Playing Perfect

Par meddlingkids

546K 23.3K 17.6K

[FEATURED IN TEEN FICTION & MYSTERY!] "I hate you so much you make my blood boil, but I can't stop thinking a... Plus

Playlist + Cast
01. Début
03. Pourri
04. Coupable
05. Déni
06. Déchets
07. Danser
08. Détesté
09. Nostalgie
10. Trahision
11. Supplier
12. Encre
13. Fête
14. Affronter
15. Sauver
16. Mensonge
17. Consoler
18. Meilleure Amie
19. Vérité
20. Anniversaire
21. Bagarre
22. Amour
23. Parler
24. Petit Ami
25. Séparé
26. Partir
27. Matin
28. Jaloux
29. Fin

02. Serpent

18.8K 854 1.3K
Par meddlingkids

02. Serpent


Alice stared at herself in the mirror.

She wore a black evening dress her mother had laid out onto her bed earlier that evening. Dolce and Gabbana, she'd told her. Alice had remarked that it was beautiful, and her mother nodded in agreement, muttering that her father had some very important guests tonight—she had to dress to impress.

Her mother, despite being born and raised in Hong Kong, had attended finishing school in France.

She loved telling stories of how she climbed her way to the top of the ladder. How she went from working night shifts after high school to get the money for Paris, to marrying the young Australian entrepreneur—Alice's father. If anyone was to give Alice advice on how to survive the cutthroat world of socialites, it would be her mother.

If anyone was to remind Alice how much she had to uphold, how many sacrifices her mother's family had made for her to get here—to stand in a pretty designer dress all night as old men slipped their wrinkly fingers around her bare shoulders and pretended not to aim any lower—it would be her mother.

And so, Alice pulled it on.

It came in at her waist before flaring out slightly to stop just above her knees. She stepped into a pair of short black heels to match—the type her mother called sensual but sensible. Her dress had a wide Sabrina neckline, so she placed a string of pearls across her collarbone. Her signature black locks were left untouched, only falling to her waist in loose waves.

She stared at herself until her phone buzzed from her bed. Heels clicking against her carpeted bedroom floor with soft thuds, she crossed the room and picked her phone up. She sat delicately on the edge of the bed, trying to keep her dress prim and proper.

How she longed to flop down in her pillows and have a long nap—but she knew her mother would chastise her for wrinkling her dress or messing her hair.

Unlocking her phone, a message popped up on her screen. She narrowed her eyes.

Unknown sender.

With pursed lips, she tapped on it, opening the message.

Unknown Sender: Ugly bitch.

She blinked, then re-read the message, and re-read it again. Who had sent this? The number was blocked, and she'd never received a message like this before. Her heart seemed to skip a beat in her chest, and she gazed around the room.

Emily had arrived hours ago, but she'd quickly gone into the guest suite to get ready, leaving her phone behind with Alice to charge. Emily, being her friend since birth, was probably the only person Alice could think of who would have the guts to prank her like this.

Must be the wrong number, Alice decided firmly, deleting the message.

Almost immediately, her bedroom door swung open.

"Oh, Alice!" Her mother exclaimed, racing forward in her elegant red dress. She pressed a kiss to Alice's cheek before stepping back to scrutinise her. "You look beautiful, dear."

"Thank you, mother." Alice smiled shyly.

Her mother placed her hands on her hips, a determined glimmer sparking in her eye. "The guests will be arriving soon. Come downstairs. Emily is waiting."

Alice didn't have to say anything; her mother knew she'd do as she was told. She simply followed her lead, walking down the carpeted marble steps into the parlour room of the Travers Manor.

Her father was already waiting, dressed in a fitted suit with a thick cigar between his fingers.

Where her mother was all dark hair and slim figured, her father was wide and grey. Their world was different for him. He didn't have to try and hide his age. He didn't need to buy attention through appearances. He commanded it.

When Alice entered the room, he stood, holding his hands out to her. Alice smiled, stepping forward and giving him a feather of a kiss on his cheek. Light enough that her lipstick would not come off on his skin.

