Dark mind

By Ali_Adair

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It was like we were playing a sick game of chess, trying to guess each others movement's and at the same time... More

Author's note
Dear Diary
Dear Diary Part. 2
I Hate Her, I Hate Him
Point Break
Not So Dark After All
Blast From The Past
The Past
The Truth
Just Another Normal Day
Theres No Escaping The Dark
True Intentions
A Happy Distraction
Getting Answers
He's a keeper
Falling Apart
Four Month's
Nothing but Trouble
The Encounter
'Crazy' Run's In The Family
Secret's Of The Past
Mommy Issues
His Orders
Hidden Within Pages
Twisted Reality
Time's Up
Envelope with a Letter
Where I Belong
Never Alone
A Bittersweet Ending
What You Left Behind
Broken and Missunderstood
Epilogue I
Epilogue II
Thank You/// Acknowledgments

Desperation and Hope

7 2 0
By Ali_Adair

Madelane POV

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. I found myself in Juniper's room, under her comfy duvet, the one I have always liked. And then my phone rang. I groaned and reached blindly for it. When my hand grasped it, I answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I answered, still very much groggy.

"Madelane Stacy, where are you?" My mother's voice demanded and I closed my eyes.
Shit, its way to early for this.

"Mom, I'm fine. I'm with Junipers aunt, I must have fallen asleep. I'm sorry." I told her sincerly, snuggling deeper into the covers.

I heard mom sigh.
"Its okay, I'm not mad. Tyler called me last night, he told me you were upset and that you'd fallen asleep. You looked so peaceful he didn't want to wake you and promised me to drive you home today ."

I sat up, rubbing my tired eyes. "Ohh"

"Honey, I want you to know that I love you, more than anything in the world. You know you can tell me anything, right? And I would never, ever judge you for speaking your mind. I'm so proud of the young woman you have become. " I heard her say and I smiled a bit.

"I wish I was perfect, mom" I told her honestly, my senses as well as my body and mind now fully awake.

"Well that is a terrible waste of a wish. I don't want a perfect daughter, I want a daughter who is kind, generous, with a good heart and wise beyond her years. And your just that."

"Your just saying that because your my mom and its your job." I joked and I heard Linda laugh lightly.

"My job as a mother is to always tell you the truth even when its not pretty and you don't want to hear it. I would never lie to you sweetie." She said softly at me and my heart melted.

"I'll be home soon mom, I promise. Maybe we could watch a movie or something, if you don't work that is."

She thought for a moment.
"I'm taking the day off. How about I pick you up in an hour and we hit the mall for some therapeutic shopping? We can even go to the spa."

I grinned. "That sounds like heaven." I sighed.

"Perfect. Its a date then. Be ready in an hour."

"Okay." After a moment I added. "And mom?"


"I love you too. Thank you, for everything."

I could almost see and hear her smile.
"I'll see you soon Maddy." And with that, she hung up.

I got out Junipers comfy bed and found myself wearing a very big white hoodie, no doupt Tylers. I went to Juniper's closet and took out a pair of familiar skinny jeans, a black halter top and a pair of Nikes. Juniper had "borrowed" this outfit from my closet on one of the many sleep overs we had and the bitch never gave it back. After I changed, I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth with a spare new toothbrush I found in one of the drawers. I organized Junipers room a bit, left Ty's hoodie folded on the bed and headed out. Aunt G was in the kitchen.

"Morning kiddo. Aside from the slight tiredneas, you're lookin better." She said as she handed me a cup. Immediately, my tongue tasted the warmness and sugary sweetness mixed with that spike of cinnamon that had me wiped. I moaned in delight and smiled at Aunt G. I downed the whole thing in an instant.

"You are honestly the coolest fake aunt I have ever had." I said and went to her to give her a hug.

Her way of making it made me refuse to drink coffee unless it was made by her. She actually blended the caffeine with the whip cream and cinnamon. She would always tell me it was our little secret. It made me love her more and more.

