Dead Beat~//n.mara


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Desiree did everything herself she never needed anyone to help her. Even when she got pregnant with her high... More

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778 28 3

(Quick Disclaimer before we start: Personally I don't know much about Nick's family, and by that I mean his dad and sister, so I'm just going off information from Google. But let's just say that Nick's dad is not in his life. And if he is I'm sorry, plz don't take it as disrespect, I just couldn't find information about him and I don't want to portray him wrong. And about his sister, I've just never seen her before, but I'm pretty sure her name is Mia. Ok onto the chapter 😁)

Desiree was mad. No mad was an understatement. She was angry. Angry at a lot of things. Angry that Wes still hadn't contacted her after three days. Angry that all her efforts to keep the peace was for nothing. Angry that she let herself be treated like shit. And angry that Nick is completely oblivious.

"Des?" Nick's voice rang in Desiree's ears catching her attention.

"Huh? Yeah what's up?" Desiree did her best to not show her emotions.

"It's time to board." The boy had a small smile on his face. A baby in one arm and their bags in the other.

"Oh right. I didn't even hear." Desiree stood up and quickly scurried over to the door so she could board the plane.

The change of scenery to the cramped seats from the stuffy airport did not do anything to subdue the girl's annoyance.

"Mamas what's wrong. You been mean mugging all day." Nick finally asked, trying to get to the bottom of this situation.

"It's nothing Nick."

"Obviously it's something that's got you so pressed. So just go ahead and tell me so we don't gotta do all the back and forth."

Desiree just rolled her eyes and stayed silent.

"Oh come on Des. Talk to me." Nick made a pouty face much like the one his daughter liked to sport.

"Nick please drop it. I don't want to talk about it." Desiree sighed.

"Ok I'll leave you alone. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better though?" Nick asked. Meri was cradled into Nick's lap a bit of drool running down her chin. Desiree smiled a bit. Something about seeing her baby with her daddy always made her happy.

"No I'll be fine." Desiree smiled. She reached over to wipe the drool before it fell to Nick's pants. Nick nodded then plopped his earbud back in and closed his eyes.


The flight home was luckily a smooth one and Meridee slept almost the whole time, which was a relief for the two parents. Desiree tried to fall asleep but she couldn't stop thinking about Wes. Hopefully seeing family would calm her down.

Nick's older sister picked them up from the airport and they went to Nick's mom's house.

"Gamma!" Meridee yells when she sees the familiar face open the door. The woman swiftly scoops Meridee into a tight hug peppering kisses all over the girl's cheeks.

"Hello my baby. I missed you. You're getting so big." Ms. Debbie hugged the baby tight, before even noticing her son and Desiree come in.

"Oh Desiree look at you." Debbie gestured for the girl to come and join the hug. Desiree obliged wrapping an around around the woman. "You look just so beautiful. I'm so glad you both are here. My babies, and my big baby." Debbie smiled finally noticing her son and giving him a hug too.

"Hey Ma." Nick says giving his mother a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm so glad you're here. I can't wait to spoil this little one." Debbie said tickling Meri's sides, causing that sweet little giggle to come out.

"Ma the potatoes!" Everyone heard Nicks brother Chris yell from the kitchen.

"Oh. I almost forgot I was in the middle of cooking." Debbie quickly handed Meri off to Nick and rushed Desiree into the kitchen with her.

Nick sat Meri down on the couch with his phone. He pulled up some Disney Junior for her to watch then brought their luggage up to the first room. Even though he didn't know if Desiree and Meri would be staying with Nick tonight, better to move it out the way now.

"Desiree how are you?" Ms. Debbie finally asked after starting her famous potato salad. Desiree was helping her chop vegetables for it.

"I'm pretty good all things considering. There's just a lot going on in my world right now. I'm still adjusting to California."

"Oh don't worry sweetie you'll be fine. And I heard your doing really good Ms. Producer." Debbie said. Truly she was proud of Desiree. She was like her daughter and Debbie wanted to be there for her, especially since this is her first Thanksgiving without her mother. "Nick is always talking about you and your accomplishments. He's very proud of his baby Mama." Debbie laughed.

Desiree smiled. She didn't know Nick talked about her like that. Like they were still together. No matter what he was always so sweet about everything. Sometimes Des wondered why she didn't just get back together with Nick. Oh that's right, because she was too stubborn to let go of something that happened years ago.

"But of course Nick won't tell me anything more than surface level things, so how are things going with you two?"

Desiree's eyes went wide. Nick hadn't told Debbie that Desiree had a new boyfriend. Des was surprised considering how much of a mommas boy Nick was. Maybe it just hurt too much.

"Well I actually have a new boyfriend."

"Oh really?" Debbie said more shocked than she wanted to. "Well that's good for you." Debbie forced herself to smile. She knew that she made this situation awkward. And it was evident on Desiree's face that she was a bit uncomfortable. "Well can I see this guy. He obviously has to be something if THE Desiree Coleman will go out with him." Debbie joked trying to break some of the tension.

Desiree put her knife and cutting board aside and pulled up a picture from Wes' Instagram.

"Oh wow. He's handsome." Debbie said.

Yeah that's about all he is. Desiree thought to herself. Somehow her mind was back on Wes even though she hoped this trip would do the opposite.

"Yeah he is." Desiree sighed an unreadable expression on her face. Debbie was clearly not getting anywhere with this conversation so it was time to change the subject once again.

"So Des have you heard from your brother yet?"

"Oh no. But I told him I would stop by later tonight after dinner."

"Why do that when they can just come over here? I mean we have plenty of food and everything. And why make two trips. Plus I haven't seen Percy in years."

Desiree was beaming. She loved how Debbie was always welcoming to her family. Especially now when she needed a family most. "Alright I'll give him a call."

Lo's Hoes

Ion know what to write for the actual Thanksgiving part so next chapter is gonna be a time skip. 😗👋🏾 don't forget to hit that star and talk to me in the comments

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