"You look wonderful, dear," he said, his voice low and stiff with politesse, as usual.

"Thank you, father," Alice replied, equally robotic.

She turned to see Emily. She'd let her hair down in large, billowing curls over the lilac lace dress she'd lent her. Emily smiled when she saw her and raced forward, grabbing her arm with little regard for etiquette. Alice tried not to show her disapproval, keeping herself steady and neutral. Quiet.

Girls in high society had no place for standing out. There were moments for that, but now was not the time. Now, she needed to blend. Fade into the background. She had to become a second thought.

Eyes needed to drift over her. Notice her prettiness, her outfit, her politeness, and then move on until her father demanded otherwise.

She didn't mind it. She preferred it over the opposite—over the men whose eyes stuck on her far longer than she felt comfortable with. The men whose hands drifted low and stayed there, even after she pulled away.

The men who would deliberately choose a seat beside her at dinner, trapping her under societal rules. Whose wrinkled fingers would find their way to her arms, or worse, her knees.

The men who would smile sleazy grins at her and call her nicknames like darling or sweetheart when all she could do was smile and shift uneasily, attempting to steer the conversations elsewhere.

Those men made her want to take hot showers that burned her skin red.

"Thank you so much for the dress," Emily squealed quietly in Alice's ear. "I love it!"

Alice smiled in reply, keeping her composure, and said, "It looks much better on you than it did on me."

Emily frowned at her. "That's impossible, you look good in everything."

"You're just saying that because you want more of my clothes," Alice teased with a laugh.

Emily laughed with her, shaking her head. "You know me so well."

Their banter didn't last long.

Soon, the front doors were pulled open to welcome their first guest and Alice was whisked away to make her usual rounds that she was required to at every fancy dinner or party her parents held.

"Welcome, Mr and Mrs Ryder, it's so lovely to see you again!"

"Mrs Barrington! How's Ashley? She should be starting middle school this year, is she faring well?"

"Lovely to meet you, Mr Gedge. I've heard some great things about you from my father. How's the antiques market these days?"

"Bonsoir, Monsieur Addison. Comment allez-vous ?"

She tried her best to ignore the surprised faces on some of the first-time guests when they saw a Chinese looking girl greeting them at the Traver's household, speaking French, no less.

She kept her smile up when a balding man exclaimed, "Your English is excellent!" and when a woman her mother's age handed Alice an empty champagne glass, she forced a polite laugh.

Her mother stared at her from the corner of her room, always by her father's side, her lips pressed in tight smile, reminding Alice to behave. And so, she continued greeting. Her cheeks were sore as she moved onto the next guest.

She'd shook the twentieth wrinkled hand that night when her phone buzzed in her hidden pocket. Peering around to ensure all the guests were occupied, she turned to whip out her phone and check her notifications.

Unknown sender.

Alice held her breath, looking around the room. No one was on their phone, nor was anyone looking her way. She turned back, her heart pounding as she tapped onto the message.

Unknown sender: How many eighty-year-olds do you have to sleep with to make daddy happy?

Alice's breath hitched in her throat. First the rubbish in her locker, and now this? The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. This couldn't be a mistake. This was no wrong number. Someone was doing it on purpose.

And this text—this was timed. This was planned.

"Miss Travers."

She jumped at the sudden voice, her eyes snapping up to meet the eyes of Finn Cauley.

They were a cloudy grey under the warm lights of the parlour. He smirked at her, a tailored suit clinging to his body. His blond hair had been combed back and she had to admit he looked attractive—he definitely brushed up well.

She blinked, coming to the reality of the situation. What was he doing here? Quiet piano played in the background—very different from the sort of parties Finn normally went to since entering high school. A minute passed before Alice realised that she was staring.

She quickly shut her phone off, shoving it into her pocket. Had he seen the message?

And his timing... had he sent the message?