"Well, I woudint say fake now would I?" She teased and I laughed as she patted my back.

"Right. Sorry, one hundred percent real and very cool okie auntie." I tried and it made her laugh, the sound so joyfully and contagious.

"Much better. I suppose you're on your way?" She asked me as she let go of me and went to fetch a cup from the cabinets.

"Actually, I was going to the stalls. Mom's picking me up in an hour for some outdoor mother daughter bonding therapy." I said with a genuine smile.

"That sounds wonderful! Do say hi to Linda for me will you?" She says as she handed me a white cup with a red straw. I suddenly had a flashback of me and Juniper watching Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1. This cup was the same one Edward gave Bella filled with blood when she was pregnant with Reneesme. I could almost hear Juniper shriek and her reaction to that specific part as we lay in her bed watching the movie.

Blood! She's fucking human and you give her blood?! Oh I cant say shit, I'd probably drown it down faster than you can say Bipitie Bopitie Fucking Doo!
Next thing, we were laughing our asses off. Juniper literally fell of the bed and landed on her ass, hard. I've never laughed more in my life.

Fingers snapped infront of my eyes and I jerked back.
"Welcome back kiddo, you okay?" She asked, looking concerned.

Kiddo... That was what she always called Juniper, her kiddo, her shiny and bright and spontaneous kiddo. Suddenly, her kindness made my heart hurt. She seemed fine to the eyes of anyone but come on. Aunt G would never admit it, but she has it the hardest. Aunt G has watched and taken care of her since Juniper came into this world.

"Madelane?" Aunt G asked again and I just looked at her, really looked at her.

Did she look stressed? Were her wrinkles extra noticeable? Are those dark circles under her eyes? Why does she suddenly look so sad?

Aunt G's eyes softened.
"You should take the cup to Tyler. Its the milkshake he always has when he comes over. He got up real early and left to the stables. He might deny it, but he could use some company and support."

"What about you? Don't you need it?" I asked and she smiled at me sadly.

" My brother's death, Juniper's father, was the worst experience ever. Because without him... well, it felt like I was alone. He had always been my light and now I had found myself in the dark. But then Juniper came and restored my light, making it so clear for me to see, like a thousand galaxies aligned just to shine upon my life. I believe that things happen for a reason. I do not doubt there is a plan for my niece. Juniper has many angels looking out for her, I trust they keep her safe." She said as her eyes glossed over.

"Now please, go support our boy Tyler. He needs someone in his corner right now." She said and smiled at me. I gave her one last hug before I took the beverage and headed to the stables.

Tyler was there, hunched over something. He had his hood up, which made it hard for me to see him properly. As I came closer, I realized he was sketching something.

"Hey." I greeted softly and he waved without looking up.

"What ya got there?" I asked as I handed him the cup.

He gave me the notebook and I was able to see what it was: a sketch of Nightingale. He covered every detail, every highlight and stroke. It was beautiful.

"Tyler, this is amazing." I said in awe as I gave it back to him. He just nodded. He took a sip of his drink without looking at anything in particular, something that worried me.

"Thank you, for yesterday. And for the hoodie. It means a lot." I said as I leaned against the wall. He nodded once more, his head down.
He then got up and disappeared. He came back with a brush in his hand. He opened Nightingale's stall and started grooming her, without uttering a single word.

"Tyler?" I called as I too entered the tiny stall.
"Tyler, please. Say something, anything."

"I'm not really in the mood to say anything. I just want to be left alone." He said in a very gruff, and tired voice. He sounded so drained. I instantly put my hand on his shoulder.

"Tyler, I-"

"Madelane, just go." He said with a hard tone and I flinched back.

"What's going on?" I asked, my expression guarded.

He chuckled dryly. "Kind of a stupid question, don't ya think?"

I shook my head. "You were fine yesterday, don't use Juniper as you're cover up and tell me what's wrong."

Nightingale jerked and I instantly knew Ty's mood had changed. She started whining and Ty did his best to calm her down. Without a word, he threw the brush somewhere and stormed out of the stables. I, of course, ran after him.

