided to keep The Elite group in secrecy until I could find out more.

"I'm glad you guys are back safe and sound. Must of been one hell of a fight," Thea smirked. "So the vampire rogues are officially gone?"

"For the most part. The ones who remained alive that got away, I doubt they will be making a comeback," I stated.

"I am very impressed with you all. I know you guys may be feeling tired so as a reward, you guys can be on vacation for a couple of weeks. After that gruesome fight, saving the vampires and the human race, you all deserve it. You may all go," Thea said. "Lilith, may I speak to you alone?"

Fuck, what did I do now? "Sure," I said.

After everyone left, Thea proceeded to talk. "I know with everything that has happened, nothing has been easy for you. I am very grateful that you joined us. You are extraordinary and yet a very powerful young girl. I know we may not see eye to eye but I do want to thank you for all that you have done," Thea said wholeheartedly.

Okay, I did not expect that. "That actually means a lot," I smiled.

"Just know that your journey is far from over. The prophecy states that war is coming and you must be prepared. You may go," Thea stated.

Leaving Thea's office, my brain started to wonder about what the unseen war could happen. When there's war, there is also death. I wonder if this may have something to do with the Elite organization.

"Earth to Lilith," Stefan said.

"What?" I told Stefan, obviously spaced out.

"You alright?" Stefan asked me sincerely.

"Totally, what were you guys talking about?" I couldn't tell them about the other organization, not yet. After what we have been through, I need to find out more about them and exactly what did my parents have to do with them.

"I said that tonight we are going to throw a party to celebrate our victory," Stefan told me.

"Oh yeah." I said. "Kyle isn't that when you were going to tell your parents?"

Kyle nodded, "Yeah. Since Drake told his father about us, I might as well tell my parents."

"Well, let's get started," I told my group.

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