Looking at him now, Alice realised she'd made one wrong assertion. Emily wasn't the only one with the guts to play a prank like this on her. Except with Cauley, she wasn't so sure it'd be intended to be anything as petty as a prank.

Finn stared at her and she realised she'd fallen silent. She cursed herself for giving him a reaction, swearing to never let him surprise her again.

"Cauley," Alice finally sputtered out, quickly shifting into her Travers smile and formalities. "How are you? I'm so pleased you could make it tonight."

Finn snorted at this, yet he stretched his hand out, delicately taking hers and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. His eyes watched her carefully. Alice was momentarily shocked at his manners before he retorted, "It's not like I had much of a choice."

That sounded much more like him.

Alice glanced behind him where his parents were making conversation with Alice's father.

"It seems like you had a choice every other dinner," Alice said, keeping her voice low. "Why are you here?"

"Same reason as you, I'd say." He nodded towards her own parents.

Alice followed his gaze, pretending not to notice the way her parents constantly looked in her direction, as if not trusting her to be civil without being watched. Her eyes flickered back to Finn, who unsettled her with a knowing smirk.

Alice set her jaw. "I'm not forced to be here, Cauley."

Finn raised a snarky brow in doubt and opened his mouth to reply when a voice interrupted him.


She turned at the sound of her name. Theo stood beside her, looking dashingly handsome. He wore a dark navy suit that clung nicely to his body; muscular from playing rugby. His dark hair had been slicked back, though Alice knew it wouldn't remain that neat for long.

"Theo." Alice's smile wavered at the way he scrutinised her body in that dress. She opened her mouth to make small talk, but no words came out.

"McKay," Finn's voice came.

Theo regarded Finn with a look of utter disgust. "Cauley. Shame seeing you here. Run out of booty calls, did you?"

Finn only sent him a sarcastic smirk before glancing at Alice. He gave her a curt nod, then turned, marching directly to the billiards room. He knew his way around perfectly well, so Alice felt no need to offer him guidance.

Afterall, he'd spent years playing with her and Emily in the Travers Manor during their childhood together.

Yet, Alice had been surprised that Finn even showed up considering how much he hated formalities such as these. He hadn't attended any social events since—what? Year Eight? —but she supposed even he couldn't turn down free champagne and a dinner.

Suddenly, Theo's hand found its way around her waist and he was holding her close to whisper in her ear, "You look really hot tonight."

Alice blushed, pulling away from him.

"Theo," she muttered quietly. "My parents are right over there."

"So, how about we get out of here?"


"Just for a walk? Some fresh air?"

Alice glanced around the room. It looked like all the guests had arrived, and her parents seemed sufficiently occupied. Besides, she was feeling extremely tired from all the forced small talk and smiling—she could really use the fresh air.

"Alright," she relented. "Let me grab my shawl and we can go. It's pretty chilly tonight."

Theo nodded, and Alice turned to sprint up the stairs to her room. She swung her bedroom door open, immediately spotting her sheer emerald coloured shawl laid messily on her bed.

She made for it, when suddenly her bedroom door shut with a click behind her. She turned, eyes widening at the sight of Theo.

"Oh," she muttered, relaxing. "I was only going to be a minute."

Theo stepped closer, his eyes darkening. Alice felt her grip on her shawl loosen and his hands moved to grip her waist. His voice was low and gruff when he said, "Did I mention how beautiful you look tonight?"

"Theo," Alice blushed, pressing a hand against his hard chest. Her eyes flickered to his lips. "What about the w—"

She was interrupted by him pressing his lips to hers. Her eyes fluttered shut and she leaned into the kiss. His movement were rough and fast, in a frenzied kiss of clashing teeth and tongue.

He pulled away for a moment to catch his breath, his chest heaving.

"You're so hot," he said, his voice a rasp against her lips.

Alice only smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck, and pulling him for another kiss. Her heart swelled, and feeling brave, she deepened the kiss, her tongue prying his lips open. Theo groaned into it, his hands moving from her waist, to her hips, then lower.

