Submission || yoonkook

By yoonbeun

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[not a yoonkook romance] Kang Yuja is living a hard life while being in her captain's Black army. Two stron... More

1 - The fight
2 - Savior
3 - Leaving
4 - Perfume
5 - Captain Y
6 - Tasty information
7 - No reasons why
8 - Can I..?
9 - Innocent
10 - A new friendship
11 - The game
12 - An Umbrella
13 - We are what?
14 | 1 - Decision
14 | 2 - Believe it or not?
15 - A bruise
16 - A good position
17 - Reflection
18 | 1 - Anger
18 | 2 - Hold Me Tight
19 - Good Luck
20 - I want you to die
21 - Late evening plan
22 - Bite
23 - Expectations
24 - A guy in the bedroom
25 - Wrongly informed
26 - Relief
27 - The girl
28 - Fooled
29 - Wrong answer
30 - A message
31 - Still friends
32 - You're the best person ever
33 - Give me attention
34 - Laying next to him
35 - Namjoon's plan
36 - Me and him
37 - Downfall
38 - Jimin
39 - Guest
40/1 - A chance
40/2 - Tunnels
41 - To trust or no?
42 - Seokjin
43 - Little choice
44 - Savior
45 - Raining
46 - Fault
47 - A memory
48 - Tears
49 - Confrontation
50 - One more
51 - Evidence
52 - The moonlight and rain
53 - Honesty
54 - Tease
55 - Last calm days
56 - Runaway
57 - Under the moon
58 - No time to die
60 - Last Words
61 - Unfaithul One
62 - Unlucky one
63 - Bye Bye
64 - And we met again
65 - Seokjin
66 - Love-Hate
67 - Breaking
68 - Calm before a storm
69 - Together
70 - Last plan
71/1 - I'm Sorry
71/2 - A Game That Destroyed Love
72 - After
73 - Evening
74 - Perfect time
75 - Lies
76 - Forgive me
77 - Confrontation
78 - Twists

59 - My dangerous love

119 41 139
By yoonbeun


I called Jimin because he was the only one who could really help me without asking much, also, he would drive really fast in his car.

While Yoongi drove with Yuja and Jungkook to their place, I  finally attained for Jimin to come.

He wasn't alone. There was a girl sitting next to him and.. Casually filing her nails. It was Eunseo. Jimin's playtoy. I had never understood what is between them.

As I saw, she's gotten her bangs cut and she actually started to look more cute and Korean than American, which she tried so bad to be.

I carefully put Mishil's body in the backseat and sat next to her. "Drive fast to this address." I gave him a piece of a  paper with Yoongi's given address without telling who's waiting for us, because Jimin is not gonna be trusted like ever. Too much trouble in that kid.

Thankfully he didn't ask a lot just if Mishil is okay. It seemed like he genuinely cared. But I wanted to keep her as far away from the Black army as I could.

When we arrived, Eunseo took a look at Mishil. "I see a knife. Who did this?"

"Nevermind. We're trying to stop bleeding for as long as we can, so we ain't gonna remove it from her arm until we reach our doctor." I answered and removed some hairpieces from her very doll-like face. Her skin was really pale and if I was not wrong, saw some sweat running down her neck.

"Thank you, Jimin." I nodded to him.

Jimin thought for a minute while looking at the girl. "Just.. Make sure she is okay, hyung."

"Yeah, we don't want to clean this mess after Jeon Jungkook again," Eunseo added. I shortly smiled and left the car.


"Put her on this table. I will make sure she is comfortable."

I was holding Mishil in a bride way all the way from the car but sadly she didn't open her eyes yet. No words. No movements. Nothing.

Yoongi's well-known friend named Joo Kyung had a master's degree in medicine and he agreed to keep Mishil privately and far away from the city, for police not to know anything.

"You're staying with her? I'm gonna be honest, I would ask you for some privacy so I could concentrate, Seokjin." Joo Kyung was a very kind-hearted thirty-three years old man. He had a wife and twin boys. Basically living his peaceful and successful life with a heroic career. He also looked really manly and handsome with his brown nicely styled hair and things kept for the operation in his hands screamed 'I am seriously gonna make it all right'.

"Sure, hyung. But notify me when you're done." I stared at Mishil girl not knowing what's happening with me right now. Felt weird...

"Don't worry," he smiled, "Your girlfriend will be okay in no time."

"Ah this is where you are wrong," I suddenly laughed nervously, "She is just a stranger. You know.. Jungkook stuff."

Joo Kyung's face had changed after he put his gloves. "Well.. This man is doing so much crap in his life, that I don't know if some psychologists could help him bring his life to a normal way."

"Yeah.." I murmured under my nose. I nodded to him and left the room to go to the outside breath some fresh air.

Your girlfriend.. It was a long time since someone had thought I have one. Also.. It did warm my heart a little bit. But I didn't know Mishil at all, and she didn't know me.

I'm not even interested. I care only for myself. For my pride and dignity. And for.. Friends. 

