his bottom lip.

By Fairly_Soulless

359K 13.2K 17.5K

Nagisa Shiota isn't normal. His mother is abusive towards him, and he has terrifying bloodlust. However, Nagi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Interlude: Rain
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Epilogue: Petrichor

Chapter 25

4.5K 199 188
By Fairly_Soulless

AUTHOR'S NOTE 03/03/20: a new story part has been added in between chapters 23 and 24, a flashback from Karma and Nagisa's 2nd year at Kunugigaoka. Please go read it!!!

The two had taken shelter in the 3-E building. Their adrenaline had worn off and they realized how immensely cold it really was, shivering and running for the building. They were huddled on the floor near the window to keep warm, waiting to see what their next move would be. They were silent, but in a good way.

They were starting to slowly drift off into sleep, Nagisa nodding off every now and again into the redhead's shoulder, and Karma yawning over and over.

The familiar sound of the building's sliding doors alerted them though, and the two braced themselves to escape.

To their joy, a yellow figure emerged into the classroom, smiling as usual.

"I had a feeling you'd come here."


The two had started in unison, only to be silenced by their teacher placing a tentacle on their heads, slowly patting them as he did so often.

"You two did an astounding job. I'm proud to call you my students. However Karma,"

The redhead perked you a bit, only to watch the green stripes appear on the octopus' forehead.

"You didn't actually think I didn't smell Nagisa all over you whenever you came into class did you?"

Karma's face flushed, and the creature continued his cocky giggling, Nagisa laughing a bit too.

Familiar voices approached the building, as E-Class students started to flood the classroom, forming a ring around the two. The class rep, Isogai, clears his throat.

"Alright guys, one, two!"

On the leader'a signal the group all give their two blood-soaked classmates a slap in whatever place they could reach. Kaede was able to wack Nagisa's head and Nakamura got a large punch on Karma's back.

The two shared a look and then looked back at their classmates, confused and now more sore than before. Just because their wounds heal, doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

"That's what you get for keeping secrets like that from us."

Maehara said, smirking a bit at their confused expressions.

"Yeah seriously!! How could you just not tell us?"

Fuwa chimed in.

"Wait! Don't tell me..."

Kayano started, not daring to finish the thought, only for Nakamura to do it for her.

"Don't tell me, Karma, you wanted Nagisa all to yourself didn't you!?"

Karma snapped his head toward the blonde, trying to redeem himself despite his face going as red as his hair and eyes. From a distance, the boy would've seemed like a large red blob.


He paused, the confidence he mustered up evaporating as he looked to his feet, hesitating. He looks to Nagisa, who'd been curiously looking up at Karma the entire time, awaiting his response.


He took a deep breath and stood up straight, to address the entire class. He swiftly brought Nagisa close to him, holding the boy into his arms and forcing him into his chest. Through a smirk, he continued his train of thought.

"That's right."

Nagisa was furiously blushing, and the room was filled with their classmates giggling and teasing.

Ms. Bitch broke the silence by sending a message to korosensei, the ring quieting the children. The message read:

'I can hold off Karasuma for a little while, but if you want to get those kids to another location I'd suggest you be quick about it.'

'And just please for the love of god... tell them to stay safe.'

The class shared worried looks between each other, the pair somberly looking at their feet.

"You know, I always thought I'd be apart of E-Class till the octopus kicked it. Sad to see we're leaving early."


Karma and Nagisa somberly reminisced, Nagisa reaching for Karma's hand and being met halfway by the other boy's hand.

"Where will you two even go?"

Kayano worried next to them.

"I think I have an idea... I don't know if they'll let us in, but if there's anyone who would let us in at this point, it'd be them."

Karma speculated, Nagisa stayed quiet, clenching his partner's hand with his own, bitter over their departure from the class they'd been calling home.

A certain yellow cephalopod broke the somber aura, his laughter making those students who'd been looking at their feet perk up.

"Why the long faces, children? If I can't pick up kids for school in the morning from all over the world, what's Mach 20 good for?"

It was a detail that had somehow flown over their heads, a detail they shouldn't have forgotten, and their big help in the matter.

"I mean, he's already bright yellow anyways why not make him a school bus."

Hayami noted from behind her classmates.

The two looked up, hopeful towards their teacher, who in turn placed a tentacle on both of their heads.

"Not to fret, children, you know how much I value you all as a class, and it wouldn't be complete without you two! We'll find a way, but let's get you somewhere safe first before the authorities get here."

Everyone obliged, classmates started to leave the classroom, Kayano was the last to go. She stopped at the door, pausing with her hand resting on the frame. She looked back at her two classmates, who were preparing to leave for their new destination. They looked back at her, the flush of worry still apparent on their faces. She could tell they were exhausted beyond belief.

If there's one thing she could do to reassure them now, she'd do it. And so, she raised her voice, so all her departing classmates could hear her too.

"See you Monday!!"

She called it out fast, the classmates who had been leaving the building hearing her, all chanting it back to the two, as a means of encouragement.

It was E-Class' own little way of saying, it's going to be okay.



The next chapter is almost done too so expect it in the next few weeks... for more of my shenanigans, check my twitter, @DreamerArcana

See you next time, and thank you for your support once again,


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