I saw him pull something out of his pocket and then the horrible stench hit me.

"Nu uh, you are not smoking." I said and went up to meet him. He had a cigarette in his mouth, and shades on his eyes even thought it seemed as it would pore at any minute.

"Tyler stop it."

"Get lost Madelane. Don't you have anything better to do?" He seethed at me.

"Why the hell are you being so mean to me?" I said and smacked the cigarette away, making it fall to the ground. I then took the box in his hands and dropped it in my purse.

"Why the hell did you do that for?" He asked, now looking pissed.

"Because this isin't you. What would Juniper say if she saw you smoking? She would be livid!"

"But she's not here, isint she? The girl I love is in a comma, on the brink of death and I'm supposed to be okay with that? Go on with my life?" He asked agitated and distressed. 

"She woudint want you to be like this and you know it! I know its hard but you don't have to take it out on me!" I yelled at him.

"What if she dosent wake up? What if she never opens her eyes?! What then? What is there to live for then?!" He yelled back at me.

"Tyler stop this! You lived a whole entire life without her, you won't fucking die just because she's not here. Get it together!" I yelled and I almost punched him.

"If that were you're mom, would you just get it together? Would you say 'oh I lived without her at some point, I'll do it again?' If that was you're mom, woudint you want to die?!"

Warning bells went off in my brain as I processed his words.
"Tyler, Juniper woudint-"

"JUNIPER IS NOT FUCKING HERE." I staggered back, and tears welled up in my eyes. He took his hood off and ran a hand through his hair.

"She's gone." He deadpanned ina final tone, his voice cracking.

"That's not true." I shot back, tears threatening to pool out of my eyes.

" It's been almost two months. Juniper isin't here, so why should I be? There is nothing left for me here, nothing of importance. My mom O'D, my dad is a good for nothing asshole, I have no family and no real friends. Juniper was all I had and they took her from me, the fucking world took her from me just like they take every good thing away in my life. So do not judge me for wanting to just disappear, for not wanting to breath or exist anymore!" He yelled at me, every word cutting like a dagger into my heart.

"Get lost Madelane." He said and started walking away.

But I wasn't having it.

I walked up to him and turned him around so he could face me.

"Then what the hell am I? Am I just an accessory? A nobody? Am I worth nothing to you? Is Aunt G worth nothing, Sebastian, Violet, Jack, Philip, are we all nothing to you?" I seethed as the tears fell.

He stayed silent.

"I have been by you're side ever since we were kids, I know you better than I know myself. This past month and a half has been so hard, but do you think you're the only one who has it easy? Look at Aunt G, she lost her fucking daughter. Because that's what Juniper is to Gloria, the daughter she never had. Not even my pain compares to the grief she is going through. Because if she looses Juniper, she thinks she has no one left. No matter what, she has me. Does she have you?" I pointed a finger to his chest.

"Do not compare my pain to other peoples." He practically growled.

" You are not the only one with problems, you aren't the only one affected by all this. It sucks that she isin't here with us, its fucking scary that her life is on the line and every second that passes of her sleeping is a second of us losing her, it is heartbreaking to see my sister, " my voice broke off. "in that state. The girl who got me back on my feet, the person who taught me to love and accept myself, is in a comma, fighting against the curse that runs through her family. And the only thing I can do is pray, pray to God so he wont take her from us, have faith that she will get better, and in the meantime surround myself with the people that I love so I don't go fucking mad!" I hurled the words at him as he stared at me.

"You're like the big brother my parents never had. And for you to give me you're support and you're love, like you did yesterday, helps me not go insane, it helps me to not drown in all the negative things happening in my life. So answer the goddamn question, am I nothing to you?!" I yelled.

"I have nothing left in my life! Why don't you leave me the hell alone?" He cried, his voice breaking.

"Am I nothing to you?" I repeated firmly.

"Shut up!"

"Am I nothing to you?"