Have I become less selfish?


It happened to be the strangest moment in my life that has ever happened.

I was sitting with Yoongi in the front with him driving, and Jungkook silently breathing in the back. With his hands cuffed.

Weirdest? Not it was the most uncomfortable thing, being surrounded by two men who have their own different stories but at the same time, they are connected for a long time. Including me.

By my own surprise, Jungkook was mute all the time. He didn't even fight back and it terrified me even more. Was he already planning something?

More and more Jeon Jungkook annoyed me by his silence.

"How do you feel being finally captured?" Yoongi smirked.

"You did the wrong thing. And I will make sure to prove to you it." Jungkook answered and turned his face to the window side.

"We will see how you will move from the place I'm driving you to." snapped Yoongi and by the surprise, took my hand and put on his wire. I looked at him trying to understand if he's feeling apologetic right now or.. He just wants to show off in front of Jungkook?

I didn't look back at Jungkook for his reaction but clearly heard his heavy sigh.

You're Yoongi's.
He's yours.
That's how it works.


It was still pretty odd that Jungkook didn't really try to avoid being captured by Yoongi. He didn't fight back, let himself be led by harsh Yoongi hands, while being handcuffed. I walked behind them two watching Jungkook's back. He had his hoodie on his head and I thought about him not really wanting to demonstrate his face.

Yoongi had this unrenovated old attic with only one big empty room and a small bathroom. There was nothing more here to actually see. Small broken windows allowed only a peek of light and it made me shiver. I was freezing already.

Yoongi pushed Jungkook on a chair and soon after gave him a big whack at his face which blew even his hoodie away from his head.

I gulped not knowing what to do.

"Talk," Yoongi commanded.

Jungkook couldn't caress his cheek even if it hurt because of his hands being tied behind his back. I saw a red mark already forming. That slap was deadly strong.

Jungkook closed his eyes and gritted his teeth trying to take the pain away.

I stood up behind Yoongi wanting to be invisible right now, but still was forced to see all this view.

"I said talk. I haven't cut ur tongue yet so better use that advantage right now." The rough voice of Yoongi was well echoed between these walls.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows, suddenly his gaze moved to me and he looked at me with disgust. My lips trembled. Why? I had all the right to despise him, but what has changed his mind about me? 

After a pause, Jungkook tried to quickly stand up from the chair but Yoongi was faster. He took a grip on Jungkook hair and yanked him back trying to take a better look at his face.

"Now that you're actually moving, I'm proved that you haven't lost your mind. Sit down, Jeon Monster. And spill the information about your games."

"She has to go." Jungkook slowly formed the words while trying to bear the pain he got from Yoongi painfully holding his hair.

"You do not have a word on her. She only listens to me. Forgot your old role, motherfucker."

As the minutes flew I realized that Yoongi was revealing his side which I feared at first. When we had first met. But even then, he was a little bit nicer. That was an angry White army boss who was terrified of no one.

Yoongi squatted in front of Jungkook.

"What we're you planning to do with that girl? Hm? Spill only the truth, fucker. It will give you zero help, but still, " Yoongi smirked. "You will feel ease in your heart if you have one."

"The girl was unconscious with a knife stabbed in her upper arm and..he was just standing somewhere near." I suddenly interrupted with a silent voice.

Yoongi thought for a little then stood up again. "That's right. I know Namjoon did it, but I'm not sure if this is the end of the story."

Then Yoongi took out his gun and after loading it slowly pushed it to Jungkook's forehead.

My breath was snatched for a while and I took a little step away from reflex.

Jungkook put on a weak smirk and chuckled. "Haha, you're pretty tough, Yoongi. Haven't seen this in a while."

Yoongi shrugged. "I don't know man. Maybe the vulnerable one is you right now?" He again pushed the gun to intimidate Jungkook. "Well, see, Namjoon is the most innocent one here, he got his sister killed, not you. Right?"

Jungkook looked at me again. He hated me. Hated me for helping Yoongi. For being at his side. For telling the truth.

"Do not look at her you sick fuck, I just want to destroy that disgusting sick look of your face and manic eyes." Growled Yoongi. "Do not eat her with your eyes, with the same ones you had for Park Chaeyoung."

Jungkook furrowed and scoffed. "Chaeyoung? Who is she? Can't recall."

Yoongi pushed his gun with more strength getting nervous. "Because you did not care for any of them. You didn't ask for a name. You didn't try to get to know them. These kind of things don't exist to you. You're just mentally unstable."

Yoongi took his hands and surprisingly decided to unlock them. Jungkook was feeling a bit dozen off so he couldn't attack Yoongi very quick even if he wanted to.

I guess... Yoongi wanted Jungkook to fight fearly. With his hands free.

Yoongi was wrong in one part. Jungkook did try to get to know me. He was interested in me in a different way from other victims. We had an affair, yet he never tried to hurt me physically or kill me just because he was done playing these games.