His fingers grazed the hem of her dress, pushing it higher on her thighs, and his thumb stroked the flesh there. Her stomach fluttered, and she wasn't sure if it was from butterflies or nerves.

He moved forward, pushing her so the back of her knees pressed against the bed, then further until she'd fallen onto the mattress. He leaned over her, his hands moving to the buttons of his shirt.

When had he shrugged off his blazer?

Alice's eyes widened. She saw where this was going. She sat up.

"Theo," she said, her voice cracking. "I think we should stop."

His fingers stopped and he snapped his head up to meet her eyes. Steely determination filled his dark gaze. "Come on Alice, it'll only be a few minutes. Your parents will never know."

"You know it's not about that."

"Then what?" His voice was growing frustrated.

Alice held a hand to her forehead and sighed. "I'm just... This is all happening too fast."

"Too fast?" he asked. "Alice, we've been hanging out for weeks."

"I just want to take it slow," she replied, her voice wavering. Her heart raced in her chest. "We're not even dating."

"You know why I don't want to be exclusive yet," he said, his voice harsh.

Alice cowered, shrinking into herself, and shook her head. "I know. I know. I don't blame you. I just... I'm scared. I've never..."

Theo's expression softened, and he moved to sit beside her, the bed dipping from his weight. He raised a brow at her. "It's not a big deal."

"I know," Alice repeated, although it was a big deal for her. She didn't want to disappoint him, so she settled with, "I'm sorry."

"Alice," he said, his voice low. He leaned in to capture her lips in a soft kiss.

She pulled away, moving back. "I'm glad you understand."

Theo didn't reply, only dipping his head again to meet her lips. Alice's hands moved to tangle in his hair, and she felt him cup her cheek, before sliding down her arm, then to her back where he tugged on her zipper.

Alice ripped herself from his grip, standing from her seat.

"Theo!" She was almost shouting now, her brow furrowed in betrayal. "I told you, I'm not ready. I want to take it slow."

Theo fixed her with a hard stare, jumping to his feet. "You'll never be ready! You're such a prude!"

She blinked, her eyes beginning to water. He stared at her, centimetres from her face, his breath hot and chest heaving. There was a heavy pause, then a tear trickled from her eye and she spun, storming from her room.

"Alice!" Theo shouted from behind her, but she didn't stop.

She was vaguely aware that her hair was slightly messy, and her heart was still racing. She tugged at her dress, pulling it lower and lower until it covered her knees. She wanted to be covered. She wanted to be hidden and invisible. She didn't want anybody to see her.

The music from the entertaining room echoed through to the stairwell, despite the thick wooden doors separating the rooms. Her heart stuttered in her chest at the thought of people seeing her like this, so instead she clambered down the main staircase and slid out the back door to found herself on her back porch in the dark.

Her hands trembled, and she found it difficult to quiet her mind. Theo hadn't even bothered to follow her or offer an apology. Her chest was suddenly painful, and her stomach lurched with queasiness.

She wrapped her arms around herself, feeling another tear slip from her eye.

You're such a prude!

"Got sick of the party, princess?"

Alice turned, her heart skipping a beat at the sudden voice. Leaning beside the wall was Finn Cauley, half-way through a cigarette. Had he been there the entire time?

She cleared her throat and smoothed out her dress, uncomfortably aware of the way he scanned her body, as if aware of what she'd been doing. She sniffled, blinking her oncoming tears away, and steadied her voice.

"Just needed a bit of fresh air," she said finally.

Finn pushed off the wall, his eyes narrowed as he scrutinised her. He marched towards her, and her breath hitched in her throat, but he continued past her until he reached the edge of her pool. It was sparkling beneath the starlight, shadows danced across the sapphire water like sea creatures in the dark.

Finn tore his blazer off, tossing it to the ground, and pulled his shoes and socks off. He rolled his trousers up and dipped his legs into the water, sitting by the edge of the pool.

Alice watched him carefully, scrunching her nose in distaste as he exhaled a cloud of smoke.

Finally, he turned to catch her eye.