"You want to know the truth? Fine, you're nothing to me, absolutely nothing. Fucking worthless!" He said in fury and I tried not to flinch.

"You're lying." I said lowly as I felt my blood turn to ice.

"That's what you always tell yourself when someone reveals therir true colors." He taunted and took a step towards me.

"Stop." My voice shook, and I took a step back.

"Because deep down you're scared that they'll leave because of how broken you are." He said once more and suddenly my back met the stall.

"Tyler shut up!"

" Well guess what? You are going to end up all alone, and Sebastian cheating on you is proof and only the start. I mean come on, you're own dad ran for the hills once he realized what a piece of garbage you are." he punched the wall, his fist dangerously close to my face.

After that, it was all silent. I let him feel the weight of his words sink in for both of us, let his adrenaline wear off. Juniper had told me that this is what he did when he wanted to be completely alone.

Tyler tries to use you're own demons against you, that way you'll end up pissed of at him and he can be alone. It's part of his anger issues.

Still hurts though, I thought as the tears flowed down freely.

Suddenly aware of his actions, he took a step back, with a wide eyed look on his face.

"Maddy I-"

A car honk interrupted him and I looked to see it was my mom's Audi.
I brushed past him and I felt him grab my hand.

"Maddy, just hear me out for a second. I-"

"I think I've heard enough." I violently shook him off.

I turned around and stared at him. He had taken of his shades and I could know see he'd probably been crying for hours. His eyes were dull, all of the light extinguished from them.

"You talk about you're father being a monster, a selfish asshole. But now, I can see the similarities. Deep down, you're just like him." I said in a cold voice and was glad when he flinched back.

I turned on my heel and ran to my moms car. When I got inside, mom had her worry face on.

"Honey?" She asked tentatively.

"Just get me out of here. Please." I begged. And she did just that. Once we were a safe distance away from the house, she pulled over and got out of the car. When she opened my door, I could no longer hold myself together.

I sobbed into my mothers chest as she hugged me tight.
"I'm here. It's okay baby." She told me, like she always did when I was a kid. It made my heart hurt more than it already was.
Tyler POV

All my life, I've hated not being in control. So when things spiral, I tend to get very triggered.

Today, of all days, I felt like I had no control over my emotions, my feelings, my words, my actions and everything happening around me.

A day like today, a year ago, my mother overdosed and left me alone in the world. The only person who stood by my side at that point was Juniper. Madelane hadn't reached out, and she was so busy with her projects and whatnot I didn't have the heart to get her ouf of her happy little world. What kind of person would I be if I did that? I'd be no better than my father.

Throughout the whole grieving process, my girl was there for me. Even after I said so many hateful things to her, she never left. But now, everyday that passes and she doesn't wake up, is a day that goes by where I'm losing her. Today, of all days, she was supposed to be here with me. Maybe if she were, today wouldn't have felt like such a hard day.

I was up all night, and everytime I closed my eyes I saw and heard my mother. It felt as if I were going mad. I've never felt more alone in my life. My mind started going around and around in circles and I realized that they're may be the possibility that Juniper won't ever wake up. The doctors don't know what else to do, they say she should have woken up by now. Her fall wasn't that severe that it had to lead to almost two months in a comma. If they so much as disconnect her from even one machine, they don't think she could take it.

She'd be dead in a second.

Today was more than a shitty day, but Madelane's voice kept echoing in my brain.

You are not the only one affected by this.

Aunt G is losing her daughter. Not even my pain compares to the grief she must be going through.

You've lived all you're life without her, pull yourself together.

Juniper woudint have wanted this and you know it.

You talk about you're father being an asshole, but now I can see the similarities. Deep down, you're just like him.

I cant believe what a douchebag I was to her. All those things I said, the way I treated her. She has enough to deal on her plate, with Sebastian, Juniper and her dad, and I just had to go and weigh her down.

"Maybe she's right, maybe I am just as much of an asshole as my father." I murmured to myself as I walked, going nowhere specifically.

