A Different Set of Rules (Boy...

By chiefchii

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Payton Lorry is your typical eighteen year old kid. He has a sarcastic/asshole personality, is clueless to mo... More

Chapter 1 - A Long Trek
Chapter 2 - Its on the House
Chapter 3 - Opposite of an Adult
Chapter 4 - Too Pretty for Prison
Chapter 5 - Necessity and Uncertainly
Chapter 6 - Mute Memories
Chapter 7 - Tighter
Chapter 9 - Getting Down to Business
Chapter 10 - Deal Me In
Chapter 11 - Yard Patrol
Chapter 12 - Leap of Faith

Chapter 8 - Office Sex is a Big No No

9.6K 311 20
By chiefchii


He looked up at me every few minutes. The room was silent save for the muffled speaking outside as well as the tip tapping of his hands on the keyboard.

"How are you?" Alexander finally spoke up.

Is he serious? I thought "Well I've spent a few weeks now in this hell hole, my cellmate probably hates me, my only friend is crazy, and I'm no closer to leaving now than I was on day 1. So...pretty great. And you? Are you great?" I was unable to hold back the intense sarcasm in my voice. I was locked up,how the hell does he think I was?

"I'm ecstatic" Alexander, ignored my sarcasm, had a smile on his face

"So who is she?" I followed but by asking

"Who's who?" Alexander didn't look up from his computer screen as he asked.

"The whore with her wannabe Kardashian lips wrapped around your dick, since you're so ecstatic." I said,mimicking him. With the silence in the room you could hear his jaw drop and damn near dislocate itself. 

"Excuse me?"

"You're excused." I said eagerly, enjoying the way his muscles tensed up as he restrained himself from giving a comeback, "So whats her name?"

After a moment he shook his head, "There's no she" Alexander finally relented

"So you have a gay whore?" I never would have pegged him for being gay. I could imagine a broad with fake tits leeching onto his arm. That's another thing, I never thought he would be an ass man. 

"No I do not." He seemed for relaxed, he was regaining his control. 

"Do you want one?" I wagged my eyebrow teasingly at him. 

"You're not my type." He paused before adding "Inmate" for added effect.  The shade was real. It was my turn to be speechless, my jaw dropping. Alexander reached over the table to close my mouth for me, his rough fingers lingering against my bottom lip. I'll drool over how sexy that was later, I though to myself. Who did he think he was? I could be an amazing gay whore. I looked at him up and down, then around at the room. Looking at where he worked, he probably couldn't afford me. However...that Armani suit that hugged him so well, was saying otherwise.  Oh god, prison had me in a silent debate about how good of a whore I'd be.

Speaking of which, I was kinda horny, trapped in the same room him the sexiest guy in the prison. I hadn't been laid for over a year. Admittedly there were some sexy guys in here, but honestly the whole white supremacy gang and tattoo addiction looks didn't cut it for me. Plus I liked my guys under 40 and not capable of murdering me with their bare hands.....but that's just a personal preference.  But in prison, especially this one, there wasn't much variety. 

This prison was crappy at best and the doorway to hell at moderate. With the rubbish they feed us I could see him getting paid a lot. Give the correction staff all the cash then feed the inmates dog food. Strike that, dog food is meant for living creatures, ours was basically cheap fertilizer, molded into the shape of human food.  

I shook my head, trying to clear the thoughts from my head. Lately I'd been finding myself lost in my thoughts. "So whats your type?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." I've never wanted to slap someone and fuck them at the same time.

"Yes actually, that's kinda why I asked."

"Well for one, I don't do the whole incarcerated thing. Too illegal for my tastes." A man with a mouth....great. 

"So we can't have office sex?" I don't know what button I pushed but he sprung to his feet.

"You're out of line inmate" He loomed over me.

With great care, my hands and legs still shackled, I stood and leaned toward him, showing I wouldn't back down. "I was already 'out of line', sir. What are you gonna do about it?" Insubordination to this degree with anyone else would have gotten me thrown in SHU for at least a month. With Alexander, seeing as he's let me get this far, I had no clue what my punishment would be. It was clear he was at a loss of words. "Here let me help you with that." I knew with every fiber in my being that I was going too far. I knew that he would have me dragged out of here for sure. However, with the opportunity presenting itself how would I say no? With not farther thought I leaned forward, closing the already thin distance between us, and kissed him. 


I had been in such a great mood. For weeks, the prison had had no issues. This had been the longest period of peace the prison had had since my father relinquished his position to me. However, Lorry had to intrude on my bliss. 

This kids was tap dancing on my last nerves. He sat there with a cocky smirk on his face, just daring me to punish him. I don't know why I hadn't had his ass dragged out already.  The conversation was beyond unprofessional, as well as illegal. If anything were to happen I could be accused of rape, seeing as how an inmate could not give consent on his own behalf. 

As we stood there, face to face, I was at a loss of words. I wanted to shout, administer the harshest punishment I would muster. I'd given men months in SHU looking at me the wrong way. Him, I just couldn't do anything. 

"Here let me help you with that" The bastard said and before I knew his lips were pressed against mine. His lips were almost velvet against mine. Before I could enjoy them he pulled back. I should have been the one pulling away. I should have been shouting for guards. "How was that?" he smiling, his face flushing, I'm sure mine mirrored his.

"Illegal, are you out of your mind inmate?" I barked at him, trying to sound mind and keep the lust from my voice.

"I'm surrounded by criminals 24/7, what do you think?" 

"Guard!" Upon  my calling an over weight rookie busted in, looking groggy. I'd berate him another time for sleeping on the job. At that time I didn't care. "Return inmate Lorry to his cell." 

"Yes sir." The man ridiculously saluted me. "Come on inmate." he was far too happy to be given the simple task. Winking at me Payton turned and was escorted out of the office, his sandals making an almost squeaking noise against the floor. My door shut behind them, though I would still hear their steps. 

I sighted, "Fuck!" and slammed my first against the table. 

Finally a real update since.....October? Sorry about that. School comes first. This chapter has caused me a lot of trouble. I was at a loss for what to do with the sorry for months, considering deleting it. When I finally had inspiration and wrote, all my work was some how delete. Thanks wattpad. This chapter is more of a test than anything. How do you all like Payton's paret. If you don't like the slight sass and inner voice, I can return to how I was writting before. If you do, please comment and let me know. I really liked my first version of chapter 8 but I suppose this will do.  Im so glad you all like this and gave so much support on my last note to continue. I have a lot of ideas coming up, I just need to get them in order for you all. On another note, please point out any grammar or spelling or other errors i've over looked so I was edit it. I type fast and sometimes ABC check doesn't tell me if I substituted "He" for "The" or added the last letter of the word to be the first letter of another. I wanna make this as neat that nice as I can. Thank you so much for reading. Please continue to vote and comment your thoughts. 


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