"Well?" he said, his voice rough. "Aren't you going to join me?"

Alice stayed rooted in her spot. He laughed at her scepticism.

"Isn't it proper manners to join your guest in conversation? Don't want me feeling isolated now, do you, Miss Travers?"

Alice was quiet for a moment, keenly aware of his eyes settled on her, then said, "Well, I suppose it would only be polite."

She stepped forward, leaving her heels behind, and sitting on the tiled floor beside him. Slowly, she dipped her feet into the pool, savouring the way the cool water felt on her skin. She leaned back on her arms, breathing in the refreshing night air.

It was only then that she realised Finn had been watching her.

"What?" She queried, quirking a brow at him.

He smiled, blowing out a puff of smoke. She glanced at his lips, twitching with a smirk.

"Nothing," he said, then paused as if he were finished speaking. He reconsidered for a quiet moment before he continued. "It's just rare to see you without that tragic Travers smile."

Alice snorted before mimicking the exact smile he was talking about. "My, the weather is simply lovely tonight, wouldn't you agree Mr Cauley? I'm so pleased to be able to make your acquaintance on a night such as this."

Finn exhaled sharply through his nose, shaking his head with a quiet chuckle. "You were always much better at it than me."

She paused and watched him. It was strange, speaking to him like this without fighting—it reminded her of when they were children. But his cheekbones had become more prominent over the years. His eyes sparkled blue like the pool, and his hair shone a pale silvery blonde like the stars.

Alice shrugged finally. "It helps when you're actually polite in the first place."

"I don't try to be something I'm not." He shrugged grimly, staring into the water. He kicked his feet gently, splashing the air. "You should try it sometime."

"I'm not pretending," Alice retorted, her voice growing angry. "It's different."

"Right," he said. "Like your friends aren't pretending to like you."

Alice furrowed her brow, spinning to face him. He didn't meet her eye.

"My friends absolutely are not pretending," Alice snapped. "You're only jealous because you have none of your own."

Finn snorted. "This is rich. You really think they're your friends, Travers? They're snakes. Nothing less. Look around. Where are you friends now?"

When Alice didn't reply, he only shook his head in disbelief and let out a short laugh.

"You're kidding right?" he said. "I thought you were supposed to be smart."

Alice suddenly grew very bitter. She stood from her seat, the water rippling with her movement.

"I suddenly remembered why I don't speak to you, Cauley," she said curtly, turning to collect her heels to enter through the maid's quarters. She hoped Theo had left. It was stuffy enough inside the parlour without the awkwardness between them.

Finn watched her leave until she was half-way to the manor before he shouted after her. "It was a pleasure, princess!"

She scrunched her nose at the nickname, tearing the door open and marching inside with a growl. She dried off in the maid's quarters and slipped her heels on, double checking her appearance in the mirror and trying her best not to look pissed off.

How dare he insult her like that?

How dare he call her friends snakes and say they were pretending to be her friend? Emily was just inside, waiting for Alice with a glass of champagne and her favourite hors d'oeuvres.

He was an utter liar, she told herself. He knew nothing about having friends. His only friend was Lucas Morton, and even then, they were barely that. He's a liar, Alice reminded herself again with a snarl.

And yet, she only felt more nauseous, his words echoing alongside Theo's.

They're snakes, nothing less.

She'd known Finn all her life. He was many things—smart and witty, but dreadfully rude and contempt. He was cruel and never followed rules. He was sadistic in the way he toyed with people, reading their reactions, and teasing them for his own entertainment. He was slowly killing himself with cigarette smoke and he isolated himself in more ways than one.

He was many things, Alice knew, but a liar was not one of them.



And so it begins! What do you guys think of Finn so far? And Theo? The plot of this story gives me some major Gossip Girl / Pretty Little Liar vibes.

Also! This story was featured by Wattpad's mystery page! With only one chapter up! That meant so much to me, thank you for reading <33

And thank you for all the love on this story so far, your votes, reads and comments mean a lot!

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