After Maddy left, Aunt G had come out of the house. She'd called me inside but all I could think of was how I did not deserve her kidness, or her love. Not in that moment. So I bolted, I ran as fast as I could. Away from her.

I didin't realize where I was heading at first, all I know is that I stopped walking as soon as I spotted the familiar entrance into the town's cemetery. Reluctantly, I walked in. Taking two rights, then to the left, passing the broken stone of some guy named John, under the giant, twisted and almost dead oak tree, lay my mothers grave.

I kneeled infront of it, brushing the leaves and dirt off.

In memory of Celine Parker Anderson
Loving wife and mother
You will be missed

"This is all so wrong. You shoudint be here, you're bones in a coffin. Juniper shoudint be in a comma fighting for her life. I  feel so... lost,empty, and sad. Fucking hell mom, you should have been here." I said in a strained voice.

"Why is the world so against me being happy?"

"Maybe its because you haven't let yourself." A voice said and I looked up.

"Excuse me?" I asked as I wiped my face.

"You heard me." The woman said as she sat beside me on the grass. She had a bandana wrapped around her head, silver hairs poking out of it. Her body was concealed by layers of rich silk with vibrant colors. Her face features were serene and she suddenly looked like an old version of my mother.

"I'm losing it." I mumbled.

"You have turned you're back on happiness. You cannot complain that you don't have it if you do not let it come to you, child." She said softly, not looking at me.

"You don't know me."

This time, she turned her head my way and smiled almost knowingly. "I believe I know you better than you know yourself."

I stayed silent, hoping she would go away.

"Happiness is at anyone's reach. Everyone deserves to be happy, so what makes you unworthy?"

"What are you-"

She held up a hand and the words died in my throat.
"Since you're mamma passed, all you have known is grief. Even before she passed, while you watched her slowly drown in her thoughts all you have known is how to live with an empty being. You have not felt  happiness because you don't think its possible. Then the girl walked into you're life, and you started seeing fractions of what its like to hold joy. But in order to fully know joy, you must know who you are. So tell me, young tiger, do you know who you are, without you're mother, without the girl?"

"Ho-how do you know?" I asked shocked.

"Doesn't matter. I speak the truth, you and I know that. So, answer my question young tiger, who are you?" She asked, turning her head and looking at my mothers tombstone.

I was at lost for words. I bowed my head as my mind registerd what she was saying. Who was I? I'm Tyler Parker Anderson, son of Celia Parker Anderson and Benjamin Anderson Augustine. I'm an asshole who in moments of rage hurts the people who have stood there with by my side. I'm confused, and scared, and fearful.... I coudint come up with anything else.

She continued speaking after a pause of silence.

"Knowing who you are helps you to realize the value you have to yourself. You realize that you are worth so much and can make a good contribution to the world. You learn about the essence of taking advantage of opportunities that can help you succeed. But you do not know you're own value, do you child?"

I shook my head. "I guess I don't know who I am." I admitted in shame.

"There is nothing wrong with that. There is always a time to heal, learn and grow." She said with a smile. After a moment, she added  "That girl, why do you love her?"

I shrugged as I tried to find the correct words.
"I found her in a time where I didn't think I needed anyone. I only helped her because I felt like I had to. I coudint just leave her like that. But after spending the whole day with her, I realized she was... something else. A good something. She made me laugh, smile, she made me joyful without even trying. I forgot what that was like, to feel carefree. Ever since I can remember, I lived with the pressure to help my mom, to make sure the house didn't fall apart, to be angry at my father for being a no show. I never really had time to be joyfull or happy. But when Juniper walked into my life, I realized I wanted that, I needed it. But every time I tried to have it, it would slip away." I said while looking at the old woman.

"It's because you are so unfamiliar with it, you cling to the sadness, the anger that surrounds you from having to grow up at such a young age. It's the only thing you have known. Everything else is foreign. You're scared of getting hurt again, of letting yourself down. But even when joy is here, staring at you in the face, you fail to see that. Your negative feelings scare away the positive ones that want to come into your life. You must let go of you're sadness, it's the only way you will start to live in joy all by you're own, the only way you will be content with you're life."