But I know why. Because I, Yuja, was in love with him from the first sight. Since he had found me in a park, and helped me, we made into friends. He accepted me welcomely. And no other girl was loving this monster, but me.

But years after, he has changed. Before the big attack where I met Yoongi eye to eye, Jungkook was getting colder with me. Just tried to use me as his protector.  His kisses and touches were rougher and it seemed like it wasn't from love, rather from the rush.

He fucked and killed girls while I was loving him. He cheated, and turned into a murderer.

Something sick got into his brain.

"You murdered my girlfriend, you killed her!" Yoongi cut my thoughts with his raised tone. He jerked Jungkook by his hoodie and forced him to stand up. Jungkook squirmed trying to get away from him, but it was Yoongi who had the control and.. The gun.

The rage Yoongi had for his dead ex-girl, was unstoppable. He threw a punch to Jungkook's chin and the abnormal strength made him fall on his knees immediately. Yoongi loudly panted and after a second kicked Jungkook's body.

"Stand up you fearful kid. Fight with me!"

Jungkook was keeping his head down still suffering from an unexpected outbreak but then he stood up and attacked Yoongi squeezing hard his fist.
Yoongi grinned mischievously and avoided his fist. He still had his gun in his hand, it was only a question when he will use it.

I inhaled loudly through my mouth looking around, looking and thinking about what to do. This can't continue. It can't! They will kill each other!

Suddenly I heard something silently bumping on the ground. Reacting quickly, I saw the second gun of Yoongi lying on the ground just in front of my legs. They began to really fight each other forcefully, trying not to lose. I couldn't bear watching it. I couldn't.

They weren't paying attention to me, didn't see me picking the gun and loading it. 

I had to choose. I must choose the right option.

One was bad for me.
It was a forbidden love.
One was making me shiver every time I was touched by him.
It was a dangerous body.

Another one was too good for me to be real.
This love fooled me.
Another one was making me struggle to live further.
This love kept me tightened and restricted.

This man keeps me from my true dark love. The place where I belong. My heart knew who it wants. And he tried to stop me while scolding me and pushing me to the edge, forcing me to think differently.

I pointed it to him and gulped. Jungkook was tired. Yoongi was tired. Yoongi was keeping a tight hold of Jungkook's hoodie and pushing him hard to the wall.

I didn't clearly know what I was attempting to do.

But my finger pulled the trigger and the room thundered with a harsh sound.

They both stood still until one of them stared at me with a pitiful face. With a blameful expression.

Yoongi stood still, till in front of his eyes Jungkook fell again on his knees.

The bright blood spot on his leg reached my eyes.

I didn't do it.. I couldn't.. Why.. I did it..

"You little bitch, ff-uck.. Y-your miserable life and choices."  Gasped Jungkook panting from the horrible pain.

Yoongi pushed his head to the ground to completely make him lay bellow himself.

"I am proud of what I did, you deserved it." I hissed with my voice going stronger and firmer.

I didn't feel weak anymore.

I did what I did. I chose my love to be forbidden but existing. My life to be connected with a dark and dangerous person but - a loving one.

Jungkook whined from the pain and discomfort, but Yoongi stepped on his hand with his shoe. "Shut up and stop behaving like a small kid. Just remember that u got knocked out by a girl, that should crush your big stupid ego."

Then Yoongi started to search for something in his pocket. It was a needle. I opened my mouth to ask what is that but he was faster, he injected it into Jungkook's neck. "I am not finished with you, but now, goodnight."

Yoongi went to me leaving Jungkook lay on the ground and took my gun.

"You shouldn't have played these dangerous games, Yuja." He furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you okay?"

"I am.. I am okay." My voice trembled right after he was near me.

I didn't realize that I feared Yoongi because I respected it. He wasn't a bad person, just different. And dangerous. But not bad.

I truly respected him as my leader and wanted always to follow his hand. Trust his choices and always be by his side.

"Yoongi, close your eyes." I told him silently while watching him straightly to his eyes. He complied and stepped more forwards me.

"We could just go home right now, Yuja." He said with his eyes closed but forming a little smirk on his face.

I wrapped my hand around his head and pulled him towards myself until we were only inches away.
"But, " I said, slowly pushing his head to me. "You could also do this." I leaned in slightly, nudging my nose against Yoongi’s. Yoongi let out a sigh and I felt his breath on his lips. I took one last glance at Yoongi's face and saw his eyes were opened again. Apparently, he wanted this just as much as I did. I brushed my lips against Yoongi's when heard his deep slow chuckle. "Don't tease me, Kim Yuja."

And I closed the gap.

Yoongi's lips were soft, moist and sweet like always. I experimentally started moving my lips with his and found out it was the most perfect feeling in the world. After minutes (though it also might have been hours or days, maybe even years) of moving our lips together, we pulled back. Yoongi caressed my neck with his big hand and pushing my hair under my ear. "I think I might love you", he breathed. I smiled shyly. "I think I might love you back."

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