The Best Mistake

By showmethebooks

327K 5.1K 8.8K

Marinette is 17 in a world of terror. Her being pregnant makes her world an even bigger problem. She doesn't... More

The begining
They Now know
Him and I
Loving him
Getting bigger.
Telling their Parents
Pregnancy Hormones
Luka and Adrien
Trip time
Trouble on the way
Marinette's pain
Author note
Author note

Trouble with them.

14.9K 279 341
By showmethebooks

Monday (two days after they went shopping)

It was a school day which meant that Marinette's back was going to hurt really bad. She never tell Adrien this because he was always worried for her. He said it was "his job to worry about her." But that's the thing. Marinette knew that Adrien already had a job, many jobs in fact, He was a model, about to become a dad, basically a baby sitter for her, and school. So Marinette needed to be the least of his worries.

Marinette woke up first and hugged Adrien. "Adrien?" He smiled and woke up. "Do you mind getting me the blueberry muffins out of the fridge?"

Adrien got up "of course not bugaboo." He got up and came right back with the food. "Here you go my princess."

Marinette POV

I smiled back "thank you my prince."  I ate my food pretty quick. I needed it for this full day. I slowly got up and put on the biggest sweatshirt I could find. I don't know how I was able to hide my pregnancy from my classmates. I mean it was obvious that I was getting pretty big. Some fat jokes were sometimes made about me from Chloe. But Adrien steps in always telling her to stop. I slipped on the comfiest sweat pants I could find and went up to Adrien.

I kissed him on his cheek and fixed him something to eat. This was the usual. Fix him something to eat then leave the house and go to school. So I fixed him some eggs and he ate and we left. He drove us in his car, then we hopped out and helped me get out of it.

"Adrikins!" I heard her yell across the street it practically made me jump. Adrien looked back at me. "What are you doing near that trash girl?" We've been keeping this relationship on the low so he wasn't sworn with the press.

" Chloe please be nice?" Adrien whimpered.

"Ok." She grabbed him and pulled him across the street and into the school.

He turned around and killed the words "I'm sorry" and I bursted out into laughter. Luka came and swung from behind me. He was now also a senior at this school and was a very good friend of mine. I convinced him to come before summer started.

I turned around. "Hey Luka." I said with the smile.

"Hey Marinette, wall inside with me?" I just looked at him.

"Thanks but I'm waiting on Alya. Oh there she is sorry Luka!" I walked away from him. Adrien told me he liked Luka but he was scared that he was another guy that would try and steal my heart. So we came to an agreement that I would limit contact with him. Least I could do for ruining Adriens life. Luka walked inside without me.

"Hey girl!" Alya was with Nino.

"Hey Alya, Guess what happened this weekend..." I told her everything. Then she told me everything. I liked how it felt like everything was going back to normal. We walked into school and sat down in our seats. Adrien next to me, Nino next to Alya and so on. But I knew Chloe hated it she basically taunted me every day.

"Hey Maritrash," she walked past me. "Why do you look like you ate a whale?" I knew she was trying to get under my skin. Adrien didn't hear her say this because he was talking to nino in-front of him. I remained quiet.

Lila walked in next "Hey Adrien." Trying to distract him.

"Why do you care about what I look like Chloe?" I shrugged.

"Have you've been eating more, stress eating?" Chloé knew what she was doing. "Am I actually starting to get under Maritrash skin?" She leaned into me. "Adrien will be mine if I have to make it be." And that's when the worst thing that could've happened to me happened. She got out her ice cold water and threw it at me.

I screamed then said something I shouldn't have said. "You wanna know why I'm big, because I'm pregnant Chloe! Happy?!" The class was all quiet and Adrien knew something was wrong. "Do you feel proud that you just threw water at my face?" Adrien turned around and touched her back. I flinched because her back hurt. "Don't touch me." And I walked out of the class. Going to the restroom and tripping past the sink. I was to slow to catch myself and just fell to the ground on my side.

I scooted over to the wall hugging my stomach. The fact that I've been keeping my feelings to myself all day was getting to me. I used the bar near me to propel myself back up. I saw that Adrien , Alya, and Nino were beginning to run down the stairs. I've never thought I could sprint while being pregnant but boy was I wrong. I got out of that school building so fast no one saw me. This made my back hurt even more then it already did. Since Adrien was now Misterbug and I had the cat miraculous Plagg went with me everywhere.

"Marinette I don't think you should be walking out here by yourself." Plagg said to me. I just looked at him.

"Do you have a better Idea Plagg? You know Adrien more then I do!" I said to him. He became quiet. "Sorry Plagg, what should I do, I'm just going to go home."

"Ok Marinette." He said following me. I walked all the way from the school back to the apartment which was about 15-20 minutes sense it was 3 blocks away. My back hurt so bad but I had a target to get to that house. I looked at my phone and saw 13 missed calls from Adrien.

"He'll find me" I thought to myself. When I got to the apartment I opened the door and was glad no one was inside. Until I opened the door to my bedroom and saw Adrien just sitting there looking at me worried."

He ran up to me and hugged me. I pushed him away I was still pretty wet from the cold water that was poured on me. "Please don't touch me right now Adrien."

"Bugaboo please tell me what's wrong." He said sitting down.

"You wanna know what's wrong. This is wrong!" I lifted up my sweatshirt revealing a bruise from when I fell earlier. "My back hurts, and I feel like I've ruined your life." I started bursting out into tears and he ran up to me. "Please don't touch me Adrien." He didn't listen and kept me in his arms while stroking my back.

" You have never ruined my life, you made it better, why would you think that?" He was still stroking my back calming me down a little more. "Your the best thing that's ever happened to me." He whispered in my ear. But then I felt him tense up. " How did this happen?" He lifted up my shirt becoming very serious.

"I fell down while running." He skimmed over it and I jumped. "Sorry." He could tell that it hurt. He turned me around and pulled up my sweatshirt. I was still in tears. "This hurt."

"Yeah, what-r you doing?" I felt him start to Massage my back and gently start kissing my neck.

"I'm taking care of you" he took off my sweatshirt all the way to get rid of the water on me. He then put his hands on my back and kept massaging it.


When I found out her back was hurting and she felt all of those things I was hurt. How could I not notice she was feeling all of these things. How could I not notice that she was hurting and that Chloe was being mean to her. When she was gone I panicked the entire time, when she came back I was stuck. I don't know wether to be mad that she left or to be glad that she came back. But the second she started crying I knew everything was my fault.

I should've noticed everything that was happening to her and had to make up for you. So I just started massaging her back sense it was bothering her.

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