"Everyone wants that. But you cannot have that until you learn who you are, as an individual. You need to know who you are without Juniper." She said softly.

"I'm a mess, honestly. I ran away from the woman who has treated me with nothing but kindness, and I hurt the girl who's like a sister to me, my best friend. I'm not the best of people."

She put a hand on my shoulder.
"You are not perfect, Tyler. You're still learning."

"What should I do?" I asked, completely lost.

"Have faith, have patience, start to realize you're worth. The results will take a while but they will come all by on there own, maybe even faster than one expects. Find you're way back to joy and heal from the love it will bring you. Young tiger, love yourself. Instead of living with all those pent up emotions of the past, let them go. Stop living in an empty shell." The wise woman told me as she placed something in my hand. When she smiled at me again, she looked exactly as my mom. Before I could even ask, she pointed at my hand.

When I looked, I saw it was chain necklace. It's charm was two silver steel wings that almost gleamed in the daylight. When I looked up, I was greeted by the wind and leaves rustling. I looked around, searching for the woman but I did not see her. I stared at the wings thinking:

What the hell had just happened?

It was already 3pm in the afternoon when I decided to visit Juniper.

I went in the hospital and signed myself in as a visitor. I looked at the list and saw that Philip, our principal had been the last to visit.
I took the elevator to the second floor,  and went into room 109. The first thing I saw was Juniper. She had straps binding her wrists, and I bet her ankles as well.

"The doctor said she's been having seizures since early this morning." I turned my head to see Philip hunched on the seat beside her hospital bed.

"Mr. Decker-"

He held a hand up. "Please, call me Philip."

I nodded and sat on the sofa near him.

"It hurts me to see her like this." He mumbled.
"Same." I said miserably.

I heard him sniffle and he wiped his face. He was in casual clothes, and he suddenly looked less like our principal and more like a friend.

"I've known her for so long, her father and I go way back. One of the last things Jordan told me before he passed was how much he loved his daughter. Then he died, and I made it my priority to always look out for her. It was the least I could do, for her and for Jordan." He said, touching J's wrist.

Then they were both quiet.
"She's a fighter, she'll make it. She always has, our Juniper is not a quitter." He stood up and grabbed his coat. He turned to me.

"I admire you. You're very young, struggling with so many things. Yet, I talked with some of you're teachers and they say you're at the top of you're class." He said.

I shrugged. "I'm glad to know I have control over some things at least." School hadn't been an issue.  Over the past month and a half, I assisted because Aunt G forced me too. It was hard, mainly because my focus was elsewhere, but I managed to deal.

"If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to come by my office. And please, let me know if her condition changes." He said, giving J one last look. I could see in his eyes how much he cared for her. 

"Absolutely." I nodded. He squeezed my shoulder and went out the door.

I moved closer to J, and took her hand in mine.

"A lot of people are rooting for you. Hell, even Stacy came by the other day to see how you were. And she supposedly hated you're guts and vice versa. Crazy shit." I said with a forced laugh.

"I miss you, crazy girl. I can only imagine what's going on in that head of yours. "

Then the door opened, making me jump.

"Oh, so it is true. Its happening, just like Jordan said it would." A voice said and I turned around to see who it was.

"Dr. Glass? What are you doing here?" I asked.

Dr. Glass stood there, looking like he had seen a ghost. He was a tiny man, with gray hairs.

"I came as quick as I could. How long as she been like this?" He asked as he studied the bindings on her wrist.

"Almost two months. The doctors don't know what else to do." I answered with a frown, and almost stutterd. What was he doing here?

"Jason isin't making it easy I suppose." He said and I felt my heart begin to beat faster.

"Jason? You mean her brother, his name is Jason?" I asked, schocked.

"Yes, yes. Jason Jordan, quite an intriguing case." He mumbled to himself then focused his gaze on me.
"She won't be able to face him all by herself. The longer we wait, the more control he gains over her. So we will have to assist her."

My eyes went wide. I stood up and made my way towards him."You mean there's a way we can help her?"

He was about to speak but the nurse came in.
"I'm sorry, but Dr. Alvarez is going to check on her, so you must leave the room now." She said.

I was about to respond when the monitor started beeping like crazy. When I turned around, I saw that J was convulsing, her body kept twitching, almost jumping, and she would fallen if it had not been for the restraints. My blood went cold as ice, my heart wanted to explode out of my chest. At that moment, I swear to you I thought she was going to die. And the fear paralyzed me.

The nurse turned to the hallway. "Dr. Alvarez, she's having another seizure!" She yelled at him. Then a bunch of nurses swarmed the room and we were forced out.

We stayed in the hallway until the doctor came back half an hour later, saying she was stable. Dr. Alvarez says she continues to be in a persistent vegetative state. The good news is they have picked up some brain activity after every seizure she has had since early this morning which means that Juniper may have been conscious for a even a fraction of a second. They don't know what's causing the seizures, they say maybe it could be because of her disorder. Just in case, they are going to keep a close eye on her oxygen.

"It means she's fighting, and her chances of recovery are up. She is finally showing improvement. We will continue to keep a close eye on her." The doctor said to me and I nodded.

Dr. Glass and I exited the hospital. When we were outside, he turned towards me.

"What does that mean? Her being awake?" I asked him.

"I believe she's trying to escape, but every time she does he catches her. The only way for Juniper to wake up is giving Jason his peace." He said.

"Doc, you need to tell me everything you know. You said so yourself, the longer she's asleep, the possibility of her never waking up gets higher." I said in a rushed voice as I looked at him with desperate eyes.

He sighed, nodding. He sat on the bench outside of the hospital and motioned for me to come. "You're going to want to sit down for this one."

I went and sat next to him, touching the silver wings that hung around my neck. In that moment, I felt myself having regained my faith and clung to the hope that surfaced within me.
Madeline POV

My phone would not stop ringing and I was ten seconds away from throwing it out the window.

"Honey, you should really answer. What if its an emergency?" My mom said. We were driving home, with a bunch of bags in the car. We had seriously went overboard.

"Fine. But if its just Tyler wanting to apologize, I'm going to give him a peace of my mind." I warned as Tyler's name flashed on the screen. I answered and placed the phone to my ear.

"What the hell do you want Tyler? And why are you-"

"Maddy you need to come down to the hospital, now." He interrupted, his coming out in a rush.

I froze on the spot, and I felt myself going cold.

"Wh-why? What's going on? " I asked fearful.

"The doctors think Juniper might have been awake earlier this morning. She's having a lot of seizures and right after each one, she tries to wake up. She's fighting Maddy, our girl is fighting!" He said, I could almost hear his grin, and I gasped.

"I knew it! I knew she was coming back!" I exclaimed as I practically jumped in my seat.

"And that's not all. Dr. Glass is here with me, he says he knows a way we can help Juniper. So get you're ass here, NOW!"

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I said and hung up.

"Mom, you need to take me to the hospital. The doctors think Juniper might be coming out of it." I said and she nodded, speeding up.

"Honey, that's wonderful!"
I nodded and called Aunt G.

"Madeline, have you heard from Tyler? He ran off this morning and I havent heard from him, im very worried." She answerd.

"Aunt G, you need to come down to the hospital. Juniper's waking up."

Juniper POV
"Doctor, she's coming out of it!" I heard a voice say. There was an annoying beeping, and the lights were too bright. I kept on blinking but my eye sight would not focus.

Stay awake, fight it.

"Ms. Thompson? Can you hear me?" Another voice chimed in.

Yes! Yes I'm awake, I'm right here! I wanted to say but my mouth coudint form the words.

Just as my eyes began to focus, everything started growing darker and I felt the familiar barrier push me down.

No, no, no, no! Resist Juniper, you need to resist!

"Doctor were losing her!" The first voice said.

"Ms. Thompson, stay with us!" The second voice urged. Everything began to fade, and against my will my eyes dropped and darkness surround me once more.

"No!" I shot up, looking around blindly. I went to move but the familiar cling of my chains stopped me.

"Fuck!" I cursed as I tugged as hard as I could.

"I was so close." I whispered as tears flowed down my face and onto the stupid white dress I've been wearing for almost two months. Well, it was mostly covered in my blood and dirt.

All this time, I had been trying to escape. Recently, I found a way to trigger my seizures, because through them I am able to return to my body. Its like a jump start, a small window opens, big enough for me to get out. This was the first time I managed to open my eyes, to get back into my body, and I had felt so hopeful. But I failed, no matter how much I fought Jason ended up having more control over me.

I suddenly heard his laugh, that stupid fucking laugh.

"Show yourself you coward!" I yelled into the void as I stood, ignoring the pain that had taken up residence in my body. In this world, I can't die. But I can't heal either. I have gashes, cuts, burns, and bruises everywhere.

"What's the matter Jason?! Too scared to face me?!" I seethed and was greeted with silence. Before, he would punish me by having the shadows beat me up for my disobedience, but now he had started laughing and mocking me. I wasn't complaining, I'll take mockery over a beating anytime.

I learned that although I was trapped, I could hear everything that people said to me. Tyler had been talking to Dr. Glass, who said my brothers name was Jason. They said they could help me, and I have no doubt that Tyler is hatching a plan as we speak. I felt hope, more hope than I had ever felt in these last months of being in hell.

I heard tiny footsteps coming my way, followed by wailing outside. What the hell was going on out there?

"Juniper? What's going on?" I recognized Amy's voice.

"I tried to escape. I was almost there but Mr. Asshole brought me back." I said, wincing as I turned to meet Amy, Henry and Juni. They all looked shocked.

"What?" I asked.

"We heard screams of pain." Henry said.

"Well it wasn't me. The jackass of my brother only laughed. He didn't show his face, he can't because if not im going to banish the hell out of him." I said, anger boiling within me.

"The shadows are disappearing, those screams belonged to them." Juni said as she wiped my face with the piece of wet cloth she always carried around.

"Wait, its too risky for all of you to be here, let alone talking to me. What the hell is going on?" I said as Amy retrieved a key out of her pocket and started opening the locks on my chains.

"He's losing control girly, he can't control us no more." Henry said as he helped me walk once Amy undid my chains.

"What do you mean he's losing control?!" I asked alarmed, my heart beating faster and faster.

"Juniper, when you almost woke up you messed with the balance. You've weakened him and now the odds are in you're favor." Juni said while we walked out of the dark room and into the manor.

I was about to ask what the hell that meant when I saw the first shadow fall. Its veil of black smoke withered and he literally melted to the ground, while letting out agonizing sounds I tried to block. Then there was a terrible rumbling, and we all looked back to see the dark room where we were just in literally disintegrate into black smoke. 

"Everything here is falling apart." I said. Then, hot pain erupted in my skull and I collapsed at the same time Juni did. My scream echoed hers.


Sooooo, I've been kinda under the weather lately and my sleep schedule has been royally fucked up. I was supposed to update last night, but I was so tired. Idk how I managed to edit this without falling asleep.

I know I said that there were only four chapters left, and originally that was the idea, buuuuuut there has been a change. The last chapter and the epilogue have been split into two parts, because they are way too long. I'm talking about like, 12 thousand words or more, not even exaggerating. I've never liked to upload long ass chapters so I decided to split them: part one, part two. That means the next chapter will be the last one before the first part of the epilogue. So I apologize in advance.

Comment, vote, share, recomend, read, you all know the drill.

Also, happy valentines day to everyone. I love you all like tonsss, and I hope you eat lots of chocolate without getting pimples or your acne going haywire like mine does.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to eat chocolate, turn my candle on, snuggle in my bed, and watch Disney movies until I fall asleep, which will be sooner rather than later.

-Ali ♡


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